NO NEED To 'Cure' One's Sexual Orientation!

There are some people who most unfortunately go rabid at the mention that sexual orientation is not something that should be cured. Well, it shouldn't be. This report with many great links exemplifies why there is nothing wrong with it and why a cure is not at all necessary. That type of prejudice and myth should have been put to rest a long time ago. The article was written by Professor Tim Holbrook who is professor at law at Emory University School of Law and is also associate dean of faculty. We thank Dr. Holbrook for this excellent report.

Opinion: Sexual orientation doesn't need to be cured -

Homosexuality is a mental illness. The textbooks defined it that way right up until the homos held doctors hostage in the 1970s until they changed it.

They didn't say that prior to 1952 until they changed it. So it wasn't legitimate in the first place.
Is everything with homosexuals all about SEX?

sure does seem like it doesn't it

but stay the hell out of their BEDROOMS
I am of the Christian faith & the hate never took hold in me.

"The hate"? What is that?

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The hatred of gay humans, or those of a different skin color, faith, or height........(ok, a bit of bias on that.)

I don't have any hatred for anyone, I don't believe that acting on gay urges is acceptable, however, you are free to do what you want.

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"The hate"? What is that?

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The hatred of gay humans, or those of a different skin color, faith, or height........(ok, a bit of bias on that.)

I don't have any hatred for anyone, I don't believe that acting on gay urges is acceptable, however, you are free to do what you want.

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so you could change your sexuality and only be attracted to men?

don't you think that's kind of, well, silly?

you may not have "hatred" but you're a bigot. a relationship between CONSENTING ADULTS is really none of your business. and, for the record, my son was ogling women at 5. he had a friend who said then that he never had any intention of marrying a woman and would only marry a man.

good luck forcing that kid to be something he isn't.

and, respectfully, no one is here to worry about whatever offense you might take.
The hatred of gay humans, or those of a different skin color, faith, or height........(ok, a bit of bias on that.)

I don't have any hatred for anyone, I don't believe that acting on gay urges is acceptable, however, you are free to do what you want.

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so you could change your sexuality and only be attracted to men?

don't you think that's kind of, well, silly?

you may not have "hatred" but you're a bigot. a relationship between CONSENTING ADULTS is really none of your business. and, for the record, my son was ogling women at 5. he had a friend who said then that he never had any intention of marrying a woman and would only marry a man.

good luck forcing that kid to be something he isn't.

and, respectfully, no one is here to worry about whatever offense you might take.
I wouldn't say he is a bigot, he is simply biased, that isn't a bad thing as long as he doesn't let his biases cloud his judgement. He clearly doesn't allow his bias. to cloud his judgment, see the part that I underlined.

He recognizes our right to do what we want (legally speaking). Thus he isn't a bigot. He doesn't have to accept it and attempting to force him to isn't going to help matters.

I have to tip my hat to him, he recognizes our rights.
The hatred of gay humans, or those of a different skin color, faith, or height........(ok, a bit of bias on that.)

I don't have any hatred for anyone, I don't believe that acting on gay urges is acceptable, however, you are free to do what you want.

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so you could change your sexuality and only be attracted to men?

don't you think that's kind of, well, silly?

you may not have "hatred" but you're a bigot. a relationship between CONSENTING ADULTS is really none of your business. and, for the record, my son was ogling women at 5. he had a friend who said then that he never had any intention of marrying a woman and would only marry a man.

good luck forcing that kid to be something he isn't.

and, respectfully, no one is here to worry about whatever offense you might take.

It's none of my business what you or any consenting adult does behind closed doors, I said before, DO WHAT YOU WANT, what part of that did you not understand.

People smoke, I don't except that as appropriate behavior, but you do as you wish, it's not my business.

And who said I took offense, wear your size 10 jeans in your size 20 body, I don't want to see it, but it's not my business. Do what you want.

Why are you trying to force your opinions on me, I certainly don't force my opinions on you, not that I care to.

You are gay, good for you, I don't find it as acceptable behavior, however, it's none of my business, you are gay, so what?

I don't force my opinion or judgement on you for being gay, why are you forcing me to change my opinion because you are gay? This doesn't make much sense to me. Could you please explain this to me?
"The hate"? What is that?

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The hatred of gay humans, or those of a different skin color, faith, or height........(ok, a bit of bias on that.)

I don't have any hatred for anyone, I don't believe that acting on gay urges is acceptable, however, you are free to do what you want.

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[MENTION=23516]Papageorgio[/MENTION] I feel I have been approaching this discussion with a mind set that I would counter all the extremists arguments with logical arguments but I feel that is a bad approach.

Thank you for saying the part above that I underlined. You don't have to accept it, I don't think you should be forced or coerced to either.

You recognize our rights and I appreciate that.
There are some people who most unfortunately go rabid at the mention that sexual orientation is not something that should be cured. Well, it shouldn't be. This report with many great links exemplifies why there is nothing wrong with it and why a cure is not at all necessary. That type of prejudice and myth should have been put to rest a long time ago. The article was written by Professor Tim Holbrook who is professor at law at Emory University School of Law and is also associate dean of faculty. We thank Dr. Holbrook for this excellent report.

