No Joke: GOP says Obama for Big Business and they are for the poor and middle class

The Leftwing Loons hyperventilate over increasing income equality...but don't Grok that Obamanomics feeds it.
Texas 5th District - Election 2010 - The New York Times

I was watching Morning Joe and they had Congressman Jeb Hensarling from Texas 5th District.

This is no joke, he said Obama is for "big business" and the Republicans and him are trying to protect the poor and the middle class by stopping them from getting health insurance. HUH????

Look where he gets his money from. Banks and Insurance companies. And a third of the people in his district make less than $25 grand.

I believe one of the problems Republicans have is they still think they can stand up and lie right into a camera while talking to the American people and no one is going to "go look".

What sunk their last campaign were all the lies. About Obama ending the welfare work requirement, about moving manufacturing for jeeps sold in the US to China and so on.But this idea that the GOP is for the poor and middle class? Seriously? I bet even USMB Republicans don't defend that one. They might give it a go, but their hearts won't be in it.

News Flash about lie number one:

News Flash about lie number two.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - Washington Post

The 1996 welfare reform law required that a portion of the able-bodied adults in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program — the successor to the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program — work or prepare for work. Those work requirements were the heart of the reform’s success: Welfare rolls dropped by half, and the poverty rate for black children reached its lowest level in history in the years following.

But the Obama administration has jettisoned the law’s work requirements, asserting that, in the future, no state will be required to follow them. In place of the legislated work requirements, the administration has stated, it will unilaterally design its own “work” systems without congressional involvement or consent. Any state will be free to follow the new Obama requirements “in lieu of” the written statute.

You were saying!

You might consider using an actual news story instead of biased and untrue opinion. Have you ever considered that? It was Republican governors who asked Obama to waive the welfare work requirement. What do you think of that?

Fact check: Romney's welfare claims wrong -

Clinton calls out 'disappointing' Romney ad
"Every single person here who's looked at it says it's patently false," Obama said a news conference on Monday.
So where did the notion of a major welfare reform overhaul come from?
Where it didn't come from is Washington but rather from Utah, Nevada, California, Connecticut and Minnesota.ill
These states, some with Republican governors, asked the federal government for more flexibility in how they hand out welfare dollars. Their purpose was to spend less time on federal paperwork and more time experimenting with ways to connect welfare recipients with jobs.
The Obama administration cooperated, granting waivers to some states from some of the existing rules.

Jeeps that are being SOLD in China are being built in China. Try to figure out why.

As YOU were saying?

So you quote Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton and the Clinton News Network CNN. Pretty funny

More on Jeep.

Chrysler CEO Sergio] Marchionne said he will keep "the pillar cars of the Jeep (brand) in the United States. Wrangler is one. The Grand Cherokee is another. These are things that need to be protected because they represent the best and the essence of Jeep. If you tell me I cannot make a Patriot somewhere else, I might as well go out of the market."
To recap, Jeep Patriotsthat were heretofore exclusively produced in America and sold overseas are now going to be made and sold overseas. So there is one Jeep model that is in fact shifting production "out of North America to China," contrary to what Jeep's spokesman asserted at the time.
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News Flash about lie number one:

News Flash about lie number two.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - Washington Post

You were saying!

Do you even read your own link? The Jeeps made in China are for the Chinese market.

No shit dick tracy! Wouldn't it be better if AMERICAN auto workers were building the Jeeps and shipping them to China? Instead, China gets the jobs and the free technology that was developed and paid for by Americans.

The point is you said this was about manufacturing jobs and I would require a link where someone said the Jeeps built there would be sold in the US.

I'm mystified why Republicans even care. They tried to put a "Pioneer of Outsourcing" into the White House. A man who said he wanted to bring immigrants here who already have degrees and cut education in this country. A man who moved one of his companies to China the very month of the election. You know nothing about the guy you tried to make president. You only saw the white.
News Flash about lie number one:

News Flash about lie number two.

How Obama has gutted welfare reform - Washington Post

You were saying!

You might consider using an actual news story instead of biased and untrue opinion. Have you ever considered that? It was Republican governors who asked Obama to waive the welfare work requirement. What do you think of that?

Fact check: Romney's welfare claims wrong -

Clinton calls out 'disappointing' Romney ad
"Every single person here who's looked at it says it's patently false," Obama said a news conference on Monday.
So where did the notion of a major welfare reform overhaul come from?
Where it didn't come from is Washington but rather from Utah, Nevada, California, Connecticut and Minnesota.ill
These states, some with Republican governors, asked the federal government for more flexibility in how they hand out welfare dollars. Their purpose was to spend less time on federal paperwork and more time experimenting with ways to connect welfare recipients with jobs.
The Obama administration cooperated, granting waivers to some states from some of the existing rules.

