No Cake for You

The left are the new morality police, and they will use any government force available to either force you to accept their morals, or beat you into the ground so hard you are unable to resist their dogma.

The radical right are the ones wanting enormous and invasive government forcing certain groups to conform to their religious (sharia) law.

If you do not conform to their very narrow and unconstitutional laws, they will "beat you into the ground so hard you are unable to resist their dogma".

If you could, you people would put cameras in people's bedrooms.

Just wait till the left has all the think it their desire for control will spare gays, or stop at the bedroom are really deluded.......
All the baker had to do was say they couldn't handle the order. Who made being gay a divisive issue?

Both of them. The baker was being an ass by saying that, no doubt. But the couple by not walking out of the bakery, saying what a dick, and walking across the street to another baker who doesn't give a shit who they sleep with clearly were doing it for divisive politics, they wanted to force the prick to bake a cake. That's just stupid.

If the couple targeted the bakery, that is no crime. It's political. Is KAZ saying there isn't political issues in America surrounding people being gay?

No, how does oppose government using force to compel it's citizens to bake each other cakes remotely imply that?
Either stupid or people deciding to exercise their rights under the laws of the land.

In the court of law it isn't about the cake. It's about constitutional protections we all hope the government would protect with force if necessary

That's just stupid. Protection is preventing other people from doing things like mugging you. To call forcing someone to bake a cake for you "protection" is just retarded.
Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.
Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.
If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.

No, they shouldn't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation either.

No, they should based on anything.

Cake is not essential to survival.
Neither is marriage, but if we're going to have it then it's going to be equal, whether you approve of a such a thing or not.

Read my post dummy, it was equal.
Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.
Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.
If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.

No, they shouldn't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation either.

No, they should based on anything.

Cake is not essential to survival.
Neither is marriage, but if we're going to have it then it's going to be equal, whether you approve of a such a thing or not.

Read my post dummy, it was equal.
If you bake cakes then bake cakes. That's equal, and it's not complicated.
Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.
Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.
If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.

No, they shouldn't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation either.

No, they should based on anything.

Cake is not essential to survival.
Neither is marriage, but if we're going to have it then it's going to be equal, whether you approve of a such a thing or not.

Read my post dummy, it was equal.
If you bake cakes then bake cakes. That's equal, and it's not complicated.

No it's not complicated. Bake your own cake.

Cake is not essential nor is its making a secret.
No, they shouldn't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation either.

No, they should based on anything.

Cake is not essential to survival.
Neither is marriage, but if we're going to have it then it's going to be equal, whether you approve of a such a thing or not.

Read my post dummy, it was equal.
If you bake cakes then bake cakes. That's equal, and it's not complicated.

No it's not complicated. Bake your own cake.

Cake is not essential nor is its making a secret.
Lots of things aren't essential, but we still sell them to every ******, ****, Whop, Mick, Gook, and **** with money. It's the law. Adding Fags to the list is hardly a stretch, you just don't approve.
No, they should based on anything.

Cake is not essential to survival.
Neither is marriage, but if we're going to have it then it's going to be equal, whether you approve of a such a thing or not.

Read my post dummy, it was equal.
If you bake cakes then bake cakes. That's equal, and it's not complicated.

No it's not complicated. Bake your own cake.

Cake is not essential nor is its making a secret.
Lots of things aren't essential, but we still sell them to every ******, ****, Whop, Mick, Gook, and **** with money. It's the law. Adding Fags to the list is hardly a stretch, you just don't approve.

Read my post loon.

Note the word should.

cake is not essential

Only a helpless loom would feel they should use governmental resources to force a baker to bake a cake
Why would anyone in their right mind force a baker to make a cake for a gay wedding when there is a phone book full of people who would gladly bake it for them?

Liberals are so full of intolerance yet you grasp none of it

Quite the contrary. The thing is, you guys were perfectly happy to use the power of government to discriminate against gays for decades. Now you are complaining the shoe is on the other foots, begging for this last little bit of room where you can be comfortable

Government is there to protect us. Only an oppressive governments use force to compel it's citizens to do do what government decides they should do. But you are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. I am a libertarian, I'm a true liberal.

again, a Libertarian is a five year old who refuses to share his crayons.
That's just stupid. Protection is preventing other people from doing things like mugging you. To call forcing someone to bake a cake for you "protection" is just retarded.

