No one is going to take your guns


Two women who are unlikely to be raped. :thup:

I don't know why anti-gun nuts want women to be raped. That's just sick.

The first could be a guy.

The second is unlikely to be raped anyway. She doesn't look like she needs a gun to fight off anyone.
If someone's too stupid to get the required ID, he's too stupid to go to college.

Ahh, but this is your gun argument: that what was lawful yesterday is not lawful today.

Too bad you don't have intellectual consistency. But you're a Right-Winger.
Voter ID laws do not violate the Constitution...not that you give a shit about the Constitution.

Nevertheless, the two simply aren't synonymous. Someone having to get another ID is in no way similar to someone having property seized.
The stealing of Constitutional rights doesn't compare to the 'stealing' of your rifle?

So much for your oath to the Constitution. Did you have your fingers crossed behind your back?
Well, then they're tiny people.
Not yet they're not! :lol:

Life begins at first breath. Just like the Sistine Chapel depicts.

It's funny how you dumbass progs are all for Catholicism now that the Pope has called for wealth redistribution.
I was raised Catholic, but I haven't really been one ever. I enjoy some of the pageantry, and the funny hats, though.

You're the supposed believer. Why don't you believe that God breathed life into man?
Dave, you are the one throwing a hissy.

Man, someone suggests gun control, you go off like a little sissy like they suggested castrating you.

So tell me, tough guy, how many criminals have you shot with your guns, since you are keeping me safe, supposedly.

That happened years ago. Hence, his over-compensating.

You're off the meds and projecting again, boy!
I'm always off my meds, since I don't take any meds, girl!

Fuck off Joe. You find one times article that says prohibition was a success, but you forget since so much of the alcohol was under the table, they couldnt really track how much was coming in. The medical information is correllation not causation, as it does not take into account medical advances at the time, as well as people not going to the doctor due to fear of being caught doing something illegal.

Finally, ask the people of Chicago and New York about the crime increases. People in Kentucky were already bootlegging because prohibition was there decades before.

I dont have to make a case for "why" when it comes to a right. You have to come up with 2/3 of congress and 3/4 of the states to tell my 'why not"

Please go die somewhere.

except crime really didn't increase... as the article says.

And, no, all we need is one good SCOTUS ruling to throw out the abortion that was Heller, and we can start banning guns.

But we don't even have to do that. Just get rid of the law that exempts gun makers from the mayhem their products cause. Once they've paid out a couple of million dollar lawsuits, they are going to change their behavior really quickly.

Once again, Joe goes with the 5 of 9 unelected lawyer route to deny someone of thier rights. Or he goes for the backdoor approach via the manufacturers, even though in our jurisprudence you cannot sue a manufacturer for a product that works as intended just because you don't like it. Those laws were created because juries and judges were making personal decsions that they didnt like something, they were not intepreting the law or finding fault.

Joe will find any slimy way he can to get what he wants, no matter what law or consitutional concept he has to smash or break. You are a danger to our country and our way of life, and you have to be marginalized so your opinons are ridiculed and rejected as the utter facsist bullshit that they are.


When I served I SWORE to defend this nation against all enemies Foreign or Domestic. I SWORE TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION.................SO HELP ME GOD..........Which is now removed by SUPER LIBS LIKE JOE...................

Using the Supremes to Change the Constitution by selecting Tyrannical Judges IS A CLEAR VIOLATION to the INTENT OF THE CONSTITUTION................

Therefore, any so called Regulation or Law passed by BS is INVALID to any WHO BELIEVE IN THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION.

We WILL NOT OBEY................PERIOD.

We have no desire for any violence on this issue. Yet if you draw first blood and attempt to ENFORCE TYRANNY UPON US and OUR BELIEFS, you have FORCED THIS SITUATION.

FREEDOM is the ability to live by our Ideals, as long as we don't INFRINGE upon the rights of others.

As a Law Abiding Citizen, who has NEVER BROKEN THE LAW..............I have No REASON to have a TYRANNICAL GOV'T take my Weapons................I have NO REASON TO OBEY AN UNLAWFUL ORDER....................


Any other way is UTTER HORSE SHIT.
To the Super Liberal Morons on this thread.................

Why do you idiots continue to push your version of Liberty on all..........As you only agree with those like you.................While most of the Country doesn't agree with you...............Even your own Democratic Senators REFUSED TO ACCEPT THE UN TREATY......................

You always say you are the party of the why do the people DISAVOW YOUR BS BELIEFS............

[ame=]Remember Who We Are - YouTube[/ame]
The current Democrap Strategy to ban guns is the SAFE ACT in NY.................

They have failed to change the beliefs of the people.

