'No Comment' - VP Harris Dodges Question About Racist Disaster Relief Comment

We all owe a debt of gratitude to our brilliant Vice President and probable next President.

The distinguished lady was just honestly telling us how Asians and Caucasians will be treated as second-class citizens in the future United States of America.
Biden, his administration, and Democrats have incentives illegals to risk many dangers and death to make the trip, ate responsible for the record setting deaths of illegals victimized and just not making it. They have made millions of dollars for the Cartels, Coyotes, human / child / sex / drug traffickers. They have aided and abetted Cartels, coyotes, traffickers, foreign terrorists, violent foreign gangs, thieves, pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and criminals released from foreign prisons to enter the US.

Biden's Un-Constitutional and illegal Open Border, his call for illegals to come, their promise of free, illegally tax payer-funded food, housing, medical, education, jobs, money, benefits, etc... resulting in MILLIONS of illegals risking the trip, putting their lives in the hands of extremely violent, criminal Cartels and coyotes in hopes of reaching the US and criminally entering is ALL on Biden and Democrats.

The promise of new ' criminal hunting grounds', easy access to US targets for foreign terrorists, escaping incarceration / prison at home and a new life in the US where Democrats are defending the police and making it a criminals' paradise (zero-bail arrests, no arrests for shoplifting and other crimes, deportation for heinous crimes - only for them to re-enter tge country later and commit more crimes) - all enticements for criminal illegals to make the trip.

Biden, his administration, and Democrats have violated the US Constitution, US laws, and their oaths of office. They have endangered National Security and US citizens, as well as the lives of illegals they have encouraged to make the Trip.

They have criminally misappropriated tax payer dollars to illegally aid and abet illegal immigration, to provide illegals with housing / food / medical treatment / education / etc... They have forced local / state govts to bear the financial and physical criminal burden of the illegal invasion. They are illegally using tax dollars to fight the legal deportation of these illegals.

Their hypocrisy has been exposed:
- Wealthy elitist Drmocrats calling 50 illegals showing up in Martha's Vinyard a 'Humanitarian Crisis', calling rhe National Guard in to help deal with 50 illegals, and quickly bussing rhem to orher locations.
- The DC and NY mayor's whining, asking for National Guard assistance, and begging Biden for help after A bus load of legals show up.

Evidently Demomocrats support being Sanctuary cities / states ... AS LONG AS NO ILLEGALS ACTUALLY SHOW UP OR ARE BROUGHT TO THEIR CITIES / STATES.
Did you all like to pretend that Dan Quayle didn't happen?

Frankly, compared to dumb things said by Trump, this sounds pretty mild. Of course, poor people of color have been hardest hit by the hurricane and are less likely to have insurance, so of course they will get more of the aid.

It's like criticizing her for saying water is wet.
dude you just have some of the worst posts.
All of that smacks in the face of what these people believe in and stand for. Democrats have been shedding white people for some time now, standing up for anything and everything that isn't white because white people are privileged and racist.
The DNC has been shedding every with the slightest bit of patriotism or even the remotest bit of intelligence and virtue. You can't be a democrook unless you're a complete blithering idiot or a treasonous criminal sociopath. The globalist elite tolerate their token blacks and a handful of other people from different ethnic groups, but if they have their way all that will be left on earth by the end of their agenda will be inbred aristocratic genetic garbage and a stock of mindless servants.


With all due respect, Joe...Kamala Harris makes Dan Quayle look like a MENSA candidate!

The only Vice President that really comes close to Kamala's level of ineptitude and sheer stupidity, ironically is the man who's now our President!
That sniveling piece of shit deserves no respect. It's a fugitive of natural selection.

No, not really. Quayle was really, really dumb.

Frankly, you guys like to try to scream about Biden because you can't admit to yourselves how badly Trump fucked up...well... everything.
No, Joe Biden is really really dumb, Joe! He had to cheat to get through law school...finished near the bottom of his class...he's known for DECADES of epic gaffes...and even Barack Obama warned us not to underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up! With good reason...Biden hasn't been right on a foreign policy stance in forty years!
Did you all like to pretend that Dan Quayle didn't happen?

Frankly, compared to dumb things said by Trump, this sounds pretty mild. Of course, poor people of color have been hardest hit by the hurricane and are less likely to have insurance, so of course they will get more of the aid.

It's like criticizing her for saying water is wet.
Dan Quayle is acient history.

However, that racist piece of shit Ho is the VP that dumbass Moon Bats like you recently voted for.

What the hell were you morons thinking? She is dumber than a door knob, a liar and a filthy racist.
Dan Quayle is acient history.

However, that racist piece of shit Ho is the VP that dumbass Moon Bats like you recently voted for.

