No Jobs created since Obama took office, LINK

Its the same with the job market
We have "fewer people" in the "job market" used to calculate the "8.4"% UE rate
Why the quotation marks? And you're still talking as though the Labor Force is something exogenous. It's not. It changes all the time as the number of employed and unemployed change. It went up a lot during the 60's and 70's as more and more women joined the Labor Force. It went down a lot during this recession, and it probably won't go back up to its previous height as more and more Baby Boomers retire and drop out of the Labor Force.

You seem to think the change of the Labor Force is some kind of manipulation or trickery, and I'm not sure why you would think that.

the U6 is @ 15 but we are creating jobs
And? Not sure what you think the relationship is or why you would think it's any different from the U3 relationship. The U6 has been steadily dropping.

Pingy you are not a quitter, I will you give you that
Well, you keep dodging my actual questions, so I'll keep going until you do (or I get bored).

Trickery? what I have said no matter the reason is true
Not when you appear to be stressing a reason. With your use of quotations, etc it certainly seems you're implying that the UE rate is less than accurate or honest because of the change of the Labor Force. And you certainly seem to be saying that it was changed deliberately for that reason. If that's not your intent, why do you keep bringing it up, especially in the context of "lies" etc?

Yes the U6 is dropping, but that has nothing to do with were we where at the end of 08 and where we are today
Of course it does.

Job creation is simple, and to put it simple we are not where weneed to be, were we where at the end of 2008
True, but we are better off than we were in 2 years ago.

Thats with trillions thrown at it, some for good reason, some from laoss of tax revenue, allot just wasted
Too many factors to juggle. The stimulus and policies may have had some positive effect, but then again it may have retarded growth. There's no objective answer that I'm aware of.

We need lower corporate tax rate in exchange for a real minimum wage
Why the quotation marks? And you're still talking as though the Labor Force is something exogenous. It's not. It changes all the time as the number of employed and unemployed change. It went up a lot during the 60's and 70's as more and more women joined the Labor Force. It went down a lot during this recession, and it probably won't go back up to its previous height as more and more Baby Boomers retire and drop out of the Labor Force.

You seem to think the change of the Labor Force is some kind of manipulation or trickery, and I'm not sure why you would think that.

And? Not sure what you think the relationship is or why you would think it's any different from the U3 relationship. The U6 has been steadily dropping.

Pingy you are not a quitter, I will you give you that
Well, you keep dodging my actual questions, so I'll keep going until you do (or I get bored).

Not when you appear to be stressing a reason. With your use of quotations, etc it certainly seems you're implying that the UE rate is less than accurate or honest because of the change of the Labor Force. And you certainly seem to be saying that it was changed deliberately for that reason. If that's not your intent, why do you keep bringing it up, especially in the context of "lies" etc?

Of course it does.

Job creation is simple, and to put it simple we are not where weneed to be, were we where at the end of 2008
True, but we are better off than we were in 2 years ago.

Thats with trillions thrown at it, some for good reason, some from laoss of tax revenue, allot just wasted
Too many factors to juggle. The stimulus and policies may have had some positive effect, but then again it may have retarded growth. There's no objective answer that I'm aware of.

We need lower corporate tax rate in exchange for a real minimum wage

what question am I dodging?
Another thing I am having trouble with here is your supporting a complete failure with numbers that are horriable

Having the job numbers we have with a 500 billion dollar defict each year would still be sad, but to have the job numbers we are having with 1.4 trillion dollar deficts each year is sick
The fed giving money away

Another tid-bit, creating 200,000 jobs a month when the UE rate is 5% (Before the available work force number changed so fast) is good, to do it when the UE rate is 8.4% (with millions removed from the available workd force number) is another

As a liberal (and yes you are a full blodied far left liberal) ignoring the obvious and debating those things that do not matter is the agenda
It is a fact that the available work force number plummeted sense Obama took office, this is the very reaon we are stuck on 8.4 and why it went from well over 9 to 8.4 so fast

Obama knows getting re-elected is going to be tuf, but until the main stream media starts telling the truth, there is a chance

Job creation is dismal, we need to be adding 300,000 per month at least. Wake up and stop with the spin

Available work force numbers have plummeted in the last 2 years
thats a fact
with-out that event we would still be over 9% UE
thats a fact
BHO does not get re-elected with those numbers
thats a fact

how and why they got there as well as the main stream media ignoring is a matter that if it was GWB, it would have been front page news daily, by the minute, on the second

you see your buddy Olberman got fired from current TV?
what a dick

chill out
have a good weekend
We actually lost jobs per capita last month.

