No Cake for You

It depends, did they offer 'We will Print your Homophobic Cake" as a service that they offer? then probably not.

these bakers said they provide wedding cakes. It's a very specific service. Not "We'll provide Wedding Cakes, just not to you because we are selectively reading a bible".
BS it has all ready happened. They cant have their cake and eat it too. If I want to target a gay bakery that makes any kind of cake and have a Christian message on it, they must bake it for me or get sued.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

They're just typical hypocritical Christians who like to pick and choose. If they can't handle baking a damn cake, they don't need to have a bakery. Melissa "sweet cakes" needs to keep baking her cakes in the privacy of her own home.
I would not make a fuss about baking the gay cake, they just don't need to know the secret sauce I use. Ever see the movie "The Help.
Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.
Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.
If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.

No, they shouldn't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation either.
BS it has all ready happened. They cant have their cake and eat it too. If I want to target a gay bakery that makes any kind of cake and have a Christian message on it, they must bake it for me or get sued.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?
Their religion states they cannot make cakes for gay weddings?


I won't pretend to know their beliefs, unlike some.

Then maybe you could point out where in "any" Christian Bible it says it's a sin to bake a cake for a gay wedding.
It has to be in there somewhere!!!

funny how religious nitwits will parse the bible for meaning when they need to

Every business owner has their own beliefs, their own convictions, and suddenly they have to sacrifice them just to run a business in compliance with the law, and yes, sacrifices must be made. But here's the catch: that's wrong. There is something woefully wrong. Yes, the law is important, and rules are rules; don't misunderstand me here.

Liberals and conservatives love to impose.

Businessmen and Americans in general have to pay the taxes to support wars which they do not support.

Americans are subjected to TSA abuse because of a crazy foreign policy which has radicalized a segment of our population .

Judicial review has been destroyed by stupid judges who love to bend backwards to defend and support the welfare/warfare state.

"Businessmen and Americans in general have to pay the taxes to support wars which they do not support." ????

To hell with the businessmen who are NOT Americans
It depends, did they offer 'We will Print your Homophobic Cake" as a service that they offer? then probably not.

these bakers said they provide wedding cakes. It's a very specific service. Not "We'll provide Wedding Cakes, just not to you because we are selectively reading a bible".
BS it has all ready happened. They cant have their cake and eat it too. If I want to target a gay bakery that makes any kind of cake and have a Christian message on it, they must bake it for me or get sued.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

personal beliefs do not get religious protections.
BS it has all ready happened. They cant have their cake and eat it too. If I want to target a gay bakery that makes any kind of cake and have a Christian message on it, they must bake it for me or get sued.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

They're just typical hypocritical Christians who like to pick and choose. If they can't handle baking a damn cake, they don't need to have a bakery. Melissa "sweet cakes" needs to keep baking her cakes in the privacy of her own home.

In a free country their customers would decide if they remain in business, not heavy handed government, but you folks aren't about freedom unless it conforms to your ideas and beliefs, how pathetic are you.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

They're just typical hypocritical Christians who like to pick and choose. If they can't handle baking a damn cake, they don't need to have a bakery. Melissa "sweet cakes" needs to keep baking her cakes in the privacy of her own home.

In a free country ...

...their customers would decide if they remain in business, not heavy handed government, but you folks aren't about freedom unless it conforms to your ideas and beliefs, how pathetic are you.


you are confusing a free country with an economic system without government regulation

BS it has all ready happened. They cant have their cake and eat it too. If I want to target a gay bakery that makes any kind of cake and have a Christian message on it, they must bake it for me or get sued.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

personal beliefs do not get religious protections.

Actually they do, that is what the free exercise clause in about. The supreme court upheld that clause in the Hobby Lobby decision.
What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

They're just typical hypocritical Christians who like to pick and choose. If they can't handle baking a damn cake, they don't need to have a bakery. Melissa "sweet cakes" needs to keep baking her cakes in the privacy of her own home.

In a free country ...

...their customers would decide if they remain in business, not heavy handed government, but you folks aren't about freedom unless it conforms to your ideas and beliefs, how pathetic are you.


you are confusing a free country with an economic system without government regulation


See my last post.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

personal beliefs do not get religious protections.

Actually they do, that is what the free exercise clause in about. The supreme court upheld that clause in the Hobby Lobby decision.
Your reading of the Court decision is faulty. That case was about the Religious Freedom Act and how it applied in that specific instance only.

What 'clause' are you referring to? Santa Clause?
Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

They're just typical hypocritical Christians who like to pick and choose. If they can't handle baking a damn cake, they don't need to have a bakery. Melissa "sweet cakes" needs to keep baking her cakes in the privacy of her own home.

In a free country ...

...their customers would decide if they remain in business, not heavy handed government, but you folks aren't about freedom unless it conforms to your ideas and beliefs, how pathetic are you.


you are confusing a free country with an economic system without government regulation


See my last post.
still, you are confusing a free country with an economic system without government regulation
So If I am a Christian and go to a gay bakery, do they have to bake and deliver a cake to my church?

No - If they are booked, if the bakery doesn't provide wedding cakes, if the shop will be closed because the owners will be out of town on vacation, if you are rude and disruptive in the store, etc.