What the hell were you morons thinking? She is dumber than a door knob, a liar and a filthy racist.
You're assertion that bed wetters like JoeB131 can "think" is the problem. It's logically impossible that a single synaps was involved when someone submitted ballots for that 🥔.
You're assertion that bed wetters like JoeB131 can "think" is the problem. It's logically impossible that a single synaps was involved when someone submitted ballots for that 🥔.
Dat Boy gets everything wrong.

No wonder he voted for Potatohead that has never got anything right in his life or the HO that is dumber than a door knob.
Dat Boy gets everything wrong.

No wonder he voted for Potatohead that has never got anything right in his life or the HO that is dumber than a door knob.
Birds of a feather...
No, Joe Biden is really really dumb, Joe! He had to cheat to get through law school...finished near the bottom of his class...he's known for DECADES of epic gaffes...and even Barack Obama warned us not to underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up! With good reason...Biden hasn't been right on a foreign policy stance in forty years!

Really? Biden was the one who had the good sense to stand up to Putin.
Biden was the one who realized what a clusterfuck Afghanistan was and got us out.

So that's two he was right on.
Now that the curtain has been pulled back on the Affirmative Action pick, we see how she skated by based on race (and perhaps other “talents” early on) her entire life. She was obviously selected as the California Senator due to the “wokeness” rampant in that state, and she only appeared coherent because she simply read or repeated remarks prepared for her by staff.

The Dems are in a horrible position: two very visible positions (the other the PS) are filled by incompetents due to their insistence of prioritizing “diversity” over competence.

So what do they do? Try to keep Weekend at Joe propped up until after the election, and then elevate Ms. AA Idiot? Then the Dem Party looks even more ridiculous - and dangerous. I suspect that they will find another position for the IVP (Idiot VP) and replace her with someone else post-election. My fear is it will be Newsome, as they next prepare to have Joe step down and shovel in a Progressive.
What is really unbelievable is that the President and VP have access to the best speechwriters and researchers in the nation and they still come across sounding like idiots. It reminds me of a Tom Clancy novel when Ryan became president through an act of terrorism and his speechwriter made a comment that she needed to make his new speech sound like him.
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Again, she was well-established in politics before she took a few unpaid appointments from Brown. But it horrifies you that someone can have a sexual relationship and a career, doesn't it, when she should be obediently serving her man to get him into the Celestial Temple, or whatever you loon cultists believe.

Harris has a career because people elected her to be States Attorney, Attorney General, Senator, and Vice-President. And all of this despite being born a black woman in a racist and sexist country.

She had a consensual relationship with a peer. Donald Trump had sex with prostitutes, porn stars, cheated on all three of his wives, etc. Yet Trump has your undying support and Harris is a "whore".

This is why you are a misogynist, Mormon Bob. It's the whole double standards kind of thing. A white male who supports your racism and misogyny can engage in all sorts of bad behavior, and you won't say boo about it. Just like you give corporate crooks who poison children a pass while you want to murder a black kid over a bag of chips.

Well, no, they would be gold diggers. A "whore" actually has a simple monetary transaction with clearly defined parameters. The silliness is that you can legislate such things. Marriage is largely an obsolete patriarchal institution that isn't really needed in our society anymore.

My lady friend is doing just fine. We had an awesome time together this weekend.
Harris wasn't "well established" in California politics before she dated a married Willie Brown. She was a junior DA with only three years' experience in Alameda County. Brown was thirty years her senior and known as a kingmaker in California politics. Harris used political connections to get rich while holding low-paying government jobs. Before becoming VP the most she earned from her jobs was $174,000.00 as a Senator, before that she was earning $129,000.00. She's now worth $6,300,000.00 on a salary of $230,000.00.
The man in question was legally separated (and still is, because some women just won't remove their hooks once they have them in) at the time he had a consensual relationship with her. You see, the problem here is that you think that everyone should live by your morality.

My view... everyone involved was a consenting adult. Really no one's fucking business.

Um, yeah, get real. I've worked in more than a few companies where someone was in a manager position because she was fucking the boss. Another company I worked for, some poor schlub got fired because his girlfriend traded up to a manager, and he made the mistake of being jealous about it.

As a rule, I tell people to never date coworkers. It never ends well..

You don't have to. You voted for him twice. You'll probably vote for him again in 2024 if he manages to avoid prison. That tells me that you are just fine with an "immoral" person if he 1) Supports policies you like and 2) has a dick.

My problem with Trump and Harris and even Clinton isn't their moral character. How they manage their personal relationships is really none of my business. Melania could sue for divorce like Ivana and Marla had the good sense to do.

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My problem with Trump is that he's a malignant narcissist who was willing to let hundreds of thousands of people die rather than admit we had a serious problem with Covid.

I never see you on here denouncing corporate greed, but you want to murder poor people who steal food... that's fucked up, yo!

I appreciate a good woman, I'm just not stupid enough to sign over half my property and pay her for life, because that would be... you know... stupid.

