No assault weapon was used

Coroner's' reports indicated the Bushmaster was responsible for all deaths, except the shooter's.

Then I'd find those conclusions a little suspect since the .223 was found in the back seat of the car Lanza was driving along with a shotgun.
Given the history of New England politics (e.g., Chappaquiddick), we may never know what weapons were actually used.
Connecticut shooter used heavy-duty weapons registered to his mother to kill her and 25 others

Witnesses told reporters the madman fired at least 100 rounds
Connecticut shooter used heavy-duty weapons registered to his mother to kill her and 25 others - NY Daily News
How was he able to kill that many kids, shooting multiple times with two hand guns howing 5 bullets each. How many clips did he have and he had to take time to reload?????

Did he or did he not use the assault rifle???
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Connecticut shooter used heavy-duty weapons registered to his mother to kill her and 25 others

Witnesses told reporters the madman fired at least 100 rounds
Connecticut shooter used heavy-duty weapons registered to his mother to kill her and 25 others - NY Daily News
How was he able to kill that many kids, shooting multiple times with two hand guns howing 5 bullets each. How many clips did he have and he had to take time to reload?????

Did he or did he not use the assault rifle???
Assault rifle used during Sandy Hook massacre - CBS News

I have never seen a 9mm that held only 5 rounds. I think you probably meant 15. If there were 100 rounds fired that would mean 7 clips. It is pretty easy to eject a clip and put another one in; especially in a class room with 1st graders and no armed guard or armed teacher.
I Smell Something Very Rotten: What We Are Being Told Is A Complete LIE

in Daily Paul Liberty Forum

Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. H. Wayne Carver II said, "All the wounds that I know of at this point were caused by the LONG weapon."

A RIFLE was fired according to the medical expert, NOT a handgun...

But that's not what America is being told.

All the witnesses are dead. The supposed shooter is dead. His mother is dead. All that is left is an empty frame for the old state run media to fill in for us.

"Nancy Lanza legally owned a Sig Sauer and a Glock, both HANDGUNS commonly used by police, and a military-style Bushmaster (rifle) .223 M4 carbine, according to law enforcement officials..."

But the Bushmaster was NOT fired! It was found in the back seat of Nancy Lanza's car, unused.
Read more:

I Smell Something Very Rotten: What We Are Being Told Is A Complete LIE | Peace . Gold . Liberty
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I Smell Something Very Rotten: What We Are Being Told Is A Complete LIE

in Daily Paul Liberty Forum

Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. H. Wayne Carver II said, "All the wounds that I know of at this point were caused by the LONG weapon."

A RIFLE was fired according to the medical expert, NOT a handgun...

But that's not what America is being told.

All the witnesses are dead. The supposed shooter is dead. His mother is dead. All that is left is an empty frame for the old state run media to fill in for us.

"Nancy Lanza legally owned a Sig Sauer and a Glock, both HANDGUNS commonly used by police, and a military-style Bushmaster (rifle) .223 M4 carbine, according to law enforcement officials..."

But the Bushmaster was NOT fired! It was found in the back seat of Nancy Lanza's car, unused.
Read more:

I Smell Something Very Rotten: What We Are Being Told Is A Complete LIE | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Was that Sig Sauer a .357 cal?
If so take a look at this
Hornady LEVERevolution Ammo 357 MAG - Gander Mountain
Every report I have seen states that the AR was the primary weopon used. As for you idiots trying to claim it is not an assault rifle, you can empty that 30 shot clip in under 10 seconds. What is the difference between 30 shots in under ten seconds and 30 shot in 3 to 4 seconds in a crowded mall or a first grade classroom?

I can put 30 shots (two 15-round magazines) through my wife's pistol in ten seconds.

The AR is a civilian knockoff of the M-16, a gun designed soley for the purpose of killing large numbers of people very rapidly. As we saw at Sandy Hook, the AR serves that function with great efficiency.

No, actually, the M-16 is a military version of the Armalite AR-15. Just like the 5.56 NATO is the military version of the common .223 Remington cartridge that the AR-15 and M-16 use.

You guys want to play semantics or are into denial, the rest of us are going to now decide what is the correct course to create a much safer enviroment for the chidren in this nation.

No, you are just going to bloviate, and probably pass stupid laws that ban mean-looking guns and accomplish nothing constructive.
Every report I have seen states that the AR was the primary weopon used. As for you idiots trying to claim it is not an assault rifle, you can empty that 30 shot clip in under 10 seconds. What is the differance between 30 shots in under ten seconds and 30 shot in 3 to 4 seconds in a crowded mall or a first grade classroom?

There is no Doubt the AR15 is an Assault Rifle in Practical Terms, the argument is a legal one.

There are no "practical terms" for what is or isn't an "assault rifle". The entire thing is essentially is PURELY a legal term.

The AR15 is simply the Civilian Version of the M16 Military assault Rifle. It is suppose to be sold only as a single shot,semi Automatic Weapon. However it is extremely easy to change it to full auto.

No. Again, you have it backwards: the M-16 is the military version of the civilian AR-15. As for full-auto...I can make one of my uncle's rifles full-auto with a paper match, or just by gripping it a certain way.

That said, I see not point what so ever to the 2nd Amendment if we are going to declare the AR15 to much gun. The Point of the 2nd is mainly as a check against the Government. If we can not be armed with something as simple as an AR15, what is the fucking point. We might as well just turn all our guns in right now, and let the government do what ever the fuck it wants.

