No Obama Scandals? The US inspector General Says Otherwise...

I'd be more impressed if he looked into the rapes going on right under his nose at Baylor University with even 1/10th of his enthuasium, to find Monica's Jizz stained dress.
Only 2 types of people believe Hillary Clinton, Abedin, and Mills deleted 'personal' e-mails - Lying, butt-hurt, delusional snowflakes like you and everyone else in the world who has even a grain of common sense.

Powell and Rice used private email accounts for government business.
Nobody said boo about it.
Nobody said boo about the fact that Powell couldn't produce emails concerning the IRaq War - you know, that war over weapons that didn't exists but created thousands of dead people.
No indictments or official investigations makes his administration the most criminal? WTF is wrong with you anyway?

For Queasy, the mental "cocktail" of delusion, hatred and low IQ makes him one of the more notorious right wing idiots on this forum....

He may be an idiot, but he is an "entertaining" idiot.

No he's not, he is a blowhard like his orange good! Only far less entertaining!
Despite snowflakes' occasional false claims that Obama had no scandals in his Presidency, Inspector General Michael Horowitz says ... and can prove ... otherwise. The IG's investigation and in-going investigation findings 'lay waste' to more than Just Snowflakes' 'no Obama scandal' claim - it exposes scandals within the FBI, the ATF, US DEA, etc:

Analysis: The quiet probe into Clinton email investigation could be a landmine for Robert Mueller

'Nearly a year later, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s wide-ranging review of the FBI and Justice’s work in the politically-charged Clinton case now looms as a potential landmine for Russia special counsel Robert Mueller.'

Shockingly there is not a single 'scandal' in that article.

Who would think that you would be lying?


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