No, Muslims Should NOT Be Allowed To Serve In Public Office

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A bunch of dupe talk. Islam isn't a religion. Never was.

Except that it is, Tough shit for you again I guess
No it's not. And most people around the world do not accept Islam to be a religion, including some countries (ex. Italy, Myanmar)

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status

Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! |

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles

B-but but Jews are not people!! See? I've got all these links from Hitler Online, AryansÜberAlles.con, and an article from "KKK Today".
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

You know what, let's throw out the Jews too. And the Eye-talians. And the Micks. And Bohunks, and Dwarfs, and Limeys and Hungarians. Catholics? Gotta go. Injuns? Send 'em back where they came from. Chinee, Japs, Canooks, all yesterday. Germans, ship 'em out.

Seen this movie before. Wait'll you see how it ends.

We've never had any real problems with any of those, just the Muslims. Only the Muslims.

Yuh huh.
Click the link.

Here, click this one with it. No extra charge.

Also, check this out. Obscure document special.

>> Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

That's all kinds of fail, Pogo. The US Marines were formed to fight Muslims.
ORLY? :777: History of the United States Marine Corps - Wikipedia
Read your own thread title, Jackwagon. Then read the First Amendment.

YOU read the title, Then read Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy Clause), and don't waste time with the 1st amendment, which Islam is 100% in violation of. (didn't you know ?)

This just gets better and better.

Soooooooooo now you're saying "Islam" is the same as "Congress"? :auiqs.jpg:

Diga me Tonto, do all "Republicans" think this too?
You know what, let's throw out the Jews too. And the Eye-talians. And the Micks. And Bohunks, and Dwarfs, and Limeys and Hungarians. Catholics? Gotta go. Injuns? Send 'em back where they came from. Chinee, Japs, Canooks, all yesterday. Germans, ship 'em out.
gotta tell ya bro, I heard ^that^ many many times in my life, and each and every time, bar none, it was a liberal saying it.

That's impossible, since the very essence of Liberalism is "all men are created equal". But you knew that.

A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

Why do you hate the Constitution so much?

He claims it's a byproduct of being Republican. He sez they're all like that.

Come to think of it, I just took a count and found that ZERO Republicans drafted or signed the Constitution. But maybe they were all stuck at the airport.

The phrase “all men are created equal” was/is simply feel good, warm and fuzzy bullshit...nobody gives two fucks about what or who you are as you exit the womb...the phrase allows the piece of shits among us to ride the coattails of America’s Best.
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

I see. You HATE the constitution and the USA.

next you'll be telling atheists they have no right to live in YOUR "christian" America.
Nobody should be able to serve publicly who has an alligence that prevents them from serving the public.
The problem is muslims are taught that lying is permitted to further Islam. The goal is to make America a Muslim nation. Democrats want you to believe Christian's are the problem. Democrats are the problem.
CRCs lie all the time to further their so-called religion also.....they and muslims are two sides of the same coin.
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

You know what, let's throw out the Jews too. And the Eye-talians. And the Micks. And Bohunks, and Dwarfs, and Limeys and Hungarians. Catholics? Gotta go. Injuns? Send 'em back where they came from. Chinee, Japs, Canooks, all yesterday. Germans, ship 'em out.

Seen this movie before. Wait'll you see how it ends.

We've never had any real problems with any of those, just the Muslims. Only the Muslims. All those you mentioned assimilate well into American society, but not Muslims.
At least the ones I know what they are. :wtf:

Not sure about those "Bohunks".

I live in an area with a substantial Muslim population, along with other people of varying religions and ethnicities. I do not understand your assertion that Muslims do not assimilate well into American society. Why would you say such a thing? Me: last trip to one of our local grocery stores, owned by ethnic Koreans, assisted in finding what I wanted by a Spanish-speaking person, my purchases rung up and bagged by a woman in a Muslim headscarf.

Thank you Lysistrata
I work with coworkers who are Muslim who always
impress me with their work ethics and respect for others.

I think what protectionist and Marion Morrison are referring to
is when whole Islamic groups take over like a cult or regime
and mix religion with govt where there is no due process
or protections for individuals as there is under the Constitution.

With Muslims who operate as INDIVIDUALS, there is no such threat.

It's when a whole group is formed, similar to how political parties
start abusing power, then these groups act as Religious Organizations
that unlawfully impose their BELIEFS THROUGH GOVT on everyone else.

So whatever they are objecting to with Muslims becoming a threat in large groups
overtaking or overriding govt, the same should apply to ANY POLITICAL RELIGION
including Political Parties acting as CULTS, Religious organizations, or Political Religions
abusing power and govt to impose their beliefs as mandatory for others to fund or follow.

The Democrats did this with ACA mandates, while
complaining when GOP members threaten to impose
right to life beliefs over protection of due process under the Constitution.

If we are going to complain and demand law enforcement,
we should bar ANY GROUPS from imposing political beliefs,
creeds, ideology or religion in violation of First Amendment
protections of other people by such Discrimination by Creed.

