No one is going to take your guns

Not really. A firearm is a far more effective deterrent than pissing your pants or throwing up, don't you think?

"Deterrent" pre-assumes "threat". There's your problem right there: seeing everything around you as a "threat".
We're not talking about what I see as a threat -- which is not everything around me, by the way.

We're talking about rape and the effectiveness of the leftist recommendation -- peeing in your pants or throwing up -- and the normal person's recommendation, buying, training with, and carrying a weapon.

Which do you think is more effective?
That, along with subsequent escalation of that paranoia. You have a rock? I get a rock. You have a stick? I get a stick. You have a thermonuclear device? I get a thermonuclear device. What could possibly go wrong. :dunno:
The funny part is, I don't even own any firearms right now. I sold the Marlin .22 I had, the only firearm I had. :lol:

Want to replace it? My uncle might be willing to sell HIS old Marlin. :)
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Congress banned the all-plastic non-metal guns recently; where's all the gun rights outrage over that?

It's clearly an 'infringement', if you believe the rightwing constitutional geniuses around here.

It's like banning pixy dust.

Banning imaginary items has little impact on real life.

You are, as always, ignorant of the facts.

House Votes to Renew All-Plastic Gun Ban

With the advent of 3-D printers capable of producing plastic weapons, the House voted Tuesday to renew a 25-year-old prohibition against firearms that can evade metal detectors and X-ray machines.

A bipartisan bill extending the Undetectable Firearms Act was passed on a voice vote, a first for gun legislation since last year's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school.

I'll leave it up to you to research 3D printers.

House Votes to Renew All-Plastic Gun Ban - ABC News

So now that I have proven that it's not imaginary, and thus you can't use that dodge, let me repeat the question:

Is banning all-plastic/non-metal detectable guns an infringement according to the 2nd amendment?
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Is banning all-plastic/non-metal detectable guns an infringement according to the 2nd amendment?

No see Miller vs US

District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
"Miller stands only for the proposition that the Second Amendment right, whatever its nature, extends only to certain types of weapons. It is particularly wrongheaded to read Miller for more than what it said, because the case did not even purport to be a thorough examination of the Second Amendment."
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No, they DON'T know what the truth is. CDC has an anti-gun agenda, and their studies are skewed.

But morons who agree with the agenda eagerly swallow it.

You know, like you.

Really? Where's your proof that the CDC has an anti-gun agenda?

Keep in mind, this was in 1986 when Ronny Reagan appointed the head of the CDC.
Not that you'll accept any proof, but here it is:

Now go ahead -- screech "Nuh-UH!!" and stamp your feet like a small child. We both know you're going to.

I asked specifically what was your proof that the CDC had an anti-gun agenda in 1986, you posted a bunch of stuff showing they had one in the Clinton years.

In short, let's look at the sequence here.

1986, the Kellerman study confirms what everyone already suspected, that guns in the home are far more likely to kill household members than bad guys. This really isn't in dispute.

But Reagan and Bush were in the pocket of the NRA, so they didn't do all that much about it. Welll, reagan did come out for the Brady Bill after he left office.

Then Clinton comes along, and you have Waco and Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City and a bunch of you nutters forming militias because the passed a few common sense laws.

And suddenly, Gosh, Darn, we need to get the CDC out of the business of looking into guns!
Where did I say it was the entire left? :confused:

Why, right here:
Again: Where did I say it was the entire left?

I said it was a suggestion by leftists.

Can you honestly not see how you erred?

Erred? Er, I didn't err. You erred. Let's break it down to the root:

"the leftist recommendation"

Recommendation is the noun, leftist the adjective. It means the recommendation is a leftist one, which means it carries the nature of "the left". Yet not only haven't you made that case (blanket generalization), you haven't even made the case for how it emanated from "the left" at all (strawman). Because number one, it came from a college campus written by nobody knows who, and number two, it's not even a political statement.

Ergo U R in error.

Can you see conservatives making those absurd suggestions? I can't.

:dunno: Again, it's not even a political statement, so anyone could make it.


Glad to meetcha. Heard a lot about ya.

Possibly, but she's even more likely to hurt some bystander, including herself. Especially if she loses control of that firearm, in which case she's in danger of more than rape.
More likely to hurt a bystander?

Got link?

Seriously, you need a link for that?

OK, here:

gun1 [guhn] Show IPA noun, verb, gunned, gun·ning.
1. a weapon consisting of a metal tube, with mechanical attachments, from which projectiles are shot by the force of an explosive; a piece of ordnance. (

Suppose the nuclear bomb had never been invented. Then tomorrow you invent it, and you get to decide who gets one. Should everyone get one, to prevent aggressive countries from raping the weaker ones? Or should no one get one?
Comparing personal firearms to nuclear weapons. Wow. :doubt:

So what's your bright idea? What can women do to deter rapists?

