No More Hope

Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.

The only hope any of us have is in God himself. Those who do not know such a God naturally cling to a collectivist action figure like Barak Obama or that chap in North Korea who elevate themselves to God like status.

$thkim jon un.jpg

Have you ever wondered why collectivist leaders like Lenin or Moa or Chavez mummify themselves? It's an expression of their immortality. They never really leave us, just like God himself.

If we lived in North Korea, could you have hope? Sure, much like Saint Paul in the Bible had hope in chains awaiting his execution by the Romans. They sent him to a much better place. Unfortunately, the vast number of people who have walked the earth have been slaves of power hungry men.

Americans have been conditioned to think that any and all hope resides in one man, the President. To see this just ask anyone who the President is, and they will know. However, any other public office they probably don't know, or care. In fact, to get people to show up at the polls in any significant number you need the President to be voted for. Then people turn over their entire lives to the President as he alone decides such things as what doctors they see, how their children are educated, or what type of toilet bowl they should use etc.
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When I said that Texas was bigger, I was referring to land, not people. As far as that goes, the entire US has over 300 million people, so Texas is still a much closer comparison in terms of numbers of people.

What does the size of the country have to do with anything? Very little. Here's a better comparison. Germany is the fourth largest country in GDP. (After the US, China and Japan). And it has single payer health care and has had it for over a century.

As far as you coming from Germany, it's not all that surprising really.

Yes, I am dashing, handsome and smart. Thanks for noticing.

And yes, collectivism is a disease of mankind. As a result, all nations eventually embrace it or wind up like the Ukraine who did not join NATO nor did they want to be part of Russia. The US was turned into a collectivist nation by both President Wilson and FDR to fight off the collectivist ilk from which you are from. For you see, collectivism creates world conquering war machines, and it takes one to destroy another. Now that the US has been turned into one of them, they now have troops in over 70 nations around the world with wars in a few going at the same time. This is all thanks to the Progressive ilk of both Wilson and FDR. Hitler only dreamed of such world supremacy.

Uh, dude. Humans are a social animal. Collectivism is the human condition. You are seriously getting into weirdness here blaming Germany for the Iraq War or some such shit.

So go ahead and ignore how progressive the Nazi regime was and how war like they were. After all, the US may be just as bad in terms of world conquest as progressivism, but it's not like the advocate genocide.........unless the unborn are actually human beings. If so, that means progressives had systematically killed over 50 million people. Ironically, the reasons why progressives kill off the unborn are very similar to why the Nazis killed off the Jews. It was over money. Jews were rounded up, stripped of their wealth, and sent to die. Then when the Nazis conquered other lands, they inflated the currencies of those countries as the soldiers looted them by using money the Nazis printed for them to use. Then the said countries economies would spiral out of control and Hitler would just tell them to round up the Jews and steal their gold in order to stabilize their economies, which they did. In like manner, the number one reason progressives today kill off the unborn is because they feel like they can't afford a child or don't want to afford a child. The only thing that stands in their way is to dehumanize the unborn by calling them a fetus, much like the Nazis dehumanized the Jew by calling them vermin.

And now you are getting into weird anti-abortion arguments. Seriously, dude, the beauty of Godwin's Law is that you can pretty much compare ANYTHING to Nazism, it doesn't even have to be true.

For the record, Nazi Germany was not only a country that banned abortion, it's the only country that went around executing people for performing them.

The only hope any of us have is in God himself. Those who do not know such a God naturally cling to a collectivist action figure like Barak Obama or that chap in North Korea who elevate themselves to God like status.

Wow, guy, you can't really make an argument against Obama, so you have to compare him to other guys?

Have you ever wondered why collectivist leaders like Lenin or Moa or Chavez mummify themselves? It's an expression of their immortality. They never really leave us, just like God himself.

So are you saying the Pharoah's of Egypt were the first "collectivists", since they started the whole mummification thing?

Incidentally, Mao didn't mummify himself and neither did Lenin. The people who followed them did that. Mao specifically asked to be cremated.

Honestly, dude, you are getting into a level of weirdness only matched by KosherGrrrll and a couple other nuts.

If we lived in North Korea, could you have hope? Sure, much like Saint Paul in the Bible had hope in chains awaiting his execution by the Romans. They sent him to a much better place. Unfortunately, the vast number of people who have walked the earth have been slaves of power hungry men.

Actually, there's no documentary evidence that Paul was executed or that the Romans even cared about him all that much. Which is what happens when the CHurch can burn all the books and write whatever bullshit history they want.

