NO NEED To 'Cure' One's Sexual Orientation!

There are some people who most unfortunately go rabid at the mention that sexual orientation is not something that should be cured. Well, it shouldn't be. This report with many great links exemplifies why there is nothing wrong with it and why a cure is not at all necessary. That type of prejudice and myth should have been put to rest a long time ago. The article was written by Professor Tim Holbrook who is professor at law at Emory University School of Law and is also associate dean of faculty. We thank Dr. Holbrook for this excellent report.

Opinion: Sexual orientation doesn't need to be cured -

It's up to an individual what they want to do, it is all about choices. If they want to change or accept either way, it is up to them, not you, not some news article.that goes for all adults.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Agreed. If I was gay I would want to be straight, and I imagine many gay people would feel the same way. It's up to the individual to decide what they want.
There can be no doubt that with all of the intolerance, injustice, and hate Gay and Lesbian citizens receive quite often from some of their less illuminated straight counterparts can it be any wonder they might want to change to something else just to avoid the scorn, bigotry, harassment and discrimination? But the fact remains that medical and scientific organizations have revealed in their studies that that is not possible as sexual orientation is inherent in a person at birth and not something you can change anymore than one can change from having a long nose to a short, small one simply by thinking it is a choice that can manifest at will, outside of actual surgery. And it doesn't happen that way in the case of sexual orientation either. Even the so-called Gay Reparation Therapies have been ruled dangerous, harmful, and non-effective by those in the know. However, bigots continue to pound out that idea that they can change into straight, out of fear that is unfounded. But they can't that much is known. But as the article reveals there is no need to want to fix something that isn't broken. And that's the bottom line.
There are some people who most unfortunately go rabid at the mention that sexual orientation is not something that should be cured. Well, it shouldn't be. This report with many great links exemplifies why there is nothing wrong with it and why a cure is not at all necessary. That type of prejudice and myth should have been put to rest a long time ago. The article was written by Professor Tim Holbrook who is professor at law at Emory University School of Law and is also associate dean of faculty. We thank Dr. Holbrook for this excellent report.

Opinion: Sexual orientation doesn't need to be cured -

People need to mind their own business. Gays are allowed to be gay.

And if they want to change their way they should be free to. Just as hetros are free to partake in homosexual activities if they choose.
It is one thing for Straights to participate in homosexual activities as you say, as well as for Gays to participate in Heterosexual ones and many do. However, the fact remains that that is temporary, perhaps just for the moment. At the end of the day they will remain what they are. The Straights will remain Straight and the Gays will remain Gay with the exception of the Bisexuals who may continue to make out with either sex. They had their curiosity and checked it out but that was then, this is now and in each case they remain who they were born to be.
Just keep it to yourself. If your gay or lezbo, pleeeeeeeeeeease just keep that shit in the privacy of your bedroom. Nobody want's to hear about it. So stop your bullshit parades and crybaby protest about equal treatment.
Sorry, Not Going To Happen. As long as bigots continue marginalizing GLBT citizens and denying them Equal Rights such postings will most definitely continue as should be.

"You said that you struggle with an obsession with having HIV or another sexually transmitted disease.
Some people with mental health struggles are at increased risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases because these issues can interfere with their ability to think clearly and make decisions that will keep them safe from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. If you are suffering from an obsession or similar psychological struggles, counseling or talking to your health care provider can address these problems."

Immediately thought of you GIS, you should take it and find out what your risk actually is. :)

Quiz: Are You at Risk for HIV?

Short n skinny of it is, if you're sexually active, you're at risk. You can only be certain about your own actions, never that of your partner.

I am certain of my hand's actions!
Gotta hand it to you, you can't practice any safer sex than that. :lol:
wow, obsessed isn't the word here

it's nice you think you speak for everyone in the country
You libs are a bunch of hypocrites. You post all these pro homosexual threads and bash anyone who doesn't support gay marriage, yet when you get pissed off at a conservative, the first thing you do is call him a "fag" or "cum guzzler", some kind of homosexual slur. It's your favorite way of insulting someone.

You're hypocrites, every damn one of you.

It's a common tactic and it's known as Jamming

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" ......

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion.

Jamming employs the science of Direct Emotional Modeling and Associative Conditioning.

