No One Has Ever Fallen Faster

GOP Summit—The Good, The Bad And The Absolutely Crazy
GOP presidential contenders flocked to Iowa on Saturday to try out their pitches on the unofficial beginning of the Iowa Caucus. Hint: Sarah Palin has lost her mind.


What did we learn?

Palin is past her sell-by date.

It’s the unofficial policy of many serious political reporters (myself included) to not cover Palin speeches. So it’s entirely possible I missed a key stretch of her decline that would help make sense of, or have prepared me for, the word-salad-with-a-cup-of-moose-stew that she presented.

Sample passage: “Things must change for our government! It isn’t too big to fail, it’s too big to succeed! It’s too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change, with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo! Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle class and everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’”

The speech (perhaps a generous description) went on 15 minutes past the 20 minutes allotted other speakers. And even as she ended it, one sensed less a crescendo than the specter of a gong, a hook to pull her off, or—a sincere thought I had—an ambulance to take her… somewhere.

"In 1988, Bill Clinton gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention that was so long, the crowd — composed of his fellow Democrats cheered when he said the words"in conclusion." That speech was 33 minutes long."

Would that be two term President Bill Clinton? That Bill Clinton?

It sure would be the one and only. Now, tell me how one poor speech by Sarah Palin can kill her chances to get elected. It didn't stop the serial adulterer.

Grow a brain, the half termer isn't serious, she's only going after the TeaTards money. Why do you think her SaraPac only spent 5% of it's millions on other candidates? lol
GOP Summit—The Good, The Bad And The Absolutely Crazy
GOP presidential contenders flocked to Iowa on Saturday to try out their pitches on the unofficial beginning of the Iowa Caucus. Hint: Sarah Palin has lost her mind.


What did we learn?

Palin is past her sell-by date.

It’s the unofficial policy of many serious political reporters (myself included) to not cover Palin speeches. So it’s entirely possible I missed a key stretch of her decline that would help make sense of, or have prepared me for, the word-salad-with-a-cup-of-moose-stew that she presented.

Sample passage: “Things must change for our government! It isn’t too big to fail, it’s too big to succeed! It’s too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change, with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo! Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle class and everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’”

The speech (perhaps a generous description) went on 15 minutes past the 20 minutes allotted other speakers. And even as she ended it, one sensed less a crescendo than the specter of a gong, a hook to pull her off, or—a sincere thought I had—an ambulance to take her… somewhere.

"In 1988, Bill Clinton gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention that was so long, the crowd — composed of his fellow Democrats cheered when he said the words"in conclusion." That speech was 33 minutes long."

Would that be two term President Bill Clinton? That Bill Clinton?

It sure would be the one and only. Now, tell me how one poor speech by Sarah Palin can kill her chances to get elected. It didn't stop the serial adulterer.

Grow a brain, the half termer isn't serious, she's only going after the TeaTards money. Why do you think her SaraPac only spent 5% of it's millions on other candidates? lol

To have her run for president, you :ahole-1:...why spend the money on others?
But who was in charge of Congress during those years, and had the responsibility of money management?...Oh gee, blown out of the water again!

Ten Myths About Budget Deficits and Debt


EVEN THOUGH CLINTON HAD TO VETO THE GOP'S $700+ BILLION TAX CUT AFTER HIS FIRST SURPLUS? Yes, we saw how fiscally responsible the GOP is when Dubya came aboard and didn't have a Dem to veto their increased spending AS THEY GUTTED REVENUES BY 25%+ lol
The propaganda image is a fair hit at some in our GOP, who have trouble that a wimply half-black dude kicked them in the teeth in two national elections. Tough to be them.

No, bitch...... It's tough to be an American

International Business Machines NYSE IBM Laying Off 100 000 People

He's had over 6 years to get it right and he still can't.

Even after the worst recession in world history, he can't get it right


IBM disputes report of 112000 layoffs

IBM dismisses Forbes report of massive layoffs

BM calls report of 112000 layoffs "ridiculous" and "baseless."

"This rumor is ridiculous, and off by a factor of more than 10," IBM's director of corporate communications Doug Shelton told WRAL Techwire.

Doing the math on that, that means that closer to 10,000 jobs will be cut.

