No one is going to take your guns


That is every bit you and nothing me ...

What you described wanting is a Police State ... If you have a problem what that ... Well that is your problem not mine.
I never said I wanted to shoot anyone ... Between the two of us the only person that wants harm to come to other people is you.

Get a grip peanut ... You are losing.


Um, the countries that ban guns have less crime, less prisoners, and in most cases, less police than we do.

Police presense is a symptom of the Crime Society you guys seem to love so much, because, you know, "Freedom".

Who are "you guys" ... What crimes do I love ... Is Freedom a crime?
You do a better job of defining Police State than the simple definition.

Keep Melting Peanut.


That is every bit you and nothing me ...

What you described wanting is a Police State ... If you have a problem what that ... Well that is your problem not mine.
I never said I wanted to shoot anyone ... Between the two of us the only person that wants harm to come to other people is you.

Get a grip peanut ... You are losing.


Um, the countries that ban guns have less crime, less prisoners, and in most cases, less police than we do.

Police presense is a symptom of the Crime Society you guys seem to love so much, because, you know, "Freedom".

Who are "you guys" ... What crimes do I love ... Is Freedom a crime?
You do a better job of defining Police State than the simple definition.

Keep Melting Peanut.


Hey, check out Marty's posts for what an actual meltdown looks like.

But anyway, I do love how you parrot the nutter line, and suddenly protest when someone accuses you of "Group-think".

Point is, we have so much crime in this country because too many yahoos have easy access to guns. And you guys are fine with 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year, because you know, Freedom.

Once again, Joe goes with the 5 of 9 unelected lawyer route to deny someone of thier rights. Or he goes for the backdoor approach via the manufacturers, even though in our jurisprudence you cannot sue a manufacturer for a product that works as intended just because you don't like it. Those laws were created because juries and judges were making personal decsions that they didnt like something, they were not intepreting the law or finding fault.

Joe will find any slimy way he can to get what he wants, no matter what law or consitutional concept he has to smash or break. You are a danger to our country and our way of life, and you have to be marginalized so your opinons are ridiculed and rejected as the utter facsist bullshit that they are.

I hope your house is robbed. I hope you are there defenseless, and I hope your last thought before the skell ends your patheic misrable life is that "I wish I had a gun to defend myself"

Those judges and juries made those decisons because they saw that the gun sellers were practicing NO responsibility. Whether it be keeping the gun show loophole open or marketting a semi-automatic weapon that can be converted to full automatic with a file, they want the "Skells" to have guns so everyone else will want them, too.

Guns do not make us free. If we need millions of police and millions of prisoners and millions of guns, that's not freedom. If I can't send my kid to the store to buy candy without the fear of him getting shot by a George Zimmerman with no consequences, that's not freedom, either.

Your kind of freedom most of us could do without.
Um, the countries that ban guns have less crime, less prisoners, and in most cases, less police than we do.

Police presense is a symptom of the Crime Society you guys seem to love so much, because, you know, "Freedom".

Who are "you guys" ... What crimes do I love ... Is Freedom a crime?
You do a better job of defining Police State than the simple definition.

Keep Melting Peanut.


Hey, check out Marty's posts for what an actual meltdown looks like.

But anyway, I do love how you parrot the nutter line, and suddenly protest when someone accuses you of "Group-think".

Point is, we have so much crime in this country because too many yahoos have easy access to guns. And you guys are fine with 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year, because you know, Freedom.

Indignation is not a meltdown. Check my other threads, I am perfectly capable of rational debate, I just do not brook fascist assholes such as youself, who feel the need to make law as they see fit, and be ruled over by unelected lawyers as long as they agree with you, without consideration for the process.

The consitution is the countries founding document, and when people like you deicde they can shit on it whenever they want, it pisses me off.

And as always, go fuck yourself.

Once again, Joe goes with the 5 of 9 unelected lawyer route to deny someone of thier rights. Or he goes for the backdoor approach via the manufacturers, even though in our jurisprudence you cannot sue a manufacturer for a product that works as intended just because you don't like it. Those laws were created because juries and judges were making personal decsions that they didnt like something, they were not intepreting the law or finding fault.

Joe will find any slimy way he can to get what he wants, no matter what law or consitutional concept he has to smash or break. You are a danger to our country and our way of life, and you have to be marginalized so your opinons are ridiculed and rejected as the utter facsist bullshit that they are.