If they went out dressed like your avatar I think they'd be pretty safe, although personally I find it fetching, you wanton hussy. :redface:

Since I'm not a woman it would be almost as presumptuous to make that call as it would be to opine on abortion, but the simple answers are in no way limited to what she carries, but as far as that limited list there are several devices women know better than I that, if taken away as would always be attempted in such an encounter, would not produce a threat to those around her nor herself. Which would include, since we live in a gun culture, a fake or unloaded gun.

As to the analogy: obviously a nuclear weapon is far more serious than a simple handgun; but by the same token a simple handgun is far more serious than no gun at all.

But then you're not a woman either, so keep your space suit on. I think women can think for themselves without us patronizing them.
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24+ hours later.......

Did ANY law abiding American citizen have their guns or gun confiscated in the past 24 hours?

NO you say?

Are you sure I say?

Then wtf are you gun nutters obsessing about today?
24+ hours later.......

Did ANY law abiding American citizen have their guns or gun confiscated in the past 24 hours?

NO you say?

Are you sure I say?

Then wtf are you gun nutters obsessing about today?

I answered your daily question. No, they haven't and that's because we won't let them. Not because the communist don't want to try

24+ hours later.......

Did ANY law abiding American citizen have their guns or gun confiscated in the past 24 hours?

NO you say?

Are you sure I say?

Then wtf are you gun nutters obsessing about today?

I answered your daily question. No, they haven't and that's because we won't let them. Not because the communist don't want to try


Got any proof of your assertion that somewhere, somehow, there was an effort to take some law abiding citizens guns and people like you were there to stop this from happening?

And of course communists want to take away guns. Fortunately there are no communists in our government. At least that have admitted they are communist.

Or are you calling Obama a communist? That's fucking funny. LMAO.

If Obama's a communist, he's a piss poor communist. Not to be feared. He has become a much better plutocrat though. To be greatly feared for what he will do for other plutocrats.

But then, you like plutocrats don't you?
24+ hours later.......

Did ANY law abiding American citizen have their guns or gun confiscated in the past 24 hours?

NO you say?

Are you sure I say?

Then wtf are you gun nutters obsessing about today?

I answered your daily question. No, they haven't and that's because we won't let them. Not because the communist don't want to try


Got any proof of your assertion that somewhere, somehow, there was an effort to take some law abiding citizens guns and people like you were there to stop this from happening?

It's a slow methodical approach. Of course they can't come in with a fatal swoop.

But yes, I can say I have made a difference- I'm the NRA, California Rifle & Pistol Association, The Second Amendment Foundation and Americans for Prosperity


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And here is more proof you are seeking


Jerry Brown vetoes gun-control legislation

Jerry Brown vetoes gun-control legislation

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) on Friday vetoed two measures to restrict the sale and possession of certain semi-automatic assault weapons, putting the brakes on some of the most aggressive gun-control proposals in state legislatures this year.
Brown vetoed Senate Bill 374, which would have banned semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines and required firearm owners to register even low-capacity rifles as assault weapons.

Dangerous Gun Ban/Confiscation Bill Died TODAY, but the Anti-Gun Threat is Not Over Yet"Confiscation"&st=&ps=

Today, the Assembly Appropriations Committee failed to consider the worst gun ban/confiscation bill in California in twenty years. Thanks to your telephone calls and e-mails this committee decided not to bring SB 249 up for a vote, resulting in this egregious gun ban stalling for this legislative session.

SB 249 would have banned the lawful use and possession of California’s modern sporting rifles and would have also led to the confiscation of these firearms without reimbursement.

Unfortunately, the threats in Sacramento are still far from over. On Monday, August 13, anti-gun Senate Bill 1315 passed in the Assembly by a vote of 47 to 28 and will now go to the Governor. Please contact Governor Jerry Brown and urge him to VETO SB 1315. Governor Jerry Brown can be reached at 916-445-2841 and by e-mail here.
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Is banning all-plastic/non-metal detectable guns an infringement according to the 2nd amendment?

No see Miller vs US

District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
"Miller stands only for the proposition that the Second Amendment right, whatever its nature, extends only to certain types of weapons. It is particularly wrongheaded to read Miller for more than what it said, because the case did not even purport to be a thorough examination of the Second Amendment."

So all the clowns around here who claim that the 2nd amendment is not open to interpretation are full of shit, eh?
Is banning all-plastic/non-metal detectable guns an infringement according to the 2nd amendment?