I oppose any religious organizations who try to use government to impose their beliefs on others. They are quite tricky. Some claim discrimination by creed when they are opposed in their efforts to discriminate against others, not on the basis of creed, but by other personal characteristics like looks, skin color, and sexual orientation. What I find most hilarious (and disgusting) are these "religious" types who claim that being LGBT is a "religion," a "belief."

I'm watching the NYC parade for our World Champions, Team USA. I'm ecstatic to see this moment on my beloved Broadway.
Muslims need to prove they are American Patriots. So far, failure.

Looks to me like they're invaders that use our own rules against us and do whatever they want. Not all of them, but a majority.
The bigger problem is the Democrat party defends them, regardless of what they do.

Actually the Constitution defends them. See the obscure document in post lucky-13.

Don't like it? Move to a theocracy and quit using our oxygen.
The Constitution doesn't defend people who put their allegiance to their religion above our Constitution. You're the enemy within.
How convenient for you to pretend that the U.S. Constitution doesn't apply to people you don't want it to.
Okay protectionist now I've backtracked to #75

From the articles I am reading here,
they either are talking about
which you call IDEOLOGY.

(C) These are both separate from the Muslim spiritual
practice by which followers believe in respecting:
* Jewish Torah as given by God
* Christian Scriptures as given by God
* Muslim Koran as given by God
The people who follow God by all three sets of laws
are following the SPIRITUAL teachings that qualify
as a religious belief system, complementary with
Jewish and Christian under the same authority of God.

Anyone who claims to be Muslim and is at peace
with Jews and Christians is the RELIGIOUS follower type.
(And note: the Christian scriptural authority requires obedience
to God as including obedience to CIVIL laws authority and govt.)
And TRUE Muslim adherents meet this standard as given by God.

The Muslim faith and followers that meet THIS standard
are in the same category as Jews and Christians whose
beliefs are within the First Amendment because Civil Obedience
would prevent them from abusing Govt to impose their beliefs.
That would violate obedience to God, so they would not do it.
If they did so out of ignorance or negligence, then they would
still respond to rebukes to correct themselves instead of impose.

For (A) and (B)
Cults and Political ideology/Religion
I would agree that these would be in violation of civil and constitutional
laws and protections:
(A) Cults would ABUSE collective power to harm, oppress
and violate civil rights of individuals, so that would be unlawful
(B) Political ideology/religion would be unconstitutional
to establish through Govt in violation of the rights
and beliefs of others equally protected by law.

Do you agree that the best way to enforce laws would be to
therefore not only do you solve the problems
with ABUSING Muslim/Islamic belief systems as
POLITICAL RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGIES (that mix religion with govt)
but you would also address ALL OTHER GROUPS
that would commit the SAME ABUSES.

That law enforcement would be general, and apply
so it would not violate any other laws against discrimination.

You would be barring ALL GROUPS
from imposing political ideology above Constitutional laws.

I have no problem with that protectionist
I totally agree and support you and any efforts
we could organize to teach and enforce
Constitutional law to stop political religious abuses!
As is the case with many people who are not well acquainted with Islam, you are very mixed up. You post long elaborate posts, so let me comment on some of what you said.

1. No, Muslims are NOT at peace with Christians and Jews. The Koran tells Muslims to not be friends with them. Remember the Koran is Islam, not what somebody here or there says or does. If they don't follow the Koran, then they are not Muslim, no matter what they may call themselves.
The issue of the Muslim's relationship with the infidel is one of the most important in Islam. The amount of attention devoted to the infidel is huge: 64 percent of the total Koran addresses that relationship while 81 percent of the Sira (chronological biographies of Muhammad), and 37 percent of the Hadith (sayings attributed to Muhammad) focus on this as well. In sum, nearly two thirds of Shari'a (Islamic law) is devoted to the infidel.[9]

What comes through clearly by examining this subject is that Islam is not about universal brotherhood, as is often claimed, but about the brotherhood of believers, members of the ummah (worldwide community of Muslims)[10] The flip-side of this is a total denunciation of the "other."[11] There are more than four hundred verses in the Koran alone that describe the torment in hell that Allah has prepared for the infidel. The Koranan dehumanizes infidels: They are vile animals and beasts, the worst of creatures and demons;[12] perverted transgressors and partners of Satan[13] to be fought until religion is Allah's alone.[14] They are to be beheaded;[15] terrorized,[16] annihilated,[17] crucified,[18] punished, and expelled,[19] and plotted against by deceit.[20] Believers (Muslims) must be in a constant state of war with the infidel.[21]

According to Ibn Taymiya:

Since lawful warfare is essentially jihad and since its aim is that the religion is entirely for Allah [2:189, 8:39] and the word of Allah is uppermost [9:40], therefore, according to all Muslims, those who stand in the way of this aim must be fought. Whosoever contends with Muhammad deserves death.[22]

2. What I call ideology is the Koran, and it has stood pat unchanged for 1400 years, regardless of any particular cults or regimes.

3. To claim that true Muslims believe in "obedience to CIVIL laws authority and govt." is as wrong as anything could ever be. Just the opposite is true. Islam is illegal in America just by virtue of its supremacism (banned by the Constitution's Supremacy clause), in addition to scores of violations of US laws (murder, wife-beating, rape, sex discrimination, pedophilia, slavery, etc), all mandated and advocated in the Koran.

