No One Has Ever Fallen Faster

...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.

lol, You should probably talk to Prez Mitten's ALL you right wingers said was a shoo-in in 2012! lol


I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012.

And held my nose while doing it.


Because I had zero confidence in either John McSame nor MIttens Romney to lead the country away from the mistakes and waste and crises of Shrub's presidency.

Your Failed Messiah was merely the lesser of two evils.

You, like a number of blinkered fools around here, equate disgust and opposition to Obumble, with Republican or Tea Party standing.

Wrong, buffalo breath... way wrong.

"Is there not room in your philosophy for centrists, Horatio?"

That's the trouble with you partisan hacks... everything is black-and-white... no subtle shades of grey... no room in your thinking except an Us-or-Them mentality.

"Yer either fer us, or agin us!"

Sound familiar?

The mark of a narrow and closed mind.

Again, my condolences.

Sure Bubba, I believe you, sure, YOU voted for Obama, lol
Kondor, I will always shovel folks' shit away from the conversation.

In this case, Dad2three owns you: just the way it is.

And one can play for the team and call out the bad players, as the far right learns daily, or 'independents' like you.
Dad2three 'owns' me?


And you declaring it thus, does not render it thus.

Advancing the conclusion that your boy is in trouble, and has lost far more than he has won, is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that your party needs a major make-over of policy and new tactics and leadership is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that only partisan hacks refuse to see their own party's culpability in recent losses is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that the Democrats wounds and losses were self-inflicted - shooting one's self in the foot - is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Rather, automatic gainsay, and initiating name-calling and denigrating remarks, etc., on the other hand, IS 'shitting on a conversation'.

Something that you did not see ME doing during the course of that exchange.

My only 'crime' was advancing arguments that did not sit well with some of the folks on your side of the aisle.

The truth oftentimes hurts.

"Your Honor, the Defense rests."

"Advancing the conclusion that only partisan hacks refuse to see their own party's culpability in recent losses is not 'shitting on a conversation'."

Yes, the Dem party getting 50-% more votes since 2010 means the Dems are during horrible *shaking head*

What fukking insane asylum are you from Bubba? NOT a right winger? lol

Myself I'm loving all these vile attacks on the women who are republican. They started on palin in 2008 with Obama and the people took away the house from them in 2010. They continued on with Bachmann, palin and just recently went after the New Senator Veteran Mrs, Ernst. they lost the Senate in 2014 and drove their party to become the MINIORITY

so I say GO GO GO. they don't learn a thing and march right along with their hate of women

Presidential elections in 2016
And the far right thugs have been hammering HRC since 1992 and Michelle since 2008.

That is soooo Tea Party today.
Kondor, I will always shovel folks' shit away from the conversation.

In this case, Dad2three owns you: just the way it is.

And one can play for the team and call out the bad players, as the far right learns daily, or 'independents' like you.
Dad2three 'owns' me?


And you declaring it thus, does not render it thus.

Advancing the conclusion that your boy is in trouble, and has lost far more than he has won, is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that your party needs a major make-over of policy and new tactics and leadership is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that only partisan hacks refuse to see their own party's culpability in recent losses is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that the Democrats wounds and losses were self-inflicted - shooting one's self in the foot - is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Rather, automatic gainsay, and initiating name-calling and denigrating remarks, etc., on the other hand, IS 'shitting on a conversation'.

Something that you did not see ME doing during the course of that exchange.

My only 'crime' was advancing arguments that did not sit well with some of the folks on your side of the aisle.

The truth oftentimes hurts.

"Your Honor, the Defense rests."

"Advancing the conclusion that only partisan hacks refuse to see their own party's culpability in recent losses is not 'shitting on a conversation'."

Yes, the Dem party getting 50-% more votes since 2010 means the Dems are during horrible *shaking head*

What fukking insane asylum are you from Bubba? NOT a right winger? lol
Calm yourself, child, and don't strain yourself, trying to be clever. It's a lost cause - rather like your Failed Messiah.

You lost because you could not turn out the vote during the mid-terms, and because so many Democratic candidates nationwide were desperate to distance themselves from the Failed Messiah. Gerrymandering was only one of several factors that played into results in both 2010 and 2014. You lost because you had lost the confidence of The People.

Your inability to see the problems within your own party's philosophy and policies and strategies and tactics and leadership is playing into the hands of the Opposition.