Shelton also points out that IBM is hiring, trying to add 15,000 people with new skills as it shifts its focus away from old-school enterprise tech towards the hot up-and-coming areas like cloud computing, big data and security.

Read more: IBM Layoffs Are Coming But Nowhere Close To 100 000 - Business Insider
GOP Summit—The Good, The Bad And The Absolutely Crazy
GOP presidential contenders flocked to Iowa on Saturday to try out their pitches on the unofficial beginning of the Iowa Caucus. Hint: Sarah Palin has lost her mind.


What did we learn?

Palin is past her sell-by date.

It’s the unofficial policy of many serious political reporters (myself included) to not cover Palin speeches. So it’s entirely possible I missed a key stretch of her decline that would help make sense of, or have prepared me for, the word-salad-with-a-cup-of-moose-stew that she presented.

Sample passage: “Things must change for our government! It isn’t too big to fail, it’s too big to succeed! It’s too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change, with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo! Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle class and everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’”

The speech (perhaps a generous description) went on 15 minutes past the 20 minutes allotted other speakers. And even as she ended it, one sensed less a crescendo than the specter of a gong, a hook to pull her off, or—a sincere thought I had—an ambulance to take her… somewhere.

"In 1988, Bill Clinton gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention that was so long, the crowd — composed of his fellow Democrats cheered when he said the words"in conclusion." That speech was 33 minutes long."

Would that be two term President Bill Clinton? That Bill Clinton?

It sure would be the one and only. Now, tell me how one poor speech by Sarah Palin can kill her chances to get elected. It didn't stop the serial adulterer.

Grow a brain, the half termer isn't serious, she's only going after the TeaTards money. Why do you think her SaraPac only spent 5% of it's millions on other candidates? lol

To have her run for president, you :ahole-1:...why spend the money on others?

Sure, THAT'S her plan, the half termer who quit EVERYTHING in her life, is going to run for Prez, it's NOT just a ploy to suck nickle and dimes from conservatives who support her who are on SS, lol
But who was in charge of Congress during those years, and had the responsibility of money management?...Oh gee, blown out of the water again!

Ten Myths About Budget Deficits and Debt


EVEN THOUGH CLINTON HAD TO VETO THE GOP'S $700+ BILLION TAX CUT AFTER HIS FIRST SURPLUS? Yes, we saw how fiscally responsible the GOP is when Dubya came aboard and didn't have a Dem to veto their increased spending AS THEY GUTTED REVENUES BY 25%+ lol


The Clinton Surplus Myth - Craig Steiner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
"In 1988, Bill Clinton gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention that was so long, the crowd — composed of his fellow Democrats cheered when he said the words"in conclusion." That speech was 33 minutes long."

Would that be two term President Bill Clinton? That Bill Clinton?

It sure would be the one and only. Now, tell me how one poor speech by Sarah Palin can kill her chances to get elected. It didn't stop the serial adulterer.

Grow a brain, the half termer isn't serious, she's only going after the TeaTards money. Why do you think her SaraPac only spent 5% of it's millions on other candidates? lol

To have her run for president, you :ahole-1:...why spend the money on others?

Sure, THAT'S her plan, the half termer who quit EVERYTHING in her life, is going to run for Prez, it's NOT just a ploy to suck nickle and dimes from conservatives who support her who are on SS, lol

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:Everyone with a working brain knows why Palin resigned, and any SANE person, in the same position would have done exactly what she did... all her trumped up charges were found false, and it's truly something to see how you pond scum reply to one small feisty lady, that calls you out for your shit, while other FAUX Republicans either do nothing, or join you pond scum, as they are AFRAID of her power being multiplied by folks with intelligence...Yup, she's a commies worst nightmare now, and you can see by all the wanna be THUGS that just can't stand to hear her name mentioned as a candidate.... What a political season this will be, especially if the Lying, murderer, and Bosnia HEROINE decides to actually run!
,,,Weird, leaving out 2008 and 2012, wonder why? lol
Because the exchange(s) presently underway focus upon Obama's losing a chamber of Congress in each of the mid-terms.


"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

2008 was just the beginning of his story.

We've been talking about what's happened since that one-and-only Big Overarching (White House, Senate, House) Win.

