No Obama Scandals? The US inspector General Says Otherwise...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Despite snowflakes' occasional false claims that Obama had no scandals in his Presidency, Inspector General Michael Horowitz says ... and can prove ... otherwise. The IG's investigation and in-going investigation findings 'lay waste' to more than Just Snowflakes' 'no Obama scandal' claim - it exposes scandals within the FBI, the ATF, US DEA, etc:

Analysis: The quiet probe into Clinton email investigation could be a landmine for Robert Mueller

'Nearly a year later, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s wide-ranging review of the FBI and Justice’s work in the politically-charged Clinton case now looms as a potential landmine for Russia special counsel Robert Mueller.'
Yawn, still waiting for the Comey Claus to bring you a present under your tree...

Here's the thing. No sensible person would consider "using the wrong e-mail" as a serious offense.
That's hillaryairious. Some one sending classified and possibly secret info on the wrong email is indeed a serious offense. Anyone with sense enough to work as Secretary Of State should know that, and she did.
That's hillaryairious. Some one sending classified and possibly secret info on the wrong email is indeed a serious offense. Anyone with sense enough to work as Secretary Of State should know that, and she did.

Okay. Can you name a case of someone receiving emails on the wrong email server who went to jail for it.

I keep asking this, if you guys can name someone woh went to jail for doing what Hillary did, and you keep coming up empty.
That's hillaryairious. Some one sending classified and possibly secret info on the wrong email is indeed a serious offense. Anyone with sense enough to work as Secretary Of State should know that, and she did.

Okay. Can you name a case of someone receiving emails on the wrong email server who went to jail for it.

I keep asking this, if you guys can name someone woh went to jail for doing what Hillary did, and you keep coming up empty.
That's because the FBI and the president at the time were and are corrupt scum who refused to do the job of prosecuting criminals. All that is changing.
Okay. Can you name a case of someone receiving emails on the wrong email server who went to jail for it.

'All she did is send a few classified documents on the wrong e-mail server....'

What you keep seeking to do is minimize a monumental case of crimes against the United States by a lying criminal who took bribes from Russians and sold her country out to the highest bidder.

Barak Obama's WH declared that the information on Hillary's server contained inf0ormation SO classified that if it ever got out in any capacity it could cause GRAVE DAMAGE to out National Security. The information included TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED Information - information regarding programs Hillary had been 'READ OUT' of, meaning she was not legally allowed to even HAVE that information in her possession, let alone sending it out to anyone.

Hillary just having that information on her server is a CRIME.

Hillary having that information on that server that did not meet government laws / standards for that level of classified info is a CRIME.

Sending out that information is a CRIME.

Later, destroying that information NOT in compliance of US Law is a CRIME.

On top of all these CRIMES you seek to minimize are other potential crimes of ESPIONAGE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, 30,000 charges for illegal NON-COMPLIANCE with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, not to mention OBSTRUCTION!

Hillary Clinton did not just break a few laws, she threatened this nation's national security, potentially endangered, according to reports, several on-going operations while endangering lives, risked revealing US methods of Intel Gathering, etc..

Hillary deserves to be publicly PERP WALKED, indicted, charged, convicted, and sent away to prison for the rest of her life, and there are ample enough charges waiting to be filed by someone who has the integrity and testicular fortitude to file them.

WOW........Queasy is still on the "lock her up" band wagon.......

Yeah, Queasy that should fully derail what Mueller is doing......LOL
Obama and his Cabinet are the MOST CRIMINAL in US history.


Trump is Leading the Most Corrupt Administration in U.S. History, One
Nov 2, 2017 - “The most corrupt presidency and administration we've ever had,” says Zephyr Teachout, a Fordham University law professor who authored a book titled ... Shulkin is one of six Trump Cabinetmembers being investigated for (or at the very least, being asked uncomfortable questions about) travel or security ..

Ulysses S. Grant presidential administration scandals - Wikipedia

Warren G. Harding - U.S. Presidents -'s presidency was overshadowed by the criminal activities of some of his cabinet members and other government officials, although he himself was not involved in any wrongdoing. An Ohio ... After Harding's death, the Teapot Dome Scandal and other instances of corruption came to light, damaging his reputation.
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No indictments or official investigations makes his administration the most criminal? WTF is wrong with you anyway?

For Queasy, the mental "cocktail" of delusion, hatred and low IQ makes him one of the more notorious right wing idiots on this forum....

He may be an idiot, but he is an "entertaining" idiot.
No indictments or official investigations makes his administration the most criminal? WTF is wrong with you anyway?

