NJ Dems Run Fake Tea Party Candidate


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Congressman John Adler's campaign and the Camden County Democratic Committee recruited ""NJ Tea Party'' candidate Peter DeStefano to confuse conservative voters and hurt Adler's Republican challenger this fall, Democratic operatives say.

"The goal was to take 5 percent of (Republican Jon) Runyan's vote,'' said a Democrat with direct knowledge of the Adler campaign and CCDC operations.

"Steve Ayscue designed the plan with Geoff Mackler following his lead.''

Ayscue is a high-profile Democratic consultant who runs the CCDC. Mackler is Adler's campaign manager.

Democrats: Adler campaign backed Tea Party candidate | courierpostonline.com | Courier-Post

Apparently it is legal. But man, is that sleazy or what?
Remember the Democrat motto.


it's party over country folks. that is what you get when you vote for a Democrat.
All's fair in love and war. It is rather funny when you think about it. Almost all candidates campaign as someone other than they are, they simply repeat a set of slogans that could be summed up in maybe ten tenets or less of their respective party. Once elected reality sets in and they cannot do either the insane or the sane as on the opposite side are the sane and the insane. Our politics has become an enormous impasse where the only agreement is to build more bombs, create more security and whine about the other side. Soon we will be not only a gated community but a gated nation.

"Such tendencies in American Life as isolationism and the extreme nationalism that usually goes with it, hatred of Europe and Europeans, racial, religious, and nativist phobias, resentment of big business, trade-unionism, intellectuals, the eastern seaboard and its culture - all these have been found not only in opposition to reform but also at times oddly combined with it. One of the most interesting and least studied aspects of American Life has been a frequent recurrence of the demand for reforms, many of them aimed at the remedy of genuine ills, combined with strong moral convictions and with a choice of hatred as a kind of creed" Richard Hofstadter circa 1955, 'The Age of Reform'
All's fair in love and war. It is rather funny when you think about it. Almost all candidates campaign as someone other than they are, they simply repeat a set of slogans that could be summed up in maybe ten tenets or less of their respective party. Once elected reality sets in and they cannot do either the insane or the sane as on the opposite side are the sane and the insane. Our politics has become an enormous impasse where the only agreement is to build more bombs, create more security and whine about the other side. Soon we will be not only a gated community but a gated nation.

"Such tendencies in American Life as isolationism and the extreme nationalism that usually goes with it, hatred of Europe and Europeans, racial, religious, and nativist phobias, resentment of big business, trade-unionism, intellectuals, the eastern seaboard and its culture - all these have been found not only in opposition to reform but also at times oddly combined with it. One of the most interesting and least studied aspects of American Life has been a frequent recurrence of the demand for reforms, many of them aimed at the remedy of genuine ills, combined with strong moral convictions and with a choice of hatred as a kind of creed" Richard Hofstadter circa 1955, 'The Age of Reform'

What's funny is that you're ok with it.... I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot, and it was conservatives playing this dirty trick, whether you'd find it funny then.

Personally, I would find it disgraceful - no matter who was perpetrating it.
Spoiler candidates aren't anything new.

Both parties play that game.
Congressman John Adler's campaign and the Camden County Democratic Committee recruited ""NJ Tea Party'' candidate Peter DeStefano to confuse conservative voters and hurt Adler's Republican challenger this fall, Democratic operatives say.

"The goal was to take 5 percent of (Republican Jon) Runyan's vote,'' said a Democrat with direct knowledge of the Adler campaign and CCDC operations.

"Steve Ayscue designed the plan with Geoff Mackler following his lead.''

Ayscue is a high-profile Democratic consultant who runs the CCDC. Mackler is Adler's campaign manager.

Democrats: Adler campaign backed Tea Party candidate | courierpostonline.com | Courier-Post

Apparently it is legal. But man, is that sleazy or what?

Not as sleazy as the GOP backing Lieberman over their own candidate.
Spoiler candidates aren't anything new.

Both parties play that game.

^^^ This is exactly why I despise fucking morons who support either the Dems or the GOP. Just because they both do it, and because they've 'always done it' does not make it right or acceptable.

How the fuck anyone thinks this behavior is ok is beyond me. It corrupts the election process - how in the hell is that ok? I don't care who it benefits, or how many times which party has done it... it is not OK.
Look at how Dems like Obama and Andy Cuomo pretend they're fiscal Conservative when they campaign, it's a classic Democrat lie.
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All's fair in love and war. It is rather funny when you think about it. Almost all candidates campaign as someone other than they are, they simply repeat a set of slogans that could be summed up in maybe ten tenets or less of their respective party. Once elected reality sets in and they cannot do either the insane or the sane as on the opposite side are the sane and the insane. Our politics has become an enormous impasse where the only agreement is to build more bombs, create more security and whine about the other side. Soon we will be not only a gated community but a gated nation.

"Such tendencies in American Life as isolationism and the extreme nationalism that usually goes with it, hatred of Europe and Europeans, racial, religious, and nativist phobias, resentment of big business, trade-unionism, intellectuals, the eastern seaboard and its culture - all these have been found not only in opposition to reform but also at times oddly combined with it. One of the most interesting and least studied aspects of American Life has been a frequent recurrence of the demand for reforms, many of them aimed at the remedy of genuine ills, combined with strong moral convictions and with a choice of hatred as a kind of creed" Richard Hofstadter circa 1955, 'The Age of Reform'

What's funny is that you're ok with it.... I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot, and it was conservatives playing this dirty trick, whether you'd find it funny then.

Personally, I would find it disgraceful - no matter who was perpetrating it.
I'll bet Midcan was all upset about Alvin Greene in South Carolina. (It's a plant!)
More Questions About Mysterious South Carolina Senate Candidate - NYTimes.com
I think the fact he did it is good reason for folks not to vote for him. I hope this gets lots of press there.

Voters really do want more ethical candidates. One who would play this game does not qualify.
Yes I believe it is a dangerous game What if one of these kooks won? Unfortunately NJ voters are fairly complacent when it comes to corruption and dirty politics. They don't call us the
"Soprano State" for nuttin.
Runyun not only is a good moderat, he's a good man with a hugh following. If he ran for Mayor in Philly, no one, not even the current mayor would run against him.

Reguardless of this.

No one should put up a fake candidate. If you don't have the body of work to get people to vote you in, you shouldn't be running.

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