He did, indeed, win again in 2012, but he lost the other chamber of Congress (the US Senate) based on his actions and performance since 2012.

Making 2012 personal yet pyrrhic victory.

That's why.


'The Republican Mandate': 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010

According to a study conducted by FairVote, the 46 Democrats currently sitting in Senate have gotten 20.7 million more votes over the 2010, 2012 and 2014 elections than the 56 Republicans. Tallied up, that’s 67.8 million to Dems, and 47.1 million to Republicans. Or, to put it another way:

Democrats got a full 50 percent more votes than Republicans, and lost nine seats. Or to put it yet another way:

If the Senate actually represented the voting public, it would be 68-32 to Democrats, instead of 54-46 to Republicans.

The Truth About 8216 The Republican Mandate 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010 Americans Against the Tea Party

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Party A and Party B 'gerrymander' on a regular basis - both parties do it - both parties both benefit and lose from it - it's a moving target.

Quit making up excuses and blaming everybody but yourselves and get off your ass and start fixing what's wrong with your own party.

Or, continue to delude yourselves, and suffer another 8 or 16 years out of power.

Your choice.

Kinda blew a hole in YOUR posit right? That Dems received 50% + more votes since 2010 than the GOP? lol
You would like to think you did, but you are so blinded by partisanship and so anxious to make excuses for your side, that you missed the broader macro-level lesson.

Your cross to bear, not mine.
Typical pull-out-the-race-card horseshit.

One helluva lot of whites voted for Obumble as well, in both the 2008 and 2012 general elections.

Obama did not lose the confidence of The People through propagandizing.

The Tea Party et al simply does not have that much power or influence.


Obama lost the confidence of The People through his programs and social re-engineering and Nanny State leanings and failed foreign policy, etc.

Don't blame the Tea Party or any other element of the Opposition.

Blame His Majesty, and his Administration - stop blaming the Other Guy and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Rule-by-Decree - certainly on core issues such as Immigration - smacks of tyranny, and is not long tolerated by the American People.

So many reasons why Obumble has 'lost it'... where to start?

But, in the long run, it doesn't matter WHY... rather, what matters is, what IS... what the current state of affairs is, and how the next two years unfolds.

All this finger-pointing at the Opposition doesn't amount to much more than Sour Grapes.

Sour grapes? Didn't Obama win both times? lol
"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

Sour grapes indeed.

Yes, ONLY in right wing world does the 'dictator' have no power when his party doesn't control EITHER chamber of Congress, lol


Reagan was superman as Prez, even though his party only had the Senate for 6 of 8 years and NEVER the House. Obama is helpless without Dems in power in Congress however, lol

Fukkking morons
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

Nobody is saying that Obumble is entirely powerless now...

Merely facing an increasingly aggressive and hostile Congress that has literally turned its back upon him, and which controls the purse-strings, and, if Obumble pushes them far enough, the power to impeach, convict, and remove him from office...

The charges won't matter if it comes to that, only that they can be made to stick...

We aren't there yet, but another few months of Rule by Imperial Decree (EO) and we might be...

Meanwhile... compared to how it could have been, if Obama were a better leader... he is now hobbled, and increasingly marginalized...

And he has no one but himself to blame...

Your Failed Messiah has had it... he's toast.

My, my, my... how the mighty have fallen.

But there's an up-side to all this...

The rest of us get to watch the few remaining (and quickly diminishing) number of Orgasmic ObamaBot leftovers from 2008, getting all worked-up over Fearless Leader's political demise...
But who was in charge of Congress during those years, and had the responsibility of money management?...Oh gee, blown out of the water again!

Ten Myths About Budget Deficits and Debt


EVEN THOUGH CLINTON HAD TO VETO THE GOP'S $700+ BILLION TAX CUT AFTER HIS FIRST SURPLUS? Yes, we saw how fiscally responsible the GOP is when Dubya came aboard and didn't have a Dem to veto their increased spending AS THEY GUTTED REVENUES BY 25%+ lol


The Clinton Surplus Myth - Craig Steiner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

Sorry you can't grasp the difference on a budget surplus or deficit and go with Stiener's BS that's been debunked for YEARS Bubba
Would that be two term President Bill Clinton? That Bill Clinton?

