No Need For A Border Between the US & Our 'Peaceful' Mexican Neighbors

You've been misinformed. The guns under ATF surveillance were all purchased legally under AZ law. The AG in Arizona refuse to press charges.

Obama gives thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, his plan to facilitate murder and increase the death rate to a level he can push his liberal agenda, resulting in the murder of over 50 people - to include 4 Americans...and you want to try to justify the actions and claim nothing illegal was done because Obama bought the guns legally, illegally ran them across the border and illegally supplied them to the Cartels...because the AZ AG (was pressured into) did not want to PRESS CHARGES?

I may be wrong, but when the US Federal Govt smuggles weapons out of the country and gives them to Mexican Drug cartels with the intention of those guns be used to murder people there are more than just Az Law broken.

Of course, US AG Eric Holder already was found to have committed Perjury to keep this all hidden, was protected from indictment/prison, but still became the 1st US AG in history to be Censured for his crimes.

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The ATF watched as people they suspected of being straw buyers purchased guns with their own money, not Obama's. It's simply not illegal to do that. They can even sell that weapon they just purchase for cash to someone else without breaking the law too. The AZ gun laws prevented the AZ AG from pressing charges, not the omnipotent Obama Administration as you allege. That's why the cartel use AZ as their weapons shopping mart.

Beside aren't you gun lovers always saying guns don't kill people? The people, in this case the gang people, have access to thousands of weapons and the few that were watched in AZ made no difference in the rate of violence at all.

Your reading of history is also incorrect . Holder was voted, mostly by Republicans to be in Contempt of Congress.

Yes you are wrong. No weapons were smuggled to the cartels. They bought them like ever other customer. The NRA fight for their right to continue to do so as well.
So you think guns kill people. That pretty much discredits you.
You've been misinformed. The guns under ATF surveillance were all purchased legally under AZ law. The AG in Arizona refuse to press charges.

Obama gives thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, his plan to facilitate murder and increase the death rate to a level he can push his liberal agenda, resulting in the murder of over 50 people - to include 4 Americans...and you want to try to justify the actions and claim nothing illegal was done because Obama bought the guns legally, illegally ran them across the border and illegally supplied them to the Cartels...because the AZ AG (was pressured into) did not want to PRESS CHARGES?

I may be wrong, but when the US Federal Govt smuggles weapons out of the country and gives them to Mexican Drug cartels with the intention of those guns be used to murder people there are more than just Az Law broken.

Of course, US AG Eric Holder already was found to have committed Perjury to keep this all hidden, was protected from indictment/prison, but still became the 1st US AG in history to be Censured for his crimes.

View attachment 246675

The ATF watched as people they suspected of being straw buyers purchased guns with their own money, not Obama's. It's simply not illegal to do that. They can even sell that weapon they just purchase for cash to someone else without breaking the law too. The AZ gun laws prevented the AZ AG from pressing charges, not the omnipotent Obama Administration as you allege. That's why the cartel use AZ as their weapons shopping mart.

Beside aren't you gun lovers always saying guns don't kill people? The people, in this case the gang people, have access to thousands of weapons and the few that were watched in AZ made no difference in the rate of violence at all.

Your reading of history is also incorrect . Holder was voted, mostly by Republicans to be in Contempt of Congress.

Yes you are wrong. No weapons were smuggled to the cartels. They bought them like ever other customer. The NRA fight for their right to continue to do so as well.
Nice opinionated RANT, but the evidence proves you are wrong.

Congress found the ATF and DOJ mismanaged / f*ed up the operation and allowed 1400 weapons to cross the border into Cartel hands.

Holder was asked for his resignation and refused...before perjuring himself before Congress.
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Even when we prohibited alcohol we didn't start an alco-war with our neighbors who still produced distilled spirits.

But we did have some pretty nasty criminal gangs and black markets here however.

Barak Obama made the Drug Cartels stronger, more deadly ,when he illegally supplied them with thousands of automatic weapons and grenades.

