NO DACA, screw the Democrats.

Why does Trump need Congressional funding for a wall?

That is explicitly defense spending, of which I believe there is quite a bit of discretionary spending? Back off on a bomber or two and....boom.....wall funding.

Kill DACA and build the wall without Democrat or GOP support. Problem Solved.

Can't that work?
"DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don't really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

well then, that does it - Cheetoboi tweeted it, and Trumpbots bought it.


You do realize that Obama, without precedence, initiated DACA by EXECUTIVE ORDER in June 2012 and therefore illegally and unconstitutionally changed a law passed by Congress? So we've had something over five years of an illegal policy. We don't know how many 'dreamers' were added to the number of illegals as a result of that policy, but the most important thing is the fact that DACA itself is illegal and entirely contrary to constitutional law. That it was allowed that without any resistance even from the Republicans is ecause the feckless permanent political class that makes up most of Congress these days

All President Trump has done is throw out an illegal executive order which leaves in place the law our legally elected representatives put into place and that no President has any legal authority or right to overturn. He mercifully chose not to order the law enforced immediately but gave Congress a full six months to come up with legislation to deal with the DACA people. That six months time was clearly announced and widely reported. That they waited until now to start thinking about and/or working on it is not Trump's fault. Because they were stalled, he called key Republicans and Democrats into the Oval office for an off the record, honest discussion as to how to get something done. And all we have seen come from that is that the President said a bad word in reference to a country that is one of the world's most corrupt. And that somehow makes him racist.

And the Democrats are being blatantly hypocritical and intellectually dishonest that they want a "clean" DACA bill without anything else attached to it when they themselves have consistently held all manner of legislation hostage unless their riders or special interests were included.

I realize every RW Trump hack isnt responsible for a damn thing.

you fucks go to bed at night blaming Obama and wake up blaming Clinton.

anti Immigration IS A CORNERSTONE of RW politics ... why the hell didnt 43 do something about it when he had a HOUSE AND SENATE majority ..

Because lawmakers weren't interested in changing any laws, they just wanted to bitch about illegals and blame them for all the fucking jobs they lose when theyre in office ..

job growth is positive even though theres no goddamn wall ... POSITIVE !

"DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don't really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

well then, that does it - Cheetoboi tweeted it, and Trumpbots bought it.


You do realize that Obama, without precedence, initiated DACA by EXECUTIVE ORDER in June 2012 and therefore illegally and unconstitutionally changed a law passed by Congress? So we've had something over five years of an illegal policy. We don't know how many 'dreamers' were added to the number of illegals as a result of that policy, but the most important thing is the fact that DACA itself is illegal and entirely contrary to constitutional law. That it was allowed that without any resistance even from the Republicans is ecause the feckless permanent political class that makes up most of Congress these days

All President Trump has done is throw out an illegal executive order which leaves in place the law our legally elected representatives put into place and that no President has any legal authority or right to overturn. He mercifully chose not to order the law enforced immediately but gave Congress a full six months to come up with legislation to deal with the DACA people. That six months time was clearly announced and widely reported. That they waited until now to start thinking about and/or working on it is not Trump's fault. Because they were stalled, he called key Republicans and Democrats into the Oval office for an off the record, honest discussion as to how to get something done. And all we have seen come from that is that the President said a bad word in reference to a country that is one of the world's most corrupt. And that somehow makes him racist.

And the Democrats are being blatantly hypocritical and intellectually dishonest that they want a "clean" DACA bill without anything else attached to it when they themselves have consistently held all manner of legislation hostage unless their riders or special interests were included.

I realize every RW Trump hack isnt responsible for a damn thing.

you fucks go to bed at night blaming Obama and wake up blaming Clinton.

anti Immigration IS A CORNERSTONE of RW politics ... why the hell didnt 43 do something about it when he had a HOUSE AND SENATE majority ..