It sure would be the one and only. Now, tell me how one poor speech by Sarah Palin can kill her chances to get elected. It didn't stop the serial adulterer.

Grow a brain, the half termer isn't serious, she's only going after the TeaTards money. Why do you think her SaraPac only spent 5% of it's millions on other candidates? lol

To have her run for president, you :ahole-1:...why spend the money on others?

Sure, THAT'S her plan, the half termer who quit EVERYTHING in her life, is going to run for Prez, it's NOT just a ploy to suck nickle and dimes from conservatives who support her who are on SS, lol

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:Everyone with a working brain knows why Palin resigned, and any SANE person, in the same position would have done exactly what she did... all her trumped up charges were found false, and it's truly something to see how you pond scum reply to one small feisty lady, that calls you out for your shit, while other FAUX Republicans either do nothing, or join you pond scum, as they are AFRAID of her power being multiplied by folks with intelligence...Yup, she's a commies worst nightmare now, and you can see by all the wanna be THUGS that just can't stand to hear her name mentioned as a candidate.... What a political season this will be, especially if the Lying, murderer, and Bosnia HEROINE decides to actually run!

Just MORE TeaTard nonsense. I'm shocked
,,,Weird, leaving out 2008 and 2012, wonder why? lol
Because the exchange(s) presently underway focus upon Obama's losing a chamber of Congress in each of the mid-terms.


"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

2008 was just the beginning of his story.

We've been talking about what's happened since that one-and-only Big Overarching (White House, Senate, House) Win.

He did, indeed, win again in 2012, but he lost the other chamber of Congress (the US Senate) based on his actions and performance since 2012.

Making 2012 personal yet pyrrhic victory.

That's why.


'The Republican Mandate': 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010

According to a study conducted by FairVote, the 46 Democrats currently sitting in Senate have gotten 20.7 million more votes over the 2010, 2012 and 2014 elections than the 56 Republicans. Tallied up, that’s 67.8 million to Dems, and 47.1 million to Republicans. Or, to put it another way:

Democrats got a full 50 percent more votes than Republicans, and lost nine seats. Or to put it yet another way:

If the Senate actually represented the voting public, it would be 68-32 to Democrats, instead of 54-46 to Republicans.

The Truth About 8216 The Republican Mandate 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010 Americans Against the Tea Party

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Party A and Party B 'gerrymander' on a regular basis - both parties do it - both parties both benefit and lose from it - it's a moving target.

Quit making up excuses and blaming everybody but yourselves and get off your ass and start fixing what's wrong with your own party.

Or, continue to delude yourselves, and suffer another 8 or 16 years out of power.

Your choice.

Kinda blew a hole in YOUR posit right? That Dems received 50% + more votes since 2010 than the GOP? lol
You would like to think you did, but you are so blinded by partisanship and so anxious to make excuses for your side, that you missed the broader macro-level lesson.

Your cross to bear, not mine.

Got it, the party that has 50% more votes since 2010 than the GOP

" lost the other chamber of Congress (the US Senate) based on his actions and performance since 2012.

Making 2012 personal yet pyrrhic victory."

lol, You can't make this shit up!
Typical pull-out-the-race-card horseshit.

One helluva lot of whites voted for Obumble as well, in both the 2008 and 2012 general elections.

Obama did not lose the confidence of The People through propagandizing.

The Tea Party et al simply does not have that much power or influence.


Obama lost the confidence of The People through his programs and social re-engineering and Nanny State leanings and failed foreign policy, etc.

Don't blame the Tea Party or any other element of the Opposition.

Blame His Majesty, and his Administration - stop blaming the Other Guy and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Rule-by-Decree - certainly on core issues such as Immigration - smacks of tyranny, and is not long tolerated by the American People.

So many reasons why Obumble has 'lost it'... where to start?

But, in the long run, it doesn't matter WHY... rather, what matters is, what IS... what the current state of affairs is, and how the next two years unfolds.

All this finger-pointing at the Opposition doesn't amount to much more than Sour Grapes.

Sour grapes? Didn't Obama win both times? lol
"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

Sour grapes indeed.