No see Miller vs US

District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
"Miller stands only for the proposition that the Second Amendment right, whatever its nature, extends only to certain types of weapons. It is particularly wrongheaded to read Miller for more than what it said, because the case did not even purport to be a thorough examination of the Second Amendment."

So the confiscation of weapons deemed illegal is in no way in violation of the 2nd amendment.

Then what's this thread about?
Is banning all-plastic/non-metal detectable guns an infringement according to the 2nd amendment?

No see Miller vs US

District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
"Miller stands only for the proposition that the Second Amendment right, whatever its nature, extends only to certain types of weapons. It is particularly wrongheaded to read Miller for more than what it said, because the case did not even purport to be a thorough examination of the Second Amendment."

So the confiscation of weapons deemed illegal is in no way in violation of the 2nd amendment.

Then what's this thread about?

No, this thread is about NYC declaring a .22 popgun illegal because it can hold more than 5 rounds.

Which is sheer idiocy.
Is banning all-plastic/non-metal detectable guns an infringement according to the 2nd amendment?

No see Miller vs US

District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
"Miller stands only for the proposition that the Second Amendment right, whatever its nature, extends only to certain types of weapons. It is particularly wrongheaded to read Miller for more than what it said, because the case did not even purport to be a thorough examination of the Second Amendment."

So all the clowns around here who claim that the 2nd amendment is not open to interpretation are full of shit, eh?

Its open to strict scrutiny, unlike your position and JoeBlows, which basically is that a Judge can do whatever the fuck he wants as long as you two clowns agree with it.
Congress banned the all-plastic non-metal guns recently; where's all the gun rights outrage over that?

It's clearly an 'infringement', if you believe the rightwing constitutional geniuses around here.

It's like banning pixy dust.

Banning imaginary items has little impact on real life.

You are, as always, ignorant of the facts.

House Votes to Renew All-Plastic Gun Ban

With the advent of 3-D printers capable of producing plastic weapons, the House voted Tuesday to renew a 25-year-old prohibition against firearms that can evade metal detectors and X-ray machines.

A bipartisan bill extending the Undetectable Firearms Act was passed on a voice vote, a first for gun legislation since last year's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school.

I'll leave it up to you to research 3D printers.

House Votes to Renew All-Plastic Gun Ban - ABC News

So now that I have proven that it's not imaginary, and thus you can't use that dodge, let me repeat the question:

Is banning all-plastic/non-metal detectable guns an infringement according to the 2nd amendment?

And I put this in the category of Congress looking at whether they themselves could be put in danger.

They no longer have the same high level of protection should plastic guns be allowed.
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Joe give Dave his M16 or HPWeapon of his choice.....He can slaughter another 1.375 Million Americans over the next 40 odd years.....such is his desire and SUPPORT FOR THE GUN.

On those figures GUN NUTS are America's biggest threat WORLDWIDE.....they are infact TERRORISTS to America.......and they are so proud of the FACT.

I'm theliq.....folk love me because I always say it as it IS....Say NO to GUNS......It's is a path to RUIN.......
Oh, shut up, kid. You don't get a say in American affairs.

I suppose I am too intelligent for a Dumb Asshole like YOU but not for elevated American minds, like mine.
Yes, that's what all idiots say.
But keep spewing your shit......and have a life :flameth::flameth::ssex: and Bumming off the Gun Lobby.........
Or you could just admit you're a poo-flinging monkey.
Congress banned the all-plastic non-metal guns recently; where's all the gun rights outrage over that?

It's clearly an 'infringement', if you believe the rightwing constitutional geniuses around here.
Yeah. Where could I have bought one of those? Was there an all-plastic non-metal gun shop?

Is it an infringement or not?
Where could I have bought one of those? Was there an all-plastic non-metal gun shop?
"Deterrent" pre-assumes "threat". There's your problem right there: seeing everything around you as a "threat".
We're not talking about what I see as a threat -- which is not everything around me, by the way.

We're talking about rape and the effectiveness of the leftist recommendation -- peeing in your pants or throwing up -- and the normal person's recommendation, buying, training with, and carrying a weapon.

Which do you think is more effective?
That, along with subsequent escalation of that paranoia. You have a rock? I get a rock. You have a stick? I get a stick. You have a thermonuclear device? I get a thermonuclear device. What could possibly go wrong. :dunno:
The funny part is, I don't even own any firearms right now. I sold the Marlin .22 I had, the only firearm I had. :lol:

Want to replace it? My uncle might be willing to sell HIS old Marlin. :)
I had no special love for the Marlin. It was okay for plinking, which was why I bought it.

Would like to have an AR-15 variant (even one that fires .22LR), but don't have the money for that.

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