No More Hope

Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.


And there's really nothing to be 'sad' about, the OP is just another tedious, moronic example of the right's gloom and doom misery offensive.

Whining is so much easier than earning ones own way. No, I'm not picking on our poor little Board Mascot and Professional Victim, TK. This is a common thread from the right - its always Obama's fault. It's Obama's fault they can't (won't) get a job and have to be on food stamps that the blue states pay for.

Repubs are the Do Nothings but not because they DO Nothing. Its Obama's fault they DO Nothing, right?
It's sad to hear that YOU as an individual have no HOPE in your life. My family and I have plenty of HOPE and JOY in our lives and guess what; it's NOT determined by who Our President is. This is still a great country, there are PLENTY of opportunities abound for people who want to chase their dreams. I think that blaming a President for no "hope" is pretty weak.


And there's really nothing to be 'sad' about, the OP is just another tedious, moronic example of the right's gloom and doom misery offensive.

Whining is so much easier than earning ones own way. No, I'm not picking on our poor little Board Mascot and Professional Victim, TK. This is a common thread from the right - its always Obama's fault. It's Obama's fault they can't (won't) get a job and have to be on food stamps that the blue states pay for.

Repubs are the Do Nothings but not because they DO Nothing. Its Obama's fault they DO Nothing, right?

And it is a common thread from the left that it is Bush's fault, even though he has been out of office several years. It's called partisanship and you and others on this board play it well.

What I find disgusting is that you play chicken shit and whine about just those on the right. If you don't have the balls, then you don't have the balls.

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Your solution to the border crisis, please?

Your solution to assisting Israel, please?

Your solution to righting the wrongs in Syria, please?

Impeach Obama.


“Conservatives have no solutions to offer, they're only tedious partisan hacks.”


“Conservatives have no solutions to offer, they're only tedious partisan hacks.”


More crying from Luddly, you need to grow up and not be so afraid.

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Prove its not true.

Post a referenced list of what the R has actually done FOR our country.

You can't because they Do Nothing except phony repeal votes, phony law suits, phony impeachment talk, more obstruction - and then they go on another vacation.

They even say they want only to obstruct progress and economic recovery.
Peach, after 9/11/01, we had more hope then than we do now. In the few years following that tragedy, we actually were united; we were hopeful. Not so today. We have once again been robbed of it. No matter how much you continue to persist in saying otherwise.

few years? try 2 months.

More crying from Luddly, you need to grow up and not be so afraid.

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Prove its not true.

Post a referenced list of what the R has actually done FOR our country.

You can't because they Do Nothing except phony repeal votes, phony law suits, phony impeachment talk, more obstruction - and then they go on another vacation.

They even say they want only to obstruct progress and economic recovery.

Thanks for proving you are a whiner and a crier, you do exactly what you blame others for.

They are not supposed to vote yes for legislation that is bad for the country, sometimes voting no is voting yes for America, you don't pass laws just because.

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Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by January, evaporated, unlike the snow on the ground.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

where you out looking for jobs you fat ass?

America was divided the moment he won, in fact it had been building long before Obama was even on the map. if you were any real history buff you would know this has been going on since the founding. The players might be different but the game is still the same.
Lots of low paying part time jobs, just get three or four of them.

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Yeah, there was a lot of that in 2008. The air was filled with it. I was 20 years old that year and I can remember riding around in the car with my grandmother through this booming college town of Athens Georgia and seeing so many dorms and houses adorned with the Obama campaign slogan and logo. You see, Athens is a mainly liberal city, the paper leans left, lots of the professors at UGA are Democrats. But anyways, so many people had hope then. As hard right as I was then, even I couldn't help but think "maybe this Obama guy won't be so bad. He's given this country hope again." I voted for John McCain in my very first presidential election, however.

I stayed up all night the day before the inauguration, so I could see Bush ride off into the sunset and see Obama, the man who brought so much hope to this country arrive to lead the nation. A little voice, though, kept saying, "looks can be deceiving, this hope has been offered by many a president before. " Little was I aware that in the coming 6 years, the little voice was right. Hope is a fleeting thing, but it draws the soul like a super magnet. Emotions and rational thought can sometimes be buried in hope. Hope, it seems, is also easily exploitable by men and women who would seek to run for president.

