No one is going to take your guns


Also, alcohol was NEVER a constitutionally mandated right. Something you keep ignoring you assclown.

Neither are guns...
There's something in there about Militias, though.

Not according to SCOTUS, or are you now endowed with the power to overrule the US Supreme Court?

Considering SCOTUS overruled 80 years of previous precedents to get the conclusion, it has no validity.

5-4 is not concensus.
It is so weird to hear someone like a daveman who worships the idea of gun violence worry about the number of abortions having been performed.

Dave wants to shoot a threatening criminal and pregnant women want to end the unwanted pregnancy.

Wtf davy do they have to do with one another?

For one thing, it highlights the absolute hypocrisy of the left. You demand those dangerous to society be coddled and not held responsible for their actions -- while at the same time demanding women be able to kill at will the purest, most innocent of human beings.

Don't tell me you give a shit about human life. You don't.

Fetuses aren't human beings.
Fetuses are genetically-distinct human beings.


No one is arguing that dangerous people- the truly dangerous- be coddled.

What we are arguing is that throwing a kid who robbed a liquor store to feed an addiction probably needs medical treatment, not to be thrown in prison to be sexually abused, and then rendered unemployable for life because he has a criminal record.

Again, we lock up 2 million and have another 7 million in the system through parole or probation.

How is that working out for us? Judging by the way you cling to your guns in terror, I'd say, "Not very well."
I have no reason to be terrified. As usual, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

be a visionary and start your own business. Bill gates started out with nothing. Michael Dell, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, even Sam Walton. the richest men in the united states were'nt given it. they earned it.

The way to solve rape is not to buy a strap-on and do it yourself.

The way to end income inequality is not to go out and be part of the exploitation.
The only thing you can kill is my patience.

Nevertheless, views like yours have led to the deaths of millions. History proves this.

Yup, those crazy ideas like, "People who do the work should get the money", that's just crazy talk, man.

Don't you know we all have to work very hard so a few rich people can have Dressage Ponies. And die in the Middle East to keep the oil flowing.

(Psst. Psst. If I'm a communist, so were Reagan and Ike.)
But you want people who DON'T work to get money. You know, redistribution of wealth from those who earned it to those who didn't.

THAT'S Communism.

You want a centrally-planned economy.

THAT'S Communism.

You want total State control over individual lives.

THAT'S Communism.
For one thing, it highlights the absolute hypocrisy of the left. You demand those dangerous to society be coddled and not held responsible for their actions -- while at the same time demanding women be able to kill at will the purest, most innocent of human beings.

Don't tell me you give a shit about human life. You don't.

Fetuses aren't human beings.
Fetuses are genetically-distinct human beings.

They are not "unborn children".
The only thing you can kill is my patience.

Nevertheless, views like yours have led to the deaths of millions. History proves this.

Yup, those crazy ideas like, "People who do the work should get the money", that's just crazy talk, man.

Don't you know we all have to work very hard so a few rich people can have Dressage Ponies. And die in the Middle East to keep the oil flowing.

(Psst. Psst. If I'm a communist, so were Reagan and Ike.)
But you want people who DON'T work to get money. You know, redistribution of wealth from those who earned it to those who didn't.

THAT'S Communism.

You want a centrally-planned economy.

THAT'S Communism.

You want total State control over individual lives.

THAT'S Communism.

That's JoeNobody for ya.
But you want people who DON'T work to get money. You know, redistribution of wealth from those who earned it to those who didn't.

THAT'S Communism.

You want a centrally-planned economy.

THAT'S Communism.

You want total State control over individual lives.

THAT'S Communism.

1) I think every able bodied person should have a job. Period.

2) No, I don't want a centrally planned economy. I just don't want one were the government winks and nods when the rich mess everything up like they did in 2008. And 2001. and 1990 and... well, you get the idea.

3) Nope, I think on important issues, like whether or not you should carry a pregnancy to term, that should be entirely the person's decision.

I just don't think individuals should own guns... because most of them don't know what they are doing.

Did you bother to read or comprehend this article?

Likely not.

The letters are predicated on a 2010 New York City law, not the ‘SAFE Act,’ the New York State measure that went into effect this year.

The letters say nothing about ‘confiscation,’ if one elects to surrender his firearm, it has not been ‘confiscated.’ And absent a warrant or court order to do so, the NYPD has no authority to search private dwellings for guns or to forcibly remove guns from a dwelling.

No one is going to take your guns.
You see, you guys go on and on about "the Second Amendment" and "Rights", but what you haven't made is a good case WHY you should have a gun. Or even why you need one.

But you want people who DON'T work to get money. You know, redistribution of wealth from those who earned it to those who didn't.

THAT'S Communism.

You want a centrally-planned economy.

THAT'S Communism.

You want total State control over individual lives.

THAT'S Communism.

1) I think every able bodied person should have a job. Period.

2) No, I don't want a centrally planned economy. I just don't want one were the government winks and nods when the rich mess everything up like they did in 2008. And 2001. and 1990 and... well, you get the idea.

3) Nope, I think on important issues, like whether or not you should carry a pregnancy to term, that should be entirely the person's decision.

I just don't think individuals should own guns... because most of them don't know what they are doing.

