No Accountability for 9/11 attack

Some of The American Officials most accountable for 9/11

Bush Jr., George Tenet head of the CIA, Condolezza Rice National Security Advisor, Bill Clinton,

I still haven't gotten over, it was mostly funded by the Saudis.
I still haven't gotten over, it was mostly funded by the Saudis.

Now the truth:

September 11 financing The September 11 hijackers used U.S. and foreign financial institutions to hold, move, and retrieve their money. The hijackers deposited money into U.S. accounts, primarily by wire transfers and deposits of cash or travelers checks brought from overseas. Additionally, several of them kept funds in foreign accounts, which they accessed in the United States through ATM and credit card transactions. The hijackers received funds from facilitators in Germany and the United Arab Emirates or directly from Khalid Sheikh Mohamed (KSM) as they transited Pakistan before coming to the United States. The plot cost al Qaeda somewhere in the range of $400,000–500,000, of which approximately $300,000 passed through the hijackers’ bank accounts in the United States. The hijackers returned approximately $26,000 to a facilitator in the UAE in the days prior to the attack. While in the United States, the hijackers spent money primarily for flight training, travel, and living expenses (such as housing, food, cars, and auto insurance). Extensive investigation has revealed no substantial source of domestic financial support. Neither the hijackers nor their financial facilitators were experts in the use of the international financial system. They created a paper trail linking them to each other and their facilitators. Still, they were easily adept enough to blend into the vast international financial system without doing anything to reveal themselves as criminals, let alone terrorists bent on mass murder. The money-laundering controls in place at the time were largely focused on drug trafficking and large-scale financial fraud and could not have detected the hijackers’ transactions. The controls were never intended to, and could not, detect or disrupt the routine transactions in which the hijackers engaged.

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When the first plane hit ..I was thinking major malfunction.
When the second hit .. I was in shock
The war ignited by 9/11 continues.....'The War Against Terrorism' our longest war....Afghanistan was just one theater of that war.

It appears we will lose this war.

Bidens actions of late almost gurantee we will suffer another 9/11 type of major terrorist attack...perhaps even larger.

Las Vegas is one prime target for the terrorists and the fact that many Jews own big hotels there just adds to that possibility.

Why was it funded by the Saudis?
I have no idea why they did, really. I always thought it connected to Islamic beliefs held by wealthy Saudis.

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The Executive has a dismal history of holding itself accountable. During the Obama scandals in the VA, Secret Service, and IRS; Obama fired nobody; like Bush didn't fire anyone for the massive failure of intelligence in 9/11.

What is really disturbing is that the system that was in place evolved over decades; the "stove piping" of information, the inability to share data, the turf wars....

I'm not sure that one person is accountable when it was such a systematic failure but you'd think someone would be held accountable. The only one I heard actually apologize was Richard Clarke.
The Executive has a dismal history of holding itself accountable. During the Obama scandals in the VA, Secret Service, and IRS; Obama fired nobody; like Bush didn't fire anyone for the massive failure of intelligence in 9/11.

What is really disturbing is that the system that was in place evolved over decades; the "stove piping" of information, the inability to share data, the turf wars....

I'm not sure that one person is accountable when it was such a systematic failure but you'd think someone would be held accountable. The only one I heard actually apologize was Richard Clarke.
Richard Clarke is one of the least accountable.......In january he put in a urgent request to meet with the President and his top security adcisors on how to begin action against those who were known to be plotting attacks against America....even though he specified URGENT and undelined it...he was not granted the meeting until week before the attack.
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When the first plane hit ..I was thinking major malfunction.
When the second hit .. I was in shock
When the first plane hit, I thought the same thing. A major malfunction.

About half a second after the second planet hit, I shouted, "Osama bin Laden!"
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I still haven't gotten over, it was mostly funded by the Saudis.
There currently is no publicly available evidence the Saudi government funded Al Qaeda. However, President Biden has just ordered the declassification of some documents related to 9/11. I suspect it is the 28 pages many people believe point the finger at Saudi Arabia.

We will have to wait and see.
My little toe has more credibility than you. Still waiting on you to change your username you came up with on Opposite Day.

Now tell us why the Saudis funded 9/11 instead of blaming people that were probably not born when this started.
I saw you on a corner once....even snapped a photo of you.


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