No One Has Ever Fallen Faster

...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.
...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.

lol, You should probably talk to Prez Mitten's ALL you right wingers said was a shoo-in in 2012! lol
The far right here are so blinded by hate they stumble over their own cross they have to bear because of their lies.

Dad2threes owns Kondor3 and Vigilante. Their lies are neither needed nor wanted by the modern mainstream GOP. They can stay in what Jindal called the "party of stupid."

To have her run for president, you :ahole-1:...why spend the money on others?

Sure, THAT'S her plan, the half termer who quit EVERYTHING in her life, is going to run for Prez, it's NOT just a ploy to suck nickle and dimes from conservatives who support her who are on SS, lol

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:Everyone with a working brain knows why Palin resigned, and any SANE person, in the same position would have done exactly what she did... all her trumped up charges were found false, and it's truly something to see how you pond scum reply to one small feisty lady, that calls you out for your shit, while other FAUX Republicans either do nothing, or join you pond scum, as they are AFRAID of her power being multiplied by folks with intelligence...Yup, she's a commies worst nightmare now, and you can see by all the wanna be THUGS that just can't stand to hear her name mentioned as a candidate.... What a political season this will be, especially if the Lying, murderer, and Bosnia HEROINE decides to actually run!

Just MORE TeaTard nonsense. I'm shocked

Of course it is when you have a difficult time refuting it! pond scum are so predictable... almost not worth the time to bitch slap them, ...but I, being the magnanimous guy I am, do so for the betterment of society! :321:

PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE ANY TEA PARTY CANDIDATE FOR PREZ IN 2016? I'll take the half termer, the legal immigrant Canadian, the Evangelical Shuckster, etc PRETTY PLEASE? lol

Bring us the Hildebeasty..... along with this BAGGAGE!!!:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The far right here are so blinded by hate they stumble over their own cross they have to bear because of their lies.

Dad2threes owns Kondor3 and Vigilante. Their lies are neither needed nor wanted by the modern mainstream GOP. They can stay in what Jindal called the "party of stupid."

Isn't THIS something that Muttley, or PaintMyShack, or even Franco would say?.... The Manchurian Republican keeps fucking up.... he's a full fledged subversive, and bet he gets a check from the DNC for his posts! what a piece of shit! :321:
...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.

The far right here are so blinded by hate they stumble over their own cross they have to bear because of their lies.

Dad2threes owns Kondor3 and Vigilante. Their lies are neither needed nor wanted by the modern mainstream GOP. They can stay in what Jindal called the "party of stupid."

Isn't THIS something that Muttley, or PaintMyShack, or even Franco would say?.... The Manchurian Republican keeps fucking up.... he's a full fledged subversive, and bet he gets a check from the DNC for his posts! what a piece of shit! :321:

...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.


Giving yourself the Official title, is quite hilarious! First truism you've posted!
Dad2three, there are responsible conservatives and there are far right reactionary idiots like Vigilante and Soggy. It's the latter that we in mainstream pee on.
The far right here are so blinded by hate they stumble over their own cross they have to bear because of their lies.

Dad2threes owns Kondor3 and Vigilante. Their lies are neither needed nor wanted by the modern mainstream GOP. They can stay in what Jindal called the "party of stupid."

Isn't THIS something that Muttley, or PaintMyShack, or even Franco would say?.... The Manchurian Republican keeps fucking up.... he's a full fledged subversive, and bet he gets a check from the DNC for his posts! what a piece of shit! :321:

...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.

lol, You should probably talk to Prez Mitten's ALL you right wingers said was a shoo-in in 2012! lol


I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012.

And held my nose while doing it.


Because I had zero confidence in either John McSame nor MIttens Romney to lead the country away from the mistakes and waste and crises of Shrub's presidency.

Your Failed Messiah was merely the lesser of two evils.

You, like a number of blinkered fools around here, equate disgust and opposition to Obumble, with Republican or Tea Party standing.

Wrong, buffalo breath... way wrong.

"Is there not room in your philosophy for centrists, Horatio?"

That's the trouble with you partisan hacks... everything is black-and-white... no subtle shades of grey... no room in your thinking except an Us-or-Them mentality.

"Yer either fer us, or agin us!"

Sound familiar?

The mark of a narrow and closed mind.

Again, my condolences.
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...Stop projecting nut jobber
Blow it out your ass, lightweight... you're clue-less... you don't understand the macro-level... and you come back with little more than automatic gainsay... enjoy your little blinkered life, and the two remaining years of your Failed Messiah's now-crippled Presidency... 'cause you can kiss the Presidency goodbye in less than two years.


It's entirely possible that I AM a moron.

However, I am comforted by the fact that my own intellect and reasoning ability and flexibility of mind and thinking exceeds your own, so... I am content.
Kondor just demonstrated a moronic intellect with that conclusion.^

So you have no principles and won't play for the team.

Lone Rangers don't change the country for the better.
The far right here are so blinded by hate they stumble over their own cross they have to bear because of their lies.

Dad2threes owns Kondor3 and Vigilante. Their lies are neither needed nor wanted by the modern mainstream GOP. They can stay in what Jindal called the "party of stupid."
Hardly, Jake, and you know better than that, don't you?

Still, given your own haggard and besieged and agitated state, now that things are not going well for your Messiah, and given that the Congress is now becoming actively and openly aggressive in limiting the amount of damage that he can do, and given the drubbing that you've been taking around here in recent weeks since the mid-terms, well, I guess I can't really fault you overly-much for resorting to simple-minded (and time-saving) collective projections. If a boy of mine was in as much trouble as yours, I'd be a little haggard, myself.

Disgust with and opposition to Obumble does not constitute membership (actual or philosophical) in either the GOP nor the Tea Party.

You know better than that... you're better than that... or so I've observed over time. Perhaps I was wrong.
Kondor just demonstrated a moronic intellect with that conclusion.^

So you have no principles and won't play for the team.

Lone Rangers don't change the country for the better.
Oh, Jake, I don't remember you being this full of shit in the past.

Perhaps I just haven't been paying close-enough attention.

But, no matter.

Thank you for your feedback.
Kondor, I will always shovel folks' shit away from the conversation.

In this case, Dad2three owns you: just the way it is.

And one can play for the team and call out the bad players, as the far right learns daily, or 'independents' like you.
Kondor, I will always shovel folks' shit away from the conversation.

In this case, Dad2three owns you: just the way it is.

And one can play for the team and call out the bad players, as the far right learns daily, or 'independents' like you.
Dad2three 'owns' me?


And you declaring it thus, does not render it thus.

Advancing the conclusion that your boy is in trouble, and has lost far more than he has won, is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that your party needs a major make-over of policy and new tactics and leadership is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that only partisan hacks refuse to see their own party's culpability in recent losses is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Advancing the conclusion that the Democrats wounds and losses were self-inflicted - shooting one's self in the foot - is not 'shitting on a conversation'.

Rather, automatic gainsay, and initiating name-calling and denigrating remarks, etc., on the other hand, IS 'shitting on a conversation'.

Something that you did not see ME doing during the course of that exchange.

My only 'crime' was advancing arguments that did not sit well with some of the folks on your side of the aisle.

The truth oftentimes hurts.

"Your Honor, the Defense rests."
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