If there's one thing the rw's are good at its, Mental Masturbation.

Don't show them facts, they want the GObP/Repub lies.

Haven't seen any facts yet (from the left).

So what were you saying ?

Not Even State-Run AP Can Hide That the Unemployment Number Went Down Because Fewer People are in the Labor Force

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is claiming the unemployment rate's gone down another one tenth of 1%. But even AP has to admit that it's not because of hiring. The employment rate fell not because anybody's hiring anybody. It's only because more and more people are simply giving up looking for work. AP even admits it. They're not touting this as great news. That's how bad it is, 8.3 to 8.2, they have an open template here, if they want, to start talking about how great this recovery is, how wonderful Obama's policies are finally taking hold. But they can't because there isn't any good news here. It's only because more and more people are simply giving up looking for work. And this is the seasonally adjusted number.
The number today will be revised upward in a month, and that has happened 11 out of the last 12 months. It's the same thing with the economic growth rate. They report it, then they revise it sometime later, and it's never as strong or as good as they said it was. But all you really need to know here is this: If the workforce participation rate, the labor force participation rate were the same as it was when Obama took office, the reported unemployment rate today would be 10.9%. And that's why the workforce has to be tweaked by the Labor Department, to get to 8.2.

AP: US Economy Adds 120K Jobs, Jobless Rate at 8.2%
ZeroHedge: NFP Big Miss: 120K, Expectations 205K, Unemployment 8.2%, "Not In Labor Force" At New All Time High
Reuters: US Adds 120,000 Jobs; Unemployment Falls to 8.2%
Washington Times: Government Records 40th Straight Deficit Month in March


If there's one thing the rw's are good at its, Mental Masturbation.

Don't show them facts, they want the GObP/Repub lies.

Haven't seen any facts yet (from the left).

So what were you saying ?

Not Even State-Run AP Can Hide That the Unemployment Number Went Down Because Fewer People are in the Labor Force

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is claiming the unemployment rate's gone down another one tenth of 1%. But even AP has to admit that it's not because of hiring. The employment rate fell not because anybody's hiring anybody. It's only because more and more people are simply giving up looking for work. AP even admits it. They're not touting this as great news. That's how bad it is, 8.3 to 8.2, they have an open template here, if they want, to start talking about how great this recovery is, how wonderful Obama's policies are finally taking hold. But they can't because there isn't any good news here. It's only because more and more people are simply giving up looking for work. And this is the seasonally adjusted number.
The number today will be revised upward in a month, and that has happened 11 out of the last 12 months. It's the same thing with the economic growth rate. They report it, then they revise it sometime later, and it's never as strong or as good as they said it was. But all you really need to know here is this: If the workforce participation rate, the labor force participation rate were the same as it was when Obama took office, the reported unemployment rate today would be 10.9%. And that's why the workforce has to be tweaked by the Labor Department, to get to 8.2.

AP: US Economy Adds 120K Jobs, Jobless Rate at 8.2%
ZeroHedge: NFP Big Miss: 120K, Expectations 205K, Unemployment 8.2%, "Not In Labor Force" At New All Time High
Reuters: US Adds 120,000 Jobs; Unemployment Falls to 8.2%
Washington Times: Government Records 40th Straight Deficit Month in March



We are in trouble
I know
I have never been UE this long
have 30 years in my field, trading stocks to make ends meet
After the jobs number thats now in trouble
Haven't seen any facts yet (from the left).

So what were you saying ?

Not Even State-Run AP Can Hide That the Unemployment Number Went Down Because Fewer People are in the Labor Force

The number today will be revised upward in a month, and that has happened 11 out of the last 12 months. It's the same thing with the economic growth rate. They report it, then they revise it sometime later, and it's never as strong or as good as they said it was. But all you really need to know here is this: If the workforce participation rate, the labor force participation rate were the same as it was when Obama took office, the reported unemployment rate today would be 10.9%. And that's why the workforce has to be tweaked by the Labor Department, to get to 8.2.

