“no nation has the right to simply grab land from another.”

I wonder what President Obama would respond if Russian President Putin were to say to him: “I’ll return Crimea to Ukraine if you’ll return California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Texas to Mexico. Ahahaha That's funny.
If he had a brain he'd respond that he'd do that if the Mexicans gave those territories back to the Indians.
"no nation has the right to simply grab land from another"

When does Germany get East Prussia back?
Nations have taken territory from loser nations in wars since civilization began.

Only a stupid ass libtard would say that we stole our land form Mexico.
One fact needs clarification, Santa Anna lost a war with the republic of Texas, not a US State or Territory, just ass kicking independent Texans. The US paid for land purchases with Mexico, France and Russia. As for some of the land in question payment was made to Spain, not Mexico.
I want Ireland given back to the descendants of the Iberians who first settled it.

Goddamned Celts, Saxons, Norse and Angles !

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