I have 1 in my home, and if you come to try and take it away, I plan on using it.

Your point about 30 shots in 10 seconds is also pretty silly. Is that what makes an assault weapon? I would bet I could come very close to 30 shots in 10 seconds with my 9mm hand gun, and that would be with reloading twice.

I'd bet I could manage 40 shots in 10 seconds if I had a Glock 19 with the extended (20-shot) magazine.
The coroner, and police state that the gun that was used was an AR.

Assault rifle used during Sandy Hook massacre - CBS News

Did they pull the gun out of someone's body??? Because there is no fucking way on earth the coroner could determine that based upon bullet caliber alone. For every scary (manufactured term) assault rifle, there is a bolt action single shot in the same damn caliber. Why don't you debate something you understand, before lying to make your silly point.
The chief medical examiner has said the ammunition was the type designed to break up inside a victim's body and inflict the maximum amount of damage, tearing apart bone and tissue.

The chief ME is either grandstanding for the cameras or dumb as toast. Most lead or copper-jacketed rifle rounds fragment on impact. (So do some pistol rounds.) They leave the muzzle spinning at close to half a million RPM's...when they hit, they fragment.
Witnesses told reporters the madman fired at least 100 rounds
Connecticut shooter used heavy-duty weapons registered to his mother to kill her and 25 others - NY Daily News
How was he able to kill that many kids, shooting multiple times with two hand guns howing 5 bullets each. How many clips did he have and he had to take time to reload?????

First, a standard 9mm magazine holds 15 rounds, not 5.

Secondly, the article you link to says the handguns were used to kill, not the rifle:

The two pistols were found inside the school and a .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle was found in the back of his mother's car in the parking lot.

Anyway, as I stated earlier, there are conflicting reports on this. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter which weapon(s) were used. All firearms can kill and no gun control laws will stop crazy motherfuckers from doing crazy shit.
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It's a conspiracy!

The only conspiracy is tyrannical people attacking the Freedoms of others every time there is a tragedy. Using a tragedy to politicize an agenda, and push through tyrannical legislation when people are emotionally compromised, and not thinking rationally. And that is what I find truly despicable.
He used a gun. They all do essentially the same thing, they shoot bullets. He would have killed just as many babies had he choose to use the handguns he had on him.

It was the large capacity clips that made it possible for him to put so many bullets into each child. All of the children had multiple wounds; one little boy was shot 11 times.

No, that's a lie. A magazine swap takes less than ONE SECOND. Honestly...I'd rather have 20-round mags than 30-round. They are more reliable.
On the day of the shooting all of the networks....even MSNBC stated the AR 15 was found in the back seat of his moms car. All networks said he was armed with the two semi automatic pistols (some did report them as automatic pistols) 9 mm. As that day went on there became more talk of the assault rifle which gathered much more talk throughout the next few days. Many things changed as the media begin to report there news with there agenda mixed in. The 4th gun theory did not even come up until after the State Police gave their synopsis of the events. He did not mention a fourth gun.

If the shooter was using the AR15 with ball ammo does anyone else feel it odd that there would be much ammo left in the bodies to be dug out. It is possible that rounds fired through their little bodies could have lodged in others behind them. There is not much difference between a clean hole that passes through a body from a 223 cal. and that of the 9mm. I am sure that the police would request autopsies but find it odd that the coroner would be digging ammo out of the bodies as some have suggested.

Crap. Do you ever read anything? The ammo used in the AR was specially designed ammo to do maximum tissue damage. Those little kids were blown apart by the rounds Lanza was shooting.

No, wrong. It was almost certainly simply cheap lead-core ammo (quite possibly NORINCO), which tends to fragment when it hits anything harder than cardboard. A .223 round leaves the barrel spinning more than 3000 revolutions per SECOND. (It's a lightweight round that trades mass for velocity.) Lead, being soft, shatters upon impact. Any round not steel-cored will do this.
On the day of the shooting all of the networks....even MSNBC stated the AR 15 was found in the back seat of his moms car. All networks said he was armed with the two semi automatic pistols (some did report them as automatic pistols) 9 mm. As that day went on there became more talk of the assault rifle which gathered much more talk throughout the next few days. Many things changed as the media begin to report there news with there agenda mixed in. The 4th gun theory did not even come up until after the State Police gave their synopsis of the events. He did not mention a fourth gun.

If the shooter was using the AR15 with ball ammo does anyone else feel it odd that there would be much ammo left in the bodies to be dug out. It is possible that rounds fired through their little bodies could have lodged in others behind them. There is not much difference between a clean hole that passes through a body from a 223 cal. and that of the 9mm. I am sure that the police would request autopsies but find it odd that the coroner would be digging ammo out of the bodies as some have suggested.

Crap. Do you ever read anything? The ammo used in the AR was specially designed ammo to do maximum tissue damage. Those little kids were blown apart by the rounds Lanza was shooting.

I have a number of hollow point rounds for My weapons. Hollow point is designed to inflict maximum damage upon impact.

This does not make it an assault weapon (I don't own any because none exist), nor does it make it an assault round. It is just another type of round.
I am convienced that if he had rushed into the school with a knife and killed the same number and the assault rifle was in the back seat of the car we would still be hearing about nothing but the assault rifle.
I am convinced that as long as he left one assault weapon in his car, no matter how many assault weapons he used in the school some idiot will deny he ever used an assault weapon.

There is no difference between a so called "assault" rifle and any other semiautomatic rifle that a civilian can buy other than the cosmetics.

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