No One Has Ever Fallen Faster

Yet STILL had 4 BUDGET surpluses, lol

Too bad he couldn't triple the debt like Ronnie right?

Gingrich and the Republican Congress did that. Anybody that believes otherwise is a dishonest moron.

No Bill Clinton Didn t Balance the Budget Cato Institute

The only thing the Rapist in Chief did was sign whatever Gingrich put in front of the Raping piece of fucking shit.

That he signed the Budgets and the Bills that reduced the Deficit (we never had a balanced budget, that is a lie, SS was upside down) is good on him.

The Clinton Surplus Myth - Craig Steiner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

But he had very little to do with it
Yet STILL had 4 BUDGET surpluses, lol

Too bad he couldn't triple the debt like Ronnie right?

Gingrich and the Republican Congress did that. Anybody that believes otherwise is a dishonest moron.

The only thing the Rapist in Chief did was sign whatever Gingrich put in front of the Raping piece of fucking shit.

That he signed the Budgets and the Bills that reduced the Deficit (we never had a balanced budget, that is a lie, SS was upside down) is good on him.

But he had very little to do with it

Sure, it was Newt and the GOP that's why AFTER Bill's first surplus, the GOP passed a $700+ billion tax cut BJ Bill had to veto to get 3 more, lol

THEN we saw how fiscally conservative the GOP was when the had all 3 branches of Gov't under Dubya, lol

"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits."
Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994

"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

One of the reasons Goldman Sachs cites for the "best economy ever" is that "on the policy side, trade, fiscal, and monetary policies have been excellent, working in ways that have facilitated growth without inflation. The Clinton Administration has worked to liberalize trade and has used any revenue windfalls to reduce the federal budget deficit."
Goldman Sachs, March 1998

To Establish Fiscal Discipline, President Clinton:

Enacted the 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan without a Single Republican Vote.


,,,Weird, leaving out 2008 and 2012, wonder why? lol
Because the exchange(s) presently underway focus upon Obama's losing a chamber of Congress in each of the mid-terms.


"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

2008 was just the beginning of his story.

We've been talking about what's happened since that one-and-only Big Overarching (White House, Senate, House) Win.

He did, indeed, win again in 2012, but he lost the other chamber of Congress (the US Senate) based on his actions and performance since 2012.

Making 2012 personal yet pyrrhic victory.

That's why.


'The Republican Mandate': 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010

According to a study conducted by FairVote, the 46 Democrats currently sitting in Senate have gotten 20.7 million more votes over the 2010, 2012 and 2014 elections than the 56 Republicans. Tallied up, that’s 67.8 million to Dems, and 47.1 million to Republicans. Or, to put it another way:

Democrats got a full 50 percent more votes than Republicans, and lost nine seats. Or to put it yet another way:

If the Senate actually represented the voting public, it would be 68-32 to Democrats, instead of 54-46 to Republicans.

The Truth About 8216 The Republican Mandate 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010 Americans Against the Tea Party

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Typical pull-out-the-race-card horseshit.

One helluva lot of whites voted for Obumble as well, in both the 2008 and 2012 general elections.

Obama did not lose the confidence of The People through propagandizing.

The Tea Party et al simply does not have that much power or influence.


Obama lost the confidence of The People through his programs and social re-engineering and Nanny State leanings and failed foreign policy, etc.

Don't blame the Tea Party or any other element of the Opposition.

Blame His Majesty, and his Administration - stop blaming the Other Guy and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Rule-by-Decree - certainly on core issues such as Immigration - smacks of tyranny, and is not long tolerated by the American People.

So many reasons why Obumble has 'lost it'... where to start?

But, in the long run, it doesn't matter WHY... rather, what matters is, what IS... what the current state of affairs is, and how the next two years unfolds.

All this finger-pointing at the Opposition doesn't amount to much more than Sour Grapes.

Sour grapes? Didn't Obama win both times? lol
Yet STILL had 4 BUDGET surpluses, lol

Too bad he couldn't triple the debt like Ronnie right?

Gingrich and the Republican Congress did that. Anybody that believes otherwise is a dishonest moron.

No Bill Clinton Didn t Balance the Budget Cato Institute

The only thing the Rapist in Chief did was sign whatever Gingrich put in front of the Raping piece of fucking shit.

That he signed the Budgets and the Bills that reduced the Deficit (we never had a balanced budget, that is a lie, SS was upside down) is good on him.

The Clinton Surplus Myth - Craig Steiner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

But he had very little to do with it

"That he signed the Budgets and the Bills that reduced the Deficit (we never had a balanced budget, that is a lie, SS was upside down) is good on him."

