No Deal!!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
No Deal!!

Speaker John Boehner told House Republicans Saturday morning that his efforts to strike a deal with President Barack Obama are at a standstill.

There is no agreement, Boehner said in a room in the Capitol Saturday, and there are no negotiations between House Republicans and the White House, since Obama rejected the speaker’s effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government while setting up a budget negotiating process.

With that, a familiar dynamic has resurfaced 12 days into the government shutdown and five days before Treasury says the nation runs out of borrowing authority: The pendulum has swung back to Senate Republicans, who now look more likely to cut a deal with Obama to end the first government shutdown since 1996, and avoid the first default on U.S. debt in history.
Read more: Focus on Senate after Obama rejects House plan - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan and Burgess Everett -

Now it goes to the Senate for negotiations.
negotiate on the govt. shutdown.

NO negotiations on the damn debt ceiling!!!

just raise the stupid thing!!
Yup...Let's just keep doing the same thing over and over and over...
Spending and borrowing and spending... on and on...

$17 trillion in debt...and no end in site...
And the Democrat party's plan...
Spend our way out of a shitty economy.
If the debt ceiling is raised without any consequences, what stops it from raising it to oblivion?

We have to get real! The Republicans will be known for standing in the way of raising the debt ceiling without negotiations. And they will be known for standing in the way of Obama care. If either of those two items, financial adversity due to raising the debt ceiling without cuts to our budget, or, Obamacare turns out to be a huge mess, and most of the population turns against it, just what do you think will be the chances of a Democratic success at the polls?

Democrats may not be so smug.
Yup...Let's just keep doing the same thing over and over and over...
Spending and borrowing and spending... on and on...

$17 trillion in debt...and no end in site...
And the Democrat party's plan...
Spend our way out of a shitty economy.

Stupid liberals!! :mad:
People don't seem to realize that Obama does not want a deal. He is happy with a shutdown (well a pseudo shut down anyway, most of government is still functioning). He also wants the debt ceiling to be hit. Then he gets to decide which pieces of government get funded and what gets cut and he can blame it all on Republicans. He does not have to default on the debt. Interest is only at 8% of Revenue. Avoiding default is easy. But that is not the point. The point is that Obama will try to cause as much pain as possible if he thinks he can get political points for it. He has shown us this twice, with the sequester, and with what he is choosing to shut down now. Heck, he has no problem holding the entire city of Washington DC hostage by not letting them spend their own money. If he thinks he can default on a debt obligation and get away with blaming it on the Republicans, he will do it in a second. To hell with 'The People'.
The perfect definition of Washington.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein.
No Deal!!

Speaker John Boehner told House Republicans Saturday morning that his efforts to strike a deal with President Barack Obama are at a standstill.

There is no agreement, Boehner said in a room in the Capitol Saturday, and there are no negotiations between House Republicans and the White House, since Obama rejected the speaker’s effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government while setting up a budget negotiating process.

With that, a familiar dynamic has resurfaced 12 days into the government shutdown and five days before Treasury says the nation runs out of borrowing authority: The pendulum has swung back to Senate Republicans, who now look more likely to cut a deal with Obama to end the first government shutdown since 1996, and avoid the first default on U.S. debt in history.
Read more: Focus on Senate after Obama rejects House plan - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan and Burgess Everett -

Now it goes to the Senate for negotiations.
...and Obama will claim that the Republicans "refused to compromise."
No Deal!!

Speaker John Boehner told House Republicans Saturday morning that his efforts to strike a deal with President Barack Obama are at a standstill.

There is no agreement, Boehner said in a room in the Capitol Saturday, and there are no negotiations between House Republicans and the White House, since Obama rejected the speaker’s effort to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks and reopen government while setting up a budget negotiating process.

With that, a familiar dynamic has resurfaced 12 days into the government shutdown and five days before Treasury says the nation runs out of borrowing authority: The pendulum has swung back to Senate Republicans, who now look more likely to cut a deal with Obama to end the first government shutdown since 1996, and avoid the first default on U.S. debt in history.
Read more: Focus on Senate after Obama rejects House plan - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan and Burgess Everett -

Now it goes to the Senate for negotiations.
...and Obama will claim that the Republicans "refused to compromise."