4. Islam is nowhere near the First Amendment. In the Islamic world people are executed for speaking out or writing things against Islam. In Saudi Arabia (the founding place of Islam) non-Islamic religion is not allowed. Try building a Christian church in Saudi Arabia and watch what happens.

5. All groups that advocate supremacism are in violation of Constitution Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy clause), not just Islam. All groups that violate US laws are in violation of those laws, not just Islam. If for instance a certain group advocated and committed wife-beating, they would be in violation of US law, just as Islam is, by Islam's regular activity of that practice.

6. In the end of your post, it appears that you are in complete agreement with me.
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A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

I see. You HATE the constitution and the USA.

next you'll be telling atheists they have no right to live in YOUR "christian" America.

Legit Constitutionalists tend to appreciate the Constitution in its purest know, before we fucked ourselves and deviated from the framers intent.
Ragheads shouldn’t be citizens and they certainly should not be involved in U.S. government.
Piss yourself yet?

The Naturalization Act Of 1790
“The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character. It thus excluded Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians, although free blacks were allowed citizenship at the state level in certain states. It also provided for citizenship for the children of U.S. citizens born abroad, stating that such children "shall be considered as natural born citizens," the only US statute ever to use the term. It specified that the right of citizenship did "not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."
Needless to say, the OP is a bigoted buffoon who absolutely does NOT speak for the Republican Party or anyone else who understands and appreciates America.
Needless to say, you are clueless on this entire subject. 180 degree turnaround would be your cure,

It's the Muslims who are the incurable bigoted, who don't appreciate America, and only seek to destroy it (FACT - didn't you know ?)
Such bigly projection.
Maybe you meant TALI-BOMA


View attachment 268543
CRCs.can't.quit.Former President Obama (Scourge of the Far Right).
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

It’s all part of the foundation laid by the CHANGE all that has been fundamental to America since its founding. You know how Mexicrats roll..they always seek to ‘fix’ what isn’t broke. Change for the worse is still progression in that backward world of LibTardia.

Did a Kenyan work for a construction company or something.
You mean the way you did in your opening post? You’re nothing but a bigot hiding behind the flag. You guys get all butt hurt when people call the Republican Party racist and bigoted and yet here you are doing exactly that
FALSE! We are exposing the bigotry of Islam. If you deny that, you are either an Islamist yourself, or you are one of the forums biggest and most pathetic dupes.
PS - none of this has a thing to do with race. You're lost.
Well, someone's bigotry is being exposed alright. :71:
A year ago, there was a thread entitled >> "Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?" I'm now answering that by saying No, Republicans don't believe Muslims should be allowed to serve in public office, elected or not. Furthermore, no American should be OK with Muslims serving in public office.

First of all, in America, Islam is sedition, by virtue of it's supremacism, which is in violation of the Constitution (article 6, section 2, part 1-the Supremacy Clause).

Secondly, Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion), which advocates (if not commands) the violation of scores of US laws, including some of the most serious felonies (ex. murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination)

Not only should Muslims not be part of government in America, but Islam should not exist in America, period. There should be no mosques, no Korans, no Islamic centers, etc

You know what, let's throw out the Jews too. And the Eye-talians. And the Micks. And Bohunks, and Dwarfs, and Limeys and Hungarians. Catholics? Gotta go. Injuns? Send 'em back where they came from. Chinee, Japs, Canooks, all yesterday. Germans, ship 'em out.

Seen this movie before. Wait'll you see how it ends.

I agree with you but you can't send the Injuns anywhere.
Dear protectionist

1. You'd have to be more specific, such as barring Political Religions
from being established through Govt.
I would totally agree to that, such as by adding clarification to the
First Amendment that the establishment clause applies to

2. I don't think you could NAME specific RELIGIONS as barred affiliations.

That would be like targeting and DISCRIMINATING against a person BY CREED.
Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist etc. could not be discriminated against.

Back to what I stated in #1:
If we declared POLITICAL RELIGIONS to be barred from establishment through Govt,
that would take care of the PROBLEM, and WITHOUT discriminating against people
for having a related belief (like being Muslim which is a religious affiliation,
SEPARATE FROM "ISLAMIST POLITICAL BELIEFS" would be barred from establishing that through Govt)

3. In general, your argument would work by making a distinction between
* Islamic POLITICAL BELIEFS/RELIGION which would violate the First Amendment
* Muslim religious affiliation of individuals that are NOT a political religion
and do not preclude someone from fulfilling Constitutional duty

While also:
* making such a law apply to ALL POLITICAL RELIGIONS
* instead of just targeting ONE particular named group
so that way it is fair across the board and not discriminating or targeting one case of political religions
that violate Constitutional laws and protections from establishments of beliefs
Your whole post is irrelevant because As I have stated repeatedly through this thread > ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION. And even if it were, it could not be legal in America, due to the fact that it is in violation of the US Constitution (Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy clause)''

See post # 75 and 50.
If islam isn't a religion, neither is christianity. They are two sides of the same coin.
Protectionist knows nothing about the constitution.
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