No one is going to take your guns

It is so weird to hear someone like a daveman who worships the idea of gun violence worry about the number of abortions having been performed.

Dave wants to shoot a threatening criminal and pregnant women want to end the unwanted pregnancy.

Wtf davy do they have to do with one another?

So, do you like wake up in the morning and start huffing spray paint? Even before you've had your morning Ripple?
Dave, you are the one throwing a hissy.

Man, someone suggests gun control, you go off like a little sissy like they suggested castrating you.

So tell me, tough guy, how many criminals have you shot with your guns, since you are keeping me safe, supposedly.

That happened years ago. Hence, his over-compensating.
I think they are indicative...

Hell, Dave gave it his best shot, and 2/3rd of the cases he cited were law enforcement or military disarming the bad guy.

But I think I let you guys cry out your little tantrum in this thread for a while because you are just coming off like a two-year old who had his toy taken away for being bad.

But he did cling desperately to the idea that they were "off duty". Like being off duty automatically means you throw out your training and your responsibilities.

And those off duty officers even had their OWN gun. My my.

He's one of those 'bitter clingers' Obama talked about.
no, daveman is right. he is talking about another layer NYC specifically is trying to force through.
He's pointing to an illegal rifle, which holds more than 5 rounds.

So I ask again:

How many legal, lawful guns have been confiscated?

and what they did was changed the rules. took steps to identify what you had and then after the fact added to what they would no longer consider legal.
Laws change and are revised every day.

Look what's happening to the Constitutional right to vote.
Here is how the dimocrap party operates.

Sickening: OFA Instructs Followers To Hold “Newtown Anniversary Events” To Exploit Tragedy For Gun Control…


Beyond shameless.


Standing on the bodies of murdered children? dimocraps are capable of anything.


So, based on this logic, we should never have gone into Afghanistan, reminding people of what al Qaeda did on 9/11?

That was just Bush standing on the bodies of murdered Americans?
The only thing you can kill is my patience.

Nevertheless, views like yours have led to the deaths of millions. History proves this.

Yup, those crazy ideas like, "People who do the work should get the money", that's just crazy talk, man.

Don't you know we all have to work very hard so a few rich people can have Dressage Ponies. And die in the Middle East to keep the oil flowing.

(Psst. Psst. If I'm a communist, so were Reagan and Ike.)

be a visionary and start your own business. Bill gates started out with nothing. Michael Dell, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, even Sam Walton. the richest men in the united states were'nt given it. they earned it.
So, how's your little bitch sissy bedwetter hissy-fit working out? Anyone turned in their weapons because you're afraid of them?


Tough shit, then, huh?


Davy davy, Joe done kicked your ass on this one. What happened? I thought you were good at this shit?

Then you went off on the "little bitch sissy bedwetter hissy fit working out?"

Dave, you do understand that YOU were having the hissy fit. Right? And that your hissy fit was you losing the argument. Again.

Good job Joe.
:lmao: I'm sure PinkoJoe appreciates the ass kissing, but his heart belongs to the one who made him his prison bitch. No rescued maiden sex for you!

^^^ The clue that daveman has lost. This is his last gasp attempt - see:


I'm sure Yukon appreciates your efforts, but I don't think he'll be rewarding you with Rescued Maiden sex.

You can keep trying, but I don't think Jake is going to give you Rescued Maiden sex. He might, though. You two kids have fun!

I don't think Marc's going to give you rescued maiden sex. I could be wrong, however. Good luck with it!

And sangha rides to the rescue! Do you think Nut is going to reward you with Rescued Maiden sex?

:lol: You can try, but I really don't think Synth is going to reward you with Rescued Maiden sex.

It figures one unoriginal boob would applaud another. Hey, are you going to give him Rescued Maiden Gratitude Sex? :lol:

Don't bother. She's not going to reward you with "rescued maiden" sex.

Daveman is predictable, and a forum joke, who has to rehash his 'insults' over and over because he has trouble coming up with an original thought.
If strict gun control laws worked, Chicago wouldn't have the gun violence stats it does.

Except Chicago doesn't have strict gun control laws.

The laws aren't "strict" if you can walk two blocks to Cicero and buy a gun there.

so what you are really implying is chicago is incapable of enforcing their strict gun control laws. what you are admitting to is criminals do not obey the strict laws you put in place. thank you
He's pointing to an illegal rifle, which holds more than 5 rounds.

So I ask again:

How many legal, lawful guns have been confiscated?

and what they did was changed the rules. took steps to identify what you had and then after the fact added to what they would no longer consider legal.
Laws change and are revised every day.

Look what's happening to the Constitutional right to vote.

From wikipedia:

The Constitution, however, leaves the determination of voting qualifications to the individual states. Over time, the federal role in elections has increased through amendments to the Constitution and enacted legislation, such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965.[3] At least four of the fifteen post-Civil War constitutional amendments were ratified specifically to extend voting rights to different groups of citizens. These extensions state that voting rights cannot be denied or abridged based on the following:
Birth - "All persons born or naturalized" "are citizens" of the U.S. and the U.S. State where they reside (14th Amendment, 1868)
"Race, color, or previous condition of servitude" - (15th Amendment, 1870)
"On account of sex" - (19th Amendment, 1920)
In Washington, D.C., presidential elections (23rd Amendment, 1961)

So there is no "right" to vote, what happens is the states cannot restrict you from voting for the above reasons, via the consitution.