Opinion: Sexual orientation doesn't need to be cured -

Homosexuality is a mental illness. The textbooks defined it that way right up until the homos held doctors hostage in the 1970s until they changed it.

They didn't say that prior to 1952 until they changed it. So it wasn't legitimate in the first place.

The hatred of gay humans, or those of a different skin color, faith, or height........(ok, a bit of bias on that.)

I don't have any hatred for anyone, I don't believe that acting on gay urges is acceptable, however, you are free to do what you want.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
[MENTION=23516]Papageorgio[/MENTION] I feel I have been approaching this discussion with a mind set that I would counter all the extremists arguments with logical arguments but I feel that is a bad approach.

Thank you for saying the part above that I underlined. You don't have to accept it, I don't think you should be forced or coerced to either.

You recognize our rights and I appreciate that.

I had a boss, a great guy, he was gay and him and I would go out after work at times and talk about issues from both sides, and though we may have disagreed, we both respected each other and each other's opinions. He is a good person and I still keep in touch with him.

Your rights are my rights, we all have the same freedoms. I also worry a lot more about those who harm others with malice, that is more worrisome to me. Those that hurt and abuse children, drug addicts that will lie, steal and kill for the next fix, gangs, the list is long about these concerns in our society.

I respect you attitude, it's this kind of respect that helps solve issues.

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I don't have any hatred for anyone, I don't believe that acting on gay urges is acceptable, however, you are free to do what you want.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
[MENTION=23516]Papageorgio[/MENTION] I feel I have been approaching this discussion with a mind set that I would counter all the extremists arguments with logical arguments but I feel that is a bad approach.

Thank you for saying the part above that I underlined. You don't have to accept it, I don't think you should be forced or coerced to either.

You recognize our rights and I appreciate that.

I had a boss, a great guy, he was gay and him and I would go out after work at times and talk about issues from both sides, and though we may have disagreed, we both respected each other and each other's opinions. He is a good person and I still keep in touch with him.

Your rights are my rights, we all have the same freedoms. I also worry a lot more about those who harm others with malice, that is more worrisome to me. Those that hurt and abuse children, drug addicts that will lie, steal and kill for the next fix, gangs, the list is long about these concerns in our society.

I respect you attitude, it's this kind of respect that helps solve issues.

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[MENTION=23516]Papageorgio[/MENTION] to be honest, I adjusted my attitude when I read your post, I thought about it, and there is no reason to call you a bigot. Frankly you arethe opposite.
Yes, as far as the books were concerned, homosexuality was not a mental illness prior to 1952. It was added to the DSM.

And your point? It was classed as a mental disease.
For good reason. It is a mental disease that grows out of extreme narcissicism, which is a mental disorder.
No it isn't, when it was in the DSM it wasn't said to have "grown out of extreme narcissism" it was related to paranoia.

You don't know what you are talking about, thus there is no point incontinuing this discussion.

Have a good day.
Yes, as far as the books were concerned, homosexuality was not a mental illness prior to 1952. It was added to the DSM.

And your point? It was classed as a mental disease.
For good reason. It is a mental disease that grows out of extreme narcissicism, which is a mental disorder.
No it isn't, when it was in the DSM it wasn't said to have "grown out of extreme narcissism" it was related to paranoia.

You don't know what you are talking about, thus there is no point incontinuing this discussion.

Have a good day.

Good, at least now you'll go away.
It is clear homosexuality is a mental disease requiring treatment. Look at the health profile of homosexuals, even women, and the preponderance of anti social illnesses is striking. Everything from increased rates of smoking to alcoholism to STDs to AIDS. Healthy people dont do that to themselves.
And your point? It was classed as a mental disease.
For good reason. It is a mental disease that grows out of extreme narcissicism, which is a mental disorder.
No it isn't, when it was in the DSM it wasn't said to have "grown out of extreme narcissism" it was related to paranoia.

You don't know what you are talking about, thus there is no point incontinuing this discussion.

Have a good day.

Good, at least now you'll go away.
It is clear homosexuality is a mental disease requiring treatment. Look at the health profile of homosexuals, even women, and the preponderance of anti social illnesses is striking. Everything from increased rates of smoking to alcoholism to STDs to AIDS. Healthy people dont do that to themselves.
correlation is not causation

Looking at your signature, apparently you're a liberal. You made a fallacy in yoursecond post
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Incorrectly. No it isn't, when it was in the DSM it wasn't said to have "grown out of extreme narcissism" it was related to paranoia.

You don't know what you are talking about, thus there is no point incontinuing this discussion.

Have a good day.