Gay* Brainwashing Techniques
PoliticalTorch, Are you a pole smoker? All you post about is the fags and stupid bible quotes which seems really asinine, since god hates fags.
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There are some people who most unfortunately go rabid at the mention that sexual orientation is not something that should be cured. Well, it shouldn't be. This report with many great links exemplifies why there is nothing wrong with it and why a cure is not at all necessary. That type of prejudice and myth should have been put to rest a long time ago. The article was written by Professor Tim Holbrook who is professor at law at Emory University School of Law and is also associate dean of faculty. We thank Dr. Holbrook for this excellent report.

Opinion: Sexual orientation doesn't need to be cured -

There are people that go rabid when you mention rabies, what's your point?
C'mon, didn't you just read what I posted? It explains it fully. Go back and re-read it for a better understanding.

Yes, I did read it. I have been saying all along that sexual preference is a choice, and multiple people have called me homophobic as a result. Now you post an OpEd that says people do not have to be cured of their choices, and I want to know what the fuck your point is.

Did you actually have one? Or did you just read the title and decide to post it in the hope of pissing people off?
The two were thieves and one, a convicted felon. Atheist haters, both of them.

Peach and PT: what a couple of friggin' parroting buffoons! You two idiots don't even know your own jew bibles stance against the faggots! Maybe your dead god will show mercy on your non-rule following ways come that mythical judgement day!
Faggotry and this bullshit, so-called sexual orientation is all a choice and it's mental! No one, by instinct or inherent genetic breeding, is willing to take it up the rectum or get urinated on or fisted up the anus because it's allegedly the way that damned dead god made them that way. It's an excuse, a sick, twisted attempt to make their perversions seem normal.
And yes, I am a proud atheist! Antinomianisms finest!
[MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION] and [MENTION=49463]PoliticalTorch[/MENTION], you shouldn't respond to this warwulf guy.

He/she is just being antagonistic, and doing a poor job of it.

God created all humans, life is interesting BECAUSE OF the differences, to me at least.
Peach and PT: what a couple of friggin' parroting buffoons! You two idiots don't even know your own jew bibles stance against the faggots! Maybe your dead god will show mercy on your non-rule following ways come that mythical judgement day!
Faggotry and this bullshit, so-called sexual orientation is all a choice and it's mental! No one, by instinct or inherent genetic breeding, is willing to take it up the rectum or get urinated on or fisted up the anus because it's allegedly the way that damned dead god made them that way. It's an excuse, a sick, twisted attempt to make their perversions seem normal.
And yes, I am a proud atheist! Antinomianisms finest!
[MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION] and [MENTION=49463]PoliticalTorch[/MENTION], you shouldn't respond to this warwulf guy.

He/she is just being antagonistic, and doing a poor job of it.

God created all humans, life is interesting BECAUSE OF the differences, to me at least.
I tend to agree, but this one isn't that interesting.
There are some people who most unfortunately go rabid at the mention that sexual orientation is not something that should be cured. Well, it shouldn't be. This report with many great links exemplifies why there is nothing wrong with it and why a cure is not at all necessary. That type of prejudice and myth should have been put to rest a long time ago. The article was written by Professor Tim Holbrook who is professor at law at Emory University School of Law and is also associate dean of faculty. We thank Dr. Holbrook for this excellent report.

Opinion: Sexual orientation doesn't need to be cured -

There is nothing to be cured in natural human variations. Those that cause disease may be treated, but being gay, as with height, is just a variance.
There are people that go rabid when you mention rabies, what's your point?
C'mon, didn't you just read what I posted? It explains it fully. Go back and re-read it for a better understanding.

Yes, I did read it. I have been saying all along that sexual preference is a choice, and multiple people have called me homophobic as a result. Now you post an OpEd that says people do not have to be cured of their choices, and I want to know what the fuck your point is.

Did you actually have one? Or did you just read the title and decide to post it in the hope of pissing people off?
The writer of the article made a great point. It was obviously meant to open the eyes of those in bed with bigotry and intolerance (ring a bell?), you know, those who hate to admit that GLBT citizens might just be alright people and people who don't need to be 'cured' since there's nothing to cure them from in the first place. That was the point that I too was trying to exemplify. However, I understand that will go way over your head.
There is nothing to be cured in natural human variations. Those that cause disease may be treated, but being gay, as with height, is just a variance.

