No Obama Scandals? The US inspector General Says Otherwise...

It's been a year. It's over mofo. Over. What part of "over" don't you get?

Nice Jim Belushi impersonation...


It's been over 8 years, and you pu$$ies STILL blame Bush for everything negative that happened under still bring him up, still attack him.

It's over? Just because you say so?


Oh, NO, my whiny, crying little snowflake...


Despite the desperate cries, [lease, and attempts to silence any mention of the criminals Barak and Hillary, their 'Legacies' continue to be written as the evidence of their crimes continue to be exposed.

...and it's not over, lil' snowflake - there is a LOT more to be exposed / come.

Buckle Up...

Embrace 'The Suck'...
Sit Back...
And Enjoy the Ride!

:itsok: :lmao:
That's because the FBI and the president at the time were and are corrupt scum who refused to do the job of prosecuting criminals. All that is changing.

Any prosecution brought now would be thrown out on grounds of double jeopardy.

What you keep seeking to do is minimize a monumental case of crimes against the United States by a lying criminal who took bribes from Russians and sold her country out to the highest bidder.

And again, if you guys could prove any of that, we could talk.

25 years of accusing Mrs. Clinton of everything up to and including murder, and you come up with NOTHING.

Here's a story you should have learned as a child, to put it in perspective.

Again, it didn't matter if "we could prove it", what mattered was that Obama, the FBI and the Justice Department were corrupt and let criminals get away with crimes. You have had this pointed out to you several times but continue to play your pretend game like it never happened. You have no credibility and have proven yourself to be a regressive enabler many times over. Shame on you.
Barry the Magnificent is ranked #1 in being the most dishonest, most corrupt, worst racist demagogue, worst abuser of power and biggest threat to our democracy.
- Financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected terrorists, and forced our military and country into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help Terrorists (to include Al '9/11/01 and 9/11/12' Qaida) take over their own countries...resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent people...after winning the Nobel PEACE Prize.

Again, works on the assumption those civil wars wouldn't have happened on their own... you really can't have a civil war if you don't have a lot of people who just plain old want to overthrow the government.

- Armed Mexican Drug Cartels, aid and abet Human Traffickers, engage in Human trafficking, refuse to enforce US Law, defend and protect violent illegals, let violent MS-13 enter the country then protect them, or protect violent illegals and the criminal Sanctuary Cities that protect them.

And oddly, after six or seven investigations, you never really proved that one, either.
Again, it didn't matter if "we could prove it", what mattered was that Obama, the FBI and the Justice Department were corrupt and let criminals get away with crimes. You have had this pointed out to you several times but continue to play your pretend game like it never happened. You have no credibility and have proven yourself to be a regressive enabler many times over. Shame on you.

Yawn, guy, I really don't think "Used the wrong email" is actually, you know, a crime any sensible person would care about.

Now, a crime is "Lying about weapons that didn't exist and getting hundreds of thousands of people killed". That's a fucking crime and a shame.

Used the wrong email. Meh, can't get worked up about that. Neither would a DC Jury.
The fix was in to clear Hillary.

It’s obvious as fuck that it was improper and criminal the way she handled her emails.

...and they were even on the laptop that convicted Pedophile Anthony Weiner used to committ his crimes.

The private emails from the Secretary of State of the United States of America were on a laptop used by a convicted pedophile to committ crimes.

Noting unusual here!

If you think Hillary Clinton did anything improper, you are a misogynist racist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.
And again, if you guys could prove any of that, we could talk. 25 years of accusing Mrs. Clinton of everything up to and including murder, and you come up with NOTHING.

Joe, does your mommy know you are playing on her computer again?

Damn, man. you are a walking, talking poster child for the argument that there should be an IQ test that Americans have to pass before a US Citizen gets to vote!


Are you REALLY so f*ing stupid that you don't know 15,000 official documents withheld from the US Federal Govt, in violation of both the Freedom Of information Act and Federal Records Act, are CRIMES?
--- REALLY - is that the message you are REALLY trying to send to very member on the US Message Board with that post?

Are you REALLY so f*ing stupid that you don't know that placing both unclassified and TOP SECRET information on the same server, sending out classified information on an unsecured server / e-mail, giving access to TOP SECRET / SCI information - information the WH said was so classified it could not be released in any way without causing grave danger to our national security - to people who did not even have a security clearance (like Hillary did with her maid) is a CRIME?
--- REALLY - is that the message you are REALLY trying to send to very member on the US Message Board with that post?