When 2010 came along, I could sense a change in the country's mood. Perhaps they felt as if they made a mistake in giving the Democrats so much power two years prior, that November, the Democrats were crushed in the mid-terms, barely holding on to the Senate. However, that mood dissipated, because just two years later, Obama was re-elected again. He didn't campaign on hope this time, but a newfangled health care law he signed into law. At that moment, I felt as if the man was invincible, much to my dismay. At that moment, I felt in my heart that there was no more hope for this great country of ours.

Many people of my worldview then saw how much Obama ill thought of the Constitution he swore to uphold. I thought, "Just another president who broke his oath. When will there ever be a president elected who will uphold our Constitution as he promises?" However, the year 2013 came along. That year would wind up breaking the Obama presidency, eroding the hope people once had in it. The faith was gone. As the scandals broke out, as the once hailed healthcare law took effect and fell flat on it's face; many people began questioning the choice they made those five short years ago. They began to ask "is there any hope for us?" More and more people began to lose the hope they once had in the man who seemingly had it in abundant supply. As this year came along, I could see that there was no more hope for the Democrats. It had by then evaporated.

As the month of July rolls past in this year 2014, we now know where that hope has gone. It was nothing more than a lie, lofted on the wind for those in far away places. There was no hope, well, not for us at least. As we have tens of thousands of illegals flooding our border, we see now that it is America who has no hope; instead those who think of it as merely a place to gain without sacrifice, live without hardship, and work without any burden. But it will not take long for them to soon realize, as we have already--there is no more hope. Perhaps then, the human soul will provide that hope, instead of silver tongued politicians who carry hope on their sleeves and not in their hearts.

The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

One other thing. There is a disaster happening on our border right now that you just readily blew off there. Our ally Israel is (or was) steeped in the fog of war. Our foreign policy is a disaster, given the hundreds of thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Syria.

And this "let's blame Bush" nonsense will not hold. I never once said that those disasters were bright spots in our history. They simply, and conveniently for you happened when Bush was the president. Your hope is false. When will you ever wake up and see you are being led like a lamb to the slaughter?

fuck you are dumb.

Israel has always been like this.
The border has always been like this.
people die everywhere. The middle east has been doing it for centuries.
The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

you might also add that the stock market more than doubled, jobs are being created at a are of over 200,000 a month and fewer people not getting medical care because they can't afford it.

i'm very hopeful that the GOP will take their party back from wackos and congress will do it's job again. if they were, we'd have a lot more to celebrate.

stock market really isnt a sign of anything. They are basically setting up the next bubble because nothing was done to them in 08 when it crashed.
2. That's just it. Assist them.

Boots on the ground? Air Strikes? Or offshore bombardment?

To what end...when does it stop?

3. Stop drawing red lines.

Been a while since the red line non-sense.

And when it was put up to a poll, you were against war with Syria--as am I.

So stop drawing red lines...done. What else?

Offshore bombardments, first of all, we have ships all over that area. Show Israel we still have their backs. Hey, Obama didn't mind doing it with Libya. Secondly, I was against action in Syria, but I heeded a word of advice from my father "Son, don't point your gun at someone unless you intend to use it." So, Obama shouldn't threaten military action anywhere unless he's prepared to actually take it.

Make sense?

bombings is your seriously are this stupid.
The immigration situation has you this down, yet 9/11/01, New Orleans underwater, and thousands of Americans dead & maimed to find weapons that didn't exist were BRIGHT spots in our history? I see hope, 5 and a half years without disasters that claimed thousands of lives and cost trillions.

Maybe this will start a trend, our next President can improve the economy, and we stay on the road to "normalcy".

One other thing. There is a disaster happening on our border right now that you just readily blew off there. Our ally Israel is (or was) steeped in the fog of war. Our foreign policy is a disaster, given the hundreds of thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Syria.

And this "let's blame Bush" nonsense will not hold. I never once said that those disasters were bright spots in our history. They simply, and conveniently for you happened when Bush was the president. Your hope is false. When will you ever wake up and see you are being led like a lamb to the slaughter?

fuck you are dumb.

Israel has always been like this.
The border has always been like this.
people die everywhere. The middle east has been doing it for centuries.