Because lawmakers weren't interested in changing any laws, they just wanted to bitch about illegals and blame them for all the fucking jobs they lose when theyre in office ..

job growth is positive even though theres no goddamn wall ... POSITIVE !

Why not blame him, obama is a shit stain...
Spot On. Trump shouldn't sign anything. I'm tired of incessant US Politician hand-wringing over serving non-citizen interests. How about focusing on serving American Citizen interests instead? They're elected to serve Americans. That's their job.

This mass Immigration chaos is not serving Citizens' best interests. It's time to end Illegal Immigration once and for all. And then we need to implement stringent requirements and limits on Legal Immigration. This chaos can't go on. I recommend Trump not sign any current 'agreement' being discussed by Congress.
"DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don't really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

well then, that does it - Cheetoboi tweeted it, and Trumpbots bought it.


You do realize that Obama, without precedence, initiated DACA by EXECUTIVE ORDER in June 2012 and therefore illegally and unconstitutionally changed a law passed by Congress? So we've had something over five years of an illegal policy. We don't know how many 'dreamers' were added to the number of illegals as a result of that policy, but the most important thing is the fact that DACA itself is illegal and entirely contrary to constitutional law. That it was allowed that without any resistance even from the Republicans is ecause the feckless permanent political class that makes up most of Congress these days

All President Trump has done is throw out an illegal executive order which leaves in place the law our legally elected representatives put into place and that no President has any legal authority or right to overturn. He mercifully chose not to order the law enforced immediately but gave Congress a full six months to come up with legislation to deal with the DACA people. That six months time was clearly announced and widely reported. That they waited until now to start thinking about and/or working on it is not Trump's fault. Because they were stalled, he called key Republicans and Democrats into the Oval office for an off the record, honest discussion as to how to get something done. And all we have seen come from that is that the President said a bad word in reference to a country that is one of the world's most corrupt. And that somehow makes him racist.

And the Democrats are being blatantly hypocritical and intellectually dishonest that they want a "clean" DACA bill without anything else attached to it when they themselves have consistently held all manner of legislation hostage unless their riders or special interests were included.

I realize every RW Trump hack isnt responsible for a damn thing.

you fucks go to bed at night blaming Obama and wake up blaming Clinton.

anti Immigration IS A CORNERSTONE of RW politics ... why the hell didnt 43 do something about it when he had a HOUSE AND SENATE majority ..

Because lawmakers weren't interested in changing any laws, they just wanted to bitch about illegals and blame them for all the fucking jobs they lose when theyre in office ..

job growth is positive even though theres no goddamn wall ... POSITIVE !

Why not blame him, obama is a shit stain...

Spot On. Trump shouldn't sign anything. I'm tired of incessant US Politician hand-wringing over serving non-citizen interests. How about focusing on serving American Citizen interests instead? They're elected to serve Americans. That's their job.

This mass Immigration chaos is not serving Citizens' best interests. It's time to end Illegal Immigration once and for all. And then we need to implement stringent requirements and limits on Legal Immigration. This chaos can't go on. I recommend Trump not sign any current 'agreement' being discussed by Congress.

This chaos can't go on.

increasing the debt chaos couldnt go on any longer either


stfu and quit whining.
Democrats don't want DACA and they don't want immigration reform. All they want is to make Trump look like a racist, they couldn't care less about people they claim to want to help.
Why does Trump need Congressional funding for a wall?

That is explicitly defense spending, of which I believe there is quite a bit of discretionary spending? Back off on a bomber or two and....boom.....wall funding.

Kill DACA and build the wall without Democrat or GOP support. Problem Solved.

Can't that work?

dummer (sp) than a hammer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
"DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don't really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

well then, that does it - Cheetoboi tweeted it, and Trumpbots bought it.