Americans have been conditioned to think that any and all hope resides in one man, the President. To see this just ask anyone who the President is, and they will know. However, any other public office they probably don't know, or care. In fact, to get people to show up at the polls in any significant number you need the President to be voted for. Then people turn over their entire lives to the President as he alone decides such things as what doctors they see, how their children are educated, or what type of toilet bowl they should use etc.

Um, no, not really.

Frankly, people who voted for Obama voted for him because he promised very specific things, at the top of the list being ending the criminal stupidity that was the Iraq War. If you accept that elections are referndums on policies, then, yes, the Presidential election is exactly that, or as close as we get to it, anyway.

It'd be better if we had election by popular vote instead of an electoral college that only makes 10 states the key to the election, but that's another discussion, which I'm reasonably sure I don't want to have with you given the nuttiness expressed in your last two posts.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.

The only hope any of us have is in God himself.
Those who do not know such a God naturally cling to a collectivist action figure like Barak Obama or that chap in North Korea who elevate themselves to God like status.

View attachment 30739

Have you ever wondered why collectivist leaders like Lenin or Moa or Chavez mummify themselves? It's an expression of their immortality. They never really leave us, just like God himself.

If we lived in North Korea, could you have hope? Sure, much like Saint Paul in the Bible had hope in chains awaiting his execution by the Romans. They sent him to a much better place. Unfortunately, the vast number of people who have walked the earth have been slaves of power hungry men.

Americans have been conditioned to think that any and all hope resides in one man, the President. To see this just ask anyone who the President is, and they will know. However, any other public office they probably don't know, or care. In fact, to get people to show up at the polls in any significant number you need the President to be voted for. Then people turn over their entire lives to the President as he alone decides such things as what doctors they see, how their children are educated, or what type of toilet bowl they should use etc.

I pray to my God every morning at sunrise at the ocean. I like to think that God helps those who help themselves. If people get out of their comfort zones (such as blaming other people for their woes) and look deep inside themselves, I am willing to bet that their situation will be a lot better.

We don't live in North Korea, we live in America.

I agree that some Americans have been conditioned that way, but I certainly wasn't.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.


And there's really nothing to be 'sad' about, the OP is just another tedious, moronic example of the right's gloom and doom misery offensive.
I agree that some Americans have been conditioned that way, but I certainly wasn't.

The US originally had a thing called Federalism. That is where states ran their own affairs and the federal government played referee and attended to issues of national security.

Today, states do what the federal government wants or face the withholding of federal money. In other words, freedom is for sale and was sold long ago.

Collectivists have effectively centralized the entire system. With the advent of the Federal Income tax and the creation of the Fed to print money for the federal government, they simply throw money at everything on the face of the planet to gain influence over them. Of course, few know that SCOTUS struck down the Federal Income tax as Unconstitutional, which is why the Progressives simply added to the Constitution.

But the centralization did not end there. Not only does the federal government run everything now, the Executive branch basically runs the other two branches thanks to Congress and SCOTUS that has allowed the Executive Branch to expand and create an army of bureaucrats that write endless regulations which amount to passing laws. So now laws are written by a hand full of unelected people, which is why the EPA is implementing cap and trade on their own, because Congress could not pass the legislation. And through Executive edicts, the President has been given the authority to violate laws on the books like illegal immigration.

I'm glad that you don't look to the President for all your needs and desires, but understand that many do. Now people look to an all powerful leader, so the trick is trying to elect the most benevolent dictator.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.


And there's really nothing to be 'sad' about, the OP is just another tedious, moronic example of the right's gloom and doom misery offensive.

But human history is rife with misery, or do you not agree? I think Progressives use the word Progressive to denote that they have evolved past the human misery phase of slavery, war, and control over their fellow man. But I digress.

I hear that Obama's Common Core does not mention Hitler in its curriculum in public schools now when discussing world war 2. I think I know why. Just listen to Hitler's rhetoric.

"We are soclialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploration of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemingly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and prosperity, instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy their system under all conditions."

"This will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

"Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it."

"Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?"

"We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand and end to power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business in the purchases of the national state, and municipal governments in order to make possible to every capable industrious citizen attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of post of leadership, the government must provide an all around enlargement of our system of public education. We combat the materialistic spirit within us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of the common good before the individual good."

Now who in the hell does this sound like? Anyone? :lol:

Also, who here thinks that Hitler cared about the average German? What is being done here is the purchase of the average German through such things as "free" health care, education, employment, etc. In the end, all they ended up doing is selling their souls to Satan himself.
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Incidentally, Mao didn't mummify himself and neither did Lenin. The people who followed them did that. Mao specifically asked to be cremated.


Woops, I've been debating with a retard.

I hate it when that happens. :lol:

Says the guy who thinks Texas is bigger than Germany?

I call you a retard for two reasons.