According to RWs, there have never been any problems anywhere on the planet. And, according to the Pootarians, if Obama just swaggered around, stealing Super Bowl rings, shooting endangered tigers and beating up on little girls in the street, the world would "respect" him.
One other thing. There is a disaster happening on our border right now that you just readily blew off there. Our ally Israel is (or was) steeped in the fog of war. Our foreign policy is a disaster, given the hundreds of thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Syria.

And this "let's blame Bush" nonsense will not hold. I never once said that those disasters were bright spots in our history. They simply, and conveniently for you happened when Bush was the president. Your hope is false. When will you ever wake up and see you are being led like a lamb to the slaughter?

As I know there are elections in November, then again in two years, I have no fear; and illegal immigrants are not comparable with cities being bombed. The "you are blaming Bush" mantra is worn out; whenever the disasters that occurred 1/01-1/09 are mentioned, somehow that is blaming Bush. The disasters happened on his watch; if Obama is President while thousands die on US shores, I will take note. And the economic doldrums we face today also sprang, in part from the referenced disasters, how could any American regret Bush leaving office? He brough death, debt, AND defeat for tens of thousands in this nations and abroad.

its not that hard to follow her. maybe you need to lay down
One other thing. There is a disaster happening on our border right now that you just readily blew off there. Our ally Israel is (or was) steeped in the fog of war. Our foreign policy is a disaster, given the hundreds of thousands of innocent people being slaughtered in Syria.

And this "let's blame Bush" nonsense will not hold. I never once said that those disasters were bright spots in our history. They simply, and conveniently for you happened when Bush was the president. Your hope is false. When will you ever wake up and see you are being led like a lamb to the slaughter?

fuck you are dumb.

Israel has always been like this.
The border has always been like this.
people die everywhere. The middle east has been doing it for centuries.

According to RWs, there have never been any problems anywhere on the planet. And, according to the Pootarians, if Obama just swaggered around, stealing Super Bowl rings, shooting endangered tigers and beating up on little girls in the street, the world would "respect" him.

You get dumber by the post.

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More crying from Luddly, you need to grow up and not be so afraid.

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Prove its not true.

Post a referenced list of what the R has actually done FOR our country.

You can't because they Do Nothing except phony repeal votes, phony law suits, phony impeachment talk, more obstruction - and then they go on another vacation.

They even say they want only to obstruct progress and economic recovery.

Thanks for proving you are a whiner and a crier, you do exactly what you blame others for.

They are not supposed to vote yes for legislation that is bad for the country, sometimes voting no is voting yes for America, you don't pass laws just because.

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Show me the bills/laws they've passed that are "good for THIS COUNTRY". Or, do you really believe spending billions on fake "repeal ObamaCare" votes are somehow good? How about the fake lawsuit? You're up with that too, right?

They agreed to the immigration bill that has been on Boehner's desk for more than a year and now they're literally torturing children and blaming Obama for their own inaction.

However, they did vote for a permanent tax cut for the 1% because, any year now, we'll see jobs trickling down.

They DO NOTHING but go on vacations.
Prove its not true.

Post a referenced list of what the R has actually done FOR our country.

You can't because they Do Nothing except phony repeal votes, phony law suits, phony impeachment talk, more obstruction - and then they go on another vacation.

They even say they want only to obstruct progress and economic recovery.

Thanks for proving you are a whiner and a crier, you do exactly what you blame others for.

They are not supposed to vote yes for legislation that is bad for the country, sometimes voting no is voting yes for America, you don't pass laws just because.

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Show me the bills/laws they've passed that are "good for THIS COUNTRY". Or, do you really believe spending billions on fake "repeal ObamaCare" votes are somehow good? How about the fake lawsuit? You're up with that too, right?

They agreed to the immigration bill that has been on Boehner's desk for more than a year and now they're literally torturing children and blaming Obama for their own inaction.

However, they did vote for a permanent tax cut for the 1% because, any year now, we'll see jobs trickling down.

They DO NOTHING but go on vacations.

Dry your tears, ask Reid about the bills he has tabled. It is all politics and this has gone on for decades, so spare me your fake outrage and tears.

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So what are those bizarre reasons? Come on, I know you can do it!!

YOu work on the assumption I care.

I don't.

I just want an America that works for working folks.

I don't want to hop down every rabbit hole you put up about Mao and Lenin and Hitler and everything else when you can't sell your libertarian bullshit.

So you don't care? Well neither does anyone else in the federal government it seems.

Caring is key to setting people free from tyranny.

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