You do realize that Obama, without precedence, initiated DACA by EXECUTIVE ORDER in June 2012 and therefore illegally and unconstitutionally changed a law passed by Congress? So we've had something over five years of an illegal policy. We don't know how many 'dreamers' were added to the number of illegals as a result of that policy, but the most important thing is the fact that DACA itself is illegal and entirely contrary to constitutional law. That it was allowed that without any resistance even from the Republicans is ecause the feckless permanent political class that makes up most of Congress these days

All President Trump has done is throw out an illegal executive order which leaves in place the law our legally elected representatives put into place and that no President has any legal authority or right to overturn. He mercifully chose not to order the law enforced immediately but gave Congress a full six months to come up with legislation to deal with the DACA people. That six months time was clearly announced and widely reported. That they waited until now to start thinking about and/or working on it is not Trump's fault. Because they were stalled, he called key Republicans and Democrats into the Oval office for an off the record, honest discussion as to how to get something done. And all we have seen come from that is that the President said a bad word in reference to a country that is one of the world's most corrupt. And that somehow makes him racist.

And the Democrats are being blatantly hypocritical and intellectually dishonest that they want a "clean" DACA bill without anything else attached to it when they themselves have consistently held all manner of legislation hostage unless their riders or special interests were included.

I realize every RW Trump hack isnt responsible for a damn thing.

you fucks go to bed at night blaming Obama and wake up blaming Clinton.

anti Immigration IS A CORNERSTONE of RW politics ... why the hell didnt 43 do something about it when he had a HOUSE AND SENATE majority ..

Because lawmakers weren't interested in changing any laws, they just wanted to bitch about illegals and blame them for all the fucking jobs they lose when theyre in office ..

job growth is positive even though theres no goddamn wall ... POSITIVE !

Why not blame him, obama is a shit stain...

Spot On. Trump shouldn't sign anything. I'm tired of incessant US Politician hand-wringing over serving non-citizen interests. How about focusing on serving American Citizen interests instead? They're elected to serve Americans. That's their job.

This mass Immigration chaos is not serving Citizens' best interests. It's time to end Illegal Immigration once and for all. And then we need to implement stringent requirements and limits on Legal Immigration. This chaos can't go on. I recommend Trump not sign any current 'agreement' being discussed by Congress.

This chaos can't go on.

increasing the debt chaos couldnt go on any longer either


stfu and quit whining.
Speculation based on ultra conservative figures.
Part of the next President’s platform should be to tear down the tiny percentage of wall that Trump ends up getting built
That would be a sure fire way to end your party's aspirations lol.

Run with that... please
Why not? Only a small percentage of people want a wall, even fewer of those are dumb enough to think it will work, and people will be happy to have the Statue of Liberty back as the symbol of the country instead of an innefective wall representing the cowardice of America.

Let me ask you this wetback....does that wall or fence around your single wide trailer shithole represent your cowardice?
Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that makes sense to you dumbasses?
Aw you poor little pussy :itsok:

Because no wall can cover such a distance and such a varied terrain. The prototypes built in California will only work for a tiny fraction of the length. I hope those prototypes stay up forever as a monumebt to Trump’s failure of a Presidency.
#MAGA...this GOP Administration wants to build a new Berlin Wall....#MAGA
The Berlin Wall was built to keep people captive in a shithole communist country. Our southern border wall will be built to keep people from shithole countries from entering the USA illegally to steal welfare or jobs from legal immigrants and US citizens.
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That would be a sure fire way to end your party's aspirations lol.

Run with that... please
Why not? Only a small percentage of people want a wall, even fewer of those are dumb enough to think it will work, and people will be happy to have the Statue of Liberty back as the symbol of the country instead of an innefective wall representing the cowardice of America.