For Queasy, the mental "cocktail" of delusion, hatred and low IQ makes him one of the more notorious right wing idiots on this forum....

He may be an idiot, but he is an "entertaining" idiot.

Senator Roy Moore has thanked him for his hard work he does on the internet on behalf of the extreme right.

President Trump Did Not / Has Not:

- Financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected terrorists, and forced our military and country into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help Terrorists (to include Al '9/11/01 and 9/11/12' Qaida) take over their own countries...resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent people...after winning the Nobel PEACE Prize.

- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels, aid and abet Human Traffickers, engage in Human trafficking, refuse to enforce US Law, defend and protect violent illegals, let violent MS-13 enter the country then protect them, or protect violent illegals and the criminal Sanctuary Cities that protect them.

- STEAL US ax dollars and us that money to engage in his own personal and criminally fiscally irresponsible acts / crimes, like ...
--- Telling Americans the hundreds of millions he was taking was for Zika Virus treatment / prevention in the US only to have it reported that less than a week later he gave the money to the U.N. to help finance a new oppressive Global Initiative...

--- Pay Billions in ransom money to have Americans being held captive released from Iran

--- Attempt to give Hezbollah millions of dollars after already having shutdown the criminal investigation against their terrorist-funding drug running operation.

----- BARRY DID!

- Hid Russian crimes / aid and colluded with Russians in 2009 to help them acquire Uranium One.

- Hid Russian attempts to hack Senior Politicians and their attempts to divide the country and interfere in US elections from 2014 - 2016

- Violate both Constitution and Law, aid and abet our enemies while betraying both this country and our allies.

- Set new records for Non-Compliance with both the FOIA and Federal Records Act,

- Have the 1st and only US Cabinet Member to be Censured

...and this barely scratches the surface.

There is no cop\mparison...Obama is the worst President in US History and the Most Criminal....
Despite snowflakes' occasional false claims that Obama had no scandals in his Presidency, Inspector General Michael Horowitz says ... and can prove ... otherwise. The IG's investigation and in-going investigation findings 'lay waste' to more than Just Snowflakes' 'no Obama scandal' claim - it exposes scandals within the FBI, the ATF, US DEA, etc:

Analysis: The quiet probe into Clinton email investigation could be a landmine for Robert Mueller

'Nearly a year later, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s wide-ranging review of the FBI and Justice’s work in the politically-charged Clinton case now looms as a potential landmine for Russia special counsel Robert Mueller.'
It's been a year.

It's over mofo. Over. What part of "over" don't you get?
No indictments or official investigations makes his administration the most criminal? WTF is wrong with you anyway?
I don't have my head up my ass like you, believing that the most corrupt / criminal administration in US history is not just that because would not expose itself for it's crimes, because it would not indict itself, because it would not charge its own members, because it would not send its own members to prison, because it would not expose itself for it's crimes.

It has already been proven FACTUALLY, for example, that the Obama administration set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. (Hillary's 30,000 official documents never being turned in as per required by the law is a prime example of the rampant criminal ignoring of law by his administration.)

A bipartisan Congress made Eric Holder the 1st and ONLY US Presidential Cabinet Member to be Censured by Congress. An indictment is an official punishment handed down by Congress.

The real question is not what is wrong with ME but rather WTF is wrong with YOU, putting your loyalty 1st and foremost into a proven criminal organization / political party rather than having your loyalty lie where it belongs 1st and foremost - to your country?!
Despite snowflakes' occasional false claims that Obama had no scandals in his Presidency, Inspector General Michael Horowitz says ... and can prove ... otherwise. The IG's investigation and in-going investigation findings 'lay waste' to more than Just Snowflakes' 'no Obama scandal' claim - it exposes scandals within the FBI, the ATF, US DEA, etc:

Analysis: The quiet probe into Clinton email investigation could be a landmine for Robert Mueller

'Nearly a year later, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s wide-ranging review of the FBI and Justice’s work in the politically-charged Clinton case now looms as a potential landmine for Russia special counsel Robert Mueller.'
Where were all those indictments and convictions that we saw with Bush and Reagan and Nixon....?
That's because the FBI and the president at the time were and are corrupt scum who refused to do the job of prosecuting criminals. All that is changing.

Any prosecution brought now would be thrown out on grounds of double jeopardy.

What you keep seeking to do is minimize a monumental case of crimes against the United States by a lying criminal who took bribes from Russians and sold her country out to the highest bidder.

And again, if you guys could prove any of that, we could talk.

25 years of accusing Mrs. Clinton of everything up to and including murder, and you come up with NOTHING.

Here's a story you should have learned as a child, to put it in perspective.


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