No Evidence for Jesus Outside Bible


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Sorry cross grovelers , your groveling and bowing and praying with up turned arms are for naught, might as well grovel to a rock, it will have the same affect


When challenged about the veracity of the Bible and the paucity of references to Jesus Christ anywhere other than the Bible, Christians are quick to mention Josephus, the author of a 21 volume tome “The History of the Jews” written around 90 CE.
The Truth Is…

Josephus, in 127 words, (now referred to as the “Testimonium Flavianum“) gives the entire story of a divine Jesus. However no biblical scholar today believes that Josephus actually wrote those 127 words. All references to the divinity of Jesus that appear in Josephus have been proven to have been added long after the Josephus wrote his manuscript. Josephus wrote in 90 CE; the references to Jesus dying and being resurrected did not appear in his “writings” until the third century. All scholars agree that the references to a divine Jesus were added to the manuscript by an over zealous copiest.
The third century Church ‘Father’ Origen, for example, spent half his life and a quarter of a million words contending against the pagan writer Celsus. Origen drew on all sorts of proofs and witnesses to his arguments in his fierce defence of Christianity. He quotes from Josephus extensively. Yet even he makes no reference to this ‘golden paragraph’ from Josephus, which would have been the ultimate rebuttal. In fact, Origen actually said that Josephus was “not believing in Jesus as the Christ.”
Origen did not quote the ‘golden paragraph’ because this paragraph had not yet been written.
It was absent from early copies of the works of Josephus and did not appear in Origen’s third century version of Josephus, referenced in his Contra Celsum. In fact, the Josephus paragraph about Jesus does not appear until the beginning of the fourth century, at the time of Constantine.
Consider, also, the anomalies:
1. How could Josephus claim that Jesus had been the answer to his messianic hopes yet remain an orthodox Jew?
The absurdity forces some apologists to make the ridiculous claim that Josephus was a closet Christian!

NO Evidence for Jesus Outside Bible
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Sorry cross grovelers , your groveling and bowing and praying with up turned arms are for naught, might as well grovel to a rock, it will have the same affect


When challenged about the veracity of the Bible and the paucity of references to Jesus Christ anywhere other than the Bible, Christians are quick to mention Josephus, the author of a 21 volume tome “The History of the Jews” written around 90 CE.
The Truth Is…

Josephus, in 127 words, (now referred to as the “Testimonium Flavianum“) gives the entire story of a divine Jesus. However no biblical scholar today believes that Josephus actually wrote those 127 words. All references to the divinity of Jesus that appear in Josephus have been proven to have been added long after the Josephus wrote his manuscript. Josephus wrote in 90 CE; the references to Jesus dying and being resurrected did not appear in his “writings” until the third century. All scholars agree that the references to a divine Jesus were added to the manuscript by an over zealous copiest.
The third century Church ‘Father’ Origen, for example, spent half his life and a quarter of a million words contending against the pagan writer Celsus. Origen drew on all sorts of proofs and witnesses to his arguments in his fierce defence of Christianity. He quotes from Josephus extensively. Yet even he makes no reference to this ‘golden paragraph’ from Josephus, which would have been the ultimate rebuttal. In fact, Origen actually said that Josephus was “not believing in Jesus as the Christ.”
Origen did not quote the ‘golden paragraph’ because this paragraph had not yet been written.
It was absent from early copies of the works of Josephus and did not appear in Origen’s third century version of Josephus, referenced in his Contra Celsum. In fact, the Josephus paragraph about Jesus does not appear until the beginning of the fourth century, at the time of Constantine.
Consider, also, the anomalies:
1. How could Josephus claim that Jesus had been the answer to his messianic hopes yet remain an orthodox Jew?
The absurdity forces some apologists to make the ridiculous claim that Josephus was a closet Christian!

