nk backs down?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
The radio news just announced it but I didn't get any details
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result, without breaking the bank.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
well, my point was, he wasnt going to do anything to begin with. I mean, i guess its possible your scenario is correct, i just dont buy his threats.
Kim got Trump stamped and cowered away.

Thank God Trump is President.
The radio news just announced it but I didn't get any details
KJU "postponed" his missile test near Guam.
I'm glad Trump pulled it off. I haven't seen any Trump tweets or blowhard comments the past few days. Either Kelly pushed him up against the wall and promised to break both his thumbs if he didn't stop, or his entire cabinet promised to quit if he didn't shut up. Whichever, it's all good.
And I'm pleased Trump pulled it off. Score one for the Donald.. There is something to be said for being a totally unpredictable, impulsive old windbag. LOL.
Kim Jong Un is not his father. He is much more unstable. At least with his father, we knew where he would stop.
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
well, my point was, he wasnt going to do anything to begin with. I mean, i guess its possible your scenario is correct, i just dont buy his threats.
Kim Jong Un is not his father. He is much more unstable. At least with his father, we knew where he would stop.
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
well, my point was, he wasnt going to do anything to begin with. I mean, i guess its possible your scenario is correct, i just dont buy his threats.
apparently we know where this guy stops as well :D
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result, without breaking the bank.

NK is has slowed it's pursuit of deliverable Nuclear Weapon?

Oh no wait, it accelerated it with a side of Kabuki theater with Trump.
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
well, my point was, he wasnt going to do anything to begin with. I mean, i guess its possible your scenario is correct, i just dont buy his threats.
You don't have a fucking clue what is or isn't in the mind of the Pervert.
Saying "he wasn't going to do anything to begin with" is an ignorant statement pal.
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
well, my point was, he wasnt going to do anything to begin with. I mean, i guess its possible your scenario is correct, i just dont buy his threats.
You don't have a fucking clue what is or isn't in the mind of the Pervert.
Saying "he wasn't going to do anything to begin with" is an ignorant statement pal.
the same can be said for the other side, correct?
The guy has been full of shit for YEARS. Why should i start buying his horseshit now? Because trump mouthed off to him?
Trump got tough on trade with China and the next day china's pet backs down.

Connect the dots
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
well, my point was, he wasnt going to do anything to begin with. I mean, i guess its possible your scenario is correct, i just dont buy his threats.
You don't have a fucking clue what is or isn't in the mind of the Pervert.
Saying "he wasn't going to do anything to begin with" is an ignorant statement pal.
the same can be said for the other side, correct?
The guy has been full of shit for YEARS. Why should i start buying his horseshit now? Because trump mouthed off to him?
"Full of shit" all the time developing nuclear missiles. That's hardly the definition of someone who's full of shit.
Like it or not President Trump stood up to the Pervert and the Pervert blinked.
Watch and learn asshole.
The next time President Trump tells the Pervert 'what is' the Pervert is going to listen and behave himself.
You know, it's like when the pimple face boy manager at AW tells you to go clean the toilets.
NK wanted to see if Trump was a puss like Obama and an appeaser like past Democratic Presidents.

Carter's negotiations of appeasement began NK on the road to acquiring nukes. Clinton gave them 2 nuclear reactors hammering the nail in that coffin. Obama did nothing, turned a blind-eye to them while he was negotiating his own Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran. After Barry backed down from his own Red Line in Syria IMO Kim wanted to see far he could go playing 'chicken' with Trump...until HE blinked / swerved.

TNH is right - Kim was NEVER going to actually fire at Guam. Kim sees having nukes as a bargaining / blackmailing 'chip' to get a seat at the 'adult's table' and to get things in the future for his country. He may be a little crazy, but he isn't suicidal. He is also smart - smart enough to know that if he launched those missiles at Guam Trump was seriously going to pound the sh!te out of him and his country.

Consider this a rolled up newspaper shot to Kim's nose. Boundary tested, boundary discovered. The bad dog backs down.
Now., not before this.
Kim Jong Un is not his father. He is much more unstable. At least with his father, we knew where he would stop.
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
well, my point was, he wasnt going to do anything to begin with. I mean, i guess its possible your scenario is correct, i just dont buy his threats.
apparently we know where this guy stops as well :D
Actually his playing back has brought out our desired result.
That tub'a lard wasnt going to do shit. He is like a little kid
Whats really sad is, trump played his little game with him and sounded just as stupid.
well, my point was, he wasnt going to do anything to begin with. I mean, i guess its possible your scenario is correct, i just dont buy his threats.
You don't have a fucking clue what is or isn't in the mind of the Pervert.
Saying "he wasn't going to do anything to begin with" is an ignorant statement pal.
the same can be said for the other side, correct?
The guy has been full of shit for YEARS. Why should i start buying his horseshit now? Because trump mouthed off to him?
"Full of shit" all the time developing nuclear missiles. That's hardly the definition of someone who's full of shit.
Like it or not President Trump stood up to the Pervert and the Pervert blinked.
Watch and learn asshole.
The next time President Trump tells the Pervert 'what is' the Pervert is going to listen and behave himself.
You know, it's like when the pimple face boy manager at AW tells you to go clean the toilets.
I have to admit, when you refer to a pervert, I am thinking you might be referring to me.


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