So YOU don't know we had 4 SURPLUSES under BJ Bill? lol

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

This is why I hate and despise dimocrap scum -- They lie. Every one of them.

And the stupid ones are so genetically backwards, they swallow it like pablum.

Without boring you to death, here is the GOVERNMENT tables of the National debt --

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding Annual

Every year the Rapist was in Office -- EVERY YEAR, the national debt went up

How can you have a balanced budget when EVERY SINGLE YEAR THE NATIONAL DEBT RISES????????

For a complete explanation of how dimocrap scum lied through their diseased teeth on this topic, go here

The Clinton Surplus Myth - Craig Steiner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

They talk about the sleight of hand used by The Rapist and how the dimocrap scum used smoke and mirrors to lie about what happened.

Right is right and wrong is wrong -- The Rapist was in Office when a remarkable reduction in the Deficit took place, but he had abut as much to do with that as the Lying Cocksucker in Chief (obama) has to do with our current oil surplus.

dimocraps are lying scum.

Yet STILL had 4 BUDGET surpluses, lol

Too bad he couldn't triple the debt like Ronnie right?

4 huh?

You might want to recheck the hate sites you cut & paste from - I suspect you'll get a shit-storm for that particular lie....

The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets, the so-called dot-com bubble, which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.

Clinton’s large budget surpluses also owe much to the Social Security tax on payrolls.

...But even under accrual accounting, the annual reports showed surpluses of $69.2 billion in fiscal 1998, $76.9 billion in fiscal 1999, and $46 billion for fiscal year 2000. So even if the government had been using that form of accounting the deficit would have been erased for those three years.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
This is why I hate and despise dimocrap scum -- They lie. Every one of them.

And the stupid ones are so genetically backwards, they swallow it like pablum.

Without boring you to death, here is the GOVERNMENT tables of the National debt --

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding Annual

Every year the Rapist was in Office -- EVERY YEAR, the national debt went up

How can you have a balanced budget when EVERY SINGLE YEAR THE NATIONAL DEBT RISES????????

For a complete explanation of how dimocrap scum lied through their diseased teeth on this topic, go here

The Clinton Surplus Myth - Craig Steiner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

They talk about the sleight of hand used by The Rapist and how the dimocrap scum used smoke and mirrors to lie about what happened.

Right is right and wrong is wrong -- The Rapist was in Office when a remarkable reduction in the Deficit took place, but he had abut as much to do with that as the Lying Cocksucker in Chief (obama) has to do with our current oil surplus.

dimocraps are lying scum.


ANOTHER conservative who can't grasp the difference of YEARLY BUDGETS VERSUS DEBT

DEFINITION of 'Budget Surplus' A situation in which income exceeds expenditures

Budget Surplus Definition Investopedia


To Establish Fiscal Discipline, President Clinton:

Enacted the 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan without a Single Republican Vote. Prior to 1993, the debate over fiscal policy often revolved around a false choice between public investment and deficit reduction. The 1993 deficit reduction plan showed that deficit and debt reductions could be accomplished in a progressive way by slashing the deficit in half and making important investments in our future, including education, health care, and science and technology research. The plan included more than $500 billion in deficit reduction.

The Clinton Presidency Historic Economic Growth
This is why I hate and despise dimocrap scum -- They lie. Every one of them.

And the stupid ones are so genetically backwards, they swallow it like pablum.

Without boring you to death, here is the GOVERNMENT tables of the National debt --

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding Annual

Every year the Rapist was in Office -- EVERY YEAR, the national debt went up

How can you have a balanced budget when EVERY SINGLE YEAR THE NATIONAL DEBT RISES????????

For a complete explanation of how dimocrap scum lied through their diseased teeth on this topic, go here

The Clinton Surplus Myth - Craig Steiner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

They talk about the sleight of hand used by The Rapist and how the dimocrap scum used smoke and mirrors to lie about what happened.

Right is right and wrong is wrong -- The Rapist was in Office when a remarkable reduction in the Deficit took place, but he had abut as much to do with that as the Lying Cocksucker in Chief (obama) has to do with our current oil surplus.

dimocraps are lying scum.


ANOTHER conservative who can't grasp the difference of YEARLY BUDGETS VERSUS DEBT

DEFINITION of 'Budget Surplus' A situation in which income exceeds expenditures

Budget Surplus Definition Investopedia


To Establish Fiscal Discipline, President Clinton:

Enacted the 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan without a Single Republican Vote. Prior to 1993, the debate over fiscal policy often revolved around a false choice between public investment and deficit reduction. The 1993 deficit reduction plan showed that deficit and debt reductions could be accomplished in a progressive way by slashing the deficit in half and making important investments in our future, including education, health care, and science and technology research. The plan included more than $500 billion in deficit reduction.

