No decent American should support Newt Gingrich


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
[ame=]The Media slanders Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich gets away with unlawful charges. - YouTube[/ame]
After Bozo won in 2008, I knew that none of the GOP's that were running and eventually withdrew back then were not going to run, aside from Romney. The left had already given Palin the nomination, especially those fatheads at MSNBC, Chris Matthews was already assuming it was going to be Palin VS Bloomberg (or the previous Governor or Mayor} I am surprised Romney has done fairly well, he is ahead primarily because all the most wanted Republicans chose not to run. I trust he will pick the right VP to topple the Chicago Thugs destroying America.
Yea, well no true American should vote for Obama. He wants to change America into one of the socialist countries.
After Bozo won in 2008, I knew that none of the GOP's that were running and eventually withdrew back then were not going to run, aside from Romney. The left had already given Palin the nomination, especially those fatheads at MSNBC, Chris Matthews was already assuming it was going to be Palin VS Bloomberg (or the previous Governor or Mayor} I am surprised Romney has done fairly well, he is ahead primarily because all the most wanted Republicans chose not to run. I trust he will pick the right VP to topple the Chicago Thugs destroying America.

I think I must have been out sick that day


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