No one is going to take your guns

and what is stopping anyone else from studying the raw data? After all, it is still collected.

But this is a first, its the first time JoeBlow has even come close to realizing or semi-admitting that Kellerman is complete bullshit.

Other people have and have come to the same conclusions.

But here's the thing, the only people who can really collect that kind of data and have be meaningful is the government.

The thing is, Kellerman is accurate. I know you guys wish he wasn't, because the implications are too scary for you.

The data is still collected, and anyone can get it via FOIA, either at the federal or state levels. It isnt classified.

And again Kellerman is a study in ONE COUNTY from decades ago.

So every single research university is basically useless?

Keep stretching blow-boy

Wouldn't know... has any university that doesn't teach about talking snakes found a different result than Kellerman did?
It's funny how you dumbass progs are all for Catholicism now that the Pope has called for wealth redistribution.
I was raised Catholic, but I haven't really been one ever. I enjoy some of the pageantry, and the funny hats, though.

You're the supposed believer. Why don't you believe that God breathed life into man?
Where did you get the asinine idea that I don't believe that?
Ok, then you do believe that life begins with first breath.

Glad you clarified. Now you can stop whining about fetuses.
No, they DON'T know what the truth is. CDC has an anti-gun agenda, and their studies are skewed.

But morons who agree with the agenda eagerly swallow it.

You know, like you.

Really? Where's your proof that the CDC has an anti-gun agenda?

Keep in mind, this was in 1986 when Ronny Reagan appointed the head of the CDC.

Joe give Dave his M16 or HPWeapon of his choice.....He can slaughter another 1.375 Million Americans over the next 40 odd years.....such is his desire and SUPPORT FOR THE GUN.

On those figures GUN NUTS are America's biggest threat WORLDWIDE.....they are infact TERRORISTS to America.......and they are so proud of the FACT.

I'm theliq.....folk love me because I always say it as it IS....Say NO to GUNS......It's is a path to RUIN.......
I was raised Catholic, but I haven't really been one ever. I enjoy some of the pageantry, and the funny hats, though.

You're the supposed believer. Why don't you believe that God breathed life into man?
Where did you get the asinine idea that I don't believe that?
Ok, then you do believe that life begins with first breath.

Glad you clarified. Now you can stop whining about fetuses.

No, life begins at first heartbeat. Most doctors agree that is around the 5-6 week timframe

No, they DON'T know what the truth is. CDC has an anti-gun agenda, and their studies are skewed.

But morons who agree with the agenda eagerly swallow it.

You know, like you.

Really? Where's your proof that the CDC has an anti-gun agenda?

Keep in mind, this was in 1986 when Ronny Reagan appointed the head of the CDC.

Joe give Dave his M16 or HPWeapon of his choice.....He can slaughter another 1.375 Million Americans over the next 40 odd years.....such is his desire and SUPPORT FOR THE GUN.

On those figures GUN NUTS are America's biggest threat WORLDWIDE.....they are infact TERRORISTS to America.......and they are so proud of the FACT.

I'm theliq.....folk love me because I always say it as it IS....Say NO to GUNS......It's is a path to RUIN.......

something to think about when a thread like this develops........

The gun grabber far left have zero core values........essentially they have no core because an absolute truth does not exist for them.

But gun owners.........ahhh gun owners. The far left gun grabbers have no idea how precious this constitutional right is to gun owners. They cannot comprehend it on any level. They don't understand the sentiment behind it in the context of history......for them. Revisionist history, which is the alter for the far left gun grabbers, does not exist for gun owners. And ask the end of the day, gun grabber advocates are pussy-assholes with the backbone of a Hershey bar. When the SHTF.......they will be the first in their boxes!!! And many, many will be laughing their balls off.
Well first, I don't see how self-urination or vomiting can be described as "leftist", but I will be glad to take the question to my doctor just in case you're right...
Because they were proposed by leftists who don't want women to have guns.

College women told to urinate or vomit to deter a rapist -

So -- some pamphlet passed around (and now nonexistent) at a campus of the University of Colorado becomes a philosophy of the entire "the left"?

:rofl: walked right into that one, you did.
Where did I say it was the entire left? :confused:
You're saying laws against rape have no effect?
They punish rapists. I don't know how much of a deterrent they are.

But a woman armed with a semi-automatic pistol is far less likely to be raped than a woman armed with a copy of the law.
It happens, it's a message board. I don't drink Pepsi (or Coke) and yet I find myself trapped in this thing.
So what's keeping you there? Somebody threaten to piss their pants at you?

Somebody who can't read keeps puking. Then it has to be cleaned up.

You know how it is... "I woulda been here sooner, but somebody was wrong on the internet".
I was raised Catholic, but I haven't really been one ever. I enjoy some of the pageantry, and the funny hats, though.