Also, it is truly AMAZING how the media - even Liberal media - completely glossed over the fact that the President of the united States, Barak Obama, supplied those weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels IN HOPES THERE WOULD BE A MASSIVE INCREASE IN GUN-CRIME MURDERS IN ORDER TO GIVE HIM AND LIBERALS JUSTIFICATION TO GO AFTER GUN OWNERSHIP IN THE US.

Think about that for a second -


You've been misinformed. The guns under ATF surveillance were all purchased legally under AZ law. The AG in Arizona refuse to press charges. Furthermore all allegations that President Obama was involved in any way with the ATF operation have never been substantiated, despite Congressional GOP investigations.

I love that CT about the gun violence. They were expecting US citizens to care about the increased violence in Mexico? Bwaaahahahahaha. That's a double dumb shit CT. First it would be a dumb shit idea to begin with. It's double dumb shit when you claim it for Obama's reason to do the thing you're lying about them doing in the first place.
Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is unavailable for comment!

.....After being killed during a fire fight with cross boarder bandits, where he and his patrol were ordered to use bean bag shot on armed Bandits who shot back with real bullets.
You've been misinformed. The guns under ATF surveillance were all purchased legally under AZ law. The AG in Arizona refuse to press charges.

Obama gives thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, his plan to facilitate murder and increase the death rate to a level he can push his liberal agenda, resulting in the murder of over 50 people - to include 4 Americans...and you want to try to justify the actions and claim nothing illegal was done because Obama bought the guns legally, illegally ran them across the border and illegally supplied them to the Cartels...because the AZ AG (was pressured into) did not want to PRESS CHARGES?

I may be wrong, but when the US Federal Govt smuggles weapons out of the country and gives them to Mexican Drug cartels with the intention of those guns be used to murder people there are more than just Az Law broken.

Of course, US AG Eric Holder already was found to have committed Perjury to keep this all hidden, was protected from indictment/prison, but still became the 1st US AG in history to be Censured for his crimes.

View attachment 246675

The ATF watched as people they suspected of being straw buyers purchased guns with their own money, not Obama's. It's simply not illegal to do that. They can even sell that weapon they just purchase for cash to someone else without breaking the law too. The AZ gun laws prevented the AZ AG from pressing charges, not the omnipotent Obama Administration as you allege. That's why the cartel use AZ as their weapons shopping mart.

Beside aren't you gun lovers always saying guns don't kill people? The people, in this case the gang people, have access to thousands of weapons and the few that were watched in AZ made no difference in the rate of violence at all.

Your reading of history is also incorrect . Holder was voted, mostly by Republicans to be in Contempt of Congress.

Yes you are wrong. No weapons were smuggled to the cartels. They bought them like ever other customer. The NRA fight for their right to continue to do so as well.
Nice opinionated RANT, but the evidence proves you are wrong.

Liar. No guns were smuggled by the ATF agents. The liberal AZ gun laws have not been changed.
Even when we prohibited alcohol we didn't start an alco-war with our neighbors who still produced distilled spirits.

But we did have some pretty nasty criminal gangs and black markets here however.

Barak Obama made the Drug Cartels stronger, more deadly ,when he illegally supplied them with thousands of automatic weapons and grenades.

Also, it is truly AMAZING how the media - even Liberal media - completely glossed over the fact that the President of the united States, Barak Obama, supplied those weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels IN HOPES THERE WOULD BE A MASSIVE INCREASE IN GUN-CRIME MURDERS IN ORDER TO GIVE HIM AND LIBERALS JUSTIFICATION TO GO AFTER GUN OWNERSHIP IN THE US.

Think about that for a second -


You've been misinformed. The guns under ATF surveillance were all purchased legally under AZ law. The AG in Arizona refuse to press charges. Furthermore all allegations that President Obama was involved in any way with the ATF operation have never been substantiated, despite Congressional GOP investigations.

I love that CT about the gun violence. They were expecting US citizens to care about the increased violence in Mexico? Bwaaahahahahaha. That's a double dumb shit CT. First it would be a dumb shit idea to begin with. It's double dumb shit when you claim it for Obama's reason to do the thing you're lying about them doing in the first place.
Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is unavailable for comment!

