No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

You show me where it says he died of manual strangulation.

The Coroner knows more than you
SO show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. Because if the so called choke hold killed him that would be listed as the singular cause of death and not a contributing factor to his death.

See the difference there?

You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

Why? Whats the point? Are you saying the Coroner was wrong or nah?

I haven't read the coroners report and you say you have

So it should be easy for you to show exactly where it says the singular cause of death was manual strangulation. But from what I've read in the papers there were many contributing factors listed and not just one cause of death.

Maybe that's why the grand jury decided not to indict.
Do you think they were dancing with the guy?
Cuffing is not arresting.

Then we'll go with detained.
One could say it was un-necessary detainment, with fatality.

I wouldnt call it un-necessary. Sounds like this guy had run ins with the police over this in the past.
Ok what did he do to deserve to be choked & cuffed?
He physically resisted arrest.

It took 4 or 5 guys to get him to the ground he was only in a head lock for a very short time seconds really and the entire time he was talking.

Anyone who nows anything about wrestling knows that the best way to control a larger opponent is to control the head
The Coroner knows more than you
SO show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. Because if the so called choke hold killed him that would be listed as the singular cause of death and not a contributing factor to his death.

See the difference there?

You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

Why? Whats the point? Are you saying the Coroner was wrong or nah?

I haven't read the coroners report and you say you have

So it should be easy for you to show exactly where it says the singular cause of death was manual strangulation. But from what I've read in the papers there were many contributing factors listed and not just one cause of death.

Maybe that's why the grand jury decided not to indict.

I told you the Coroner ruled it a homicide. For some reason you keep asking for something that says "manual strangulation" and when asked why you dont know.

Are you saying the coroner is wrong? Or from "what you heard" means the coroner is wrong?
You are major league stupid!
That was pretty convincing.

You and hereweare have to be the two biggest morons on the planet.
Meh, you have proven yourself to be incapable of rational thought over and over again. We have no choice but to just ridicule you.

So dumbass, you never answered my question. When you are underwater, are you choking?
I dont believe you know what rational thought is. You dont even know its possible to talk while choking.

You never answered my question. Can you breath while underwater?

I see you still won't answer the question.
I see you likewise avoided the question I asked first.
What are you 10 years old, retard?
You show me where it says he died of manual strangulation.

The Coroner knows more than you
SO show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. Because if the so called choke hold killed him that would be listed as the singular cause of death and not a contributing factor to his death.

See the difference there?

You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

HOMICIDE: Medical examiner says NYPD chokehold killed Staten Island dad Eric Garner

It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News
Read the whole article next time

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

The autopsy determined the victim’s asthma, obesity and high blood pressure were also contributing factors in his death

So which is the cause? The choke hold which while applied he was able to talk ?, the guy sitting on his chest? Being grossly obese and held in a prone position?

Or was it his obesity, Asthma and high blood pressure?

But do you know what really caused his death?

He did by not complying with the cops.
The guy didn't die from a head lock. He was diabetic, hog fat overweight, had other health problems and resisted arrest.

Yes we know, he deserved to die. You Big Brother-Worshippers never disappoint. How sad.
You be one of them chipmunks that put words in others mouths. I didn't say he had to die. He would be alive today if he had followed the rules.

Poor woman had to watch and plead with the bastards to release him. She watched her husband slowly murdered. This isn't justice. Anyone who claims it is, is far too gone to reason with.
Que sera sera. It was unfortunate but the guy should have obeyed the police and let himself be cuffed. But go ahead and take up for the lawbreakers.

I hope you're a foreign poster. Because you sure as fuck don't deserve to live in America.

You want to sacrifice freedom for safety? Move east asshole.
Well, punkin, I'm here and you can worship criminals if you want to. What about following police orders do you not understand?
I have been reading along and, except for a couple of assholes, this thread seems about like the debate I would expect to hear from 25 Grand Jurors trying in good faith to effect justice.