NO Evidence for Jesus Outside Bible

You are evidence guano..... the exsistance of Jesus and his sense of humor .
Sorry cross grovelers , your groveling and bowing and praying with up turned arms are for naught, might as well grovel to a rock, it will have the same affect


When challenged about the veracity of the Bible and the paucity of references to Jesus Christ anywhere other than the Bible, Christians are quick to mention Josephus, the author of a 21 volume tome “The History of the Jews” written around 90 CE.
The Truth Is…

Josephus, in 127 words, (now referred to as the “Testimonium Flavianum“) gives the entire story of a divine Jesus. However no biblical scholar today believes that Josephus actually wrote those 127 words. All references to the divinity of Jesus that appear in Josephus have been proven to have been added long after the Josephus wrote his manuscript. Josephus wrote in 90 CE; the references to Jesus dying and being resurrected did not appear in his “writings” until the third century. All scholars agree that the references to a divine Jesus were added to the manuscript by an over zealous copiest.
The third century Church ‘Father’ Origen, for example, spent half his life and a quarter of a million words contending against the pagan writer Celsus. Origen drew on all sorts of proofs and witnesses to his arguments in his fierce defence of Christianity. He quotes from Josephus extensively. Yet even he makes no reference to this ‘golden paragraph’ from Josephus, which would have been the ultimate rebuttal. In fact, Origen actually said that Josephus was “not believing in Jesus as the Christ.”
Origen did not quote the ‘golden paragraph’ because this paragraph had not yet been written.
It was absent from early copies of the works of Josephus and did not appear in Origen’s third century version of Josephus, referenced in his Contra Celsum. In fact, the Josephus paragraph about Jesus does not appear until the beginning of the fourth century, at the time of Constantine.
Consider, also, the anomalies:
1. How could Josephus claim that Jesus had been the answer to his messianic hopes yet remain an orthodox Jew?
The absurdity forces some apologists to make the ridiculous claim that Josephus was a closet Christian!

NO Evidence for Jesus Outside Bible

Evidence for the historical existence of Jesus Christ - RationalWiki
Sorry cross grovelers , your groveling and bowing and praying with up turned arms are for naught, might as well grovel to a rock, it will have the same affect


When challenged about the veracity of the Bible and the paucity of references to Jesus Christ anywhere other than the Bible, Christians are quick to mention Josephus, the author of a 21 volume tome “The History of the Jews” written around 90 CE.

The truth is that today both Christian and Jewish scholars believe that as a whole--outside a couple of interpolations--Josephus wrote the passage in question.

* It is unlikely Josephus wrote: "If indeed one ought to call him a man."
* It is unlike he wrote: "He was the Christ."

The second note above is compared to another undisputed passage in Josephus which simply state Jesus was called the Christ:

He (Ananais) convened a meeting of the Sanhedrin and brought before them a man named James, the brother of Jesus, who was called the Christ, and certain others. He accused them of having transgressed the law and delivered them up to be stoned.

What scholars (both Christian and Jewish) consider authentic is that Josephus confirms:

* Jesus was the martyred leader of the church in Jerusalem.
* Jesus was a wise teacher who established a wide and lasting following, despite the fact he had been crucified under Pilate and the instigation of some Jewish leaders.

Besides the passages in Josephus, there survive passages from Pliny the Younger (111) and Tacitus (115).

Pliny the Younger (111)

I have asked them if they are Christians, and if they admit it, I repeat the question a second and third time, with a warning of the punishment awaiting them. If they persist, I order them to be led away for execution; for, whatever the nature of their admission, I am convinced that their stubbornness and unshakable obstinacy ought not to go unpunished.

They also declared that the sum total of their guilt or error amounted to no more than this: they had met regularly before dawn on a fixed day to chant verses alternately amongst themselves in honor of Christ as if to a god, and also to bind themselves by oath, not for any criminal purpose, but to abstain from theft, robbery, and adultery...

Tacitus (115)

Nero fasted the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hate4d for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment again broke out not only in Judea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome.
Sorry cross grovelers , your groveling and bowing and praying with up turned arms are for naught, might as well grovel to a rock, it will have the same affect


When challenged about the veracity of the Bible and the paucity of references to Jesus Christ anywhere other than the Bible, Christians are quick to mention Josephus, the author of a 21 volume tome “The History of the Jews” written around 90 CE.
The Truth Is…

