No Justice: Black Girl Who Beat Up 14 Year Old White Girl And Her Little Brother Gets Probation

Oh, well, I don't think you care about them either.

You'd have to ask the black dudes I hang out with.

Awesome, some of your best friends are black. Sure.

Yep...because I dont care for niggas. Black people? I'm just fine with them.

Oh. Fascinating.

You find that fascinating?
I bet The Cat In The Hat keeps you spell bound for hours.

It's called sarcasm. Try this, look at my avatar and pretend it's saying "oh, fascinating" and you'll get it.
They should have just done us all a favor and put a bullet in her head. She will just be another burdon on society, and she will spread her legs for every homeboy on the block, shell spit out a few shitty kids and raise them to have her violent tendencies. This is why nothing gets better in the black community.

So... why are you so fixated on what you perceive to be "black culture"? Did you get forced into some BBC action or something? Have you suffered some kind of irreversible damage to your anal region at the hands of Big Bubba?
I don't know, maybe its the thousands of videos on youtube that show mobs of black people savagely attacking innocent white people, and laughing while they do it. I find that kind of violent racism disgusting. Furthermore, I have to hear dumb fucking stories from black people how they get pulled over "for being black", while violent attacks on white people are taking place on a regular basis. The racism is coming from the black community, not the white community.

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