No Obama Scandals? The US inspector General Says Otherwise...

The fact that the obama admin investigated itself and found “nothing” doesn’t mean jack[/QUOTE]

Well.......after claiming that your sick cult controls EVERYTHING in D.C., what the fuck happened to all those investigations???...................LOL
How f*ing STUPID do you have to be to FAIL to understand that a man;

- Sired by an America-hating Anti-Colonialist
- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshal Davis
- Who wrote in his won book that in college he learned to be anyone and anything - a social / political chameleon
- Who studied Socialist Saul Alinsky...and quoted him in his Inauguration address
- Who was mentored for a decade+ by a hate-spewing, racist, Anti-American 'pastor'
- Whose wife said she was NEVER proud of this country until her husband was elected
- Who declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE the US (not make it better...)

Is someone who hates the United States, its Constitution, it's Rule of Law, and wants to remake it in his own vision and ideology?!
And Obama claims criticism of the US while overseas is being patriotic.
Apologies are a Christian thing. You wouldn`t understand.

Apologies are only necessary when you’ve done something wrong. Or when your wife says you did something wrong
'Or when your wife says you did something wrong'

1. I'm sorry.'
2. 'It's all my fault'.
3. Yes, 'dear'.

The fact that the obama admin investigated itself and found “nothing” doesn’t mean jack[/QUOTE]

Well.......after claiming that your sick cult controls EVERYTHING in D.C., what the fuck happened to all those investigations???...................LOL

There are news stories from just last week saying Sessions is reopening investigations
No one with this head out of his @$$ would claim Obama had no scandals
No indictments or official investigations. Case closed.
Congress investigated the hell out of Benghazi.
They also investigated the IRS targeting conservatives.
They investigated Hillary's private server.

That's just three off the top of my head.

Now they're opening investigations into Obama's Hezbollah drug trafficking connections.
Then there's Uranium One.

Plenty of "Official Investigations" going on.
How f*ing STUPID do you have to be to FAIL to understand that a man;

- Sired by an America-hating Anti-Colonialist
- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshal Davis
- Who wrote in his won book that in college he learned to be anyone and anything - a social / political chameleon
- Who studied Socialist Saul Alinsky...and quoted him in his Inauguration address
- Who was mentored for a decade+ by a hate-spewing, racist, Anti-American 'pastor'
- Whose wife said she was NEVER proud of this country until her husband was elected
- Who declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE the US (not make it better...)

Is someone who hates the United States, its Constitution, it's Rule of Law, and wants to remake it in his own vision and ideology?!
And Obama claims criticism of the US while overseas is being patriotic.
Apologies are a Christian thing. You wouldn`t understand.

Apologies are only necessary when you’ve done something wrong. Or when your wife says you did something wrong
Vietnam, Iraq, Chile, Guatemala, Congo, Iran, etc.
Plenty of "Official Investigations" going on.

Best of luck, Mud...........maybe the GOP will appoint Mueller to head those investigations after he's finished with Trump's???

Just asking.........LOL
Despite snowflakes' occasional false claims that Obama had no scandals in his Presidency, Inspector General Michael Horowitz says ... and can prove ... otherwise. The IG's investigation and in-going investigation findings 'lay waste' to more than Just Snowflakes' 'no Obama scandal' claim - it exposes scandals within the FBI, the ATF, US DEA, etc:

Analysis: The quiet probe into Clinton email investigation could be a landmine for Robert Mueller

'Nearly a year later, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s wide-ranging review of the FBI and Justice’s work in the politically-charged Clinton case now looms as a potential landmine for Russia special counsel Robert Mueller.'

The Obama years scandal free? What shit were they smoking for 8 years to miss the EIGHTEEN big scandals that are now all historically proven and documented beyond all question?

18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

And these are just the main ones. There are at least 30 more small-fry.
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How f*ing STUPID do you have to be to FAIL to understand that a man;

- Sired by an America-hating Anti-Colonialist
- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshal Davis
- Who wrote in his won book that in college he learned to be anyone and anything - a social / political chameleon
- Who studied Socialist Saul Alinsky...and quoted him in his Inauguration address
- Who was mentored for a decade+ by a hate-spewing, racist, Anti-American 'pastor'
- Whose wife said she was NEVER proud of this country until her husband was elected
- Who declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE the US (not make it better...)

Is someone who hates the United States, its Constitution, it's Rule of Law, and wants to remake it in his own vision and ideology?!
And Obama claims criticism of the US while overseas is being patriotic.
Apologies are a Christian thing. You wouldn`t understand.