Let's say you are the only black family in a given town, and all the businesses in town decide they will refuse to serve you. Is it protection to assure that businesses serve the customers that have the money to pay for services and goods? Absolutely. That's the whole purpose of public accomedation laws.

So if the baker says, "We provide wedding cakes" and you made a call and reserved a wedding cake that said, "Happy Wedding Pat and Mary", and the day of the wedding comes, and someone didn't realize that Pat and Mary were both chicks, and refuses to do the services offered, then YES, they need protection.
BS it has all ready happened. They cant have their cake and eat it too. If I want to target a gay bakery that makes any kind of cake and have a Christian message on it, they must bake it for me or get sued.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?
Their religion states they cannot make cakes for gay weddings?


I won't pretend to know their beliefs, unlike some.

Then maybe you could point out where in "any" Christian Bible it says it's a sin to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Its funny, why is it that you always come back to the bible to justify why people should be forced to do something against their beliefs? Do you know what God did to the Egyptians for enslaving the Israelites? Tell me you aren't that naive and clueless.
BS it has all ready happened. They cant have their cake and eat it too. If I want to target a gay bakery that makes any kind of cake and have a Christian message on it, they must bake it for me or get sued.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

They're just typical hypocritical Christians who like to pick and choose. If they can't handle baking a damn cake, they don't need to have a bakery. Melissa "sweet cakes" needs to keep baking her cakes in the privacy of her own home.

Sure, being that you aren't a Christian yourself, you don't understand what it is to be one. But it would be good if you didn't, given you like to misuse scripture, just like a Pharisee.
I wonder if I go to a gay bakery and want a cake with "Gays shall die with fire aids"on it. Do you think the gay owners will bake it for me and deliver it to the Anti-gay marriage meeting I am hosting? I think not.
Why would anyone in his right mind request such a cake in the first place.

In any event, this completely misses the point. The issue has nothing to do with what's written on a cake, the issue concerns business owners refusing to accommodate gay patrons based solely on the patrons' sexual orientation, where public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination in no way 'violate' religious liberty.

Business owners who sell to the general public are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies that don't 'violate' religious liberty, public accommodations laws are no different.
So If I am a Christian and go to a gay bakery, do they have to bake and deliver a cake to my church?
No. But the reason they refuse you can't be because you are Christian.

Ah yes, but the reason you can force them is because you're gay. What a double standard.
Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

personal beliefs do not get religious protections.

Actually they do, that is what the free exercise clause in about. The supreme court upheld that clause in the Hobby Lobby decision.

So we have a Supreme Court that's misinterpreting the Constitution. Not the first time.
Huh? Depends on where one stands and when.

Hobby Lobby was decided by a 5 - 4 vote. If by chance some judge had left the court by death or whatever a few years earlier or later than he did, a Democrat instead of a Republican President could have replaced him and the Hobby Lobby decision might have easily been 4 -5. Would that magically mean the the right decision had been reached,

in either case?
You are wrong in your assumption that a Justice appointed by a Democrat or a Republican can be pigeon holed so easily. Anyway, I'd have to read any concurring opinions along with the dissent in order to make the type of assumptions you are making

If only life were as black and white as you pretend it is
If your sole purpose is to destroy a business instead of giving them business, then you are taking place in militant activism. You are purposefully targeting someone in order to expose and destroy them because of a difference in beliefs. You have crossed the line from holding a mere opinion to using that opinion to inflict damage on other individuals. I'm sorry, but I don't believe for one moment those two ladies had any intention of buying a cake. The law is clear, but the intent was not commercial.

Intent of a law? Would you free all the criminals sent to jail because laws used against them violated the intent of the law? start with gangs and mafias and the RICO act.

you're parading your ignorance around is getting to be boring. The embarrassment felt for you has worn it's way...

Stating irrelevant laws is boring too. We aren't discussing criminals or the RICO act. We are talking about religious freedom and/or gay rights. Get with the program.
The bakers, AS CHRISTIANS, should have sold the gay couple their cake, and done so graciously...THAT was their duty and this is what Christ taught.... over and over and over was the outcasts, the sinners that Jesus spent His time with... The very people the Pharisees, the supposed religious rejected...the tax collector sinners, the adulterous, the Samaritans etc....and through His love and graciousness, He won them over....