AP: US Economy Adds 120K Jobs, Jobless Rate at 8.2%
ZeroHedge: NFP Big Miss: 120K, Expectations 205K, Unemployment 8.2%, "Not In Labor Force" At New All Time High
Reuters: US Adds 120,000 Jobs; Unemployment Falls to 8.2%
Washington Times: Government Records 40th Straight Deficit Month in March



We are in trouble
I know
I have never been UE this long
have 30 years in my field, trading stocks to make ends meet
After the jobs number thats now in trouble

And all the left does is talk of raising taxes on the rest of the producers...and we know what the outcome WILL be...MORE unemployment as those still in business trim more and introduce more into the unemployment roles...

ADDING to the equation.

And all the left does is talk of raising taxes on the rest of the producers...and we know what the outcome WILL be...MORE unemployment as those still in business trim more and introduce more into the unemployment roles...

ADDING to the equation.

It is very simple
allow me to keep more of my wealth
I spend it
it is trickle down economics, it works
RR proved that as did GWB

Look at the Job Numbers right after there tax breaks went into effect
The Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative content analysis organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, founded in 1987 by conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III. Its stated mission is to "prove — through sound scientific research — that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values" and to "neutralize [that bias's] impact on the American p
political scene".
The OP (JFK) bases his/her whole argument on an article from is part of The Media Research Center (MRC) media organization based in Alexandria, Virginia whose founder and president is conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III.

L. Brent Bozell III's affiliations include:
-founded the Conservative Communications Center. The MRC also established, the site of the Conservative News Service later becoming known as Cybercast News Service
- the CyberAlert daily newsletter documenting perceived media bias, and research reports on the news media
- founded the Culture and Media Institute, an MRC branch whose mission is to reduce what he claims to be a negative liberal influence on American morality, culture, and religious liberty
- former head of National Conservative Political Action Committee,
- ran the National Conservative Foundation
- served on the board of directors in the American Conservative Union
- serves on the board for the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
- Keith Olbermann named Bozell the "Worst Person in the World" several times in 2006 and 2007

Given that Media Research Center's "mission statement" of your organization is to " "prove — through sound scientific research — that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values" and to "neutralize [that bias's] impact on the American political scene," the premise for this thread is based on nothing more than conservative propoganda.
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You have to give it to Obama, the production of EBT cards has skyrocketted, that's gotta count for something, right?
The Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative content analysis organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, founded in 1987 by conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III. Its stated mission is to "prove — through sound scientific research — that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values" and to "neutralize [that bias's] impact on the American p
political scene".

Media Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The OP bases his/her argument on an article from

2.4 Million Fewer Americans Working Now Than When Obama Signed Economic Stimulus | is part of The Media Research Center (MRC) media organization based in Alexandria, Virginia whose founder and CEO is conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III.

Given that Media Research Center's "mission statement" of your organization is to " "prove — through sound scientific research — that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values" and to "neutralize [that bias's] impact on the American political scene," the premise for this thread is based on nothing more than conservative propoganda.

Media? Biased?
The Saddest thing as well as the very thing this country needs more than ever is a news media that is truly fair and balanced
The poll ABC/Post did for the presidency is as far as one needs to go to see how far the media has gone to the left

Rasmussen has it a toss up with 17% un decided
The ABC/post poll has Obama up 51-44 as I recall and only 5% un decided with his approval rating in the low 40s

Today ABC and Bing has had reference to the OBL killing, again

USA network used to kill a mokinbird as a re-election commercial of BHO

UE figures are a lie. I will gice CNBC kudos for pointing out "the leaving the work force number" is the only reason that number is going down

Zimmerman has been attacked as though he is OBL, (I will say the stupid SOB deserves some of it)
Using Martins 13 year old pictures is just frosting on the cake

Last but not least, there using credit card fees as part of the reason gas is so hi, I never dreamed that would be the case

Oh yea lets not forget the record profits for exxon, same 8%. Higher revenue has everything to do with record profits, no mention of that nor the 46 cents of tax on every gallon, twice the profit margin of exxon

Nope, no bias here
Thats just a few examples and its just info, its not partisan BS
The Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative content analysis organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, founded in 1987 by conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III. Its stated mission is to "prove — through sound scientific research — that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values" and to "neutralize [that bias's] impact on the American p
political scene".