The Clinton Presidency Historic Economic Growth

Gee.. a link to Clinton's website extolling the virtues of the Clinton presidency. How droll... here's the facts bub, Clinton did not run surplus'.... he did a little accounting trick whereby rather than public borrowings, he robbed other funds. It's like saying "I make $50k, but I spent $80k, but I didn't borrow the $30k, I took it from my 401k".

Absurd... get a grip man.
Every single year The Rapist was in Office, the National debt went up.

THAT, my delirious lacky, is FACT. FUCKING FACT!


You can't have a balanced budget and, as a Nation, go further into debt. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.

You're just a knee-pad-wearing, typically stupid, brain dead dimocrap scumbag.

Go away.
,,,Weird, leaving out 2008 and 2012, wonder why? lol
Because the exchange(s) presently underway focus upon Obama's losing a chamber of Congress in each of the mid-terms.


"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

2008 was just the beginning of his story.

We've been talking about what's happened since that one-and-only Big Overarching (White House, Senate, House) Win.

He did, indeed, win again in 2012, but he lost the other chamber of Congress (the US Senate) based on his actions and performance since 2012.

Making 2012 personal yet pyrrhic victory.

That's why.


'The Republican Mandate': 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010

According to a study conducted by FairVote, the 46 Democrats currently sitting in Senate have gotten 20.7 million more votes over the 2010, 2012 and 2014 elections than the 56 Republicans. Tallied up, that’s 67.8 million to Dems, and 47.1 million to Republicans. Or, to put it another way:

Democrats got a full 50 percent more votes than Republicans, and lost nine seats. Or to put it yet another way:

If the Senate actually represented the voting public, it would be 68-32 to Democrats, instead of 54-46 to Republicans.

The Truth About 8216 The Republican Mandate 50 Percent More People Have Voted Democrat Since 2010 Americans Against the Tea Party

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Party A and Party B 'gerrymander' on a regular basis - both parties do it - both parties both benefit and lose from it - it's a moving target.

Quit making up excuses and blaming everybody but yourselves and get off your ass and start fixing what's wrong with your own party.

Or, continue to delude yourselves, and suffer another 8 or 16 years out of power.

Your choice.
Typical pull-out-the-race-card horseshit.

One helluva lot of whites voted for Obumble as well, in both the 2008 and 2012 general elections.

Obama did not lose the confidence of The People through propagandizing.

The Tea Party et al simply does not have that much power or influence.


Obama lost the confidence of The People through his programs and social re-engineering and Nanny State leanings and failed foreign policy, etc.

Don't blame the Tea Party or any other element of the Opposition.

Blame His Majesty, and his Administration - stop blaming the Other Guy and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Rule-by-Decree - certainly on core issues such as Immigration - smacks of tyranny, and is not long tolerated by the American People.

So many reasons why Obumble has 'lost it'... where to start?

But, in the long run, it doesn't matter WHY... rather, what matters is, what IS... what the current state of affairs is, and how the next two years unfolds.

All this finger-pointing at the Opposition doesn't amount to much more than Sour Grapes.

Sour grapes? Didn't Obama win both times? lol
"What doth it profit a man, to win the White House, yet lose both chambers of Congress?"

Sour grapes indeed.
No matter how much the Far Right babbles, the nominee will be a Bush, Clinton, or Romney.

I'm sure you would love another war mongering Neocon like Bush or Hillary. yep she's a neocon
Both are very close to neo-con folks and policies, which is not a good thing, in my book.

Holy shit we agree.

So you don't like Bush or Hillary, and you don't like Cruz, Paul or Kusinich, and you don't like Alex Jones, Young Turks or Navy Seal and two term Governor Jesse Ventura.

Who exactly do you like?
No matter how much the Far Right babbles, the nominee will be a Bush, Clinton, or Romney.

I'm sure you would love another war mongering Neocon like Bush or Hillary. yep she's a neocon
Both are very close to neo-con folks and policies, which is not a good thing, in my book.

Holy shit we agree.

So you don't like Bush or Hillary, and you don't like Cruz, Paul or Kusinich, and you don't like Alex Jones, Young Turks or Navy Seal and two term Governor Jesse Ventura.

Who exactly do you like?

He's always the first to defend Obama and ObamaCare
No matter how much the Far Right babbles, the nominee will be a Bush, Clinton, or Romney.

