No Federal Charges Against Officers In Tamir Rice Shooting.

The reports ive seen said Tamir reached for the gun when they pulled up. Do you think cops go around shooting unarmed people at random?

As you can see in the video, he was walking and moving his hands like everyone does when they walk. Of course, those cops will say he was reaching for something.
Is that what you saw in that grainy ass video? So in your opinion they just shot him just because they felt like shooting a black kid that day? That sounds super unrealistic.
It does get to people because he was so young. He wasn't hurting anybody, just trying to be a troublemaker. When he pulled the gun on the officers, it's likely he just wanted to show them it was not an actual firearm. However because of his actions, it justifies the response by the officer.

Except he wasn't pulling the gun out, and the officers didn't take enough time to actually figure out what he was doing. They pratically ran him over and THEN blasted him.
He wanted to quit that job anyway. He told several other officers Independence was too boring for him, and he didn't feel like he was doing real police work. After the department found out about his desire to leave, they got a real hardon for him. Being a cop in Independence is considered a privilege; a job any officer would love to have. You spend a career taking laser on I-77 or going to a complaint about teens getting drunk at a house party. The only real danger you face is if you're helping a disabled motorist on the side of the road and some drunk hits you.

Besides that, this officer went through the police academy and passed with flying colors. They found no problem with this officer or his firearm abilities. How is it these people in Independence found the exact opposite after they learned he was dissatisfied working there?

Well, because he didn't have an emotional breakdown during his academy days...

He did have one when he was on duty with Independence, and his superiors were so concerned they made moves to fire him. Now, as you conservatives are so quick to point out, it's not easy to fire anyone from a government job. It has to be a pretty extreme situation to go through that much trouble, especially if you think the guy is looking for the exit to start with.
Wow... He thinks "COPS" is real.

He also thinks people find "True Love" on the Bachelor..
And Trump was a great businessman because of the Apprentice

The show COPS are recordings of real police going on real police calls in various cities. What's not real about that?
Well, because he didn't have an emotional breakdown during his academy days...

He did have one when he was on duty with Independence, and his superiors were so concerned they made moves to fire him. Now, as you conservatives are so quick to point out, it's not easy to fire anyone from a government job. It has to be a pretty extreme situation to go through that much trouble, especially if you think the guy is looking for the exit to start with.

They didn't fire him because he quit before then. Police work is political, just ask any police officer. When he had some personal problems, he decided to go to work instead of taking time off to get his mind straight. That should disqualify him as a police officer? People handle personal grief in their own way. I know people who came back to work the next day after the death of an immediate family member.
xcept he wasn't pulling the gun out, and the officers didn't take enough time to actually figure out what he was doing. They pratically ran him over and THEN blasted him.

He was pulling out the gun otherwise the cop wouldn't have shot him. The gun wouldn't have landed on the ground next to him.
What difference does that make? Police don't sit in their car yelling over the PA system when addressing somebody with a gun......period.

Except he didn't have a gun.
Yes he did. He had a toy gun. Just because its a toy doesnt mean it isnt also a gun. Many toy guns are real enough that people use them to rob banks.
Post the segment where they did anything even mildly resembling what happened here.

You mean immediately get out of the car and shoot? No problem:

Pretending that situation was even REMOTELY similar is disingenuous as hell.

Why? The cops were chasing an armed burglary suspect. As soon as the car was stoppled, the officers exited the car and shot; not sit in the car and order him out of the vehicle over their PA system.

So the 12 year old with a toy gun was an armed burglary suspect? Just please STOP!
You seem to keep using hindsight to justify your position. We NOW know it was a kid with a toy gun. The police at the time knew no such thing. They were called for an armed man pointing a gun at people.
I’m not taking any sides and not commenting on anything else as far as evidence, merely pointing out a flaw in your reasoning.
Post the segment where they did anything even mildly resembling what happened here.

You mean immediately get out of the car and shoot? No problem:

Pretending that situation was even REMOTELY similar is disingenuous as hell.

Why? The cops were chasing an armed burglary suspect. As soon as the car was stoppled, the officers exited the car and shot; not sit in the car and order him out of the vehicle over their PA system.

So the 12 year old with a toy gun was an armed burglary suspect? Just please STOP!
You seem to keep using hindsight to justify your position. We NOW know it was a kid with a toy gun. The police at the time knew no such thing. They were called for an armed man pointing a gun at people.
I’m not taking any sides and not commenting on anything else as far as evidence, merely pointing out a flaw in your reasoning.

Good points here. The police really had limited knowledge when they went on the call. All they really knew before they got there was that they were in one of the most dangerous sections of one of America's most dangerous cities.

If they knew what was awaiting them, they would have probably just stayed in the donut restaurant flirting with the donut waitress instead of risking their lives. They could arrive later to write up the situation and investigate.
The CIty of Independence Ohio is actually a safe area. Totally unlike the Urban Hell Hole of Cleveland.

People really don't need to dodge bullets if they wonder into Independence

Living here all of my life, I don't recall Independence ever having a situation of somebody shooting at a police officer. That's unlike Cleveland where suspects shoot at cops all the time.
I knew some Jews from beechwood ?? Seems that is where the Ohio Jews all live ??

I don't know about other cities, but that's where the Jews live in the Cleveland area.
Have you ever visited beechwood ?? Are you not curious?
Have you ever visited beechwood ?? Are you not curious?

I've been there many times. Years ago I had a Jewish friend who used to come to our poker games. He knew every Jewish joke ever made and lived in Beechwood. He loved when I used to call it Hebrew Heights.
The show COPS are recordings of real police going on real police calls in various cities. What's not real about that?

That most of the incidents were staged, and then edited to make the cops look as good as possible.

Yes he did. He had a toy gun. Just because its a toy doesnt mean it isnt also a gun. Many toy guns are real enough that people use them to rob banks.

No, a toy is a toy. He wasn't robbing a bank, he was playing in a park as children are wont to do.

He was pulling out the gun otherwise the cop wouldn't have shot him. The gun wouldn't have landed on the ground next to him.

Actually, he shot him because he was a mentally unstable yahoo who never should have been a cop to start with, who was rejected by four police departments and fired by another.
They didn't fire him because he quit before then. Police work is political, just ask any police officer. When he had some personal problems, he decided to go to work instead of taking time off to get his mind straight. That should disqualify him as a police officer? People handle personal grief in their own way. I know people who came back to work the next day after the death of an immediate family member.

Did their job involve life and deaths decision making?

This wasn't a death in the family. This was a guy who had a girlfriend who kept dumping him, and he was so mentally unstable that they had to take away his gun on a gun range.

He quit because he knew he was going to be fired, and he knew getting fired would make it impossible to get hired anywhere else. It was another year before Cleveland hired him without apparently talking to his last employer about why he doesn't work there anymore.

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