Are you REALLY saying you are so f*ing stupid that you don't know that refusing to comply with a federal / FBI Subpoena, that destroying classified in illegal noncompliance of the law that specifies legally acceptable ways to destroy classified, are not crimes?
--- REALLY - is that the message you are REALLY trying to send to very member on the US Message Board with that post?

I mean we can 'Go There' and accept your claim that you truly are that stupid if you want us to.....
That's because the FBI and the president at the time were and are corrupt scum who refused to do the job of prosecuting criminals. All that is changing.

Any prosecution brought now would be thrown out on grounds of double jeopardy.

What you keep seeking to do is minimize a monumental case of crimes against the United States by a lying criminal who took bribes from Russians and sold her country out to the highest bidder.

And again, if you guys could prove any of that, we could talk.

25 years of accusing Mrs. Clinton of everything up to and including murder, and you come up with NOTHING.

Here's a story you should have learned as a child, to put it in perspective.

And yet they defend Trump.

‘Horrified’ Israeli intel officials ‘were shouting at US counterparts’ over Trump leak

Trump shared classified info with Russians: sources

Could you imagine if a Democrats gave away secret material the way Trump has? Republicans would be literally screaming "traitor".
Yawn, guy, I really don't think "Used the wrong email" is actually, you know, a crime any sensible person would care about.

Again, you seek to minimize the crimes committed by Hillary...but right about now you would almost give your left testicle for such evidence of a crime committed by Trump. Bwuhahaha...

Like you, Comey tried to argue that despite Hillary committing crimes she was too stupid to know she was doing it .. and, like you, Comey was / is full of shit.

1. Comey is not Hillary's defense attorney, can not speak for what she did or did not know, and he did not have the authority to act as her defense attorney, judge, and Jury, which he sought to do in order to justify his crime of protecting Hillary.

2. The US Federal Government has several documents that say COMEY IS A F*ING LIAR. The 1st of these documents is an initial Security Clearance Letter and acknowledgment of training, stating she fully understands all the laws, regulations, rules, etc regarding the handling of classified information. The Govt has numerous such documents regarding Hillary's mandatory annual refresher training. Then there are the documents she has to sign when she is 'read-in' and 'read out' of the TS/SCI programs. Every document bares her signature, affirming she was aware of all the laws, regulation, rules, etc. There is also an e-mail from Hillary as Sect of State to all of her employees warning them not to use their personal servers / e-mails to avoid committing the crimes THAT SHE DID!

Asking your maid to illegally logon to your server despite having no security clearance, to open up your -mail, and print out TS/SCI information - information so classified, according to Obama's WH Spokesman, that if it got out would gravely damage the US' national security - for you being ILLEGAL is not 'rocket science'. Hell, it ain't even 'Legos'.

And again, if you guys could prove any of that, we could talk. 25 years of accusing Mrs. Clinton of everything up to and including murder, and you come up with NOTHING.

Joe, does your mommy know you are playing on her computer again?

Damn, man. you are a walking, talking poster child for the argument that there should be an IQ test that Americans have to pass before a US Citizen gets to vote!


Are you REALLY so f*ing stupid that you don't know 15,000 official documents withheld from the US Federal Govt, in violation of both the Freedom Of information Act and Federal Records Act, are CRIMES?
--- REALLY - is that the message you are REALLY trying to send to very member on the US Message Board with that post?

Are you REALLY so f*ing stupid that you don't know that placing both unclassified and TOP SECRET information on the same server, sending out classified information on an unsecured server / e-mail, giving access to TOP SECRET / SCI information - information the WH said was so classified it could not be released in any way without causing grave danger to our national security - to people who did not even have a security clearance (like Hillary did with her maid) is a CRIME?
--- REALLY - is that the message you are REALLY trying to send to very member on the US Message Board with that post?

Are you REALLY saying you are so f*ing stupid that you don't know that refusing to comply with a federal / FBI Subpoena, that destroying classified in illegal noncompliance of the law that specifies legally acceptable ways to destroy classified, are not crimes?
--- REALLY - is that the message you are REALLY trying to send to very member on the US Message Board with that post?

I mean we can 'Go There' and accept your claim that you truly are that stupid if you want us to.....
Republicans controlled the house and couldn't "get" her. REALLY!