So they have to try and pass laws that DON'T ACTUALLY BAN GUNS, BUT ACTUALLY DO SO............

Which is to attempt to pass a RIDICULOUS law that limits the amount of rounds the gun can carry.

To a point that would BASICALLY BAN GUNS.............Without actually using the language of BANNING WEAPONS............................But the INTENT IS CLEAR..................................

Because the Liberal Scum want to PUSH THEIR IDEALS UPON US ALL...........Sayings it's for our own good.......................

[ame=]NRA News Special Report From Ginny Simone | "The Wrong House: Career Criminal Meets His Fate" - YouTube[/ame]
except crime really didn't increase... as the article says.

And, no, all we need is one good SCOTUS ruling to throw out the abortion that was Heller, and we can start banning guns.

But we don't even have to do that. Just get rid of the law that exempts gun makers from the mayhem their products cause. Once they've paid out a couple of million dollar lawsuits, they are going to change their behavior really quickly.

Once again, Joe goes with the 5 of 9 unelected lawyer route to deny someone of thier rights. Or he goes for the backdoor approach via the manufacturers, even though in our jurisprudence you cannot sue a manufacturer for a product that works as intended just because you don't like it. Those laws were created because juries and judges were making personal decsions that they didnt like something, they were not intepreting the law or finding fault.

Joe will find any slimy way he can to get what he wants, no matter what law or consitutional concept he has to smash or break. You are a danger to our country and our way of life, and you have to be marginalized so your opinons are ridiculed and rejected as the utter facsist bullshit that they are.


When I served I SWORE to defend this nation against all enemies Foreign or Domestic. I SWORE TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION.................SO HELP ME GOD..........Which is now removed by SUPER LIBS LIKE JOE...................

Using the Supremes to Change the Constitution by selecting Tyrannical Judges IS A CLEAR VIOLATION to the INTENT OF THE CONSTITUTION................

Therefore, any so called Regulation or Law passed by BS is INVALID to any WHO BELIEVE IN THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION.

We WILL NOT OBEY................PERIOD.

We have no desire for any violence on this issue. Yet if you draw first blood and attempt to ENFORCE TYRANNY UPON US and OUR BELIEFS, you have FORCED THIS SITUATION.

FREEDOM is the ability to live by our Ideals, as long as we don't INFRINGE upon the rights of others.

As a Law Abiding Citizen, who has NEVER BROKEN THE LAW..............I have No REASON to have a TYRANNICAL GOV'T take my Weapons................I have NO REASON TO OBEY AN UNLAWFUL ORDER....................


Any other way is UTTER HORSE SHIT.

Such Bravado. You'd better be sure when the time comes, soldier.
Once again, Joe goes with the 5 of 9 unelected lawyer route to deny someone of thier rights. Or he goes for the backdoor approach via the manufacturers, even though in our jurisprudence you cannot sue a manufacturer for a product that works as intended just because you don't like it. Those laws were created because juries and judges were making personal decsions that they didnt like something, they were not intepreting the law or finding fault.

Joe will find any slimy way he can to get what he wants, no matter what law or consitutional concept he has to smash or break. You are a danger to our country and our way of life, and you have to be marginalized so your opinons are ridiculed and rejected as the utter facsist bullshit that they are.


When I served I SWORE to defend this nation against all enemies Foreign or Domestic. I SWORE TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION.................SO HELP ME GOD..........Which is now removed by SUPER LIBS LIKE JOE...................

Using the Supremes to Change the Constitution by selecting Tyrannical Judges IS A CLEAR VIOLATION to the INTENT OF THE CONSTITUTION................

Therefore, any so called Regulation or Law passed by BS is INVALID to any WHO BELIEVE IN THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION.

We WILL NOT OBEY................PERIOD.

We have no desire for any violence on this issue. Yet if you draw first blood and attempt to ENFORCE TYRANNY UPON US and OUR BELIEFS, you have FORCED THIS SITUATION.

FREEDOM is the ability to live by our Ideals, as long as we don't INFRINGE upon the rights of others.

As a Law Abiding Citizen, who has NEVER BROKEN THE LAW..............I have No REASON to have a TYRANNICAL GOV'T take my Weapons................I have NO REASON TO OBEY AN UNLAWFUL ORDER....................


Any other way is UTTER HORSE SHIT.

Such Bravado. You'd better be sure when the time comes, soldier.

Not a Fucking Problem Lib...............
[ame=]Gun Safety (Control) : Colion Noir For NRA News - YouTube[/ame]
You see, you guys go on and on about "the Second Amendment" and "Rights", but what you haven't made is a good case WHY you should have a gun. Or even why you need one.