Yes, ONLY in right wing world does the 'dictator' have no power when his party doesn't control EITHER chamber of Congress, lol


Reagan was superman as Prez, even though his party only had the Senate for 6 of 8 years and NEVER the House. Obama is helpless without Dems in power in Congress however, lol

Fukkking morons
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

Nobody is saying that Obumble is entirely powerless now...

Merely facing an increasingly aggressive and hostile Congress that has literally turned its back upon him, and which controls the purse-strings, and, if Obumble pushes them far enough, the power to impeach, convict, and remove him from office...

The charges won't matter if it comes to that, only that they can be made to stick...

We aren't there yet, but another few months of Rule by Imperial Decree (EO) and we might be...

Meanwhile... compared to how it could have been, if Obama were a better leader... he is now hobbled, and increasingly marginalized...

And he has no one but himself to blame...

Your Failed Messiah has had it... he's toast.

Betters? lol,You TeaTards are nothing but cleaned up Birchers with better funding by the Birchers founders son's, the Koch's

PLEASE have the GOP 'turn their back' on Obama, PLEASE cut the purse strings, you dumbfukks will lose 80%+ of the elections in 2016! lol

Because the exchange(s) presently underway focus upon Obama's losing a chamber of Congress in each of the mid-terms.


"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

2008 was just the beginning of his story.

We've been talking about what's happened since that one-and-only Big Overarching (White House, Senate, House) Win.

He did, indeed, win again in 2012, but he lost the other chamber of Congress (the US Senate) based on his actions and performance since 2012.

Making 2012 personal yet pyrrhic victory.

That's why.


'The Republican Mandate': 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010

According to a study conducted by FairVote, the 46 Democrats currently sitting in Senate have gotten 20.7 million more votes over the 2010, 2012 and 2014 elections than the 56 Republicans. Tallied up, that’s 67.8 million to Dems, and 47.1 million to Republicans. Or, to put it another way:

Democrats got a full 50 percent more votes than Republicans, and lost nine seats. Or to put it yet another way:

If the Senate actually represented the voting public, it would be 68-32 to Democrats, instead of 54-46 to Republicans.

The Truth About 8216 The Republican Mandate 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010 Americans Against the Tea Party

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Party A and Party B 'gerrymander' on a regular basis - both parties do it - both parties both benefit and lose from it - it's a moving target.

Quit making up excuses and blaming everybody but yourselves and get off your ass and start fixing what's wrong with your own party.

Or, continue to delude yourselves, and suffer another 8 or 16 years out of power.

Your choice.

Kinda blew a hole in YOUR posit right? That Dems received 50% + more votes since 2010 than the GOP? lol
You would like to think you did, but you are so blinded by partisanship and so anxious to make excuses for your side, that you missed the broader macro-level lesson.

Your cross to bear, not mine.

Got it, the party that has 50% more votes since 2010 than the GOP

" lost the other chamber of Congress (the US Senate) based on his actions and performance since 2012.

Making 2012 personal yet pyrrhic victory."

lol, You can't make this shit up!
Yes, yes, yes... keep deluding yourself that the reason for losing the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2012 was all the doing of those dastardly Pubs, rather than the fault of the Dems and their Fearless Leader, for pissing off enough of the rest of the country to de-fang him in Congress.

The longer you delude yourself, the easier it will be for the Pubs to take the White House in 2016, as well as keeping the Senate and the House.

Keep it up... you're doing the Pubs job FOR them.


It sure would be the one and only. Now, tell me how one poor speech by Sarah Palin can kill her chances to get elected. It didn't stop the serial adulterer.

Grow a brain, the half termer isn't serious, she's only going after the TeaTards money. Why do you think her SaraPac only spent 5% of it's millions on other candidates? lol

To have her run for president, you :ahole-1:...why spend the money on others?

Sure, THAT'S her plan, the half termer who quit EVERYTHING in her life, is going to run for Prez, it's NOT just a ploy to suck nickle and dimes from conservatives who support her who are on SS, lol

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:Everyone with a working brain knows why Palin resigned, and any SANE person, in the same position would have done exactly what she did... all her trumped up charges were found false, and it's truly something to see how you pond scum reply to one small feisty lady, that calls you out for your shit, while other FAUX Republicans either do nothing, or join you pond scum, as they are AFRAID of her power being multiplied by folks with intelligence...Yup, she's a commies worst nightmare now, and you can see by all the wanna be THUGS that just can't stand to hear her name mentioned as a candidate.... What a political season this will be, especially if the Lying, murderer, and Bosnia HEROINE decides to actually run!