Yes - If the bakery offers wedding cakes as part of their business model they cannot refuse to provide the same services provided to other customers if the reason is that the service is being provided based on the customer being a Christian.

How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

personal beliefs do not get religious protections.

Actually they do, that is what the free exercise clause in about. The supreme court upheld that clause in the Hobby Lobby decision.

So we have a Supreme Court that's misinterpreting the Constitution. Not the first time.
How would you know a bakery is 'gay.'

And a 'gay baker' is likely Christian as well, and would have no problem writing a 'Christian message' on a cake.

It's amusing and telling that you and many other rightists perceive gay Americans as being 'anti-Christian,' when in fact the vast majority of gay Americans are Christian. This fact also calls into question the validity that to accommodate gay patrons is a 'sin' when so many gay Americans are in fact Christian.

Consequently, for a Christian baker to refuse to accommodate a gay patron has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' and everything to do with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gays and a desire to discriminate against gay Americans motivated solely by that ignorance and hate, rendering public accommodations laws prohibiting such discrimination necessary and proper.

What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

They're just typical hypocritical Christians who like to pick and choose. If they can't handle baking a damn cake, they don't need to have a bakery. Melissa "sweet cakes" needs to keep baking her cakes in the privacy of her own home.

In a free country their customers would decide if they remain in business, not heavy handed government, but you folks aren't about freedom unless it conforms to your ideas and beliefs, how pathetic are you.

The Oregon bakers who discriminated have now been effectively put out business because of lack of customers, NOT by the government.

You mean that kind of freedom? lol
What a crock of crap, you pretend to know the hearts of people you've never met, your opinions are not facts, just your opinions.

You say you're all about case law, yet when the supreme court says closely held companies can't be required to abandon their religious beliefs you ignore it. Hypocrite much?

Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

personal beliefs do not get religious protections.

Actually they do, that is what the free exercise clause in about. The supreme court upheld that clause in the Hobby Lobby decision.

So we have a Supreme Court that's misinterpreting the Constitution. Not the first time.
Huh? Depends on where one stands and when.
Why don't you idiots ever read the link in the OP?

Sweet Cakes Bakery agreed to make an out of wedlock baby cake, a stem-cell success cake, and a "divorce party" cake, which is a violation of their stated religious beliefs. Hypocrite much?

Irrelevant, personal beliefs are exactly that, personal. You don't get to chose for others any more than they get to chose for you. The first amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, not the freedom to exercise the religion of others you disagree with.

personal beliefs do not get religious protections.

Actually they do, that is what the free exercise clause in about. The supreme court upheld that clause in the Hobby Lobby decision.

So we have a Supreme Court that's misinterpreting the Constitution. Not the first time.
Huh? Depends on where one stands and when.

Hobby Lobby was decided by a 5 - 4 vote. If by chance some judge had left the court by death or whatever a few years earlier or later than he did, a Democrat instead of a Republican President could have replaced him and the Hobby Lobby decision might have easily been 4 -5. Would that magically mean the the right decision had been reached,

in either case?
Call me a homophobe, a bigot, ignorant, stupid, misguided or whatever you like, but that is my observation on this topic.I don't hate gay people, but I don't like the ones who would force other people to accept their lifestyle. I mean, if the act of forcing your religious beliefs on others is wrong, just imagine how they feel when the same is done to them! Behavior like such is only self serving and only widens the chasm between supporters and opposition. It breeds more hatred than understanding. If respect and acceptance is the goal, then one must strive to show it also. The double edged sword sitting next to me would agree.

So says Junior who would indeed force his lifestyle and religion on others.

No kidding. This is incredibly ignorant and hypocritical, even for Junior.

IMO, all groups of people should have equal protection under the law. Further, businesses should not forced to serve one group but be allowed to discriminate against another.

Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.

Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.

If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.
Really? They ask the state for a license to operate, to sell cakes to the public. Bakers could refuse orders. Bakers cannot discriminate in public the way you would want...

We are a nation of laws. If you follow the link below, you will be educated on what you are talking about

What is a Public Accommodation?

Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination against certain protected groups in businesses and places that are considered "public accommodations." The definition of a "public accommodation" may vary depending upon the law at issue (i.e. federal or state), and the type of discrimination involved (i.e. race discrimination or disability discrimination). Generally speaking, it may help to think of public accommodations as most (but not all) businesses or buildings that are open to (or offer services to) the general public. More specifically, the definition of a "public accommodation" can be broken down into two types of businesses / facilities:

  • Government-owned/operated facilities, services, and buildings
  • Privately-owned/operated businesses, services, and buildings
- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations - FindLaw

The answer to my post is the first word of yours.

really? Wow!

If someone doesn't want to make you a cake.....

Life goes on just the same

Or, you're a loser who can't make do.

Again, says more about the person wanting a cake than the one not wishing to provide the cake
Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.
Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.
If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.

No, they shouldn't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation either.

No, they should based on anything.

Cake is not essential to survival.
Homosexual bakers should have every right to not bake a cake for heterosexual weddings.
Failing to find someone to bake your cake for you does not destroy your life nor your beliefs.
If it does, it says more about you and less about the baker.

No, they shouldn't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation either.

No, they should based on anything.

Cake is not essential to survival.
Neither is marriage, but if we're going to have it then it's going to be equal, whether you approve of a such a thing or not.

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