No one is going to take your guns

Laws change and are revised every day.

Look what's happening to the Constitutional right to vote.

so what your saying is obamcare is not really the law of the land, its cool to change it. republicans are right to continue to pursue to abolish it.

It is the law of the land. SCOTUS affirmed it.

What's happening to the right ot vote? i see no one being denied

Because you don't want to see.

SCOTUS said it is a tax and according to them, consitutional. that does not mean that it is CONSTIUTIONALLY MANDATED. There is a big difference.
No, illegality leads to confiscation, dave.

No one is going to take your lawful firearm.

It is not up to some pissy little city government to decide what is a lawful firearm. The 2nd amendment trumps local law.

Is that what SCOTUS ruled? :lol:

Answer: no.

It struck down unreasonable regulations in DC and in Illinois, and it will do the same in NYC.

That was the 2nd amendment trumping local law you pissant.
so what your saying is obamcare is not really the law of the land, its cool to change it. republicans are right to continue to pursue to abolish it.

It is the law of the land. SCOTUS affirmed it.

What's happening to the right ot vote? i see no one being denied
Because you don't want to see.

SCOTUS said it is a tax and according to them, consitutional. that does not mean that it is CONSTIUTIONALLY MANDATED. There is a big difference.

Who said it was?
It is the law of the land. SCOTUS affirmed it.

Because you don't want to see.

SCOTUS said it is a tax and according to them, consitutional. that does not mean that it is CONSTIUTIONALLY MANDATED. There is a big difference.

Who said it was?

Your post implied "law of the land" and "SCOTUS confirmed it" as somehow making this law constitutionally mandated, and thus unremovable, just because SCOTUS said so, which is clearly not the case. It can be repealed, same as any law.

Stop trying to appear smart, its taxing on those three remaining brain cells that still fire off from time to time. going down to 2 will leave you a drooler.
SCOTUS said it is a tax and according to them, consitutional. that does not mean that it is CONSTIUTIONALLY MANDATED. There is a big difference.

Who said it was?

Your post implied "law of the land" and "SCOTUS confirmed it" as somehow making this law constitutionally mandated, and thus unremovable, just because SCOTUS said so, which is clearly not the case. It can be repealed, same as any law.

Stop trying to appear smart, its taxing on those three remaining brain cells that still fire off from time to time. going down to 2 will leave you a drooler.

No it doesn't. It implies, and says, that it is a Constitutional law.

You're the nitwit talking about mandates.

Maybe you're really looking for a man date?
So, daveman is full of shit?
No. Because nowhere did I claim that guns are being confiscated.

I correctly pointed out that registration leads to confiscation, despite the lies by irrational gun-haters.

The NYPD has announced its intention to confiscate, as the letter shows. Hint: "Voluntarily" giving property up to avoid punitive government action IS confiscation.

No, illegality leads to confiscation, dave.

No one is going to take your lawful firearm.

If you like your guns, you can keep your guns...........
Who said it was?

Your post implied "law of the land" and "SCOTUS confirmed it" as somehow making this law constitutionally mandated, and thus unremovable, just because SCOTUS said so, which is clearly not the case. It can be repealed, same as any law.

Stop trying to appear smart, its taxing on those three remaining brain cells that still fire off from time to time. going down to 2 will leave you a drooler.

No it doesn't. It implies, and says, that it is a Constitutional law.

You're the nitwit talking about mandates.

Maybe you're really looking for a man date?

And your the troll making posts that are useless and have no content.

Go bother some other people, preferably ones standing on train tracks.
Here we go again...Marty thinks he has something to contribute...cute.

I see we are butthurt from your butthurt thread. Come on in, I get far more pos rep from schooling clowns like you then I get neg rep from your pain in being schooled.
No one is taking your guns, get over it.

Fuck off, retard.


Close to 40,000,000 killed in China and Russia after 1935.

Very little human cost my ass.

The last line of defense is an armed population. Taking their guns would leave us at the mercy of our clusterfuck in chief and any invaders who decide he's no threat to them.

Besides the usual bullshit "Black Book of Communism" figures....

The thing was, the losing sides in those civil wars WERE Armed.

But they still lost.

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