No Excuse Absentee Voting In Georgia Survives At State Election Board Vote To End It.

You can’t be prevent electioneering with absentee votes. No-excuse should be disallowed and ended.
The Military votes in person, dumbass. It's been explained to you but you just don't have the mental acuity to remember it.

You really are a perfect example of a dimocrap.


I was in the military for 20 years. I voted in my hometown in upstate New York.

I never got to vote in person when I was stationed in Florida, California, Tennessee, Japan, Guam, Philippines, or haze gray and underway out in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

People that served know the DOD doesn't fly people home to vote.

So military don't get to vote right? No exceptions.

jmo, but we should try rolling back pretty much every "covid patch" we went to in 2020. Still, changing voting yet again within weeks of a primary election? Oh yeah, that'll be an improvment. lol

The military ballots have to be counted one way or another. 1864

I was in the military for 20 years. I voted in my hometown in upstate New York.

I never got to vote in person when I was stationed in Florida, California, Tennessee, Japan, Guam, Philippines, or haze gray and underway out in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

People that served know the DOD doesn't fly people home to vote.

The US Military, wherever it is, every ship, every Post, is US Government Federal Property. If you're on a Fire Base in Bumfukk asscrackistan, it is considered Federal Property.

Federal Law States that, while on a Military Installation or Ship, wherever you are when you vote, it's as good as voting in your home district. Period.
The newly appointed chairman of the Georgia State Election Board cast the deciding vote on Tuesday against recommending that state legislators ban no-excuse absentee voting.

In a 3-2 vote on Tuesday, the election board struck down the recommendation to no longer allow any Georgia voter to request an absentee ballot after Chairman John Fervier declined the request from a fellow board member that the General Assembly dissolve a rule passed in 2005.

Absentee ballots in Georgia have been under increased scrutiny after the State Election Board adopted emergency rules in the 2020 in response to the pandemic’s public health emergency. A record number of Georgians voted by mail-in ballot in the 2020 general election cycle highlighted by the presidential race between Republican Donald Trump and then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden and a pair of U.S. Senate contests.

Trump and many of his supporters would blame his loss in 2020 on unfounded accusations of rampant voting fraud while trying to pressure state officials in Georgia to put an end to no-excuse absentee voting.
There was rampant fraud. They simply want to do it again.
Mark Davis, president of Georgia-based Data Productions Inc., noted that the 35k ballots were cast in the wrong jurisdictions. Despite his evidence, public officials have not responded to his request for an investigation.

Davis found similar data suggesting vote fraud in 2021 and 2022. In May of 2021, he pushed for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to look at his data.

“Attached is a file of 34,869 records I would like the Secretary of State’s Office to investigate for residency issues relating to the November general election,” Davis requested in a 2021 email to Gabe Sterling, chief operating officer for the secretary of state’s office.

According to Davis, the problem has been ongoing with many of these voters, who “may also have had the same residency issues when they cast votes in previous elections as well.”

But Raffensperger and others failed to acknowledge or address the discrepancies, leading to the same thing happening in 2022.

The US Military, wherever it is, every ship, every Post, is US Government Federal Property. If you're on a Fire Base in Bumfukk asscrackistan, it is considered Federal Property.

Federal Law States that, while on a Military Installation or Ship, wherever you are when you vote, it's as good as voting in your home district. Period.
Why do you have a problem with our military getting to vote in their home state while on job assignements elsewhere, as the rest of us get to vote?
The US Military, wherever it is, every ship, every Post, is US Government Federal Property. If you're on a Fire Base in Bumfukk asscrackistan, it is considered Federal Property.

Federal Law States that, while on a Military Installation or Ship, wherever you are when you vote, it's as good as voting in your home district. Period.

What are you talking about. Federal property has nothing to do with voting.

If I'm on a ship in the IO, I don't go to someplace no the ship and they have my local ballot there for me.

I had to request a mail-in ballot from my home state/local precinct. The precinct them mails me the ballot package.

Why do you have a problem with our military getting to vote in their home state while on job assignements elsewhere, as the rest of us get to vote?

He appears to think that military don't vote via mail-in ballot.

That somehow the vote in local elections by just being on federal property.

He appears to think that military don't vote via mail-in ballot.

That somehow the vote in local elections by just being on federal property.

I'm not sure he really understands. Without absentee voting, military people lose their right to vote in local elections in locales where they have homes and families. At least that's how I think it works.
Registered turn out not lower... we must know who you are when you cast a ballot otherwise anyone legal or not could vote which is what dems need to win... and you know it...
No, that's fantasy and a lie contrived to cover up the actual motivation that is not a secret at all. So stop wasting your time with these lies. You are not fooling anyone.
Didn't you vote absentee last time?.... why would you have to register again?... once you are registered to vote you are in unless you leave the state or change party affiliation...
Although, Floridians don't have to re register (unless changing parties) if he's in Florida he does have to request a mail in ballot for election year.
You can’t be prevent electioneering with absentee votes. No-excuse should be disallowed and ended.
Oh look, there is another one

You guys remind me of that soldier that stayed on an island the pacific for years without hearing g the war had ended.

You arent fooling anyone. The people you are being a human shield for already gave up the game and threw you guys under the bus.
I'm not sure he really understands. Without absentee voting, military people lose their right to vote in local elections in locales where they have homes and families. At least that's how I think it works.

There is the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot, but that is not meant to be the primary voting for military personnel stationed away from the home of record.

It's really only supposed to be used if the requested mail-in ballot isn't received.

I'm not sure he really understands. Without absentee voting, military people lose their right to vote in local elections in locales where they have homes and families. At least that's how I think it works.
I know how it works. The Military has special laws that allow them to vote 'absentee'. Got nothing to do with civilian life.
The newly appointed chairman of the Georgia State Election Board cast the deciding vote on Tuesday against recommending that state legislators ban no-excuse absentee voting.

In a 3-2 vote on Tuesday, the election board struck down the recommendation to no longer allow any Georgia voter to request an absentee ballot after Chairman John Fervier declined the request from a fellow board member that the General Assembly dissolve a rule passed in 2005.

Absentee ballots in Georgia have been under increased scrutiny after the State Election Board adopted emergency rules in the 2020 in response to the pandemic’s public health emergency. A record number of Georgians voted by mail-in ballot in the 2020 general election cycle highlighted by the presidential race between Republican Donald Trump and then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden and a pair of U.S. Senate contests.

Trump and many of his supporters would blame his loss in 2020 on unfounded accusations of rampant voting fraud while trying to pressure state officials in Georgia to put an end to no-excuse absentee voting.
Very good – another victory for democracy; another defeat for the Republican war on democracy.
I know how it works. The Military has special laws that allow them to vote 'absentee'. Got nothing to do with civilian life.

The vast majority of military members vote via traditional mail-in ballots issued by the local precinct.

Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot is intended as a backup.


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