If I was on the Grand Jury, and knowing just what I know from the video and the opinions I have read and heard, well....ELEVEN..... "I can't breathe" s" is way too many.

I would have voted for an indictment of Involuntary Manslaughter.
SO show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. Because if the so called choke hold killed him that would be listed as the singular cause of death and not a contributing factor to his death.

See the difference there?

You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

Why? Whats the point? Are you saying the Coroner was wrong or nah?

I haven't read the coroners report and you say you have

So it should be easy for you to show exactly where it says the singular cause of death was manual strangulation. But from what I've read in the papers there were many contributing factors listed and not just one cause of death.

Maybe that's why the grand jury decided not to indict.

I told you the Coroner ruled it a homicide. For some reason you keep asking for something that says "manual strangulation" and when asked why you dont know.

Are you saying the coroner is wrong? Or from "what you heard" means the coroner is wrong?
You said the choke hold killed him. If the choke hold killed him the cause of death would be listed as manual strangulation

And homicide is not necessarily a crime now is it all it means is that another person or persons contributed to the death.
The Coroner knows more than you
SO show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. Because if the so called choke hold killed him that would be listed as the singular cause of death and not a contributing factor to his death.

See the difference there?

You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

HOMICIDE: Medical examiner says NYPD chokehold killed Staten Island dad Eric Garner

It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News
Read the whole article next time

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

The autopsy determined the victim’s asthma, obesity and high blood pressure were also contributing factors in his death

So which is the cause? The choke hold which while applied he was able to talk ?, the guy sitting on his chest? Being grossly obese and held in a prone position?

Or was it his obesity, Asthma and high blood pressure?

But do you know what really caused his death?

He did by not complying with the cops.
The cause is right there in what you posted. "prone positioning during physical restraint by the police" killed Garner.
I have been reading along and, except for a couple of assholes, this thread seems about like the debate I would expect to hear from 25 Grand Jurors trying in good faith to effect justice.

If I was on the Grand Jury, and knowing just what I know from the video and the opinions I have read and heard, well....ELEVEN..... "I can't breathe" s" is way too many.

I would have voted for an indictment of Involuntary Manslaughter.

I was at work one day and a fellow worker started saying I can't breathe and no one was touching him he was just having a heart attack.

For all we know or for all the cops knew for that matter was he was just saying that. People say all kinds of things when they are getting arrested and it doesn't make them all true.

IMO if he really couldn't breathe he wouldn't have been able to say anything at all
You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

Why? Whats the point? Are you saying the Coroner was wrong or nah?

I haven't read the coroners report and you say you have

So it should be easy for you to show exactly where it says the singular cause of death was manual strangulation. But from what I've read in the papers there were many contributing factors listed and not just one cause of death.

Maybe that's why the grand jury decided not to indict.

I told you the Coroner ruled it a homicide. For some reason you keep asking for something that says "manual strangulation" and when asked why you dont know.

Are you saying the coroner is wrong? Or from "what you heard" means the coroner is wrong?
You said the choke hold killed him. If the choke hold killed him the cause of death would be listed as manual strangulation

And homicide is not necessarily a crime now is it all it means is that another person or persons contributed to the death.


When were you a coroner? Because this insistence that is has to say "manual strangulation" has to come from somewhere...I have a feeling its coming from your own sphincter
SO show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. Because if the so called choke hold killed him that would be listed as the singular cause of death and not a contributing factor to his death.

See the difference there?

You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

HOMICIDE: Medical examiner says NYPD chokehold killed Staten Island dad Eric Garner

It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News
Read the whole article next time

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

The autopsy determined the victim’s asthma, obesity and high blood pressure were also contributing factors in his death

So which is the cause? The choke hold which while applied he was able to talk ?, the guy sitting on his chest? Being grossly obese and held in a prone position?

Or was it his obesity, Asthma and high blood pressure?

But do you know what really caused his death?

He did by not complying with the cops.
The cause is right there in what you posted. "prone positioning during physical restraint by the police" killed Garner.