Guns and abortion – constitutionally the same issue, where banning either is both un-Constitutional and no ‘solution.’
Dave, you are the one throwing a hissy.

Man, someone suggests gun control, you go off like a little sissy like they suggested castrating you.

So tell me, tough guy, how many criminals have you shot with your guns, since you are keeping me safe, supposedly.

That happened years ago. Hence, his over-compensating.
I'm not the one demanding people's freedoms be taken away because I'm afraid of a piece of metal.

Nor am I ceding my responsibility to protect my family to others.

If anyone here's nutless, it's you and PinkoJoe.
I think they are indicative...

Hell, Dave gave it his best shot, and 2/3rd of the cases he cited were law enforcement or military disarming the bad guy.

But I think I let you guys cry out your little tantrum in this thread for a while because you are just coming off like a two-year old who had his toy taken away for being bad.

But he did cling desperately to the idea that they were "off duty". Like being off duty automatically means you throw out your training and your responsibilities.

And those off duty officers even had their OWN gun. My my.

He's one of those 'bitter clingers' Obama talked about.
Way to mindlessly bleat your programming, sheep! :thup:
Davy davy, Joe done kicked your ass on this one. What happened? I thought you were good at this shit?

Then you went off on the "little bitch sissy bedwetter hissy fit working out?"

Dave, you do understand that YOU were having the hissy fit. Right? And that your hissy fit was you losing the argument. Again.

Good job Joe.
:lmao: I'm sure PinkoJoe appreciates the ass kissing, but his heart belongs to the one who made him his prison bitch. No rescued maiden sex for you!

^^^ The clue that daveman has lost. This is his last gasp attempt - see:


It figures one unoriginal boob would applaud another. Hey, are you going to give him Rescued Maiden Gratitude Sex? :lol:

Don't bother. She's not going to reward you with "rescued maiden" sex.

Daveman is predictable, and a forum joke, who has to rehash his 'insults' over and over because he has trouble coming up with an original thought.
"Tea is for Treason".

Dave, you are the one throwing a hissy.

Man, someone suggests gun control, you go off like a little sissy like they suggested castrating you.

So tell me, tough guy, how many criminals have you shot with your guns, since you are keeping me safe, supposedly.

That happened years ago. Hence, his over-compensating.
I'm not the one demanding people's freedoms be taken away because I'm afraid of a piece of metal.

Nor am I ceding my responsibility to protect my family to others.

If anyone here's nutless, it's you and PinkoJoe.

Guns have nothing to do with "Freedom". Iraqis had a high level of personal gun ownership, but if Saddam wanted you gone, you were gone. The same with the Nazis.

Meanwhile, every other industrial democracy limits gun ownership, and they are just as free as we are. They also have less crime and less prisons.
So, daveman is full of shit?
No. Because nowhere did I claim that guns are being confiscated.

I correctly pointed out that registration leads to confiscation, despite the lies by irrational gun-haters.

The NYPD has announced its intention to confiscate, as the letter shows. Hint: "Voluntarily" giving property up to avoid punitive government action IS confiscation.

No, illegality leads to confiscation, dave.

No one is going to take your lawful firearm.
No, they're going to pass arbitrary and capricious standards to declare perfectly legal weapons illegal.

Retards like you have no problem with it.
He's pointing to an illegal rifle, which holds more than 5 rounds.

So I ask again:

How many legal, lawful guns have been confiscated?
Oh, you're talking about the rifle that was legal before the law was passed by irrational gun-haters. The law that criminals will not obey.

THAT gun. The one that was perfectly legal the very second before the law went into effect.

People were allowed to vote with a state-issued college ID in North Carolina.

Until they weren't.
If someone's too stupid to get the required ID, he's too stupid to go to college.
Are you in favor of cherry-picking the Constitution?
Nope. Because the Constitution gives states the power to make voting laws.

You lose. Again.

Did you bother to read or comprehend this article?

Likely not.

The letters are predicated on a 2010 New York City law, not the ‘SAFE Act,’ the New York State measure that went into effect this year.

The letters say nothing about ‘confiscation,’ if one elects to surrender his firearm, it has not been ‘confiscated.’ And absent a warrant or court order to do so, the NYPD has no authority to search private dwellings for guns or to forcibly remove guns from a dwelling.

No one is going to take your guns.

It creates a situation where your weapon is illegal. A law abiding citizen does not want to be in possession of an illegal firearm, but a lover of the constitution does not want to be forced into following a clearly unconstitutional law. In addition this law does NOTHING to reduce the actual types of crime found in NYC, which is via illegally owned handguns commonly by prior felons.

So they pass some feel good bullshit that only affects harmless law abiding gun owners, and you sheep cheer along because it doesn't affect your directly.

I care about EVERYONES RIGHTS, not just the ones I feel the need to exercise.
so what your saying is obamcare is not really the law of the land, its cool to change it. republicans are right to continue to pursue to abolish it.

It is the law of the land. SCOTUS affirmed it.

What's happening to the right ot vote? i see no one being denied

Because you don't want to see.

SCOTUS said it is a tax and according to them, consitutional. that does not mean that it is CONSTIUTIONALLY MANDATED. There is a big difference.
And it was funny the way SCOTUS bitch-slapped Obama.

Obama: It's not a tax!!

SCOTUS: It's a tax.

Obama: It's a tax!


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