No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Furthermore since the emails that were presented were relayed thru Wikileaks, there is no way to say where Wiki got the emails from. Since Assange has not implicated Russia there again is no way to say that Russia did anything.

If I am wrong, and I might be, you will need to present evidence to prove that,

Since I am never wrong, you have no evidence.

Please prove me wrong.

I don't believe anything the U.S. Government or the mainstream media say unless they offer proof.

Especially not after they lied about WMD in Iraq. What a fucking disaster that was.


EVERY COUNTY IN THE WORLD HAS HACKED this country under to lost boy administration because of the LOST BOY in the suit.
Wiki has it's OWN hackers it does not need ANY country. It does not change the FACTS released. No matter whether it was a hacker in HACKENSACK or in Nordvik Нордвик the facts are the same, so "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE"? except for liberal shit talking points.
Did you geniuses ever consider the likely possibility that the evidence may reveal classified information and compromise intelligence assets?

It comes down to a simple decision. Do you trust the word of our intelligence agencies or not? Apparently many of you don't... the fact that some of you are taking a bigger step by taking the Russians side over ours, is quite sad.
A link to BLOOMBERG is evidence, SORRY NO GO! lets see the REAL REPORT, not some liberal ragsheet's idea of what is in the report ESPECIALLY AFTER THE oshitass DHS asked for permission to control the election and his buthole buddy director of DHS has been so super partisan in his entire tenure. YEAH sure we believe every damn thing the oshitass administration says, You can keep your insurance, you can keep your doctor, your insurance cost will go down, >>>>> and that is just in the healthcare group of lies and rip offs.

The closest people in this country to Russia are the liberal dimshitocrats.
So the bi-partisan support for acting against Russia on this is all based on zero evidence?
If there is evidence that the Russians elected Donald Trump, the American people deserve to see that evidence. The American people have not seen this evidence because it does not exist, like John McCain's IQ
Wiki has it's OWN hackers it does not need ANY country. It does not change the FACTS released. No matter whether it was a hacker in HACKENSACK or in Nordvik Нордвик the facts are the same, so "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE"? except for liberal shit talking points.
Wiki has no hackers, Wiki is nothing except a dude hiding in a closet, no exaggeration either
So the bi-partisan support for acting against Russia on this is all based on zero evidence?

Yeah, unless the OP is briefed himself he won't believe it. And the OP thinks that reality hinges on whether or not he will accept it.
A link to BLOOMBERG is evidence, SORRY NO GO! lets see the REAL REPORT, not some liberal ragsheet's idea of what is in the report ESPECIALLY AFTER THE oshitass DHS asked for permission to control the election and his buthole buddy director of DHS has been so super partisan in his entire tenure. YEAH sure we believe every damn thing the oshitass administration says, You can keep your insurance, you can keep your doctor, your insurance cost will go down, >>>>> and that is just in the healthcare group of lies and rip offs.

The closest people in this country to Russia are the liberal dimshitocrats.
Didn't Bloomberg declare that Hillary could not lose?????????????????????

So the bi-partisan support for acting against Russia on this is all based on zero evidence?

Yeah, unless the OP is briefed himself he won't believe it. And the OP thinks that reality hinges on whether or not he will accept it.
The Russians have hacked the USA every day for the last 20 years.................................We do the same to them, Obama is only trying to get doofy Clinton voters to believe that this is new. 99.999 percent of all hacking data that the NSA has is never released. Once Trump is in office he will demonstrate this and laugh at the Obumma

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