Jeeps that are being SOLD in China are being built in China. Try to figure out why.

As YOU were saying?

So you quote Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton and the Clinton News Network CNN. Pretty funny

More on Jeep.

Chrysler CEO Sergio] Marchionne said he will keep "the pillar cars of the Jeep (brand) in the United States. Wrangler is one. The Grand Cherokee is another. These are things that need to be protected because they represent the best and the essence of Jeep. If you tell me I cannot make a Patriot somewhere else, I might as well go out of the market."
To recap, Jeep Patriotsthat were heretofore exclusively produced in America and sold overseas are now going to be made and sold overseas. So there is one Jeep model that is in fact shifting production "out of North America to China," contrary to what Jeep's spokesman asserted at the time.

You forgot the link.
Texas 5th District - Election 2010 - The New York Times

I was watching Morning Joe and they had Congressman Jeb Hensarling from Texas 5th District.

This is no joke, he said Obama is for "big business" and the Republicans and him are trying to protect the poor and the middle class by stopping them from getting health insurance. HUH????

Look where he gets his money from. Banks and Insurance companies. And a third of the people in his district make less than $25 grand.

I believe one of the problems Republicans have is they still think they can stand up and lie right into a camera while talking to the American people and no one is going to "go look".

What sunk their last campaign were all the lies. About Obama ending the welfare work requirement, about moving manufacturing for jeeps sold in the US to China and so on.

But this idea that the GOP is for the poor and middle class? Seriously? I bet even USMB Republicans don't defend that one. They might give it a go, but their hearts won't be in it.

Obama would not have gotten Obamacare thru without the insurance companies signing off on it. Both parties have bib business ties.
Do you even read your own link? The Jeeps made in China are for the Chinese market.

No shit dick tracy! Wouldn't it be better if AMERICAN auto workers were building the Jeeps and shipping them to China? Instead, China gets the jobs and the free technology that was developed and paid for by Americans.

The point is you said this was about manufacturing jobs and I would require a link where someone said the Jeeps built there would be sold in the US.

I'm mystified why Republicans even care. They tried to put a "Pioneer of Outsourcing" into the White House. A man who said he wanted to bring immigrants here who already have degrees and cut education in this country. A man who moved one of his companies to China the very month of the election. You know nothing about the guy you tried to make president. You only saw the white.

I would be very interested in knowing what company he moved to China the very month of the election. And, it really sucks to play the race card when all else is lost.
I knew the race card couldn't be far behind.

Perhaps you could explain why Republicans wanted so bad to put a pioneer of outsourcing into office. A man who said he would cut education here, but bring in immigrants who already have degrees and help them get jobs?

His positions were front and center on his website which I linked to a hundred times during the election. USMB Republicans said, "What is wrong with bringing immigrants here who already have degrees?" I pointed out that he wanted to cut education. USMB Republicans said our education system is broken. I pointed out that those immigrants probably got their degrees here. It was at that point they started calling me names. When you start making USMB Republicans think, they get awfully mad. They just don't want to face the truth.
No shit dick tracy! Wouldn't it be better if AMERICAN auto workers were building the Jeeps and shipping them to China? Instead, China gets the jobs and the free technology that was developed and paid for by Americans.

The point is you said this was about manufacturing jobs and I would require a link where someone said the Jeeps built there would be sold in the US.

I'm mystified why Republicans even care. They tried to put a "Pioneer of Outsourcing" into the White House. A man who said he wanted to bring immigrants here who already have degrees and cut education in this country. A man who moved one of his companies to China the very month of the election. You know nothing about the guy you tried to make president. You only saw the white.

I would be very interested in knowing what company he moved to China the very month of the election. And, it really sucks to play the race card when all else is lost.

Workers at Bain-owned plant appeal to Romney to save their jobs | Reuters

Why won't Romney Talk To Sensata Workers Whose Jobs Are Being Shipped To China?

Mitt Romney's Bain Capital outsourcing Illinois jobs in Freeport to China

President Barack Obama has urged Congress to pass the Bring Jobs Home Act, which rewards companies that move operations back to the United States from another country with a 20 percent tax credit. The act funds the credit by ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Last week, the measure was blocked in the U.S. Senate.


Mitt Romney tried to say his company was in a "blind trust" and there was nothing he could do about it. Only there is video on Youtube of Romney calling the "blind truth" thing a "scam" and a "hoax".

He didn't even try.
No shit dick tracy! Wouldn't it be better if AMERICAN auto workers were building the Jeeps and shipping them to China? Instead, China gets the jobs and the free technology that was developed and paid for by Americans.

The point is you said this was about manufacturing jobs and I would require a link where someone said the Jeeps built there would be sold in the US.

