No Fracking

Green energy is fine, but eliminating fossil fuels is not only unpractical but not even plausible. But we do need to increase the production of biofuels, solar panels, geothermal, tidal and wind in designated areas although wind looks too expensive, especially considering those large wind turbines only have a 20 year lifespan.

The more renewables we use, the longer our fossil fuels will last.

The biofuels are in danger if Hiden gets elected.
Liberals hate the farm subsidies that make it profitable.
Then it's not capitalism if the govt. pays for the means of production.

Thats a quality dodge...congrats.
If we are going to have all electric cars, our electric energy infrastructure will need significant upgrading.
You’re under the assumption E cars will all be here tomorrow. It will take about two decades. Normal upgrades to infrastructure does it. You’re also confusing the E used by cars. A heat pump uses more E over a 24 hour period. They are being sold like hot cakes. It’s no significant additional draw on infrastructure. We are talking about charging batteries for electric motors, NOT electric ovens. The total wattage is no where near the same.
your under the assumption E cars will all be here tomorrow. It will take about two decades. Normal upgrades to infrastructure does it. You’re also confusing the E used by cars. A heat pump uses more E over a 24 hour period. They are being sold like hot cakes. It’s no significant additional draw on infrastructure. We are talking about charging batteries for electric motors, NOT electric ovens. The total wattage is no we’re near the same.
Re read my post. It's not the AMOUNT of electricity it's the fact they are shutting off the power!! NO electricity for sometimes days at a time all due to faulty infrastructure that causes wild fires when it's dry and the wind blows. Unless there is a complete overhaul of the power grid, it's only going to get worse.
There are plenty of emerging technologies that could raise our standard of living without relying too much on fossil fuels.

The problem is right wingers only want to invest in Manhattan Projects for the general warfare not the general welfare.

What? No clause?

There are plenty of emerging technologies that could raise our standard of living without relying too much on fossil fuels.

The problem is right wingers only want to invest in Manhattan Projects for the general warfare not the general welfare.
Those technologies are not here yet and no one knows how long it will take to establish a whole new energy infrastructure. In the meantime the electric utility cannot even maintain their current infrastructure satisfactorily as I already outlined in a former post. I know of no 'right winger' that want's to invest in a WWII atomic bomb.
We could build all the reliable, carbon-free nuclear we need, right now.
Yes but, the energy industry has been blocked from building more nuclear plants by the well funded environmentalist movement. Funny, some here (not you) say technological advancements will make electric vehicles more affordable and better than gas powered vehicles but, they forget that those electric vehicles are powered by mainly coal fired electric generation plants or hydroelectric. Solar or wind energy is not sufficient because it's power potential is many times lower than gasoline. It is supplemental power at best.

What is amazing is that all this hysterical environmental disaster garbage has somehow been kept alive. There must be big money behind it because it makes absolutely no sense....except, of course, if you are profiting from government-environmental regulations.
We could build all the reliable, carbon-free nuclear we need, right now.
Yes but, the energy industry has been blocked from building more nuclear plants by the well funded environmentalist movement. Funny, some here (not you) say technological advancements will make electric vehicles more affordable and better than gas powered vehicles but, they forget that those electric vehicles are powered by mainly coal fired electric generation plants or hydroelectric. Solar or wind energy is not sufficient because it's power potential is many times lower than gasoline. It is supplemental power at best.

What is amazing is that all this hysterical environmental disaster garbage has somehow been kept alive. There must be big money behind it because it makes absolutely no sense....except, of course, if you are profiting from government-environmental regulations.

I'll never accuse the environmental movement of being consistent.......or logical.
You guys whined about whale oil, everyone burning wood and coal too. Electeic motors are 90% efficient 40-50% better then the best gas9line and diesel engines. You think the auto industry is going to sell horse and buggies.
You stupid shit. The motor is at the very end of a very long god damn chain of conversion and transmission losses. Take your libtard degree in gay art history and shove it up your ass.




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