No one is going to take your guns


be a visionary and start your own business. Bill gates started out with nothing. Michael Dell, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, even Sam Walton. the richest men in the united states were'nt given it. they earned it.

The way to solve rape is not to buy a strap-on and do it yourself.

The way to end income inequality is not to go out and be part of the exploitation.

right, according to you it's to sit back do nothing an have someone else pay your way. get off your ass deadbeat and do something constructive
Laws change and are revised every day.

Look what's happening to the Constitutional right to vote.

so what your saying is obamcare is not really the law of the land, its cool to change it. republicans are right to continue to pursue to abolish it.

It is the law of the land. SCOTUS affirmed it.

What's happening to the right ot vote? i see no one being denied

Because you don't want to see.

a little double standard there. so what you are saying is your statement laws change and revise everyday is just part of your hypocritical point of view. do they or don't they? if yes, then obamacare can be changed.

oh and

The way to solve rape is not to buy a strap-on and do it yourself.
Rapists thank you for your support, but the best defense against rape is a firearm:




...and then there is this:

"Based on a review of the available scientific data, Dr. (Steven) Lippmann (of the University of Louisville School of Medicine) and co-authors conclude that the dangers of having a gun at home far outweigh the safety benefits. Research shows that access to guns greatly increases the risk of death and firearm-related violence. A gun in the home is twelve times more likely to result in the death of a household member or visitor than an intruder. "
Daily Kos: Guns in homes kill people
The way to solve rape is not to buy a strap-on and do it yourself.
Rapists thank you for your support, but the best defense against rape is a firearm:




...and then there is this:

"Based on a review of the available scientific data, Dr. (Steven) Lippmann (of the University of Louisville School of Medicine) and co-authors conclude that the dangers of having a gun at home far outweigh the safety benefits. Research shows that access to guns greatly increases the risk of death and firearm-related violence. A gun in the home is twelve times more likely to result in the death of a household member or visitor than an intruder. "
Daily Kos: Guns in homes kill people
Did you notice how the number keeps going down?

First it was 43 times. Then 22. Now 12.

Come back when they get it right.
You see, you guys go on and on about "the Second Amendment" and "Rights", but what you haven't made is a good case WHY you should have a gun. Or even why you need one.

That's a good point. After all, the 2nd amendment says clearly:

A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed as long as they explain to local busybodies why they should have a gun and why they need one.

BTW, little joeb131, you never responded to my earlier question in this thread: What makes you think that the national ban on firearms you said you wanted, would result in criminals (you know, people who don't obey your laws) not having guns any more?

When can I expect your answer?
Rapists thank you for your support, but the best defense against rape is a firearm:




...and then there is this:

"Based on a review of the available scientific data, Dr. (Steven) Lippmann (of the University of Louisville School of Medicine) and co-authors conclude that the dangers of having a gun at home far outweigh the safety benefits. Research shows that access to guns greatly increases the risk of death and firearm-related violence. A gun in the home is twelve times more likely to result in the death of a household member or visitor than an intruder. "
Daily Kos: Guns in homes kill people
Did you notice how the number keeps going down?

First it was 43 times. Then 22. Now 12.

Come back when they get it right.


Ummm...gun culture is not violence culture. You can tell because there are not between 300 and 400 million murders.

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gunners say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gunners.

You realize that second sentence makes no sense. You know that, right?
It makes perfect sense. People who passionately oppose guns -- like PinkoJoe -- claim that gun owners are dangerous and violent.

If gun owners were dangerous and violent, they'd kill those who passionately oppose guns.

Yet, oddly, that doesn't happen.
The first one is a strawman. I didn't say gun culture "is" violence culture.

Fair enough. Then gun culture is no more dangerous to society than car culture -- in reality, it's far LESS dangerous.

Wouldn't you agree?

Your premise Dave is all wrong,wrong, for YOUR MIND Dave, to make an utterance condoning sic Gun Culture as a non violent CULTURE....defies Moral judgement.

Of course it's VIOLENT and 1.373 Million Families since JFK..can vouch for it.

Come on Guys spend a year or so in Paradise and you'll see and feel the difference.steve:cool:
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You realize that second sentence makes no sense. You know that, right?
It makes perfect sense. People who passionately oppose guns -- like PinkoJoe -- claim that gun owners are dangerous and violent.

If gun owners were dangerous and violent, they'd kill those who passionately oppose guns.

Yet, oddly, that doesn't happen.
The first one is a strawman. I didn't say gun culture "is" violence culture.

Fair enough. Then gun culture is no more dangerous to society than car culture -- in reality, it's far LESS dangerous.

Wouldn't you agree?

Your premise Dave is all wrong,wrong, for POGO,well to make an utterance condoning sic Gun Culture as a non violent CULTURE....defies Moral judgement.

Of course it's VIOLENT and 1.373 Million Families since JFK..can vouch for it.

Come on Guys spend a year or so in Paradise and you'll see and feel the difference.steve:cool:

?? I said nothing of the kind. Has somebody been telling lies in my absence again?
You see, you guys go on and on about "the Second Amendment" and "Rights", but what you haven't made is a good case WHY you should have a gun. Or even why you need one.

You don't have a good reason you shouldn't be thrown in jail and left there.

Funny thing, you don't really need one.

Neither do we.
Dave, you are the one throwing a hissy.

Man, someone suggests gun control, you go off like a little sissy like they suggested castrating you.

So tell me, tough guy, how many criminals have you shot with your guns, since you are keeping me safe, supposedly.

That happened years ago. Hence, his over-compensating.
I'm not the one demanding people's freedoms be taken away because I'm afraid of a piece of metal.

Nor am I ceding my responsibility to protect my family to others.

If anyone here's nutless, it's you and PinkoJoe.

No one is taking away your freeeeeeedom. Fer fuck's sake.
Oh, you're talking about the rifle that was legal before the law was passed by irrational gun-haters. The law that criminals will not obey.

THAT gun. The one that was perfectly legal the very second before the law went into effect.

People were allowed to vote with a state-issued college ID in North Carolina.

Until they weren't.
If someone's too stupid to get the required ID, he's too stupid to go to college.

Ahh, but this is your gun argument: that what was lawful yesterday is not lawful today.

Too bad you don't have intellectual consistency. But you're a Right-Winger.
so what your saying is obamcare is not really the law of the land, its cool to change it. republicans are right to continue to pursue to abolish it.

It is the law of the land. SCOTUS affirmed it.

What's happening to the right ot vote? i see no one being denied
Because you don't want to see.

a little double standard there. so what you are saying is your statement laws change and revise everyday is just part of your hypocritical point of view. do they or don't they? if yes, then obamacare can be changed.

Of course it can be changed! Whoever said it couldn't?

What's confusing you is, Republicans need to win the majority in order to change it, not sabotage it from the minority.

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