I'm mystified why Republicans even care. They tried to put a "Pioneer of Outsourcing" into the White House. A man who said he wanted to bring immigrants here who already have degrees and cut education in this country. A man who moved one of his companies to China the very month of the election. You know nothing about the guy you tried to make president. You only saw the white.

I would be very interested in knowing what company he moved to China the very month of the election. And, it really sucks to play the race card when all else is lost.

Explain why Republicans wanted Mitt Romney to be president.
Come on people. Be honest. Saying the Republicans are for the poor and middle class is a "joke", right? Even USMB Republicans know even saying that is satire, right? Be honest.
I'm mystified why Republicans even care. They tried to put a "Pioneer of Outsourcing" into the White House. A man who said he wanted to bring immigrants here who already have degrees and cut education in this country. A man who moved one of his companies to China the very month of the election. You know nothing about the guy you tried to make president. You only saw the white.

I would be very interested in knowing what company he moved to China the very month of the election. And, it really sucks to play the race card when all else is lost.

Workers at Bain-owned plant appeal to Romney to save their jobs | Reuters

Why won't Romney Talk To Sensata Workers Whose Jobs Are Being Shipped To China?

Mitt Romney's Bain Capital outsourcing Illinois jobs in Freeport to China

President Barack Obama has urged Congress to pass the Bring Jobs Home Act, which rewards companies that move operations back to the United States from another country with a 20 percent tax credit. The act funds the credit by ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Last week, the measure was blocked in the U.S. Senate.


Mitt Romney tried to say his company was in a "blind trust" and there was nothing he could do about it. Only there is video on Youtube of Romney calling the "blind truth" thing a "scam" and a "hoax".

He didn't even try.

Here are a few Obama campaign lies that I am sure you swallowed.

“The Obama campaign’s suspect claim about Romney’s role in store closings.” (Jan. 18. 2012)
Claim: Romney closed more than 1,000 plants, stores and offices.
Findings: This mostly concerned the bankruptcy of KB Toys, and this was the first time we delved deeply into the Securities and Exchange Commission documents that have become an issue in recent days. Bain invested in KB Toys in 2000, and the company went bankrupt in 2004, past the period when Romney appeared to be actively managing Bain. “The financial filings suggesting Romney still had some measure of control at Bain from 1999-2001 give the Obama campaign opportunities to raise doubts. … Romney’s record when he was running Bain is certainly fair game, but any deals made after 1999 just shouldn’t count.”
Rating: 3 Pinocchios

“Does Mitt Romney love outsourcing?” (May 4, 2012)
Claim: Obama campaign ad alleges, among other things, that “as a corporate CEO, Romney shipped American jobs to places like Mexico and China.”
Findings: The outsourcing examples cited by the Obama campaign largely occurred in 2000 and 2001, after Romney had left to run the Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. There were other assertions that we had previously debunked, though one was deemed “technically right.”Rating: 2 Pinocchios

“4 Pinocchios for Obama’s newest anti-Romney ad” (June 21, 2012)Claim: Obama campaign ad calls Romney a “corporate raider” who shipped jobs overseas as a businessman, and did so again as governor.
Finding: We had debunked many of these claims before, partly on the grounds that the outsourcing took place after 1999. The term “corporate raider” was sourced to a single Reuters report that the editor said had been a mistake.
Rating: 4 Pinocchios

“More tenuous claims about Romney’s Bain Capital record” (July 11, 2012)
Claim: Pro-Obama Super PAC alleges that “for every company he drove into the ground, Romney averaged a $92 million profit” and that Romney was responsible for 14,000 layoffs.
Findings: Only a relatively small portion of the supposed 14,000 layoffs occurred during Romney’s time with Bain, before 1999, and it’s impossible to know how much blame to pin on the former executive for the remaining losses. Furthermore, the ad misleadingly suggests that Romney himself collected $92 million in profits from bankrupt companies, but all the Bain partners would have shared that money.
Rating: 3 Pinocchios

Mitt Romney and Bain: A Fact Checker collection - The Washington Post
Texas 5th District - Election 2010 - The New York Times

I was watching Morning Joe and they had Congressman Jeb Hensarling from Texas 5th District.

This is no joke, he said Obama is for "big business" and the Republicans and him are trying to protect the poor and the middle class by stopping them from getting health insurance. HUH????

Look where he gets his money from. Banks and Insurance companies. And a third of the people in his district make less than $25 grand.

I believe one of the problems Republicans have is they still think they can stand up and lie right into a camera while talking to the American people and no one is going to "go look".

What sunk their last campaign were all the lies. About Obama ending the welfare work requirement, about moving manufacturing for jeeps sold in the US to China and so on.

