No Excuses: Keystone XL Pipeline Clears Major Hurdle


Doge of Venezia
Oct 22, 2013
It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.
500,000 permanent jobs?

Doing what, exactly?

Apparently there's a long stretch of the pipeline that will be a bucket brigade.

It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.

Wow! 8 websites all with the same exact news!
It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.

500,000 permanent jobs doing what? Polishing the pipe? Oh wait, that's what you're doing!

The pipeline will only create a few thousand temporary construction jobs

In reality the Kochstone Pipeline will put $100 million/yr in the Koch Brother's pockets.
"The Keystone Pipline would create 500,000 permenate jobs, why does obama reject it?"

Because it would create 500,000 jobs, which means 500,000 people who are NOT dependent on government for their survival.
"The Keystone Pipline would create 500,000 permenate jobs, why does obama reject it?"

Because it would create 500,000 jobs, which means 500,000 people who are NOT dependent on government for their survival.

5k or 500K

which is it?
"The Keystone Pipline would create 500,000 permenate jobs, why does obama reject it?"

Because it would create 500,000 jobs, which means 500,000 people who are NOT dependent on government for their survival.

It's a lie.......
If this pipeline were thought of as a conduit for agricultural products., it would have been approved ASAP. After all, we export hundreds of thousands of metric tons of grains each year.

The pipeline portion in question is merely a commodity conduit.

A hydrocarbon conduit.

But... seeing how Obamafuck is anti-hydrocarbon. Well, you get that shit-drift.

Fuck that prick. He approved the Alberta Clipper pipeline back in 2009.

Same scenario. Tar sands oil crosses U.S. border, terminates at U.S. refineries. Shovel-ready jobs. Hillary crows at its accomplishment. Etc. Etc.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

Two-faced hypocritical fucks.
It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.

I'd like to think it's because he recognizes it's not government's role to provide us with jobs. But it's probably for some other bullshit reason.
Obama approves, lauds, and crows over the Alberta Clipper Pipeline.

Yet drops trau on Keystone XL.

Typical Liberal fuck.

Shit into the mouth of America. Squat over the pie hole. Then let the deficant flow. Ooozie gooey ass-dump the turds flow into throat. Inhale Obama's colonic effluent.
It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.

500,000 permanent jobs doing what? Polishing the pipe? Oh wait, that's what you're doing!

The pipeline will only create a few thousand temporary construction jobs

In reality the Kochstone Pipeline will put $100 million/yr in the Koch Brother's pockets.

God you people are ignorant. You have a total lack of knowledge of how a pipeline operates yet you jump out here and eagerly make complete fools of yourselves. You might want to educate yourself on intermediate pumping stations, transfer stations and other equipment required to operate a large volume pipeline. All are manned and require maintenance, then you have the added personnel at the refineries to carry the extra load, then you have to count the new people to handle the additional product form the refinery all the way down the supply chain to the end user, so yes I would say 500,000 new permanent jobs would be a pretty good estimate.
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It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.

Because it goes against his stone cold idea of 'green energy' being the type of fuel we should be used NOW.
Obama despises a nation where people have freedom of mobility. A people who are independent of government. Obama and his minions believe government is the answer to everything. Should control everything. All in the name of this false notion of 'fairness'...
Actually, Obama is one of those who's goal it is to be part of that elite ruling class.
(Quote) Goodod Websites to facilitate learning. I doubt leftists have such a large variety of information outlets.
Conservative Policy Research and Analysis
The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance
Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos
WND - A Free Press for a Free People - Breaking news from around the globe: U.S. news, politics, world, health, finance, video, science, technology, live news stream
Glenn Beck
Cato Institute | Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and Peace (end of quote)

Well, not exactly good information sources, but highly effective RW nut propaganda sources!

And 500,000 employees? In your dreams! But I can say this with certainty. It would put much more employees out of a job than they will need to hire, because shipping natural gas by rail is very labor intensive, compared to shipping by pipeline.
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Why does no one question the throughput of agricultural products, when the question of hydrocarbon throughput is constantly questioned? Fuck that shit.

Fuck the American farmer. Those pussies collect the mailbox money and laugh at your asses all the way to the bank.

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