.....After being killed during a fire fight with cross boarder bandits, where he and his patrol were ordered to use bean bag shot on armed Bandits who shot back with real bullets.
Bandits who were using guns given to them by Obama!
You've been misinformed. The guns under ATF surveillance were all purchased legally under AZ law. The AG in Arizona refuse to press charges.

Obama gives thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, his plan to facilitate murder and increase the death rate to a level he can push his liberal agenda, resulting in the murder of over 50 people - to include 4 Americans...and you want to try to justify the actions and claim nothing illegal was done because Obama bought the guns legally, illegally ran them across the border and illegally supplied them to the Cartels...because the AZ AG (was pressured into) did not want to PRESS CHARGES?

I may be wrong, but when the US Federal Govt smuggles weapons out of the country and gives them to Mexican Drug cartels with the intention of those guns be used to murder people there are more than just Az Law broken.

Of course, US AG Eric Holder already was found to have committed Perjury to keep this all hidden, was protected from indictment/prison, but still became the 1st US AG in history to be Censured for his crimes.

View attachment 246675

The ATF watched as people they suspected of being straw buyers purchased guns with their own money, not Obama's. It's simply not illegal to do that. They can even sell that weapon they just purchase for cash to someone else without breaking the law too. The AZ gun laws prevented the AZ AG from pressing charges, not the omnipotent Obama Administration as you allege. That's why the cartel use AZ as their weapons shopping mart.

Beside aren't you gun lovers always saying guns don't kill people? The people, in this case the gang people, have access to thousands of weapons and the few that were watched in AZ made no difference in the rate of violence at all.

Your reading of history is also incorrect . Holder was voted, mostly by Republicans to be in Contempt of Congress.

Yes you are wrong. No weapons were smuggled to the cartels. They bought them like ever other customer. The NRA fight for their right to continue to do so as well.
So you think guns kill people. That pretty much discredits you.

Guns don't kill anything all by themselves now do they? Neither do knives, axes, hammers.....well I guess they could fall off a shelf and kill something, but that's gravity for ya.
Even when we prohibited alcohol we didn't start an alco-war with our neighbors who still produced distilled spirits.

But we did have some pretty nasty criminal gangs and black markets here however.

Barak Obama made the Drug Cartels stronger, more deadly ,when he illegally supplied them with thousands of automatic weapons and grenades.

Also, it is truly AMAZING how the media - even Liberal media - completely glossed over the fact that the President of the united States, Barak Obama, supplied those weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels IN HOPES THERE WOULD BE A MASSIVE INCREASE IN GUN-CRIME MURDERS IN ORDER TO GIVE HIM AND LIBERALS JUSTIFICATION TO GO AFTER GUN OWNERSHIP IN THE US.

Think about that for a second -


You've been misinformed. The guns under ATF surveillance were all purchased legally under AZ law. The AG in Arizona refuse to press charges. Furthermore all allegations that President Obama was involved in any way with the ATF operation have never been substantiated, despite Congressional GOP investigations.

I love that CT about the gun violence. They were expecting US citizens to care about the increased violence in Mexico? Bwaaahahahahaha. That's a double dumb shit CT. First it would be a dumb shit idea to begin with. It's double dumb shit when you claim it for Obama's reason to do the thing you're lying about them doing in the first place.
Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is unavailable for comment!

.....After being killed during a fire fight with cross boarder bandits, where he and his patrol were ordered to use bean bag shot on armed Bandits who shot back with real bullets.
Bandits who were using guns given to them by Obama!

So Americans would get so upset about drug gang violence that Obama could shove the liberal "GUN GRABBER" agenda down America's throat and take away all yer guns. Right?

Double-Dumb-Shit, squared!
I see the thought that a wall will end America's drug problem as naïve. That the notion is championed especially by staunch believers in capitalism is especially ironic.

You can never win a war when you finance both sides of it….

We used to subsidize Tobacco farmers (we may still) through the Dept of Agriculture at the same time the HHS Dept was spending money to get people to stop smoking.
There are actually parts in America near our Southern Border where Homeland Security has had to issue travel warnings because it is so dangerous there like it were a Foreign Country.

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