Just MORE TeaTard nonsense. I'm shocked

Of course it is when you have a difficult time refuting it! pond scum are so predictable... almost not worth the time to bitch slap them, ...but I, being the magnanimous guy I am, do so for the betterment of society! :321:
Typical pull-out-the-race-card horseshit.

One helluva lot of whites voted for Obumble as well, in both the 2008 and 2012 general elections.

Obama did not lose the confidence of The People through propagandizing.

The Tea Party et al simply does not have that much power or influence.


Obama lost the confidence of The People through his programs and social re-engineering and Nanny State leanings and failed foreign policy, etc.

Don't blame the Tea Party or any other element of the Opposition.

Blame His Majesty, and his Administration - stop blaming the Other Guy and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Rule-by-Decree - certainly on core issues such as Immigration - smacks of tyranny, and is not long tolerated by the American People.

So many reasons why Obumble has 'lost it'... where to start?

But, in the long run, it doesn't matter WHY... rather, what matters is, what IS... what the current state of affairs is, and how the next two years unfolds.

All this finger-pointing at the Opposition doesn't amount to much more than Sour Grapes.

Sour grapes? Didn't Obama win both times? lol
"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

Sour grapes indeed.

Yes, ONLY in right wing world does the 'dictator' have no power when his party doesn't control EITHER chamber of Congress, lol


Reagan was superman as Prez, even though his party only had the Senate for 6 of 8 years and NEVER the House. Obama is helpless without Dems in power in Congress however, lol

Fukkking morons
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

Nobody is saying that Obumble is entirely powerless now...

Merely facing an increasingly aggressive and hostile Congress that has literally turned its back upon him, and which controls the purse-strings, and, if Obumble pushes them far enough, the power to impeach, convict, and remove him from office...

The charges won't matter if it comes to that, only that they can be made to stick...

We aren't there yet, but another few months of Rule by Imperial Decree (EO) and we might be...

Meanwhile... compared to how it could have been, if Obama were a better leader... he is now hobbled, and increasingly marginalized...

And he has no one but himself to blame...

Your Failed Messiah has had it... he's toast.

Betters? lol,You TeaTards are nothing but cleaned up Birchers with better funding by the Birchers founders son's, the Koch's

PLEASE have the GOP 'turn their back' on Obama, PLEASE cut the purse strings, you dumbfukks will lose 80%+ of the elections in 2016! lol

Worst case of partisan blinker-ing that I've seen in quite some time.

My condolences.

Please continue to believe in this, and to act upon it.

You're doing the Pubs job FOR them... pacifying and deluding the Dem rank-and-file that their own party is not culpable in 2010 and 2014 losses.

And thereby delaying or preventing a badly needed wave of internal reforms within Dem-Land, which will play beautifully into the hands of the Opposition in less than two years.

'The Republican Mandate': 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010

According to a study conducted by FairVote, the 46 Democrats currently sitting in Senate have gotten 20.7 million more votes over the 2010, 2012 and 2014 elections than the 56 Republicans. Tallied up, that’s 67.8 million to Dems, and 47.1 million to Republicans. Or, to put it another way:

Democrats got a full 50 percent more votes than Republicans, and lost nine seats. Or to put it yet another way:

If the Senate actually represented the voting public, it would be 68-32 to Democrats, instead of 54-46 to Republicans.

The Truth About 8216 The Republican Mandate 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010 Americans Against the Tea Party

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Party A and Party B 'gerrymander' on a regular basis - both parties do it - both parties both benefit and lose from it - it's a moving target.

Quit making up excuses and blaming everybody but yourselves and get off your ass and start fixing what's wrong with your own party.

Or, continue to delude yourselves, and suffer another 8 or 16 years out of power.

Your choice.

Kinda blew a hole in YOUR posit right? That Dems received 50% + more votes since 2010 than the GOP? lol
You would like to think you did, but you are so blinded by partisanship and so anxious to make excuses for your side, that you missed the broader macro-level lesson.

