No one is going to take your guns

Any of those numbers are equally bad.

But here's the thing. When Kellerman came out with his study, the NRA ran whining to Congress to make sure the CDC never, ever studied this subject again.

Strikes me they know what the truth is, and really don't want you to know. Which is fine, because you don't want to know.

and what is stopping anyone else from studying the raw data? After all, it is still collected.

But this is a first, its the first time JoeBlow has even come close to realizing or semi-admitting that Kellerman is complete bullshit.

Other people have and have come to the same conclusions.

But here's the thing, the only people who can really collect that kind of data and have be meaningful is the government.

The thing is, Kellerman is accurate. I know you guys wish he wasn't, because the implications are too scary for you.

The data is still collected, and anyone can get it via FOIA, either at the federal or state levels. It isnt classified.

And again Kellerman is a study in ONE COUNTY from decades ago.

So every single research university is basically useless?

Keep stretching blow-boy
"Deterrent" pre-assumes "threat". There's your problem right there: seeing everything around you as a "threat".

That, along with subsequent escalation of that paranoia. You have a rock? I get a rock. You have a stick? I get a stick. You have a thermonuclear device? I get a thermonuclear device. What could possibly go wrong. :dunno:

So I guess every person out there with insurance is paranoid because they are mitigating a risk.

Is Mal-Wart having a sale on non sequiturs?

And THIS is how a progressive stoodge reacts when they get called on something.

Enjoy your paint filled corner.
So I guess every person out there with insurance is paranoid because they are mitigating a risk.

Is Mal-Wart having a sale on non sequiturs?

And THIS is how a progressive stoodge reacts when they get called on something.

Enjoy your paint filled corner.

Hey, don't blame your inability to think on somebody else. You make the leap from comic book paranoia to insurance, not me. Which means I called you out, not the other way around. Duh?

Walk into a store.. put down some money, walk out with a gun.

Just like this guy did.


and this guy...


and this guy...


They were not criminals when.they bought their guns
Is Mal-Wart having a sale on non sequiturs?

And THIS is how a progressive stoodge reacts when they get called on something.

Enjoy your paint filled corner.

Hey, don't blame your inability to think on somebody else. You make the leap from comic book paranoia to insurance, not me. Which means I called you out, not the other way around. Duh?

Guns, like insurance are about mitigating risk. In the case of insurance you pay money over time and risk never recouping it vs. the risk of something happening and you NOT having insurance, thus having to pay for entire event.

With guns, you mitigate the risk of being assaulted by ANY threat, vs. the risk of misusing the gun. Yes, some people do misuse them, but that is a risk YOU can control. What you can't control is a violent confrontation by an armed or bigger perp if you are not armed.

Eat that, fucktard.
...and then there is this:

"Based on a review of the available scientific data, Dr. (Steven) Lippmann (of the University of Louisville School of Medicine) and co-authors conclude that the dangers of having a gun at home far outweigh the safety benefits. Research shows that access to guns greatly increases the risk of death and firearm-related violence. A gun in the home is twelve times more likely to result in the death of a household member or visitor than an intruder. "
Daily Kos: Guns in homes kill people

KOS and Stormfront are not credible sources.

Those who link to KOS or Stormfront cannot be viewed a rational people.

These absurd and fabricated "studies" that you anti-civil liberty advocates post are fabricated and self-serving bullshit.

I can post contrary studies all day long.

Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun

Slither back to Stormfront.

Here we are, 24 hours later. Any law abiding American have his or her gun taken from them in the last 24 hours?

Fuck no. You fools are OBSESSED with guns. Weird.

No, the loons are obsessed with increased regulations with the ultimate goal being disarmament. They have to walk before they run

The goal is to not whine after the fact, but point out the agenda of the communist before their goals of a gun confiscation come to fruition. This administration has proven they can not be trusted with our liberty and freedom.

Congress banned the all-plastic non-metal guns recently; where's all the gun rights outrage over that?

It's clearly an 'infringement', if you believe the rightwing constitutional geniuses around here.
Congress banned the all-plastic non-metal guns recently; where's all the gun rights outrage over that?

It's clearly an 'infringement', if you believe the rightwing constitutional geniuses around here.

The "all plastic non metal gun" is a gun grabber boogey-man.

In any event the ban is just more feel good crap, because usually the only time you can charge someone with it is when they have already committed a far worse crime, usually shooting someone with said gun.

What NYC is doing is placing a useless capricous limit on firearms even as innoccous as 0.22 caliber bolt actions, just because it "could" have a magazine more than 5 rounds.
Late to the party here.

1) Never ever tell the government anything about your life, it will be used against you.
2) Anyone want to invest in an Amory just outside of NY where people can store their weapons legally?
And THIS is how a progressive stoodge reacts when they get called on something.

Enjoy your paint filled corner.

Hey, don't blame your inability to think on somebody else. You make the leap from comic book paranoia to insurance, not me. Which means I called you out, not the other way around. Duh?

Guns, like insurance are about mitigating risk. In the case of insurance you pay money over time and risk never recouping it vs. the risk of something happening and you NOT having insurance, thus having to pay for entire event.

With guns, you mitigate the risk of being assaulted by ANY threat, vs. the risk of misusing the gun. Yes, some people do misuse them, but that is a risk YOU can control. What you can't control is a violent confrontation by an armed or bigger perp if you are not armed.

Eat that, fucktard.

No thanks. False analogies in canard sauce gives me gas. Knock yourself out.
Two women who are unlikely to be raped. :thup:

I don't know why anti-gun nuts want women to be raped. That's just sick.

The first could be a guy.
Oh, yes, guys don't get raped.

Wait -- yes, they do.
The second is unlikely to be raped anyway. She doesn't look like she needs a gun to fight off anyone.
She'd need a gun to fight off a rapist with a knife.

Seriously, son, the fail just never stops with you, does it?
Ahh, but this is your gun argument: that what was lawful yesterday is not lawful today.

Too bad you don't have intellectual consistency. But you're a Right-Winger.
Voter ID laws do not violate the Constitution...not that you give a shit about the Constitution.

Nevertheless, the two simply aren't synonymous. Someone having to get another ID is in no way similar to someone having property seized.
The stealing of Constitutional rights doesn't compare to the 'stealing' of your rifle?
Who had their right to vote taken away?

Hint: No one.

And owning a rifle IS a Constitutional right.

So much for your oath to the Constitution. Did you have your fingers crossed behind your back?
Which oath?

Oh, yes -- the one I took, and the same one you wouldn't or couldn't take.

No, I took my oath seriously. I even swore to give my life in the defense of dumbass progs' right to say stupid shit on the internet.

You're welcome.
Hey, don't blame your inability to think on somebody else. You make the leap from comic book paranoia to insurance, not me. Which means I called you out, not the other way around. Duh?

Guns, like insurance are about mitigating risk. In the case of insurance you pay money over time and risk never recouping it vs. the risk of something happening and you NOT having insurance, thus having to pay for entire event.

With guns, you mitigate the risk of being assaulted by ANY threat, vs. the risk of misusing the gun. Yes, some people do misuse them, but that is a risk YOU can control. What you can't control is a violent confrontation by an armed or bigger perp if you are not armed.

Eat that, fucktard.

No thanks. False analogies in canard sauce gives me gas. Knock yourself out.

otherwise known as, "no retort."

Winner winner, chicken dinner.

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