Actually, there was a woman I almost married back in the 1980's. She recently reconnected with me on Facebook, and frankly, her life is such a god-awful mess I pat myself on the back for dodging THAT bullet.
Willie Brown, would show up at events with his wife on one arm and his current eye-candy girlfriend on the other.
Really? Biden was the one who had the good sense to stand up to Putin.
Biden was the one who realized what a clusterfuck Afghanistan was and got us out.

So that's two he was right on.
Trump was supplying Ukraine with weapons while Obama/Biden just supplied them with blankets and MREs. As for Afghanistan, Trump negotiated the pull out, all Biden did was screw it up in an effort to make political points.
What is really unbelievable is that the President and VP have access to the best speechwriters and researchers un the nation and they still come across sounding like idiots. It reminds me of a Tom Clancy novel when Ryan became president through an act of terrorism and his speechwriter made a comment that she needed to make his new speech sound like him.

This is true of both parties. But here's the thing. If I had camera crews follow you around every day, work and play, and then edited that shit down, I could probably make you look like an idiot, too. I'd argue that the reason for Trump's success is everyone realized he was a buffoon before he ever took office.

Harris wasn't "well established" in California politics before she dated a married Willie Brown. She was a junior DA with only three years' experience in Alameda County. Brown was thirty years her senior and known as a kingmaker in California politics. Harris used political connections to get rich while holding low-paying government jobs. Before becoming VP the most she earned from her jobs was $174,000.00 as a Senator, before that she was earning $129,000.00. She's now worth $6,300,000.00 on a salary of $230,000.00.

Yes, people in both parties get rich through investments.. not seeing what your point is here. maybe if we paid our political figures like CEO's, we'd get a better class of talent.

Point was, a LOT of people thought she was good for that role as the DA, replacing a guy who only had a 53% conviction rate. She got a lot of attention because she was the one who brought to light the ineptitude of the DA's office. To assign her success to only Brown is a bit disingenous.

At the end of the day, the PEOPLE chose her to be DA, Attorney General, Senator and finally Vice President. Now, I know you wingnuts don't believe in democracy and other crazy ideas like that...

Willie Brown, would show up at events with his wife on one arm and his current eye-candy girlfriend on the other.

Which makes him an inspiration to us all. If he were white, you'd be calling him an Alpha Male.
Trump was supplying Ukraine with weapons while Obama/Biden just supplied them with blankets and MREs. As for Afghanistan, Trump negotiated the pull out, all Biden did was screw it up in an effort to make political points.

You mean he supplied them with weapons after he tried to shake down Zelensky to smear his opponent.

Yes, Trump did negotiate a pullout that gave away the store, pretty much, but he didn't pull the troops out. Biden had to do that.
This is true of both parties. But here's the thing. If I had camera crews follow you around every day, work and play, and then edited that shit down, I could probably make you look like an idiot, too. I'd argue that the reason for Trump's success is everyone realized he was a buffoon before he ever took office.

Yes, people in both parties get rich through investments.. not seeing what your point is here. maybe if we paid our political figures like CEO's, we'd get a better class of talent.

Point was, a LOT of people thought she was good for that role as the DA, replacing a guy who only had a 53% conviction rate. She got a lot of attention because she was the one who brought to light the ineptitude of the DA's office. To assign her success to only Brown is a bit disingenous.

At the end of the day, the PEOPLE chose her to be DA, Attorney General, Senator and finally Vice President. Now, I know you wingnuts don't believe in democracy and other crazy ideas like that...

Which makes him an inspiration to us all. If he were white, you'd be calling him an Alpha Male.
You underestimate the pull Willie Brown had in California.
And no, I wouldn't find a man who showed up at an event with both his wife and mistress on his arms admirable.

And the problem with camera crews following Harris around, is that these are prepared speeches, not off the cuff remarks like you and your friends used to hammer Trump over.
You mean he supplied them with weapons after he tried to shake down Zelensky to smear his opponent.

Yes, Trump did negotiate a pullout that gave away the store, pretty much, but he didn't pull the troops out. Biden had to do that.
Trump didn't try to get Zelensky to smear Biden, he asked him to investigate Hunter's apparently illegal conduct which was appropriate and legal. The pullout Trump negotiated cost not a single American life, he had the Taliban totally stood down from combat operations. After Trump negotiated his deal there wasn't a single US combat death in all of Afghanistan. The Taliban ceased combat operations completely pending US withdrawal. Biden screwed that up just like he screwed up everything Trump accomplished out of pure spite and for political advantage.
Really? Biden was the one who had the good sense to stand up to Putin.
Biden was the one who realized what a clusterfuck Afghanistan was and got us out.

So that's two he was right on.
LOL...you've GOT to be kidding! Biden hasn't done shit to Putin! He was the moron who basically told Putin it was OK if he took Ukraine. He was the moron who's war on fossil fuels gave Putin billions of dollars to finance that war.

As for Afghanistan? The withdrawal was started by Trump. Biden was the guy who FUBARED that withdrawal all to hell!

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