You've been warned - but you're disbelieving, closed-minded, inflexible, and deaf to legitimate criticism. Prepare for a long, cold winter - lasting 8-16 years, most likely.

The country is awaiting January 20, 2017, and your discomfiture, with no small amount of eager and amused anticipation.

Complacency and arrogance and a false sense of security and delusional blaming of gerrymandering for your colossal losses in recent times, are your primary weakness.

You may be certain that the Opposition already understands this and is already moving to exploit those self-inflicted weaknesses.

"He who fails to remember the past is doomed to repeat it."
...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.

lol, You should probably talk to Prez Mitten's ALL you right wingers said was a shoo-in in 2012! lol


I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012.

And held my nose while doing it.


Because I had zero confidence in either John McSame nor MIttens Romney to lead the country away from the mistakes and waste and crises of Shrub's presidency.

Your Failed Messiah was merely the lesser of two evils.

You, like a number of blinkered fools around here, equate disgust and opposition to Obumble, with Republican or Tea Party standing.

Wrong, buffalo breath... way wrong.

"Is there not room in your philosophy for centrists, Horatio?"

That's the trouble with you partisan hacks... everything is black-and-white... no subtle shades of grey... no room in your thinking except an Us-or-Them mentality.

"Yer either fer us, or agin us!"

Sound familiar?

The mark of a narrow and closed mind.

Again, my condolences.

Sure Bubba, I believe you, sure, YOU voted for Obama, lol
Believe what you like.

I have no reason to lie.

I'm a lazy fellow.

Lying requires keeping track of what lies you told, and to whom.

Far too much energy required, for the little profit it yields.
Too bad your chart doesn't include Obama. But the fact that it specifically mentions Clinton tells me they don't WANT to put Obama's deficits up there. The chart would have to be enlarged to cover it all.

I wish it did since we have yet to recover from your voting for Bush.
Kondor, I will always shovel folks' shit away from the conversation.

In this case, Dad2three owns you: just the way it is.

And one can play for the team and call out the bad players, as the far right learns daily, or 'independents' like you.
Dad2three 'owns' me?


And you declaring it thus, does not render it thus.

Advancing the conclusion that your boy is in trouble, and has lost far more than he has won, is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that your party needs a major make-over of policy and new tactics and leadership is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that only partisan hacks refuse to see their own party's culpability in recent losses is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that the Democrats wounds and losses were self-inflicted - shooting one's self in the foot - is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Rather, automatic gainsay, and initiating name-calling and denigrating remarks, etc., on the other hand, IS 'shitting on a conversation'.

Something that you did not see ME doing during the course of that exchange.

My only 'crime' was advancing arguments that did not sit well with some of the folks on your side of the aisle.

The truth oftentimes hurts.

"Your Honor, the Defense rests."

"Advancing the conclusion that only partisan hacks refuse to see their own party's culpability in recent losses is not 'shitting on a conversation'."

Yes, the Dem party getting 50-% more votes since 2010 means the Dems are during horrible *shaking head*

What fukking insane asylum are you from Bubba? NOT a right winger? lol
Calm yourself, child, and don't strain yourself, trying to be clever. It's a lost cause - rather like your Failed Messiah.

You lost because you could not turn out the vote during the mid-terms, and because so many Democratic candidates nationwide were desperate to distance themselves from the Failed Messiah. Gerrymandering was only one of several factors that played into results in both 2010 and 2014. You lost because you had lost the confidence of The People.

Your inability to see the problems within your own party's philosophy and policies and strategies and tactics and leadership is playing into the hands of the Opposition.

You've been warned - but you're disbelieving, closed-minded, inflexible, and deaf to legitimate criticism. Prepare for a long, cold winter - lasting 8-16 years, most likely.

The country is awaiting January 20, 2017, and your discomfiture, with no small amount of eager and amused anticipation.

Complacency and arrogance and a false sense of security and delusional blaming of gerrymandering for your colossal losses in recent times, are your primary weakness.

You may be certain that the Opposition already understands this and is already moving to exploit those self-inflicted weaknesses.

"He who fails to remember the past is doomed to repeat it."

Sure, DON'T believe the GOP's own memo, just go with right wing talking points, lol
Too bad your chart doesn't include Obama. But the fact that it specifically mentions Clinton tells me they don't WANT to put Obama's deficits up there. The chart would have to be enlarged to cover it all.