In my friend's case, his was not a "natural human variation". He was molested as a boy and imprinted thusly to seek out compulsive gay sex in a manifestation of untreated childhood sexual abuse. Mentally, he kept falling in love with women. Physically he could only express himself compulsively sexually with males.

You would call him "gay" and by all outward appearances he was. Yet what we knew him as was damaged. And you would argue that that damage not be undone under any circumstances with any psychiatric methods. And I say that is grotesque psychological bondage. But it's OK with you to coerce and encourage all manner of straight kids to be "bi-curious" or "come out gay".

Only stop them one direction, right?
C'mon, didn't you just read what I posted? It explains it fully. Go back and re-read it for a better understanding.

Yes, I did read it. I have been saying all along that sexual preference is a choice, and multiple people have called me homophobic as a result. Now you post an OpEd that says people do not have to be cured of their choices, and I want to know what the fuck your point is.

Did you actually have one? Or did you just read the title and decide to post it in the hope of pissing people off?
The writer of the article made a great point. It was obviously meant to open the eyes of those in bed with bigotry and intolerance (ring a bell?), you know, those who hate to admit that GLBT citizens might just be alright people and people who don't need to be 'cured' since there's nothing to cure them from in the first place. That was the point that I too was trying to exemplify. However, I understand that will go way over your head.

I have made the same point, multiple times, you you still call me a bigot.

What does that way about you?

In case you need a hint, it says you are close minded and unwilling to admit you are wrong.

Feel free to prove me wrong.
There is nothing to be cured in natural human variations. Those that cause disease may be treated, but being gay, as with height, is just a variance.

In my friend's case, his was not a "natural human variation". He was molested as a boy and imprinted thusly to seek out compulsive gay sex in a manifestation of untreated childhood sexual abuse. Mentally, he kept falling in love with women. Physically he could only express himself compulsively sexually with males.

You would call him "gay" and by all outward appearances he was. Yet what we knew him as was damaged. And you would argue that that damage not be undone under any circumstances with any psychiatric methods. And I say that is grotesque psychological bondage. But it's OK with you to coerce and encourage all manner of straight kids to be "bi-curious" or "come out gay".

Only stop them one direction, right?


Perhaps you and I "got off on the wrong foot."

You have posted this story before and because I've disliked you, I thought little of it. But perhaps we can begin anew. If there is one person here that can get into your head, it is I. So let me try.

You spend a lot of time talking about same gender sex, even though it disgusts you. I'm gonna assume you are a Conservative, and would rather not see America's culture change for what you consider to be "the worse".

But can't you see? Things always change for the worse, and for the better, simultaneously. There is no preventing the Sun from setting.

It has been said, "Your thoughts determine your reality." You spend so much time thinking about these things that bother you so much. About other people's choices. But what about your own? How much more at peace would you be if you just let it go? If you just forgave whoever it was that assaulted your friend? Just because the perpetrator has one thing in common with other people does not mean that they are all like him!

If you just let it go, than it would not matter anymore. It would bring some much deserved serenity into your life. Don't you want that? Don't you want to stop thinking about homosexuality, bisexuality, and "deviant sexual behavior" all the time ?

That is within your power and yours alone. You can use your willpower to adjust your perspective. Through the power of choice, you can end all this pain, and emerge free of this negativity.

You can destroy these thoughts that are consuming you.

Just think about that with an open mind.
There are some people who most unfortunately go rabid at the mention that sexual orientation is not something that should be cured. Well, it shouldn't be. This report with many great links exemplifies why there is nothing wrong with it and why a cure is not at all necessary. That type of prejudice and myth should have been put to rest a long time ago. The article was written by Professor Tim Holbrook who is professor at law at Emory University School of Law and is also associate dean of faculty. We thank Dr. Holbrook for this excellent report.

Opinion: Sexual orientation doesn't need to be cured -

Homosexuality is a mental illness. The textbooks defined it that way right up until the homos held doctors hostage in the 1970s until they changed it.
Just keep it to yourself. If your gay or lezbo, pleeeeeeeeeeease just keep that shit in the privacy of your bedroom. Nobody want's to hear about it. So stop your bullshit parades and crybaby protest about equal treatment.
You first.

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