Colossians 4:5-6, Proper conduct towards unbelievers
by Matt Slick
"Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone," Col. 4:5-6(NIV)

How do you behave with and toward unbelievers? Do you like them? Do you hate them? Do you tolerate them? Are you concerned about their salvation? Do you act like them when you aren't in Christian company? Do you snub them if they aren't holy? Some Christians think that being kind to unbelievers is like throwing pearls before swine. Then there are Christians who stand on street corners, in malls, and in front of abortion clinics to witness to unbelievers. Others just don't care one way or another. Where do you fit in? Do you share your faith using hugs or headlocks? Honey or a hammer? Or do you even share your faith at all?

The Word of God is very specific about how you as a Christian are to conduct yourself toward the non-Christian. Turn with me to Col. 4:5-6 and we will read together what God wants you, as a Christian, to do.

The literal translation of Col. 4:5-6 is

In wisdom, walk toward the ones outside, redeeming the time. Let your word be always in grace, having been seasoned with salt, to know how it is necessary for each one of you to answer.

  1. God wants you to conduct yourselves with wisdom toward unbelievers, v. 5
    1. First of all, before anything else is said, we need to focus on something very important: the cross of Christ.
      1. It is because of the cross and our redemption found there that we are able to seek to be wise and good towards unbelievers.
      2. The sacrifice of Christ has cleansed us from our sins, forgiven us our trespasses, and enabled us to be gracious and kind by changing us. As we were once against God in our unbelief, God was gracious and kind to us. Because of Jesus we are to be kind to others.
    2. Literally the Greek says to "walk in wisdom toward outsiders."
      1. To the Jew every non-Jew was an outsider. To the Christian, every non Christian is an outsider; that is, outside the church. Outside of a relationship with the Lord Jesus.
      2. The context of the church: "In the days of the early church believers were often slandered by these outsiders. Christians were called atheists because they served no visible gods, unpatriotic because they did not burn incense before the image of the emperor, and immoral because, of necessity, they would often meet behind locked doors."
      3. Today there is still an attack on the church. Christians are called bigots because they condemn homosexuality, intolerant because they oppose abortion, religious extremists because they condemn sin, and narrow-minded because they believe there is one "one faith, one Lord, and one baptism" (Eph. 4:5).
      4. Yet, in spite of these attacks we are to remain humble, loving, caring, kind, and gentle. If we are not, if we do not show love and forbearance in the face of cruelty, insult, intolerance, and ridicule, then you are not showing the world that we know Jesus?
    3. That is why it is so important to have wise conduct before unbelievers.
      1. One reason is so you aren't made a fool.
      2. The reputation of the gospel depends on you.
      3. The world judges Christianity by what it sees in you.
          1. Are you representing it well with kindness, holiness, consistent reverence to the Lord?
      4. Also, unfortunately, the world judges Christianity by what it sees on television where lies about Christians and Christianity are broadcast as the pagans version of the "gospel truth." All the more reason to live holy lives.
          1. I remember years ago watching Miami vice. It opened with two Christians preaching. There was this bad guy who tripped and fell at the feet of two "Christians" who had Bibles and had been preaching. When the bad guy fell at their feet, the Christians started hitting him with their Bibles, kicking him, and yelling mean things at him.
          2. On another show, "Renegade" there was coffee house scene where a Christian couple behaved rudely, bigoted, cowardly, and stupid.
      5. Nevertheless, in spite of the insults, you are to be wise.
    4. God wants your conduct to be with wisdom. This conduct is your manner of behavior. This means you are to be
      1. sympathetic (this could be in counseling, listening, etc.)
      2. compassionate and humble (1 Pet. 3:8).
        1. "To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit;"
      3. loving
        1. "Don't repay evil for evil, or insult with insult, but with blessing repay the evil cast at you" (1 Pet. 3:9).
      4. patient - you are to be considerate and lonsuffering with the unbeliever.
      5. know when not to speak
        1. That is often one of the hardest things to do. It is so often the best thing to simply listen to a person and wait for a better opportunity.
      6. If your conduct is indeed with wisdom, then the name of Christ will not be maligned.
        1. The unbeliever will have no basis to mock Christ, His church, or His people.
        2. And, he may be brought into the fold of Christ.
  2. God wants you to make the most of the opportunity with unbelievers, v. 5
    1. Literally the Greek says "redeeming the time," or "buying up the opportunity." The sense then would be "Do not just sit there and wait for opportunity to fall into your lap, but go after it. Yes, buy it."
    2. There is definitely a time to be aggressive in your relationship with an unbeliever.
    3. I would hope that as Christians you would not become complacent about evangelism. God uses the Gospel to call His people out of the world.
    4. The time is short and the world is evil: Ephesians 5:15-17 says, "Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is."
  3. God wants you to let your speech to always be gracious with unbelievers, v. 6
    1. Paul is asking the Colossians to be careful with their tongues.
      1. Careful when they speak in public and private, no gossip.
      2. Careful when they speak to an equal or someone in power, no slander.
      3. Careful when they speak to the poor and the rich, no favoritism.
      4. Careful not only when speaking of the gospel but also when speaking of the weather, the economy, politicians, the authorities.
        1. In all your conversation be good.
    2. Gracious: God wants you to be careful, gracious, kind in your speech.
      1. Grace is getting what you do not deserve. Give them kindness, love, compassion, and patience.
    3. And note the word "always."
      1. In all situations at all times.
        1. playing a sport, watching a movie, driving, shopping, business, in church, out of church, at work....
    4. Being gracious means to be kind, gentle, positive, helpful, and insightful.
    5. A further description of this kind of gracious speech is: seasoned with salt, v. 6.
      1. Those whom the Lord calls "the salt of the earth" (Matt. 5:13) must not be tasteless.
      2. I work at a place where all the people around me are unbelievers. Their conversations are often vile, crass, filled with not so clean jokes. All to get that sense of belonging and being "in" with the rest of the group..
      3. Don't be like the ungodly around you.
      4. Salt prevents corruption.
        1. Elsewhere Paul said, "Do not let any corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Eph. 4:29).
  4. God wants you to know how to answer everyone, v. 6.
    1. Speak the right word and the right time to the right person.
      1. 1 Pet. 3:15 says, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."
    2. Part of having answers means being wise.
      1. Proverbs, as well as the rest of Scripture, is the only source of true wisdom. With wisdom you will be properly be able to answer in times of counseling and heartache, joy and sorrow, and in times when morality is an issue.
    3. Part of having answers means knowing doctrine.
      1. The Catechisms are excellent teachers of doctrine.
      2. Know the doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Christ and of the Holy Spirit, the gospel message, the resurrection, the return of Christ, and the rest of what the Bible teaches.
    4. Part of having answers means studying difficult issues.
      1. Study evolution, cults, and other religions.
      2. You don't have to master them, just be familiar with them.
  5. And don't forget, in your wisdom and grace toward them, pray for them.
    1. They need to be granted the faith that God gives (John 6:28ff)
    2. They need to be granted the repentance that God gives (2 Tim. 2:25).
    3. They need to be granted the belief that God gives (Phil. 1:29).
    4. You can make a difference in your prayers (James 5:16).
      1. A...The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