As will Mumbly, Rtard, BlackeyedLabel, et. al
People don't seem to realize that Obama does not want a deal. He is happy with a shutdown (well a pseudo shut down anyway, most of government is still functioning). He also wants the debt ceiling to be hit. Then he gets to decide which pieces of government get funded and what gets cut and he can blame it all on Republicans. He does not have to default on the debt. Interest is only at 8% of Revenue. Avoiding default is easy. But that is not the point. The point is that Obama will try to cause as much pain as possible if he thinks he can get political points for it. He has shown us this twice, with the sequester, and with what he is choosing to shut down now. Heck, he has no problem holding the entire city of Washington DC hostage by not letting them spend their own money. If he thinks he can default on a debt obligation and get away with blaming it on the Republicans, he will do it in a second. To hell with 'The People'.

He in his prime. This is where he wanted to be. He is in charge now. You are absolutely right. Look out America.
Yup...Let's just keep doing the same thing over and over and over...
Spending and borrowing and spending... on and on...

$17 trillion in debt...and no end in site...
And the Democrat party's plan...
Spend our way out of a shitty economy.
Obama's plan has long been and still is to bankrupt the nation. He is doing a good job of it.

The perfect definition of Washington.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein.
...but don't you know...THIS TIME socialism will work! :lol:

Only fools follow Obama!
...and Obama will claim that the Republicans "refused to compromise."

GOP Lost the:

Presidential election by 5 million votes
Senate election by 10.9 million votes
House election by 1.7 million votes

They can't get their way through the NORMAL system of checks and balances, shut the government down, and we should compromise?

You need to get your head examined. :cuckoo:

There is no need to compromise. The republicans now know that and they are scared shitless as their favor-ability ratings sink coming into an election year.
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...and Obama will claim that the Republicans "refused to compromise."

GOP Lost the:

Presidential election by 5 million votes
Senate election by 10.9 million votes
House election by 1.7 million votes

They can't get their way through the NORMAL system of checks and balances, shut the government down, and we should compromise?

You need to get your head examined. :cuckoo:

There is no need to compromise. The republicans now know that and they are scared shitless as their favor-ability ratings sink coming into an election year.

...and Obama will claim that the Republicans "refused to compromise."

GOP Lost the:

Presidential election by 5 million votes
Senate election by 10.9 million votes
House election by 1.7 million votes

They can't get their way through the NORMAL system of checks and balances, shut the government down, and we should compromise?

You need to get your head examined. :cuckoo:

There is no need to compromise. The republicans now know that and they are scared shitless as their favor-ability ratings sink coming into an election year.

^^^^Hard evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder!^^^^
^^^^Hard evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder!^^^^

Hard evidence that neanderthal Conservatives are reduced to all fours when presented with facts.

And the facts are, the Democrats own Obamcare. You know, the program that just went into effect and millions were going to sign up for. eagerly I might add. And when all said an done. 51,000 signed up, or they "think" signed up.

The facts are, that the unions are disowning Obamacare, realizing now, that it results in former full time employees are now part time employees without benefits.

The facts are, that more and more Drs. are choosing early retirement due to type of medicine they are forced to perform and the unsightly paperwork makes the workload too much of a burden and are choosing to leave the profession.

The facts are the Republicans have been negotiating in good faith and the answer from the White House and Democrats remain NO NO NO.

You own it, Dems. You own it and the people know it.

Continue with your one sentence slurs. We conservatives are used to the tripe.
...and Obama will claim that the Republicans "refused to compromise."

GOP Lost the:

Presidential election by 5 million votes
Senate election by 10.9 million votes
House election by 1.7 million votes

They can't get their way through the NORMAL system of checks and balances, shut the government down, and we should compromise?

You need to get your head examined. :cuckoo:

There is no need to compromise. The republicans now know that and they are scared shitless as their favor-ability ratings sink coming into an election year.

You need to understand that conservatives on this board are very far right. They do not represent the average Republican or Independent. They have this belief that they are right about everything and, that in the real world, most people actually agree with them. Unfortunately for them, that is completely the opposite of reality as the vast majority do not agree with them. Obama is taking these nut cases and he is allowing them to showcase their stupidity for all to see. The end result will be substantial losses at the polls in 2014 and very likely a catastrophe for Republicans in 2016.

Obama has come to realize that Republicans will do anything and everything to see him fail, and that he is just not going to accomplish much over the next three years, so he's going to set the table for Democrats down the road. The biggest failure of Republicans is their inability to understand that Obama is actually smarter than them and does a much better job playing to his audience than Republicans themselves. He is a master politician that ranks right up there with Clinton and GW. Yea, Democrats made the same mistake about GW. They underestimated his star power. They wanted so bad to assume that he didn't know what he was doing and that he was just a puppet of Dick Cheney. Of course, Dems were quite wrong as GW outsmarted them all over and over again. But this is what radicals do. They are so absorbed with their own tunnel vision that they completely miss what is actually going on.

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