1. Mao and Lenin did not mummify themselves. That is because there is no possible way that they could have.

2. You think comparing the US to Germany is justifiable but not comparing a state in the US to Germany. As I have pointed out, Texas has more land than Germany. Then you point to population levels. A state like California has about 40 million people as where Germany has about 80 million. However, you think somehow that the US, which has over 300 million, is more comparable? Additionally, the GDP of Germany is only around $3 trillion as where the GDP of the US is around $17 trillion. Conversely, California has a GDP of around $2 trillion.

Looking at these numbers, comparing a large state in the US to Germany is far more reasonable than comparing Germany to the entire nation of the US. That is why Germany joined the EU stupid, to help compete with large entities like the US.
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Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.


And there's really nothing to be 'sad' about, the OP is just another tedious, moronic example of the right's gloom and doom misery offensive.

Hey, the right wingers have to have SOMETHING to try and sell the rest of us on.
Gloom and doom is the best they can come up with. All the rest of their ideas have been colossal failures.
It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.


And there's really nothing to be 'sad' about, the OP is just another tedious, moronic example of the right's gloom and doom misery offensive.

Hey, the right wingers have to have SOMETHING to try and sell the rest of us on.
Gloom and doom is the best they can come up with. All the rest of their ideas have been colossal failures.

Those on the right should seek a convention of the states in order to amend the Constitution once again.

Things to focus on are term limits and fiscal restraint in the federal government.

Over 80% of Americans favor both, or do you prefer being led by a Congress with only a 10% approval rating as they keep getting elected anyway and a $17 trillion debt?

Harry Reid had an approval rating of only 9% before being elected again. One has to wonder why.
Woops, I've been debating with a retard.

I hate it when that happens. :lol:

Says the guy who thinks Texas is bigger than Germany?

I call you a retard for two reasons.

1. Mao and Lenin did not mummify themselves. That is because there is no possible way that they could have.

You are right. but your exact statement was.

Have you ever wondered why collectivist leaders like Lenin or Moa or Chavez mummify themselves? It's an expression of their immortality. They never really leave us, just like God himself.

In short, you claim they had themselves mummified to acheive "god-like" status. The reality is that their followers mummified them for bizarre reasons.

2. You think comparing the US to Germany is justifiable but not comparing a state in the US to Germany. As I have pointed out, Texas has more land than Germany. Then you point to population levels. A state like California has about 40 million people as where Germany has about 80 million. However, you think somehow that the US, which has over 300 million, is more comparable? Additionally, the GDP of Germany is only around $3 trillion as where the GDP of the US is around $17 trillion. Conversely, California has a GDP of around $2 trillion.

Looking at these numbers, comparing a large state in the US to Germany is far more reasonable than comparing Germany to the entire nation of the US. That is why Germany joined the EU stupid, to help compete with large entities like the US.

I think you are still some kind of retard.

Not sure why you are skipping to California when Texas wasn't a good comparison.

Here's the thing, though. The EU, which is the mother of all bad ideas, isn't a central government. the United States is. You can't run health care at the state level, it has to be federal. Only the federal government has that kind of power to get the insurance companies and big pharma to behave themselves.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation.

It never fails to be humorous when rightwingers try to pretend they were really rooting for Obama at first...
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation.

It never fails to be humorous when rightwingers try to pretend they were really rooting for Obama at first...

Never supported Obama, his version of America isn't American. He has proven it well.
It's telling the opposition by most on the right to the president's goal consistent with the original intent of the Framers of realizing a more diverse, inclusive society, in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

We are a Nation that embraces change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, not fearful of it, fear that is common among many on the right.
Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.


And there's really nothing to be 'sad' about, the OP is just another tedious, moronic example of the right's gloom and doom misery offensive.

This coming from a bunch a nuts that keep claiming their is going to be an uprising and increasing violence from the right. Spare me, hypocrite.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

you might also add that the stock market more than doubled, jobs are being created at a are of over 200,000 a month and fewer people not getting medical care because they can't afford it.

i'm very hopeful that the GOP will take their party back from wackos and congress will do it's job again. if they were, we'd have a lot more to celebrate.

Yep, unemployment is at 6%, Obama has made it possible for people to keep their homes, people are getting medical care ... The R continues to fight against jobs, economic growth, help for vets, the disabled, the elderly, children, women while Obama fights for the middle class.

Bush benefited financially from 9/11 and Iraq but walked away from Katrina victims. I don't think those are bright spots at all and anyone who does should be ashamed.

Interestingly, those who whine the most are also those who do nothing to help their own situation - like pounding the pavement for a real job.

Seriously TK, get out of granny's basement, get some sunshine on your face and some real life experience under your belt.

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