Nothing is in there about having to show ID being unconsitutional.
guns and accessories are given a grace period until april 2014. after that they can start to confiscate
So, daveman is full of shit?
No. Because nowhere did I claim that guns are being confiscated.

I correctly pointed out that registration leads to confiscation, despite the lies by irrational gun-haters.

The NYPD has announced its intention to confiscate, as the letter shows. Hint: "Voluntarily" giving property up to avoid punitive government action IS confiscation.

No, illegality leads to confiscation, dave.

No one is going to take your lawful firearm.
How strange that Americans don't cut off the problems of GUN MURDER at its sourse,by banning GUNs.....

Like they cut off all alcoholic beverages in the 1920s by banning alcohol?

And like they cut off all marijuana by banning weed?

And like they cut off all cocaine by banning cocaine?

I'm sure banning guns would work almost as well as those bans have worked.

This liberal has been told that, of course. He can't respond to it, so he ignores it. He seems to think that will make the facts go away.

Actually, drug bans did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Before drugs were banned and regulated, we had 1 million opium addicts out of a population of sixty million. (By comparison, it would be like if we had five million hard core addicts today.) Quacks were selling "patent medicines" laced with Cocaine that had no medicinal value, but of course they made people feel better.

Prohibition- which really did work well in most of the country, was enacted because of anti-immigrant and specifically anti-German sentiment during WWI. In short, people had no idea what they were actually voting for until they started trying to enforce it.

Of coure, the argument that "a gun ban would never work", ignores the fact that it works just fine in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Canada.

Drug bans have worked? am i hearing that right? so what you are saying is we are wasting billions of dollars every year in the war on drugs. we don't have a gang problem getting rich on distributing drugs. we can close all of the rehab centers. there is no need for police to seach a house or vehicle for drugs. companies can stop drug testing and if any of their employees causes damages or injury while under the influence they get a free pass because JoeB tells us drug bans have worked. just how many drugs ar you on JoeB?
So, daveman is full of shit?
No. Because nowhere did I claim that guns are being confiscated.

I correctly pointed out that registration leads to confiscation, despite the lies by irrational gun-haters.

The NYPD has announced its intention to confiscate, as the letter shows. Hint: "Voluntarily" giving property up to avoid punitive government action IS confiscation.

No, illegality leads to confiscation, dave.

No one is going to take your lawful firearm.

It is not up to some pissy little city government to decide what is a lawful firearm. The 2nd amendment trumps local law.
no, daveman is right. he is talking about another layer NYC specifically is trying to force through.
He's pointing to an illegal rifle, which holds more than 5 rounds.

So I ask again:

How many legal, lawful guns have been confiscated?
Oh, you're talking about the rifle that was legal before the law was passed by irrational gun-haters. The law that criminals will not obey.

THAT gun. The one that was perfectly legal the very second before the law went into effect.

People were allowed to vote with a state-issued college ID in North Carolina.

Until they weren't.

Are you in favor of cherry-picking the Constitution?
He's pointing to an illegal rifle, which holds more than 5 rounds.

So I ask again:

How many legal, lawful guns have been confiscated?

and what they did was changed the rules. took steps to identify what you had and then after the fact added to what they would no longer consider legal.
Laws change and are revised every day.

Look what's happening to the Constitutional right to vote.

so what your saying is obamcare is not really the law of the land, its cool to change it. republicans are right to continue to pursue to abolish it.

What's happening to the right ot vote? i see no one being denied
He's pointing to an illegal rifle, which holds more than 5 rounds.

So I ask again:

How many legal, lawful guns have been confiscated?
Oh, you're talking about the rifle that was legal before the law was passed by irrational gun-haters. The law that criminals will not obey.

THAT gun. The one that was perfectly legal the very second before the law went into effect.

People were allowed to vote with a state-issued college ID in North Carolina.

Until they weren't.

Are you in favor of cherry-picking the Constitution?

Voter regulations are left to the states, as long as they do not violate the consitutional strictures on who is allowed to vote. Its not cherry picking the consitution, its following the constitution, something you seem to be incapable of.

The constitution says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. NY City is infringing on my rights.
No. Because nowhere did I claim that guns are being confiscated.

I correctly pointed out that registration leads to confiscation, despite the lies by irrational gun-haters.

The NYPD has announced its intention to confiscate, as the letter shows. Hint: "Voluntarily" giving property up to avoid punitive government action IS confiscation.

No, illegality leads to confiscation, dave.

No one is going to take your lawful firearm.

It is not up to some pissy little city government to decide what is a lawful firearm. The 2nd amendment trumps local law.

Is that what SCOTUS ruled? :lol:

Answer: no.
and what they did was changed the rules. took steps to identify what you had and then after the fact added to what they would no longer consider legal.
Laws change and are revised every day.

Look what's happening to the Constitutional right to vote.

so what your saying is obamcare is not really the law of the land, its cool to change it. republicans are right to continue to pursue to abolish it.

It is the law of the land. SCOTUS affirmed it.

What's happening to the right ot vote? i see no one being denied

Because you don't want to see.

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