Republicans controlled the senate and couldn't "get" her. REALLY!

Republicans spent unlimited taxpayer money going after Mrs. Clinton. REALLY!

And even under a GOP controlled house and Senate and with a GOP head of the DOJ and FBI, Trump has had four indictments and two guilty pleas.
Seems Republicans can find the guilty when they decide to.
Barry the Magnificent is ranked #1 in being the most dishonest, most corrupt, worst racist demagogue, worst abuser of power and biggest threat to our democracy.
Nonsense. After Trump? Hilarious.
Are you one of Trump's "good people" in the KKK and the Nazi's?
Obama worked for the American people.

Trump works for Vladimir Putin.

Perhaps that's why the Republicans are so angry. They wanted Obama to work for Putin.
And yet they defend Trump.
THE PROBLEM IS THAT WITH EACH OF THOSE YOU LISTED, NONE WERE DETERMINED TO BE CRIMES IN THE END. Of course the butt-hurt Trump haters SAID it was illegal but could not produce any evidence to support their claims> (Gee ,that sounds familiar! :p )

Yes, Trump shared Intel on terrorists and helped Russia prevent a terrorist attack in Russia. Putin gave Obama a heads up, too, telling him who the Boston Marathon Bombers were, what they were planning to do. Unlike Russia, Barry f*ed it up and failed to prevent his terrorist buddies from killing more Americans.

Could you imagine if a Democrats gave away secret material the way Trump has? Republicans would be literally screaming "traitor"

Ummm....Hillary did just that. The FBI and NSA not long ago stated that based on Hillary's non-compliance with US law requiring her to have her server encrypted and stored in a secure acceptable location (not in the bathroom of a company whose employees don't have the security clearance to have Hillary's server in their possession) it is almost a given that Russian hackers have the information that was on her hard drive.
They wanted Obama to work for Putin.

Obama DID work for Putin.

Evidence proves in 2009 Mueller, Holder, and Barry hid evidence of Russia's intent to corner the US uranium market, hid Russia's crimes of Briber / 'buying politicians (like Hillary), extortion, intimidation, etc...

Evidence shows in 2014 - 2016 Comey, Lynch, and Barry hid evidence the Russians were attempting to hack into Senior politician files / e-mails, hid evidence of the Russian PsyOp program using social media to successfully get snowflakes to organize and march for them, hid the evidence that the Russians were paying liberal groups like Antifa / BLM, etc to spread racial division and violence across the US and hid evidence of Russian Interference. It was also proved that Barry knew all of this but refused to act on it because he wanted to win / earn Vlad's 'grace' and permission for him to drag the US into another Un-Constitutional War to help terrorists - this war being in Syrai.

Maybe you do not understand the definition of 'evidence' ... which would explain why Mueller, libs, and snowflakes have not been able to find any against Trump after over a year.

Ummm....Hillary did just that. The FBI and NSA not long ago stated that based on Hillary's non-compliance with US law requiring her to have her server encrypted and stored in a secure acceptable location (not in the bathroom of a company whose employees don't have the security clearance to have Hillary's server in their possession) it is almost a given that Russian hackers have the information that was on her hard drive.

Well, if it was a "given", why didn't anyone prove they did?

Here's the thing, Queasy, the Russians had no problem hacking into our antiquated government systems, why would they even bother with Hillary's server?
Yawn, still waiting for the Comey Claus to bring you a present under your tree...

Here's the thing. No sensible person would consider "using the wrong e-mail" as a serious offense.
That's hillaryairious. Some one sending classified and possibly secret info on the wrong email is indeed a serious offense. Anyone with sense enough to work as Secretary Of State should know that, and she did.
this is like saying that Biden and Bill dont have a sex drive
Ummm....Hillary did just that. The FBI and NSA not long ago stated that based on Hillary's non-compliance with US law requiring her to have her server encrypted and stored in a secure acceptable location (not in the bathroom of a company whose employees don't have the security clearance to have Hillary's server in their possession) it is almost a given that Russian hackers have the information that was on her hard drive.

Well, if it was a "given", why didn't anyone prove they did?

Here's the thing, Queasy, the Russians had no problem hacking into our antiquated government systems, why would they even bother with Hillary's server?
Why he says. You've been told a thousand times, but you keep playing your little regressive troll game and asking why when you know.

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