Good, at least now you'll go away.
It is clear homosexuality is a mental disease requiring treatment. Look at the health profile of homosexuals, even women, and the preponderance of anti social illnesses is striking. Everything from increased rates of smoking to alcoholism to STDs to AIDS. Healthy people dont do that to themselves.
correlation is not causation

Looking at your signature, apparently you're a liberal. You made a fallacy in yoursecond post

Darn, and here I thought you said there was no point continuing. I guess you're a liar then. Shock.
There is no epidemiologist who will not look at patterns of behavior and incidences of disease and draw conclusions about them. The high incidence of promiscuity, drug/alcohol addiction, failed relationships, violence, etc etc all point to homosexuals being mentally ill. There is no way to escape the conclusion.
Good, at least now you'll go away.
It is clear homosexuality is a mental disease requiring treatment. Look at the health profile of homosexuals, even women, and the preponderance of anti social illnesses is striking. Everything from increased rates of smoking to alcoholism to STDs to AIDS. Healthy people dont do that to themselves.
correlation is not causation

Looking at your signature, apparently you're a liberal. You made a fallacy in yoursecond post

Darn, and here I thought you said there was no point continuing. I guess you're a liar then. Shock.
There is no epidemiologist who will not look at patterns of behavior and incidences of disease and draw conclusions about them. The high incidence of promiscuity, drug/alcohol addiction, failed relationships, violence, etc etc all point to homosexuals being mentally ill. There is no way to escape the conclusion.
It's a fundamental law of science.

correlation is not causation.

You really ought to leave this up to people that understand that.

we aren't having a discussion you making a fool of yourself and I am simply pointing it out.

you clearly have no business talking about psychology but I want you to continue talking to prove my point so please make another post me
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correlation is not causation

Looking at your signature, apparently you're a liberal. You made a fallacy in yoursecond post

Darn, and here I thought you said there was no point continuing. I guess you're a liar then. Shock.
There is no epidemiologist who will not look at patterns of behavior and incidences of disease and draw conclusions about them. The high incidence of promiscuity, drug/alcohol addiction, failed relationships, violence, etc etc all point to homosexuals being mentally ill. There is no way to escape the conclusion.
It's a fundamental law of science.

correlation is not causation.

You really ought to leave this up to people that understand that.

we aren't having a discussion you making a fool of yourself and I am simply pointing it out.

you clearly have no business talking about psychology but I want you to continue talking to prove my point so please make another post me

Darn and here I thought you'd shut up instead of proving yourself a liar.
Please show me where any epidemiologist would ignore the statistics of any population group and assume that behavior did not influence outcomes. By your token smoking does not cause cancer nor do gun shot wounds cause deaths.
You're failing rather badly here.
There is nothing to be cured in natural human variations. Those that cause disease may be treated, but being gay, as with height, is just a variance.

In my friend's case, his was not a "natural human variation". He was molested as a boy and imprinted thusly to seek out compulsive gay sex in a manifestation of untreated childhood sexual abuse. Mentally, he kept falling in love with women. Physically he could only express himself compulsively sexually with males.

You would call him "gay" and by all outward appearances he was. Yet what we knew him as was damaged. And you would argue that that damage not be undone under any circumstances with any psychiatric methods. And I say that is grotesque psychological bondage. But it's OK with you to coerce and encourage all manner of straight kids to be "bi-curious" or "come out gay".

Only stop them one direction, right?


Perhaps you and I "got off on the wrong foot."

You have posted this story before and because I've disliked you, I thought little of it. But perhaps we can begin anew. If there is one person here that can get into your head, it is I. So let me try.

You spend a lot of time talking about same gender sex, even though it disgusts you. I'm gonna assume you are a Conservative, and would rather not see America's culture change for what you consider to be "the worse".

But can't you see? Things always change for the worse, and for the better, simultaneously. There is no preventing the Sun from setting.

It has been said, "Your thoughts determine your reality." You spend so much time thinking about these things that bother you so much. About other people's choices. But what about your own? How much more at peace would you be if you just let it go? If you just forgave whoever it was that assaulted your friend? Just because the perpetrator has one thing in common with other people does not mean that they are all like him!

If you just let it go, than it would not matter anymore. It would bring some much deserved serenity into your life. Don't you want that? Don't you want to stop thinking about homosexuality, bisexuality, and "deviant sexual behavior" all the time ?

That is within your power and yours alone. You can use your willpower to adjust your perspective. Through the power of choice, you can end all this pain, and emerge free of this negativity.

You can destroy these thoughts that are consuming you.

Just think about that with an open mind.

Because risking children's safety by trends & data that are stark & obvious & participating in the suppression or "spinning" of that data can render into real predictable harm to kids...& thereby over time as their numbers grow into adulthood, via this collusion of willful ignorance, harm to society itself, is unacceptable on any terms. ie: I can think beyond my own box & extrapolate logic over time. Pity you can't.

I have read Jude 1 of the New Testment both as a former christian & a layman. The allegorical-core [the actual sacred base] of that passage is precisely as I described in the last paragraph.

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abusedabusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

The "social learning" that resulted in Sodom's destruction was precisey the type that destroyed my friend.
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