Josephus, in 127 words, (now referred to as the “Testimonium Flavianum“) gives the entire story of a divine Jesus. However no biblical scholar today believes that Josephus actually wrote those 127 words. All references to the divinity of Jesus that appear in Josephus have been proven to have been added long after the Josephus wrote his manuscript. Josephus wrote in 90 CE; the references to Jesus dying and being resurrected did not appear in his “writings” until the third century. All scholars agree that the references to a divine Jesus were added to the manuscript by an over zealous copiest.
The third century Church ‘Father’ Origen, for example, spent half his life and a quarter of a million words contending against the pagan writer Celsus. Origen drew on all sorts of proofs and witnesses to his arguments in his fierce defence of Christianity. He quotes from Josephus extensively. Yet even he makes no reference to this ‘golden paragraph’ from Josephus, which would have been the ultimate rebuttal. In fact, Origen actually said that Josephus was “not believing in Jesus as the Christ.”
Origen did not quote the ‘golden paragraph’ because this paragraph had not yet been written.
It was absent from early copies of the works of Josephus and did not appear in Origen’s third century version of Josephus, referenced in his Contra Celsum. In fact, the Josephus paragraph about Jesus does not appear until the beginning of the fourth century, at the time of Constantine.
Consider, also, the anomalies:
1. How could Josephus claim that Jesus had been the answer to his messianic hopes yet remain an orthodox Jew?
The absurdity forces some apologists to make the ridiculous claim that Josephus was a closet Christian!

NO Evidence for Jesus Outside Bible

Actually, there is no proof of you outside the ghetto.
The irony here is even the NT doesn't claim Jesus as the son of man they refer to as another to come third person tense.

Crusader; 45ad would be the christ Theudas by the
Jordan who had the apostles who were martyrs for their Revolt. He is searchable in Josephus text and book of acts in the NT. However the NT shows it's worth by mixing the sequence of eras with Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter by claiming Yehuda who died in 6bc died after Theudas who died in 45ad.
Sorry cross grovelers , your groveling and bowing and praying with up turned arms are for naught, might as well grovel to a rock, it will have the same affect


When challenged about the veracity of the Bible and the paucity of references to Jesus Christ anywhere other than the Bible, Christians are quick to mention Josephus, the author of a 21 volume tome “The History of the Jews” written around 90 CE.
The Truth Is…

Josephus, in 127 words, (now referred to as the “Testimonium Flavianum“) gives the entire story of a divine Jesus. However no biblical scholar today believes that Josephus actually wrote those 127 words. All references to the divinity of Jesus that appear in Josephus have been proven to have been added long after the Josephus wrote his manuscript. Josephus wrote in 90 CE; the references to Jesus dying and being resurrected did not appear in his “writings” until the third century. All scholars agree that the references to a divine Jesus were added to the manuscript by an over zealous copiest.
The third century Church ‘Father’ Origen, for example, spent half his life and a quarter of a million words contending against the pagan writer Celsus. Origen drew on all sorts of proofs and witnesses to his arguments in his fierce defence of Christianity. He quotes from Josephus extensively. Yet even he makes no reference to this ‘golden paragraph’ from Josephus, which would have been the ultimate rebuttal. In fact, Origen actually said that Josephus was “not believing in Jesus as the Christ.”
Origen did not quote the ‘golden paragraph’ because this paragraph had not yet been written.
It was absent from early copies of the works of Josephus and did not appear in Origen’s third century version of Josephus, referenced in his Contra Celsum. In fact, the Josephus paragraph about Jesus does not appear until the beginning of the fourth century, at the time of Constantine.
Consider, also, the anomalies:
1. How could Josephus claim that Jesus had been the answer to his messianic hopes yet remain an orthodox Jew?
The absurdity forces some apologists to make the ridiculous claim that Josephus was a closet Christian!

