'No compromises' Terrifying footage shows Taliban with brand new US weapons and vehicles

LOL, to win what?

Establishing a stable, democratic government in Afghanistan that wouldn't allow it to be a haven for terrorists.

Bush missed that opportunity by rushing off to get Saddam.
Obama made matters worse by turning a blind eye when Karzai stole the 2009 election.

That can only be done from within.
That can only be done from within.

And there were people willing to do that from within.

Do you think Germany and Japan would be thriving democracies today if we just threw up our hands and said, "Meh, not our problem">
That can only be done from within.

And there were people willing to do that from within.

Do you think Germany and Japan would be thriving democracies today if we just threw up our hands and said, "Meh, not our problem">

Germany and Japan decided to change from within. We tried to continue to crush them economically and did for years.
Germany and Japan decided to change from within. We tried to continue to crush them economically and did for years.

Sorry, I forgot I'm dealing with a Bernie Bro who thinks all the world's problems can be solved by sitting in a drum circle singing "Kumbaya"
The rest of the world no longer cares.

Not the point you were arguing, Slick.

You were arguing that the Taliban should leave Bin Laden alone because he wasn't bothering them. In fact, prior to 9/11, they took the position that "We won't hand him over, but we will keep him from causing trouble', which they promptly broke as Bin Laden set up training camps for terrorists.

They'd have been much smarter to have captured Bin Laden, handed him over to the west with a nice bow.

But you are right, the rest of the world stopped caring. And I'm sure when they start making women wear veils again and start stoning teenage girls, the rest of the world will wring its hands about it.
American soldiers expected to be cops for long periods of time is not supposed to be. We signed all of those treaties with other nations and warned about this by the founding fathers. But it goes to say. Do we mind our own business or stay the world's policeman. This is what Empires do. Freedom can be fleeting.
American soldiers expected to be cops for long periods of time is not supposed to be. We signed all of those treaties with other nations and warned about this by the founding fathers. But it goes to say. Do we mind our own business or stay the world's policeman. This is what Empires do. Freedom can be fleeting.

Except we saw how isolationism works... It was called "World War II". The bad actors of the world thought they could be bad actors.

Now, Afghanistan, we've been fucking that one up since Jimmy Carter. I doubt this ends with Biden.
Facts seemed to have triggered you.

Naw, man, what gets me upset is the far left who thinks that if we just let the foreigners walk all over us, we are going to have peace.

Democrats USED to have balls, up until McGovern sliced them off. If you want to talk about the main reason why Republicans keep getting back into power, it's lily-livered Democrats.
Facts seemed to have triggered you.

Naw, man, what gets me upset is the far left who thinks that if we just let the foreigners walk all over us, we are going to have peace.

Democrats USED to have balls, up until McGovern sliced them off. If you want to talk about the main reason why Republicans keep getting back into power, it's lily-livered Democrats.

Afghanistan nor Iraq nor Syria did a thing to us.
Go to excuse #1.




Nothing to see here, say the Bernie Bros.... let's get out our drums and sing "Kumbaya".
Mind our own business and none of that happens. We were told for years retaliation was coming if we didn't. It will again.

Yup, break out the drums and the bong, man, we're harshing your mellow.

Appeasing the bad guys is always a good idea. Just ask Neville.


"Peace in our time"

Two years later...

The rest of the world no longer cares.

Not the point you were arguing, Slick.

You were arguing that the Taliban should leave Bin Laden alone because he wasn't bothering them. In fact, prior to 9/11, they took the position that "We won't hand him over, but we will keep him from causing trouble', which they promptly broke as Bin Laden set up training camps for terrorists.

They'd have been much smarter to have captured Bin Laden, handed him over to the west with a nice bow.

But you are right, the rest of the world stopped caring. And I'm sure when they start making women wear veils again and start stoning teenage girls, the rest of the world will wring its hands about it.
American soldiers expected to be cops for long periods of time is not supposed to be. We signed all of those treaties with other nations and warned about this by the founding fathers. But it goes to say. Do we mind our own business or stay the world's policeman. This is what Empires do. Freedom can be fleeting.
Sometimes we`re the world`s policeman and sometimes we`re the world`s instigators.
Mind our own business and none of that happens. We were told for years retaliation was coming if we didn't. It will again.

Yup, break out the drums and the bong, man, we're harshing your mellow.

Appeasing the bad guys is always a good idea. Just ask Neville.

View attachment 510975
"Peace in our time"

Two years later...

View attachment 510976

Minding our own business isn't appeasing anyone. After the mess of 20 years in Afghanistan accomplishing nothing other than trillions in debt for our kids to pay off one would think even the most ardent war monger would catch on but no, it doesn't seem so.
Minding our own business isn't appeasing anyone. After the mess of 20 years in Afghanistan accomplishing nothing other than trillions in debt for our kids to pay off one would think even the most ardent war monger would catch on but no, it doesn't seem so.

I agree. We never should have let that drag on for 20 years.

You see, it used to be, when we went to war, we recruited a large enough army to do the job and we let the soldiers do their thing. I mean, I know, this is a crazy idea.

Instead, we half-assed it. We sent in not enough troops because we didn't have enough - and we still don't -

By way of comparison. In World War II, the US Army fielded 91 divisions. When I was in back in the 1980's, we had 16 active divisions and 10 guard divisions. Today we have 10 active duty divisions.... This isn't enough to fight a war on even one front, and it showed.

Our modern military doctrine thinks you can replace manpower with techonolgy, and that's why we spend so much with so little result.

But the real problem was, the time to completely crush the Taliban was in 2002. We didn't do that. We gave them a chance to regroup, and the ineptitude and corruption of the people we propped up made people long for the Taliban.
Minding our own business isn't appeasing anyone. After the mess of 20 years in Afghanistan accomplishing nothing other than trillions in debt for our kids to pay off one would think even the most ardent war monger would catch on but no, it doesn't seem so.

I agree. We never should have let that drag on for 20 years.

You see, it used to be, when we went to war, we recruited a large enough army to do the job and we let the soldiers do their thing. I mean, I know, this is a crazy idea.

Instead, we half-assed it. We sent in not enough troops because we didn't have enough - and we still don't -

By way of comparison. In World War II, the US Army fielded 91 divisions. When I was in back in the 1980's, we had 16 active divisions and 10 guard divisions. Today we have 10 active duty divisions.... This isn't enough to fight a war on even one front, and it showed.

Our modern military doctrine thinks you can replace manpower with techonolgy, and that's why we spend so much with so little result.

But the real problem was, the time to completely crush the Taliban was in 2002. We didn't do that. We gave them a chance to regroup, and the ineptitude and corruption of the people we propped up made people long for the Taliban.

We armed Iraqi's to defend their country and as soon as we quit watching them they simply went home. We could "eradicate" the Taliban and the same thing would happen in a short time.
We armed Iraqi's to defend their country and as soon as we quit watching them they simply went home. We could "eradicate" the Taliban and the same thing would happen in a short time.

Actually, not quite. We armed and bribed Sunni Militias to play nice until we went home.

The real problem was that we were in such a hurry to get out of there. Unlike, again, Germany and Japan, we STILL have troops there, we just didn't pack up and leave at the first opportunity, and we didn't go in with inadequate force.

But lets break out that hippy drum circle.

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