Apologies are only necessary when you’ve done something wrong. Or when your wife says you did something wrong
Vietnam, Iraq, Chile, Guatemala, Congo, Iran, etc.

Egypt Israel China Spain

See, I can say country names completely irrelevant to the conversation too
Despite snowflakes' occasional false claims that Obama had no scandals in his Presidency, Inspector General Michael Horowitz says ... and can prove ... otherwise. The IG's investigation and in-going investigation findings 'lay waste' to more than Just Snowflakes' 'no Obama scandal' claim - it exposes scandals within the FBI, the ATF, US DEA, etc:

Analysis: The quiet probe into Clinton email investigation could be a landmine for Robert Mueller

'Nearly a year later, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s wide-ranging review of the FBI and Justice’s work in the politically-charged Clinton case now looms as a potential landmine for Russia special counsel Robert Mueller.'

The Obama years scandal free? What shit were they smoking for 8 years to miss the EIGHTEEN big scandals that are now all historically proven and documented?

18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

And these are just the main ones. There are at least 30 more small-fry.

We are talking about people who think that when the temperature goes down it means the planet is warming and that if the planet keeps warming it’s going to cause the next ice age. They aren’t the most observant people
he Obama years scandal free? What shit were they smoking for 8 years to miss the EIGHTEEN big scandals that are now all historically proven and documented?

18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

And these are just the main ones. There are at least 30 more small-fry.

Right after the accuracy and reverence we got from the Tablets from Mt. Sinai, we have Breibart (may the devil roast his soul).......

Any day now.....with Repubs. FULLY in charge, we should expect indictments, trials and prison sentences for Obama's entire entourage...


Its true, think of what Obama could of done if not picking up the crumbs left from the Bush admin. He sure accomplished a lot with what he had to work with. Iran Deal and the ACA, saved the economy, etc.
Why he says. You've been told a thousand times, but you keep playing your little regressive troll game and asking why when you know.

Actually, we know why. Because the charge was kind of bullshit and any grand jury in DC would look at you like you were a retard over 'She got an email that someone decided later was classified"

This is the same problem Ken Starr had. He tried to bring up one BS charge after another against Clinton in DC, and the grand juries all looked at him like he was an idiot.
Yawn, still waiting for the Comey Claus to bring you a present under your tree...

Here's the thing. No sensible person would consider "using the wrong e-mail" as a serious offense.
It is when your sending classified material through that email.
No, they used PRIVATE emails. and since they deleted all those emails, we don't know if they had classified info on them or not.

Only 2 types of people believe Hillary Clinton, Abedin, and Mills deleted 'personal' e-mails - Lying, butt-hurt, delusional snowflakes like you and everyone else in the world who has even a grain of common sense.

It does not even matter that some of those 'deleted' e-mails were recovered and proved to be 'official' e0-mails, the bigger, more important issue is that Hillary and her team broke the law - they illegally refused to com ply with an FBI subpoena demanding she turn over EVERYTHING.

People under investigation do not get to decide what evidence the FBI can look at and what they can't. The FBI should not be warning someone they are coming for their records or ASKING them to turn them over. (This is the woman who had her aide duck under police tape to enter a dead man's office, pull out files, and bring them to her. When asked about the files Hillary declared she knew nothing about them...only to have the files found in the WH Presidential living quarters several days later...with Hillary not having a clue how they got there...) The FBI did not ASK Manfort for his files - they raided his home and took what they wanted. Comey and McCabe, however, wanted to give Hillary time to erase what she needed to ... which is exactly what she TRIED to do.

YOU yourself admitted Hillary destroyed EVIDENCE that was subpoenaed,,,yet you try to skate around that fact even as you are saying it.

Obstruction. Tampering / Destruction of Evidence. Just add these to the long list of crimes Hillary and her team perpetrated.

In the meantime idiots like you continue to reject what has been proven .... literally THOUSANDS of times over - THOUSANDS of official e-mails and documents never turned in as required by the law - CONFIRMED BY THE SATE DEPARTMENT. Every single document represent 2 (TWO) criminal charges to be filed against Hillary - 1 count of violating the FOIA and 1 count of violating the Federal Records Act. That means her violations of these 2 laws alone equate to more than 30,000 criminal counts of illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...and that's not counting all of the other charges with which she deserves to be charged.

The REALITY of the situation is that there is enough evidence, enough criminal charges, to sent Hillary to prison for the rest of her pathetic, criminal, un-natural life.

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