NO Evidence for Jesus Outside Bible
Meh who cares.
Your ad hominom reply changes the facts how?
What kind of intellectual rebuttle is breaking the forum rules to attack the poster not the post?
You can't follow society rules, Bible rules, forum rules, nor do you or they listen to the rules attributed to the idol, all people do is break the rules then yank on each other to make themselves feel validated or accepted in their gang.
So what's the evidence that Mohammad existed, other than a long trail of dead bodies, that is.
Sorry cross grovelers , your groveling and bowing and praying with up turned arms are for naught, might as well grovel to a rock, it will have the same affect


When challenged about the veracity of the Bible and the paucity of references to Jesus Christ anywhere other than the Bible, Christians are quick to mention Josephus, the author of a 21 volume tome “The History of the Jews” written around 90 CE.
The Truth Is…

Josephus, in 127 words, (now referred to as the “Testimonium Flavianum“) gives the entire story of a divine Jesus. However no biblical scholar today believes that Josephus actually wrote those 127 words. All references to the divinity of Jesus that appear in Josephus have been proven to have been added long after the Josephus wrote his manuscript. Josephus wrote in 90 CE; the references to Jesus dying and being resurrected did not appear in his “writings” until the third century. All scholars agree that the references to a divine Jesus were added to the manuscript by an over zealous copiest.
The third century Church ‘Father’ Origen, for example, spent half his life and a quarter of a million words contending against the pagan writer Celsus. Origen drew on all sorts of proofs and witnesses to his arguments in his fierce defence of Christianity. He quotes from Josephus extensively. Yet even he makes no reference to this ‘golden paragraph’ from Josephus, which would have been the ultimate rebuttal. In fact, Origen actually said that Josephus was “not believing in Jesus as the Christ.”
Origen did not quote the ‘golden paragraph’ because this paragraph had not yet been written.
It was absent from early copies of the works of Josephus and did not appear in Origen’s third century version of Josephus, referenced in his Contra Celsum. In fact, the Josephus paragraph about Jesus does not appear until the beginning of the fourth century, at the time of Constantine.
Consider, also, the anomalies:
1. How could Josephus claim that Jesus had been the answer to his messianic hopes yet remain an orthodox Jew?
The absurdity forces some apologists to make the ridiculous claim that Josephus was a closet Christian!

NO Evidence for Jesus Outside Bible

So Jesus was never in Bielefeld? Damn. First Bielefeld, now Jesus. We have to do something.

The jews in Judea.

abraham wasnt jewish.because judah borned after abraham

Your ad hominom reply changes the facts how?
What kind of intellectual rebuttle is breaking the forum rules to attack the poster not the post?
You can't follow society rules, Bible rules, forum rules, nor do you or they listen to the rules attributed to the idol, all people do is break the rules then yank on each other to make themselves feel validated or accepted in their gang.

What facts? That a character in a story never existed? How could you possibly conclude that the NT Jesus wasn't based on an actual historical person however exaggerated or obscured from being a combination of several independent sources, not to mention the figurative language used simply because there is no historical account of him outside of the Bible even though when they were written they were 4 independent accounts from outside of the Bible? Why would Josephus or any Roman historian have recorded the events of the life of a man rejected and despised as a low class loony and drunk that ran around with sinners and prostitutes that was executed like hundreds of thousands of other people that actually existed were executed for any petty excuse and were considered to be of no account and for whom there is no record at all? What difference could it possibly make unless you are trying to avoid discussing the content?

Where is your evidence outside of the Bible that Cherubim ever existed? The book of the laws of Moses is also a combination of several independent sources from different centuries woven together into its present form after the Babylonian exile by many unknown editors. Should people throw the entire OT in the trash as well?
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I've already proved Jesus is a compiled figure, even Christians themselves prove it by using Zech 12:10.
The NT and Josephus discuss the other christs, and Paul and James fight over each worshiping another Christ and John of Patmos also talks about the Roman church worshiping a false christ.

You yourself Hobelim proved it when you named the wrong christ from the wrong era then used the history through John and Mark rather then Matthew, & outright admiting Jesus is a Roman image idol.

When nobody refuted the facts and sources and investigative conclusions that's an admission, especially when challenged for a broadcasted debate on the subject not one pastor, evangelist, or priest dared to back their claim of a historical Jesus.
Lastly TV stations and major news hosts don't risk boycott, credibility, and viewership by stealing my essays and web site info unless they are valid research with valid points, when they created the search for the Historical Jesus hosted by the late
Peter Jennings.
Oh and the fact Bill Oreilly's book about the tax revolter christ being his Jesus also doesn't help since Yehuda the galilean tax revolter died in 6bc with his *2 sons* also being crucified, that's a far cry from being an AD era figure or the son of Mary who was stoned and hanged in around 85bc and not crucified.

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