So what difference do these verses make in your lives? Plenty. Your conduct and speech before an unbeliever is vitally important. Your conduct should be with wisdom, your speech with grace.

I know a Christian who years ago worked with an unbeliever. For two years, this Christian answered the unbelievers questions; he was gentle and kind in his conduct in all situations and always tried to point his friend to Christ. He sought to be wise and gracious. Today that unbeliever has become a pastor. The Lord used that Christian, his wise conduct, his gracious speech, to help bring another into His kingdom. To Jesus be the glory. Amen.

Funny, you quote the bible, but do nothing it says. Nothing.

Are you projecting?

Do I look like a projector?
Call me a homophobe, a bigot, ignorant, stupid, misguided or whatever you like, but that is my observation on this topic.I don't hate gay people, but I don't like the ones who would force other people to accept their lifestyle. I mean, if the act of forcing your religious beliefs on others is wrong, just imagine how they feel when the same is done to them! Behavior like such is only self serving and only widens the chasm between supporters and opposition. It breeds more hatred than understanding. If respect and acceptance is the goal, then one must strive to show it also. The double edged sword sitting next to me would agree.

So says Junior who would indeed force his lifestyle and religion on others.

No kidding. This is incredibly ignorant and hypocritical, even for Junior.

IMO, all groups of people should have equal protection under the law. Further, businesses should not forced to serve one group but be allowed to discriminate against another.

Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.

Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.

If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.
Really? They ask the state for a license to operate, to sell cakes to the public. Bakers could refuse orders. Bakers cannot discriminate in public the way you would want...

We are a nation of laws. If you follow the link below, you will be educated on what you are talking about

What is a Public Accommodation?

Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination against certain protected groups in businesses and places that are considered "public accommodations." The definition of a "public accommodation" may vary depending upon the law at issue (i.e. federal or state), and the type of discrimination involved (i.e. race discrimination or disability discrimination). Generally speaking, it may help to think of public accommodations as most (but not all) businesses or buildings that are open to (or offer services to) the general public. More specifically, the definition of a "public accommodation" can be broken down into two types of businesses / facilities:

  • Government-owned/operated facilities, services, and buildings
  • Privately-owned/operated businesses, services, and buildings
- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations - FindLaw

The answer to my post is the first word of yours.

really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
And if somebody doesn't want to serve a black ass at a lunch counter -- move along?

I agree I'd move along in the cake-gate situation, but then I'm not a gay activist looking to make things right.
I am still waiting for someone to present a cogent argument as to how baking a cake somehow is forcing the baker to betray his faith.

It doesn't. Baking the cake wasn't the problem. They were asked to bring the cake to the wedding these two were having. Personally, I would have made the cake and said, "Get someone else to take it to your wedding, you got what you paid for."

They would have fulfilled their end by making the cake, and fulfilled their religious convictions by not taking it to the wedding.

And I will posit this:

If you ask a devout Christian to betray his beliefs, he will not. If you ask a gay person to stop being gay, they will not. Understand now?
anyone who knows anything about wedding cakes knows the delivery is to the reception hall well in advance of the event. And most wedding cakes are disassembled for transport and most bakers do set them up for their customers

I know this because my mother used to bake cakes and I delivered and set up many wedding cakes with her.

So it is a stretch to say walking into an empty reception hall to delver a cake is a betrayal of faith

No it isn't. You do realize that weddings have to be coordinated right? Hence why the baker has to be in contact with the couple to deliver. Meaning they are involved in the events leading up wedding.
If your sole purpose is to destroy a business instead of giving them business, then you are taking place in militant activism. You are purposefully targeting someone in order to expose and destroy them because of a difference in beliefs. You have crossed the line from holding a mere opinion to using that opinion to inflict damage on other individuals. I'm sorry, but I don't believe for one moment those two ladies had any intention of buying a cake. The law is clear, but the intent was not commercial.

Intent of a law? Would you free all the criminals sent to jail because laws used against them violated the intent of the law? start with gangs and mafias and the RICO act.

you're parading your ignorance around is getting to be boring. The embarrassment felt for you has worn it's way...

Stating irrelevant laws is boring too. We aren't discussing criminals or the RICO act. We are talking about religious freedom and/or gay rights. Get with the program.

went to the INTENT of the law. You opened up that door. If you are going to argue a greater principle and then get challenged on that principle, you must not whine like a little bitch
Call me a homophobe, a bigot, ignorant, stupid, misguided or whatever you like, but that is my observation on this topic.I don't hate gay people, but I don't like the ones who would force other people to accept their lifestyle. I mean, if the act of forcing your religious beliefs on others is wrong, just imagine how they feel when the same is done to them! Behavior like such is only self serving and only widens the chasm between supporters and opposition. It breeds more hatred than understanding. If respect and acceptance is the goal, then one must strive to show it also. The double edged sword sitting next to me would agree.

So says Junior who would indeed force his lifestyle and religion on others.

No kidding. This is incredibly ignorant and hypocritical, even for Junior.

IMO, all groups of people should have equal protection under the law. Further, businesses should not forced to serve one group but be allowed to discriminate against another.

Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.

Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.

If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.
Really? They ask the state for a license to operate, to sell cakes to the public. Bakers could refuse orders. Bakers cannot discriminate in public the way you would want...

We are a nation of laws. If you follow the link below, you will be educated on what you are talking about

What is a Public Accommodation?

Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination against certain protected groups in businesses and places that are considered "public accommodations." The definition of a "public accommodation" may vary depending upon the law at issue (i.e. federal or state), and the type of discrimination involved (i.e. race discrimination or disability discrimination). Generally speaking, it may help to think of public accommodations as most (but not all) businesses or buildings that are open to (or offer services to) the general public. More specifically, the definition of a "public accommodation" can be broken down into two types of businesses / facilities:

  • Government-owned/operated facilities, services, and buildings
  • Privately-owned/operated businesses, services, and buildings
- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations - FindLaw

The answer to my post is the first word of yours.

really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
This isn't about cakes, it's about intimidation and punishment.

It's not about laws, it's about intimidation and punishment.


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