I wish it did since we have yet to recover from your voting for Bush.
Oh, I get it. Obama gets a pass on his massive contribution to the debt. It's somebody ELSE'S fault, right? And you think people take you seriously? :lol:
...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.

lol, You should probably talk to Prez Mitten's ALL you right wingers said was a shoo-in in 2012! lol


I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012.

And held my nose while doing it.


Because I had zero confidence in either John McSame nor MIttens Romney to lead the country away from the mistakes and waste and crises of Shrub's presidency.

Your Failed Messiah was merely the lesser of two evils.

You, like a number of blinkered fools around here, equate disgust and opposition to Obumble, with Republican or Tea Party standing.

Wrong, buffalo breath... way wrong.

"Is there not room in your philosophy for centrists, Horatio?"

That's the trouble with you partisan hacks... everything is black-and-white... no subtle shades of grey... no room in your thinking except an Us-or-Them mentality.

"Yer either fer us, or agin us!"

Sound familiar?

The mark of a narrow and closed mind.

Again, my condolences.

Sure Bubba, I believe you, sure, YOU voted for Obama, lol
Believe what you like.

I have no reason to lie.

I'm a lazy fellow.

Lying requires keeping track of what lies you told, and to whom.

Far too much energy required, for the little profit it yields.

From the little I've seen of your posts, I believe you lie about ANYTHING to push your right wing myths, distortions and LIES
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.

lol, You should probably talk to Prez Mitten's ALL you right wingers said was a shoo-in in 2012! lol


I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012.

And held my nose while doing it.


Because I had zero confidence in either John McSame nor MIttens Romney to lead the country away from the mistakes and waste and crises of Shrub's presidency.

Your Failed Messiah was merely the lesser of two evils.

You, like a number of blinkered fools around here, equate disgust and opposition to Obumble, with Republican or Tea Party standing.

Wrong, buffalo breath... way wrong.

"Is there not room in your philosophy for centrists, Horatio?"

That's the trouble with you partisan hacks... everything is black-and-white... no subtle shades of grey... no room in your thinking except an Us-or-Them mentality.

"Yer either fer us, or agin us!"

Sound familiar?

The mark of a narrow and closed mind.

Again, my condolences.

Sure Bubba, I believe you, sure, YOU voted for Obama, lol
Believe what you like.

I have no reason to lie.

I'm a lazy fellow.

Lying requires keeping track of what lies you told, and to whom.

Far too much energy required, for the little profit it yields.

From the little I've seen of your posts, I believe you lie about ANYTHING to push your right wing myths, distortions and LIES
Thank you for your feedback.
Too bad your chart doesn't include Obama. But the fact that it specifically mentions Clinton tells me they don't WANT to put Obama's deficits up there. The chart would have to be enlarged to cover it all.

I wish it did since we have yet to recover from your voting for Bush.
Oh, I get it. Obama gets a pass on his massive contribution to the debt. It's somebody ELSE'S fault, right? And you think people take you seriously? :lol:

PLEASE name the POLICIES Obama passed that caused the extra debt? Pretty please?

CHART: Bush Policies Dominant Cause Of National Debt


Kondor is a broken liberal, just like others, including Bucs90.

If anyone thinks the GOP is going to waltz into solid power in 2016 without reaching out to women and minorities more, dropping the social con nonsense of marriage equality, and offering before hand a program on poverty and education, that person is a fool.

Of the more than 33 or so Senate seats alone that will be up that will be contested, those up for grabs will included 18 belonging to GOP and 1 to the Democrats. I would be surprised if the GOP lost more than 10 to 15 house seats, keeping a comfortable majority. Right now, the only real opposition to HRC or EW will Bush, Christie, or Romney.

Let's stay in the 'real zone', folks.
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Too bad your chart doesn't include Obama. But the fact that it specifically mentions Clinton tells me they don't WANT to put Obama's deficits up there. The chart would have to be enlarged to cover it all.

I wish it did since we have yet to recover from your voting for Bush.
Oh, I get it. Obama gets a pass on his massive contribution to the debt. It's somebody ELSE'S fault, right? And you think people take you seriously? :lol:

PLEASE name the POLICIES Obama passed that caused the extra debt? Pretty please?

CHART: Bush Policies Dominant Cause Of National Debt


Policies aren't "passed", dummy.
Oh, I get it. Obama gets a pass on his massive contribution to the debt. It's somebody ELSE'S fault, right? And you think people take you seriously? :lol:

The majority of the deficit racked up during Obama were caused by the Bush/corporate America/wall street economic crash.

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