You're the supposed believer. Why don't you believe that God breathed life into man?
Where did you get the asinine idea that I don't believe that?
Ok, then you do believe that life begins with first breath.

Glad you clarified. Now you can stop whining about fetuses.
Does it worry you that you're incoherent? It should.

God breathed life directly into Adam. As for the rest of us:

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

Looks like you're wrong. Yet again. Always, as a matter of fact. It's your default mode.
No, they DON'T know what the truth is. CDC has an anti-gun agenda, and their studies are skewed.

But morons who agree with the agenda eagerly swallow it.

You know, like you.

Really? Where's your proof that the CDC has an anti-gun agenda?

Keep in mind, this was in 1986 when Ronny Reagan appointed the head of the CDC.
Not that you'll accept any proof, but here it is:

Don't fund anti-gun junk science: Opposing view
"We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. ... Now (smoking) is dirty, deadly and banned."

Those words — uttered in 1994 by Dr. Mark Rosenberg, then head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control — have epitomized a problem endemic to taxpayer-funded research on guns.

OUR VIEW: Gun research kept in the Dark Ages

And this is why since 1996, Congress has prevented the CDC from engaging in politically motivated junk science, requiring that researchers not "advocate or promote gun control."

Notice that the wording doesn't prevent legitimate medical research.

What it does do is keep the Rosenbergs of the world from using taxpayer-funded research as a shill to promote an anti-gun political agenda.​

PJ Media » CDC Misrepresents Their Crime Data to Promote Gun Control
In a new report, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) attempted to link firearms with violence, especially against children. The authors wrote: “Gun violence historically has been a problem in cities, and youths have been affected disproportionately.”

The gun control formula equates guns with violence in the reader’s mind, thus the term “gun violence.”

CDC history lesson

The CDC has long supported gun control. Researcher David Kopel wrote about CDC’s history of funding anti-gun research:

Finally, in 1996, Congress cut off gun control funding for the CDC — mainly because the NRA demonstrated to legislators the CDC was buying political misinformation rather than science.​

Since then, they’ve attempted to reframe their agenda into “gun safety.” In the early 2000s, the CDC performed national gun ownership surveys. The survey’s codebook had interviewers asking people if firearms in the home were loaded and locked. The assumption was that a loaded, ready firearm was dangerous.

But CDC fatal injury data show that right-to-carry (RTC) states — where law-abiding civilians carry loaded handguns in public — averaged 16.3% lower homicide rates than restrictive-carry states.

More interesting, CDC data show that between 2000 and 2007, black homicide rates averaged 24.9% less in RTC states. Considering that American gun control policy historically coincides with racist oppression, this data indicate modern gun control is a questionable policy.​

CDC Lobbies for Anti-Gun Research Bucks | The Truth About Guns
“In more than 50 years of research, no study has focused on firearm violence as a specific outcome of violence in media,” according to a report from an “ad-hoc” committee trying to drum-up federal funding for the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). “As a result, a direct relationship between violence in media and real-life firearm violence has not been established and will require additional research.” I’m no Nick Leghorn, but aren’t studies supposed to investigate the possibility of a link between variables before attempting to document and quantify it? In other words, is this an anti-gun agenda or what?‘s report on the report upon which the ad hoc committee based their report leaves little doubt in that regard. That would be Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence with the intro asserting . . .

Firearm-Related Violence as a Public Health Issue

The complexity and frequency of firearm violence, combined with its impact on the health and safety of Americans, suggest that a public health approach should be incorporated into the strategies used to prevent future harm and injuries. The public health approach involves three elements: a focus on prevention, a focus on scientific methodology to identify risk and patterns, and multidisciplinary collaboration to address the problem. This approach has seen success in reducing tobacco use, unintentional poisonings, and motor vehicle fatalities.​

If you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail, especially if you make a living hammering nails with taxpayer money. This approach—”gun violence” as a “health epidemic”—is the latest ploy from civilian disarmament advocates to disarm civilians by placing public policy in the hands of “health professionals.”​

Now go ahead -- screech "Nuh-UH!!" and stamp your feet like a small child. We both know you're going to.
No, they DON'T know what the truth is. CDC has an anti-gun agenda, and their studies are skewed.

But morons who agree with the agenda eagerly swallow it.

You know, like you.

Really? Where's your proof that the CDC has an anti-gun agenda?

Keep in mind, this was in 1986 when Ronny Reagan appointed the head of the CDC.

Joe give Dave his M16 or HPWeapon of his choice.....He can slaughter another 1.375 Million Americans over the next 40 odd years.....such is his desire and SUPPORT FOR THE GUN.

On those figures GUN NUTS are America's biggest threat WORLDWIDE.....they are infact TERRORISTS to America.......and they are so proud of the FACT.