I'm sure you would love another war mongering Neocon like Bush or Hillary. yep she's a neocon
Both are very close to neo-con folks and policies, which is not a good thing, in my book.

Holy shit we agree.

So you don't like Bush or Hillary, and you don't like Cruz, Paul or Kusinich, and you don't like Alex Jones, Young Turks or Navy Seal and two term Governor Jesse Ventura.

Who exactly do you like?

He's always the first to defend Obama and ObamaCare

A contradiction on his part, let us use the mathematical property of transitivity.

Obama = Romney, Romney = Mccain, Mccain = Hillary, therefore Obama = Hillary.
It doesn't matter.

Obumble is now a Lame Duck.

He lost both chambers of Congress.

Congress has turned its back on him.

The Failed Messiah has failed himself, his country, and his party - many of whom are running from him at the speed of light.

Prospects for a Democrat in the White House anytime soon after 2016 continue to dwindle.

I have no clue which of a hundred-and-one losers that the Pubs will put-up for election.

But they'd have to phukk-up pretty badly now, not to kick the ass of the Dems' choice.



Every so often, I invite the RWs to link to accomplishments made by the Republican party. So far, not one has been able to do it.

PS Dad2three - LOVE your avatar!

2010: Shellacked Obama and the Dems

2014: Shellacked Obama and the Dems

Obama wasn't running either year.

Democrats have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 elections, and voter demographics nationally are not improving for conservatives.

The BEST conservatives can even hope for at this point is that a RINO occasionally wins the presidency.

"The GOP now controls 68 out of 98 partisan state legislative chambers -- the highest number in the history of the party. Republicans currently hold the governorship and both houses of the legislature in 23 states (24 if Sean Parnell wins re-election in Alaska), while Democrats have that level of control in only seven.

There are currently 31 Republicans, 18 Democrats, and one independent that hold the office of governor in the states. Additionally, 2 Republicans, 2 Independents and 2 Democrats(one is also a member of the PPD) serve as governors of United States Territories and Mayor of the District of Columbia.

The Republicans have made historic gains in the US House and Senate.

Since the President is not elected by popular vote, who cares if NY, CA and Illinois gain in population.
Typical pull-out-the-race-card horseshit.

One helluva lot of whites voted for Obumble as well, in both the 2008 and 2012 general elections.

Obama did not lose the confidence of The People through propagandizing.

The Tea Party et al simply does not have that much power or influence.


Obama lost the confidence of The People through his programs and social re-engineering and Nanny State leanings and failed foreign policy, etc.

Don't blame the Tea Party or any other element of the Opposition.

Blame His Majesty, and his Administration - stop blaming the Other Guy and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Rule-by-Decree - certainly on core issues such as Immigration - smacks of tyranny, and is not long tolerated by the American People.

So many reasons why Obumble has 'lost it'... where to start?

But, in the long run, it doesn't matter WHY... rather, what matters is, what IS... what the current state of affairs is, and how the next two years unfolds.

All this finger-pointing at the Opposition doesn't amount to much more than Sour Grapes.

The propaganda image is a fair hit at some in our GOP, who have trouble that a wimply half-black dude kicked them in the teeth in two national elections. Tough to be them.
GOP Summit—The Good, The Bad And The Absolutely Crazy
GOP presidential contenders flocked to Iowa on Saturday to try out their pitches on the unofficial beginning of the Iowa Caucus. Hint: Sarah Palin has lost her mind.


What did we learn?

Palin is past her sell-by date.

It’s the unofficial policy of many serious political reporters (myself included) to not cover Palin speeches. So it’s entirely possible I missed a key stretch of her decline that would help make sense of, or have prepared me for, the word-salad-with-a-cup-of-moose-stew that she presented.

Sample passage: “Things must change for our government! It isn’t too big to fail, it’s too big to succeed! It’s too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change, with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo! Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle class and everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’”

The speech (perhaps a generous description) went on 15 minutes past the 20 minutes allotted other speakers. And even as she ended it, one sensed less a crescendo than the specter of a gong, a hook to pull her off, or—a sincere thought I had—an ambulance to take her… somewhere.

"In 1988, Bill Clinton gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention that was so long, the crowd — composed of his fellow Democrats cheered when he said the words"in conclusion." That speech was 33 minutes long."

Would that be two term President Bill Clinton? That Bill Clinton?

It sure would be the one and only. Now, tell me how one poor speech by Sarah Palin can kill her chances to get elected. It didn't stop the serial adulterer.
I think Christie would be far less of a neo-con and not as corporatist friendly as Bush or Romney.

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