No I Really Mean It


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
What is your reaction when someone preferences every fucking sentence with: "No I really mean it! Ask anyone who knows me if I'm telling the truth"?
You know that asshole is about to tell me a fucking lie!
This is what Biden does every time he opens his mouth.
This idiot is who the fucking DEMs elected President "folks".
What is your reaction when you hear someone cackle their head off like an inmate in One Threw Over The Cuckoo's Nest every time they open their mouth?
This is the Vice President.
Prefaces, not preferences...

a. A preliminary statement or essay introducing a book that explains its scope, intention, or background and is usually written by the author.
b. An introductory section, as of a speech

(ˈprɛf ər əns, ˈprɛf rəns)
1. the act of preferring.
Glad to see I'm not the only grammar Nazi here.

Can't refute the message? Kill the messenger. Winning move.
Prefaces, not preferences...

a. A preliminary statement or essay introducing a book that explains its scope, intention, or background and is usually written by the author.
b. An introductory section, as of a speech

(ˈprɛf ər əns, ˈprɛf rəns)
1. the act of preferring.
You would have been a fucking superstar in Hitler's inner circle.
It doesn't change the fact that Biden is a fucking 'kongenital' 'habbitual' senile lair. He's a fucking joke among world leaders.
Imagine the reaction in Xi's dining room the night Biden was elected.
"I'm so happy I'll have a second helping of Cocker Spaniel".
I like Jimmy. I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but I appreciate Jimmy's honesty.
You would have been a fucking superstar in Hitler's inner circle.
It doesn't change the fact that Biden is a fucking 'kongenital' 'habbitual' senile lair. He's a fucking joke among world leaders.
Imagine the reaction in Xi's dining room the night Biden was elected.
"I'm so happy I'll have a second helping of Cocker Spaniel".

When people use the written word to represent themselves, their thoughts, their ideas, and, at times, their intelligence, they would be best served to do so correctly. Otherwise they can, and often do, come across as ignorant, ill informed, and incomprehensible.

If you have a problem with someone pointing out your shortcomings, well, that's your problem. It doesn't make a person a "Nazi." If you doubt that, then you haven't a clue who or what the Nazis were.
When people use the written word to represent themselves, their thoughts, their ideas, and, at times, their intelligence, they would be best served to do so correctly. Otherwise they can, and often do, come across as ignorant, ill informed, and incomprehensible.

If you have a problem with someone pointing out your shortcomings, well, that's your problem. It doesn't make a person a "Nazi." If you doubt that, then you haven't a clue who or what the Nazis were.
You obviously knew what that poster meant, so.........................
What is your reaction when someone preferences every fucking sentence with: "No I really mean it! Ask anyone who knows me if I'm telling the truth"?
You know that asshole is about to tell me a fucking lie!
This is what Biden does every time he opens his mouth.
This idiot is who the fucking DEMs elected President "folks".
What is your reaction when you hear someone cackle their head off like an inmate in One Threw Over The Cuckoo's Nest every time they open their mouth?
This is the Vice President.

Anyone watching Old Joe speak has to wonder about his mental state.

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