Let me ask you this wetback....does that wall or fence around your single wide trailer shithole represent your cowardice?
Trillions of linear feet of wall and fence erected worldwide all with the same purpose and function and for some crazy reason this particular wall in no way could or would function the same and or be equally does that makes sense to you dumbasses?
Aw you poor little pussy :itsok:

Because no wall can cover such a distance and such a varied terrain. The prototypes built in California will only work for a tiny fraction of the length. I hope those prototypes stay up forever as a monumebt to Trump’s failure of a Presidency.
#MAGA...this GOP Administration wants to build a new Berlin Wall....#MAGA
The Berlin Wall was built to keep people from leaving a shithole communist country and becoming free. Our southern border wall will be built to keep people from shithole countries from entering the USA illegally to steal welfare and jobs from legal immigrants and US citizens.
Dunno why you guys bother with these asshats on describing the purpose for the wall.
You know damn well they have fences. Doors with locks. Security systems..etc on their property. They're just disingenuous hacks
Those dumbass Democrats better pull their heads out of their asses and stop acting like assholes or else the 800,000 Dreamer MS-13 thugs will lose their protected status and become Illegals just like all the other scum.
"DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don't really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

well then, that does it - Cheetoboi tweeted it, and Trumpbots bought it.


You do realize that Obama, without precedence, initiated DACA by EXECUTIVE ORDER in June 2012 and therefore illegally and unconstitutionally changed a law passed by Congress? So we've had something over five years of an illegal policy. We don't know how many 'dreamers' were added to the number of illegals as a result of that policy, but the most important thing is the fact that DACA itself is illegal and entirely contrary to constitutional law. That it was allowed that without any resistance even from the Republicans is ecause the feckless permanent political class that makes up most of Congress these days

All President Trump has done is throw out an illegal executive order which leaves in place the law our legally elected representatives put into place and that no President has any legal authority or right to overturn. He mercifully chose not to order the law enforced immediately but gave Congress a full six months to come up with legislation to deal with the DACA people. That six months time was clearly announced and widely reported. That they waited until now to start thinking about and/or working on it is not Trump's fault. Because they were stalled, he called key Republicans and Democrats into the Oval office for an off the record, honest discussion as to how to get something done. And all we have seen come from that is that the President said a bad word in reference to a country that is one of the world's most corrupt. And that somehow makes him racist.

And the Democrats are being blatantly hypocritical and intellectually dishonest that they want a "clean" DACA bill without anything else attached to it when they themselves have consistently held all manner of legislation hostage unless their riders or special interests were included.

I realize every RW Trump hack isnt responsible for a damn thing.

you fucks go to bed at night blaming Obama and wake up blaming Clinton.

anti Immigration IS A CORNERSTONE of RW politics ... why the hell didnt 43 do something about it when he had a HOUSE AND SENATE majority ..

Because lawmakers weren't interested in changing any laws, they just wanted to bitch about illegals and blame them for all the fucking jobs they lose when theyre in office ..

job growth is positive even though theres no goddamn wall ... POSITIVE !

Why not blame him, obama is a shit stain...

Spot On. Trump shouldn't sign anything. I'm tired of incessant US Politician hand-wringing over serving non-citizen interests. How about focusing on serving American Citizen interests instead? They're elected to serve Americans. That's their job.

This mass Immigration chaos is not serving Citizens' best interests. It's time to end Illegal Immigration once and for all. And then we need to implement stringent requirements and limits on Legal Immigration. This chaos can't go on. I recommend Trump not sign any current 'agreement' being discussed by Congress.

This chaos can't go on.

increasing the debt chaos couldnt go on any longer either


stfu and quit whining.

I believe the topic is Immigration. Calm down and try to stay focused. :cuckoo:
Those dumbass Democrats better pull their heads out of their asses and stop acting like assholes or else the 800,000 Dreamer MS-13 thugs will lose their protected status and become Illegals just like all the other scum.

who you calling dumbass you dumbass

If it meant ending the visa lottery, going to a merit based system and building the wall, I would happily agree to letting 800k 'Dreamers' stay and get Green cards and citizenship if they qualify and still want it.

But dicky Durbin had to go and torpedo the whole damned thing because he is a jack ass.

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