No More Hope

The economy lost 8 million jobs between sept 2008 and June of 2009. Thanks to Obama's stimulus package that massive job loss leveled off and job growth began. That job growth has continued and we have regained all of those jobs lost.

Sure you will say those jobs gained were of poor quality because most were part time, but how exactly is that Obama's fault? Corporate profits are at an all time high under Obama. Tell me, where are the jobs? Why is it Obama's fault or any other politician? Why don't you put any blame on the "job creators"?

Tell me TK. This is a simple question. What should Obama be doing? What GOVERNMENT POLICIES would you support that would fix our market issues? You are, after all, talking about a failure of government. What sort of government policy would you support to fix our free market system? We already tried tax cuts. Those don't work.

It seems only massive death tolls give some "hope", I of course like going 5 1/2 years without seeing US cities bombed and inundated.

Of course, I'm sure you liked going 7 years without US cities being bombed or attacked during the Bush administration, too, right? Only then you were calling him a warmonger, not a hero, correct?

...But other than that, how did you like the play Mrs. Lincoln?

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