But this idea that the GOP is for the poor and middle class? Seriously? I bet even USMB Republicans don't defend that one. They might give it a go, but their hearts won't be in it.

Obama signed a law that makes too big to fail part of the legal definition of big banks.

Obama signed a law that makes it a crime not to do business with big insurance.

Obama illegally handed a delay in mandates to big business.

Yet he refuses to do anything to delay a law that will negatively impact middle class, and poor, individuals.

I think he might have a point.
I'm mystified why Republicans even care. They tried to put a "Pioneer of Outsourcing" into the White House. A man who said he wanted to bring immigrants here who already have degrees and cut education in this country. A man who moved one of his companies to China the very month of the election. You know nothing about the guy you tried to make president. You only saw the white.

I would be very interested in knowing what company he moved to China the very month of the election. And, it really sucks to play the race card when all else is lost.

Explain why Republicans wanted Mitt Romney to be president.

Because of Romney's business experience and his ability to get things done, he could have got the economy back on track and would not have needed $1.2 trillion for non-existent shovel ready jobs.

That, and several hundred more reasons too numerous to mention.
Come on people. Be honest. Saying the Republicans are for the poor and middle class is a "joke", right? Even USMB Republicans know even saying that is satire, right? Be honest.

I know that intelligence is not your strong side, but I will be patient.

your beloved dimcraps are the party of big corporations, big businesses and big money. The lies that they "care" about simple Americans are designed for the retards ( sorry, but that is truth) of your like, who won't question the propaganda they are being brainwashed by their "dear leaders" 24/7/365.
If you won't be a gullible child with an IQ of 70, you would know, that all the corporations, big money and all those "one percenters" whom the leftards are being taught to hate so much are the very benefactors of the dimocraps administrations and dimocraps policies.
It is during dimocrap reign they have the most profits and the WEALTH inequality GROWS - like it did during obama and clinton years.
Do you want me to remind you WHOM Clinton pardoned when he could at the end of his presidency? That's right - not a small man or woman who got life in prison for a minor pot crime, but billionaire Mark Rich - and it tells it ALL :D

If you would have at least the smallest ability to think and analyze, you would know, that all those "evil" "millionaries" with an income of 200K per year - ARE the ordinary Americans , they are solid middle class, not even upper one anymore - and that is THEM who are the target of dimocrap policies to suffer the most, but the others around them - as well.

But you are a typical leftard who just parrots the MSNBC talking points, so there isno way you could know that or figure it out yourself.
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I would be very interested in knowing what company he moved to China the very month of the election. And, it really sucks to play the race card when all else is lost.

Workers at Bain-owned plant appeal to Romney to save their jobs | Reuters

Why won't Romney Talk To Sensata Workers Whose Jobs Are Being Shipped To China?

Mitt Romney's Bain Capital outsourcing Illinois jobs in Freeport to China

President Barack Obama has urged Congress to pass the Bring Jobs Home Act, which rewards companies that move operations back to the United States from another country with a 20 percent tax credit. The act funds the credit by ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Last week, the measure was blocked in the U.S. Senate.


Mitt Romney tried to say his company was in a "blind trust" and there was nothing he could do about it. Only there is video on Youtube of Romney calling the "blind truth" thing a "scam" and a "hoax".

He didn't even try.

Here are a few Obama campaign lies that I am sure you swallowed.

“4 Pinocchios for Obama’s newest anti-Romney ad” (June 21, 2012)Claim: Obama campaign ad calls Romney a “corporate raider” who shipped jobs overseas as a businessman, and did so again as governor.
Finding: We had debunked many of these claims before, partly on the grounds that the outsourcing took place after 1999. The term “corporate raider” was sourced to a single Reuters report that the editor said had been a mistake.
Rating: 4 Pinocchios

“More tenuous claims about Romney’s Bain Capital record” (July 11, 2012)
Claim: Pro-Obama Super PAC alleges that “for every company he drove into the ground, Romney averaged a $92 million profit” and that Romney was responsible for 14,000 layoffs.
Findings: Only a relatively small portion of the supposed 14,000 layoffs occurred during Romney’s time with Bain, before 1999, and it’s impossible to know how much blame to pin on the former executive for the remaining losses. Furthermore, the ad misleadingly suggests that Romney himself collected $92 million in profits from bankrupt companies, but all the Bain partners would have shared that money.
Rating: 3 Pinocchios

Mitt Romney and Bain: A Fact Checker collection - The Washington Post




Hmmm, who to believe? Right wing "opinion" or documents legally filed with the SEC? Wow, that's a tough one.


Romney could have ruined the economy much, much worse than Boehner, Cruz and Cantor. He had so much "experience". Republicans clearly see that as a "lost opportunity".
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