The real cause was his refusing to comply with the cops.

If he had just done as told he'd be sucking down a double bacon cheeseburger and a shake right now
I have been reading along and, except for a couple of assholes, this thread seems about like the debate I would expect to hear from 25 Grand Jurors trying in good faith to effect justice.

If I was on the Grand Jury, and knowing just what I know from the video and the opinions I have read and heard, well....ELEVEN..... "I can't breathe" s" is way too many.

I would have voted for an indictment of Involuntary Manslaughter.

I was at work one day and a fellow worker started saying I can't breathe and no one was touching him he was just having a heart attack.

For all we know or for all the cops knew for that matter was he was just saying that. People say all kinds of things when they are getting arrested and it doesn't make them all true.

IMO if he really couldn't breathe he wouldn't have been able to say anything at all
That would make more sense if no one was choking him. As it was they knew they were choking him. Your opinion has nothing to do with the fact its possible to talk until you airway is completely constricted.
I have been reading along and, except for a couple of assholes, this thread seems about like the debate I would expect to hear from 25 Grand Jurors trying in good faith to effect justice.

If I was on the Grand Jury, and knowing just what I know from the video and the opinions I have read and heard, well....ELEVEN..... "I can't breathe" s" is way too many.

I would have voted for an indictment of Involuntary Manslaughter.

I was at work one day and a fellow worker started saying I can't breathe and no one was touching him he was just having a heart attack.

For all we know or for all the cops knew for that matter was he was just saying that. People say all kinds of things when they are getting arrested and it doesn't make them all true.

IMO if he really couldn't breathe he wouldn't have been able to say anything at all
Did you see the video? All those cops were all over him when he was saying that and one had his knee on the guy's head pressing it into the cement.

Why are you continuing to say these things as if there was no video that they keep rolling all day long. You are a liar.
You can argue that with the Coroner. He knows something about Homicides and Forensics. And knows waaaay more about it than some peanut gallery internet poster like yourself
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

HOMICIDE: Medical examiner says NYPD chokehold killed Staten Island dad Eric Garner

It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News
Read the whole article next time

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

The autopsy determined the victim’s asthma, obesity and high blood pressure were also contributing factors in his death

So which is the cause? The choke hold which while applied he was able to talk ?, the guy sitting on his chest? Being grossly obese and held in a prone position?

Or was it his obesity, Asthma and high blood pressure?

But do you know what really caused his death?

He did by not complying with the cops.
The cause is right there in what you posted. "prone positioning during physical restraint by the police" killed Garner.

The real cause was his refusing to comply with the cops.

If he had just done as told he'd be sucking down a double bacon cheeseburger and a shake right now
Thats not true. Clive Bundy is still alive and well.
Show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation.

Why? Whats the point? Are you saying the Coroner was wrong or nah?

I haven't read the coroners report and you say you have

So it should be easy for you to show exactly where it says the singular cause of death was manual strangulation. But from what I've read in the papers there were many contributing factors listed and not just one cause of death.

Maybe that's why the grand jury decided not to indict.

I told you the Coroner ruled it a homicide. For some reason you keep asking for something that says "manual strangulation" and when asked why you dont know.

Are you saying the coroner is wrong? Or from "what you heard" means the coroner is wrong?
You said the choke hold killed him. If the choke hold killed him the cause of death would be listed as manual strangulation

And homicide is not necessarily a crime now is it all it means is that another person or persons contributed to the death.


When were you a coroner? Because this insistence that is has to say "manual strangulation" has to come from somewhere...I have a feeling its coming from your own sphincter

Then it should be easy for you to show me where the cause of death is listed as manual strangulation. That's what coroners call it when a person is choked to death.

But we all know he wasn't choked to death there were a myriad of contributing factors not just one.

And do you think that if a person was killed by a choke hold (strangled to death) that there would be damage to his neck and throat visible upon autopsy?