Media Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The OP bases his/her argument on an article from

2.4 Million Fewer Americans Working Now Than When Obama Signed Economic Stimulus | is part of The Media Research Center (MRC) media organization based in Alexandria, Virginia whose founder and CEO is conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III.

Given that Media Research Center's "mission statement" of your organization is to " "prove — through sound scientific research — that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values" and to "neutralize [that bias's] impact on the American political scene," the premise for this thread is based on nothing more than conservative propoganda.

Media? Biased?
The Saddest thing as well as the very thing this country needs more than ever is a news media that is truly fair and balanced
The poll ABC/Post did for the presidency is as far as one needs to go to see how far the media has gone to the left

Rasmussen has it a toss up with 17% un decided
The ABC/post poll has Obama up 51-44 as I recall and only 5% un decided with his approval rating in the low 40s

Today ABC and Bing has had reference to the OBL killing, again

USA network used to kill a mokinbird as a re-election commercial of BHO

UE figures are a lie. I will gice CNBC kudos for pointing out "the leaving the work force number" is the only reason that number is going down

Zimmerman has been attacked as though he is OBL, (I will say the stupid SOB deserves some of it)
Using Martins 13 year old pictures is just frosting on the cake

Last but not least, there using credit card fees as part of the reason gas is so hi, I never dreamed that would be the case

Oh yea lets not forget the record profits for exxon, same 8%. Higher revenue has everything to do with record profits, no mention of that nor the 46 cents of tax on every gallon, twice the profit margin of exxon

Nope, no bias here
Thats just a few examples and its just info, its not partisan BS
The Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative content analysis organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, founded in 1987 by conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III. Its stated mission is to "prove — through sound scientific research — that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values" and to "neutralize [that bias's] impact on the American p
political scene".

Media Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The OP bases his/her argument on an article from

2.4 Million Fewer Americans Working Now Than When Obama Signed Economic Stimulus | is part of The Media Research Center (MRC) media organization based in Alexandria, Virginia whose founder and CEO is conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III.

Given that Media Research Center's "mission statement" of your organization is to " "prove — through sound scientific research — that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values" and to "neutralize [that bias's] impact on the American political scene," the premise for this thread is based on nothing more than conservative propoganda.

Media? Biased?
The Saddest thing as well as the very thing this country needs more than ever is a news media that is truly fair and balanced
The poll ABC/Post did for the presidency is as far as one needs to go to see how far the media has gone to the left

Rasmussen has it a toss up with 17% un decided
The ABC/post poll has Obama up 51-44 as I recall and only 5% un decided with his approval rating in the low 40s

Today ABC and Bing has had reference to the OBL killing, again

USA network used to kill a mokinbird as a re-election commercial of BHO

UE figures are a lie. I will gice CNBC kudos for pointing out "the leaving the work force number" is the only reason that number is going down

Zimmerman has been attacked as though he is OBL, (I will say the stupid SOB deserves some of it)
Using Martins 13 year old pictures is just frosting on the cake

Last but not least, there using credit card fees as part of the reason gas is so hi, I never dreamed that would be the case

Oh yea lets not forget the record profits for exxon, same 8%. Higher revenue has everything to do with record profits, no mention of that nor the 46 cents of tax on every gallon, twice the profit margin of exxon

Nope, no bias here
Thats just a few examples and its just info, its not partisan BS is part of The Media Research Center (MRC) media organization based in Alexandria, Virginia whose founder and president is conservative activist L. Brent Bozell III.

L. Brent Bozell III's affiliations include:
-founded the Conservative Communications Center. The MRC also established, the site of the Conservative News Service later becoming known as Cybercast News Service
- the CyberAlert daily newsletter documenting perceived media bias, and research reports on the news media
- founded the Culture and Media Institute, an MRC branch whose mission is to reduce what he claims to be a negative liberal influence on American morality, culture, and religious liberty
- former head of National Conservative Political Action Committee,
- ran the National Conservative Foundation
- served on the board of directors in the American Conservative Union
- serves on the board for the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
- Keith Olbermann named Bozell the "Worst Person in the World" several times in 2006 and 2007

L. Brent Bozell III, The Media Research Center (MRC) and (JFK's source) have about as much credibility as the "birthers" and those who claim president Obama is a Muslim!
Last edited:

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