I'm theliq.....folk love me because I always say it as it IS....Say NO to GUNS......It's is a path to RUIN.......
Oh, shut up, kid. You don't get a say in American affairs.
Because they were proposed by leftists who don't want women to have guns.

College women told to urinate or vomit to deter a rapist -

So -- some pamphlet passed around (and now nonexistent) at a campus of the University of Colorado becomes a philosophy of the entire "the left"?

:rofl: walked right into that one, you did.
Where did I say it was the entire left? :confused:

Why, right here:
We're talking about rape and the effectiveness of the leftist recommendation -- peeing in your pants or throwing up -- and the normal person's recommendation, buying, training with, and carrying a weapon.

Actually you didn't even 'splain how some missive that turned up at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs campus became itself 'leftist', let alone representative of the entire "the left".

They punish rapists. I don't know how much of a deterrent they are.

Are laws deterrents? If not, should we just trash them?

But a woman armed with a semi-automatic pistol is far less likely to be raped than a woman armed with a copy of the law.

Possibly, but she's even more likely to hurt some bystander, including herself. Especially if she loses control of that firearm, in which case she's in danger of more than rape.

Suppose the nuclear bomb had never been invented. Then tomorrow you invent it, and you get to decide who gets one. Should everyone get one, to prevent aggressive countries from raping the weaker ones? Or should no one get one?
So -- some pamphlet passed around (and now nonexistent) at a campus of the University of Colorado becomes a philosophy of the entire "the left"?

:rofl: walked right into that one, you did.
Where did I say it was the entire left? :confused:

Why, right here:
Again: Where did I say it was the entire left?

I said it was a suggestion by leftists.

Can you honestly not see how you erred?
Actually you didn't even 'splain how some missive that turned up at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs campus became itself 'leftist', let alone representative of the entire "the left".
Can you see conservatives making those absurd suggestions? I can't.
They punish rapists. I don't know how much of a deterrent they are.

Are laws deterrents? If not, should we just trash them?
But a woman armed with a semi-automatic pistol is far less likely to be raped than a woman armed with a copy of the law.

Possibly, but she's even more likely to hurt some bystander, including herself. Especially if she loses control of that firearm, in which case she's in danger of more than rape.
More likely to hurt a bystander?

Got link?
Suppose the nuclear bomb had never been invented. Then tomorrow you invent it, and you get to decide who gets one. Should everyone get one, to prevent aggressive countries from raping the weaker ones? Or should no one get one?
Comparing personal firearms to nuclear weapons. Wow. :doubt:

So what's your bright idea? What can women do to deter rapists?
Really? Where's your proof that the CDC has an anti-gun agenda?

Keep in mind, this was in 1986 when Ronny Reagan appointed the head of the CDC.

Joe give Dave his M16 or HPWeapon of his choice.....He can slaughter another 1.375 Million Americans over the next 40 odd years.....such is his desire and SUPPORT FOR THE GUN.

On those figures GUN NUTS are America's biggest threat WORLDWIDE.....they are infact TERRORISTS to America.......and they are so proud of the FACT.

I'm theliq.....folk love me because I always say it as it IS....Say NO to GUNS......It's is a path to RUIN.......
Oh, shut up, kid. You don't get a say in American affairs.

I suppose I am too intelligent for a Dumb Asshole like YOU but not for elevated American minds, like mine.

But keep spewing your shit......and have a life :flameth::flameth::ssex: and Bumming off the Gun Lobby.........
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The reason that in the last 24 hours our guns have not been confiscated, is not because the communist would not like too, but that we won't let them

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So -- some pamphlet passed around (and now nonexistent) at a campus of the University of Colorado becomes a philosophy of the entire "the left"?

:rofl: walked right into that one, you did.
Where did I say it was the entire left? :confused:

Why, right here:

Actually you didn't even 'splain how some missive that turned up at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs campus became itself 'leftist', let alone representative of the entire "the left".

They punish rapists. I don't know how much of a deterrent they are.

Are laws deterrents? If not, should we just trash them?

But a woman armed with a semi-automatic pistol is far less likely to be raped than a woman armed with a copy of the law.

Possibly, but she's even more likely to hurt some bystander, including herself. Especially if she loses control of that firearm, in which case she's in danger of more than rape.

Suppose the nuclear bomb had never been invented. Then tomorrow you invent it, and you get to decide who gets one. Should everyone get one, to prevent aggressive countries from raping the weaker ones? Or should no one get one?


Not only do you insist you didn't say what you did, even when confronted with a direct quote. you insist that other people said something they didn't, and then prove they didn't by posting a quote from them.

I am sure they have a name for this somewhere in the DSM, but I prefer the tried and true description nutso.

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