Man in chokehold death had no throat damage autopsy New York Post
I have been reading along and, except for a couple of assholes, this thread seems about like the debate I would expect to hear from 25 Grand Jurors trying in good faith to effect justice.

If I was on the Grand Jury, and knowing just what I know from the video and the opinions I have read and heard, well....ELEVEN..... "I can't breathe" s" is way too many.

I would have voted for an indictment of Involuntary Manslaughter.

I was at work one day and a fellow worker started saying I can't breathe and no one was touching him he was just having a heart attack.

For all we know or for all the cops knew for that matter was he was just saying that. People say all kinds of things when they are getting arrested and it doesn't make them all true.

IMO if he really couldn't breathe he wouldn't have been able to say anything at all
Did you see the video? All those cops were all over him when he was saying that and one had his knee on the guy's head pressing it into the cement.

Why are you continuing to say these things as if there was no video that they keep rolling all day long. You are a liar.

A knee pressing a guy's head down is not a choke hold now is it. How do you keep a very large man on the ground? You hold his head down so he can't get up
I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Usually when someone says they can't breathe what they really mean is they can barely breathe. Asthma sucks. You feel like you are dying.

This one time I knocked a birds nest down it hit my head... dust everywhere.. Turns out I'm allergic to this stuff. Chest tightens up immediately. Look at my wife and tell her I love her... that's all I remember. She got to an inhaler we had for one of the kids... gave it to me while I was passed out. Not fun.

Absolutely. If they SAY they can't breathe it means they are having a hard time breathing, yet, they MUST be able to breathe or they couldn't talk at all.

If you have ever seen someone choking on food, they cannot speak. THAT is choking.
Having wrestled for many years... I can tell you without equivocation, that not all submission holds around the neck are choke holds. More particularly, the hold that cop used was closer to a sleeper hold where blood flow to the brain is cut off to make the guy pass out.

But that's not what happened.

The guy had an asthmatic attack brought on by the stress of being wrestled to the ground. The added weight on his back probably pushed his gut into his lungs.
I have been reading along and, except for a couple of assholes, this thread seems about like the debate I would expect to hear from 25 Grand Jurors trying in good faith to effect justice.

If I was on the Grand Jury, and knowing just what I know from the video and the opinions I have read and heard, well....ELEVEN..... "I can't breathe" s" is way too many.

I would have voted for an indictment of Involuntary Manslaughter.

I was at work one day and a fellow worker started saying I can't breathe and no one was touching him he was just having a heart attack.

For all we know or for all the cops knew for that matter was he was just saying that. People say all kinds of things when they are getting arrested and it doesn't make them all true.

IMO if he really couldn't breathe he wouldn't have been able to say anything at all
Did you see the video? All those cops were all over him when he was saying that and one had his knee on the guy's head pressing it into the cement.

Why are you continuing to say these things as if there was no video that they keep rolling all day long. You are a liar.

A knee pressing a guy's head down is not a choke hold now is it. How do you keep a very large man on the ground? You hold his head down so he can't get up
OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Usually when someone says they can't breathe what they really mean is they can barely breathe. Asthma sucks. You feel like you are dying.

This one time I knocked a birds nest down it hit my head... dust everywhere.. Turns out I'm allergic to this stuff. Chest tightens up immediately. Look at my wife and tell her I love her... that's all I remember. She got to an inhaler we had for one of the kids... gave it to me while I was passed out. Not fun.

Absolutely. If they SAY they can't breathe it means they are having a hard time breathing, yet, they MUST be able to breathe or they couldn't talk at all.

If you have ever seen someone choking on food, they cannot speak. THAT is choking.
Having wrestled for many years... I can tell you without equivocation, that not all submission holds around the neck are choke holds. More particularly, the hold that cop used was closer to a sleeper hold where blood flow to the brain is cut off to make the guy pass out.

But that's not what happened.

The guy had an asthmatic attack brought on by the stress of being wrestled to the ground. The added weight on his back probably pushed his gut into his lungs.
The other holds cut off blood flow to the brain. Is this what they are calling approved?

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