"No-go" zones in America

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
There are posts that pop up on a regular basis about various European cities that have so called "no-go" areas comprised of certain ethnic and religious immigrant populations. These so called "no-go" areas are said to be so dangerous, that the local police are too scared to venture into them for routine patrol. Especially, for white police men and women.

Yet here in the U.S. basically every large city has "no-go" zones which are known as the "hood" or the "ghetto". Where a white person risks their life entering into this area, and faces almost death if they attempt to walk thru the area after dark.

Which makes me wonder why posters are always pointing their finger at European countries? When certain areas of most American cities are far more dangerous. ..... :dunno:
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It´s that typical ignorance towards urgent problems. We have it to here in Europe but it is more pronounced in the USA. Everything is just fine ect.
I live 50 miles outside metro Detroit but still venture into the city for some follow up work mostly at the GM and FCA plants there. Even though the city is getting better I know of areas where non-locals do not go after dusk.
There are posts that pop up on a regular basis about various European cities that have so called "no-go" areas comprised of certain ethnic and religious immigrant populations. These so called "no-go" areas are said to be so dangerous, that the local police are too scared to venture into them for routine patrol. Especially, for white police men and women.

Yet here in the U.S. basically every large city has "no-go" zones which are known as the "hood" or the "ghetto". Where a white person risks their life entering into this area, and faces almost death if they attempt to walk thru the area after dark.

Which makes me wonder why posters are always pointing their finger at European countries? When certain areas of most American cities are far more dangerous. ..... :dunno:

And it is forbidden to admit to these no-go zones. Garmin removes any attempt to post maps of dangerous areas. You must remain prey.
And it is forbidden to admit to these no-go zones. Garmin removes any attempt to post maps of dangerous areas. You must remain prey.
If I'm driving thru a city that I'm unfamiliar with and end up driving on M L King st., road, blvd., etc.

Then no doubt my life is in danger, and I need to get out of that area fast. And hope the heck I don't have car trouble or a flat tire. ...... :eek-52:
I was just trying to find a video that I saw a year ago or so, where two Oakland cops in a police car were answering a call to some neighborhood, where a group of thugs started pelting their car with rocks, bottles, etc., and laughed at the cops as they were forced from the neighborhood. Of course we all know which kind of neighborhood it was.
Anyone remember this case, or ones like it ?

Wrong Turn Ends in Deadly Gang Ambush : Violence: Child, 3, dies. Two others are hurt as youths block car's escape from dead-end street and open fire.

Wrong Turn Ends in Deadly Gang Ambush : Violence: Child, 3, dies. Two others are hurt as youths block car's escape from dead-end street and open fire.

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In a classic urban nightmare, about a dozen gang members surrounded "a car full of children" that took a wrong turn onto a graffiti-marred dead-end street in the dark early Sunday, blocked the vehicle as the driver tried frantically to escape, and then opened fire on the passengers.

A 3-year-old girl was killed, Los Angeles police said. Her 2-year-old brother, who was sitting in an infant car seat, and the car's driver were both wounded in the ambush in the gang-ridden Cypress Park neighborhood they accidentally strayed into as they were returning from a barbecue.

Stephanie Kuhen was hit in the head and mortally wounded in the barrage from handguns. Her brother Joseph, 2, was struck in the foot. The driver, Timothy Stone, 25, was shot in the back. Stephanie's mother, Robynn, 26, and her brother Christopher, 5, and uncle, David Dalton, 22, were unhurt.

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