That's a good point. After all, the 2nd amendment says clearly:

A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed as long as they explain to local busybodies why they should have a gun and why they need one.

Guy, I do not give a FUCK what the Founding Slave Rapists thought. As far as I'm concerned, the 2nd Amendment is a NON-Issue. As soon as Scalia croaks, it's about Militias again.

The two reasons you guys give for wanting a gun are retarded. A gun in the house is more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy, and you are never, ever going to overthrow the government with your little pistol...

BTW, little joeb131, you never responded to my earlier question in this thread: What makes you think that the national ban on firearms you said you wanted, would result in criminals (you know, people who don't obey your laws) not having guns any more?

When can I expect your answer?

I've already explained this to you.

1) Most gun deaths and injuries are not "criminals", but ordinary folks like you who show bad judgement.

2) Most criminals steal their guns from people like you, you 2nd Amendment enthusiasts.

When I served I SWORE to defend this nation against all enemies Foreign or Domestic. I SWORE TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION.................SO HELP ME GOD..........Which is now removed by SUPER LIBS LIKE JOE...................

Using the Supremes to Change the Constitution by selecting Tyrannical Judges IS A CLEAR VIOLATION to the INTENT OF THE CONSTITUTION................

Therefore, any so called Regulation or Law passed by BS is INVALID to any WHO BELIEVE IN THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION.

We WILL NOT OBEY................PERIOD.

We have no desire for any violence on this issue. Yet if you draw first blood and attempt to ENFORCE TYRANNY UPON US and OUR BELIEFS, you have FORCED THIS SITUATION.

FREEDOM is the ability to live by our Ideals, as long as we don't INFRINGE upon the rights of others.

As a Law Abiding Citizen, who has NEVER BROKEN THE LAW..............I have No REASON to have a TYRANNICAL GOV'T take my Weapons................I have NO REASON TO OBEY AN UNLAWFUL ORDER....................


Any other way is UTTER HORSE SHIT.

I swore that Oath, too. But unlike you, I swore it because I was in the real military.

But you seem to be a little confused.

For the 80 years before Heller, the SCOTUS interpreted the 2nd Amendment to apply to MILITIAS, not as an individual right. Look up US. V. Miller for details.

And because the Democrats will probably control the presidency for decades, given the hole the GOP has dug itself into with minorities, women and working folks, it's only a matter of time before the judiciary is stacked with guys who apply a little common sense to interpreting the constitution.

But again, we don't even have to go that far. There's a whole lot of ways we can fuck with the gunmakers without even bothering with you guys. Use environmental laws to make the production of bullets prohibitively expensive. Use government contracting to get the gunmakers to comply with a code of conduct. (If you don't comply, you don't get government contracts, still the most lucrative for their industry.) And once again, my personal favorite, allow the victims of gun violence to sue gun sellers and manufacturers.

Again, guy, Criminals aren't really the problem.

Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments gone wrong, and accidents. (You know, grandpa leaving his gun out where little Timmy can find it.)

But here's the thing. Where do you think those criminals get their guns?

Yup. They STEAL them from the law abiding. 600,000 guns are stolen every year.

Tell me something, what is domestic violence gone right? Is that the burning bed scenario where a woman kills someone who is asleep and gets away with it because she was afraid? Is that the same fear that lets cops kill unarmed people who are running away?

Never mind, I know you made that whole thing up.

FYI, ATF says that most criminals get their guns legally.

Guy, make up your mind.

Either criminals are stealing guns because they are criminals, or they are buying them legally, in which case, banning the sale of guns will disarm them.

You can't have it both ways.

Did The Burning Bed traumitize you? Maybe we can set you up on a dream date with Lorena Bobbit!
Two women who are unlikely to be raped. :thup:

I don't know why anti-gun nuts want women to be raped. That's just sick.

No, we just don't want them shooting their husbands during an argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best or their kids shooting themselves because their girlfriend unfriended them on Facebook.

Both far more likely, given the gun statistics.

...and then there is this:

"Based on a review of the available scientific data, Dr. (Steven) Lippmann (of the University of Louisville School of Medicine) and co-authors conclude that the dangers of having a gun at home far outweigh the safety benefits. Research shows that access to guns greatly increases the risk of death and firearm-related violence. A gun in the home is twelve times more likely to result in the death of a household member or visitor than an intruder. "
Daily Kos: Guns in homes kill people
Did you notice how the number keeps going down?

First it was 43 times. Then 22. Now 12.

Come back when they get it right.

Any of those numbers are equally bad.

But here's the thing. When Kellerman came out with his study, the NRA ran whining to Congress to make sure the CDC never, ever studied this subject again.

Strikes me they know what the truth is, and really don't want you to know. Which is fine, because you don't want to know.

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