Your cross to bear, not mine.

Got it, the party that has 50% more votes since 2010 than the GOP

" lost the other chamber of Congress (the US Senate) based on his actions and performance since 2012.

Making 2012 personal yet pyrrhic victory."

lol, You can't make this shit up!
Yes, yes, yes... keep deluding yourself that the reason for losing the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2012 was all the doing of those dastardly Pubs, rather than the fault of the Dems and their Fearless Leader, for pissing off enough of the rest of the country to de-fang him in Congress.

The longer you delude yourself, the easier it will be for the Pubs to take the White House in 2016, as well as keeping the Senate and the House.

Keep it up... you're doing the Pubs job FOR them.


Sorry Bubba, WHY would I expect YOU to be different and listen to the GOP's own words, admitting gerrymandering won them the House in 2010-2012 AND the FACT that the Senate was won even though Dems received 50%+ more votes than the GOP.

Dems will win the Prez AND the Senate back in 2016, the House MIGHT take a few more elections, UNLESS the GOP wants to shut down Gov't or treat Obama badly, AGAIN, lol
Sour grapes? Didn't Obama win both times? lol
"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

Sour grapes indeed.

Yes, ONLY in right wing world does the 'dictator' have no power when his party doesn't control EITHER chamber of Congress, lol


Reagan was superman as Prez, even though his party only had the Senate for 6 of 8 years and NEVER the House. Obama is helpless without Dems in power in Congress however, lol

Fukkking morons
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child.

Nobody is saying that Obumble is entirely powerless now...

Merely facing an increasingly aggressive and hostile Congress that has literally turned its back upon him, and which controls the purse-strings, and, if Obumble pushes them far enough, the power to impeach, convict, and remove him from office...

The charges won't matter if it comes to that, only that they can be made to stick...

We aren't there yet, but another few months of Rule by Imperial Decree (EO) and we might be...

Meanwhile... compared to how it could have been, if Obama were a better leader... he is now hobbled, and increasingly marginalized...

And he has no one but himself to blame...

Your Failed Messiah has had it... he's toast.

Betters? lol,You TeaTards are nothing but cleaned up Birchers with better funding by the Birchers founders son's, the Koch's

PLEASE have the GOP 'turn their back' on Obama, PLEASE cut the purse strings, you dumbfukks will lose 80%+ of the elections in 2016! lol

Worst case of partisan blinker-ing that I've seen in quite some time.

My condolences.

Please continue to believe in this, and to act upon it.

You're doing the Pubs job FOR them... pacifying and deluding the Dem rank-and-file that their own party is not culpable in 2010 and 2014 losses.

And thereby delaying or preventing a badly needed wave of internal reforms within Dem-Land, which will play beautifully into the hands of the Opposition in less than two years.

Stop projecting nut jobber

Grow a brain, the half termer isn't serious, she's only going after the TeaTards money. Why do you think her SaraPac only spent 5% of it's millions on other candidates? lol

To have her run for president, you :ahole-1:...why spend the money on others?

Sure, THAT'S her plan, the half termer who quit EVERYTHING in her life, is going to run for Prez, it's NOT just a ploy to suck nickle and dimes from conservatives who support her who are on SS, lol

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:Everyone with a working brain knows why Palin resigned, and any SANE person, in the same position would have done exactly what she did... all her trumped up charges were found false, and it's truly something to see how you pond scum reply to one small feisty lady, that calls you out for your shit, while other FAUX Republicans either do nothing, or join you pond scum, as they are AFRAID of her power being multiplied by folks with intelligence...Yup, she's a commies worst nightmare now, and you can see by all the wanna be THUGS that just can't stand to hear her name mentioned as a candidate.... What a political season this will be, especially if the Lying, murderer, and Bosnia HEROINE decides to actually run!

Just MORE TeaTard nonsense. I'm shocked

Of course it is when you have a difficult time refuting it! pond scum are so predictable... almost not worth the time to bitch slap them, ...but I, being the magnanimous guy I am, do so for the betterment of society! :321:

PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE ANY TEA PARTY CANDIDATE FOR PREZ IN 2016? I'll take the half termer, the legal immigrant Canadian, the Evangelical Shuckster, etc PRETTY PLEASE? lol

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