I hope your house is robbed. I hope you are there defenseless, and I hope your last thought before the skell ends your patheic misrable life is that "I wish I had a gun to defend myself"

Those judges and juries made those decisons because they saw that the gun sellers were practicing NO responsibility. Whether it be keeping the gun show loophole open or marketting a semi-automatic weapon that can be converted to full automatic with a file, they want the "Skells" to have guns so everyone else will want them, too.

Guns do not make us free. If we need millions of police and millions of prisoners and millions of guns, that's not freedom. If I can't send my kid to the store to buy candy without the fear of him getting shot by a George Zimmerman with no consequences, that's not freedom, either.

Your kind of freedom most of us could do without.

Standard gun grabber bullshit, which still never answers why me having a gun, or the millions of other lawlful gun owners having a gun has to be banned.

And george faced consequences, he was tried and aquitted because Treyvon was determined to be the attack-er and not the attack-ee.

What you want is ONLY skells to have firearms, and ONLY the police to have firearms, a cloud-cuckoo dystopia only a moron such as youself would hope for.
But anyway, I do love how you parrot the nutter line, and suddenly protest when someone accuses you of "Group-think".

Point is, we have so much crime in this country because too many yahoos have easy access to guns. And you guys are fine with 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year, because you know, Freedom.

What nutter line do I parrot ... Is asking you a question a protest?
I am not "fine" with crime ... But I don't like your solution any better.
Have you ever thought about or tried to calculate what the cost in human loss would be regarding your irresponsible plan?

When you cannot answer simple questions ... Then it is probably a sign that you don't have any answers.


Indignation is not a meltdown. Check my other threads, I am perfectly capable of rational debate, I just do not brook fascist assholes such as youself, who feel the need to make law as they see fit, and be ruled over by unelected lawyers as long as they agree with you, without consideration for the process.

The consitution is the countries founding document, and when people like you deicde they can shit on it whenever they want, it pisses me off.

And as always, go fuck yourself.

I have considered the process.

The process is, we have courts that make decisions whether laws are constitutional or not...

And the courts have ruled gun control is constitutional under the "Well-Regulated Militia" part of the second amendment.

That to me means, only members of the milita (which today is the National Guard) and only authorized guns.

Works for me.

What you do isn't working. It isn't even producing the results you claim you want, as we have more crime in this country than any other in the industrialized world.
But anyway, I do love how you parrot the nutter line, and suddenly protest when someone accuses you of "Group-think".

Point is, we have so much crime in this country because too many yahoos have easy access to guns. And you guys are fine with 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year, because you know, Freedom.

What nutter line do I parrot ... Is asking you a question a protest?
I am not "fine" with crime ... But I don't like your solution any better.
Have you ever thought about or tried to calculate what the cost in human loss would be regarding your irresponsible plan?

When you cannot answer simple questions ... Then it is probably a sign that you don't have any answers.


I have calculated it. Frankly, every other industrialized nation has done this, with very little human cost.
I have calculated it. Frankly, every other industrialized nation has done this, with very little human cost.

Have you ever asked an old German soldier what they called Americans during the Second World War?
Have you ever heard one explain why they called us what they called us?

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But anyway, I do love how you parrot the nutter line, and suddenly protest when someone accuses you of "Group-think".

Point is, we have so much crime in this country because too many yahoos have easy access to guns. And you guys are fine with 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year, because you know, Freedom.

What nutter line do I parrot ... Is asking you a question a protest?
I am not "fine" with crime ... But I don't like your solution any better.
Have you ever thought about or tried to calculate what the cost in human loss would be regarding your irresponsible plan?

When you cannot answer simple questions ... Then it is probably a sign that you don't have any answers.


I have calculated it. Frankly, every other industrialized nation has done this, with very little human cost.

Close to 40,000,000 killed in China and Russia after 1935.

Very little human cost my ass.

The last line of defense is an armed population. Taking their guns would leave us at the mercy of our clusterfuck in chief and any invaders who decide he's no threat to them.

Indignation is not a meltdown. Check my other threads, I am perfectly capable of rational debate, I just do not brook fascist assholes such as youself, who feel the need to make law as they see fit, and be ruled over by unelected lawyers as long as they agree with you, without consideration for the process.

The consitution is the countries founding document, and when people like you deicde they can shit on it whenever they want, it pisses me off.

And as always, go fuck yourself.

I have considered the process.

The process is, we have courts that make decisions whether laws are constitutional or not...

And the courts have ruled gun control is constitutional under the "Well-Regulated Militia" part of the second amendment.

That to me means, only members of the milita (which today is the National Guard) and only authorized guns.

Works for me.

What you do isn't working. It isn't even producing the results you claim you want, as we have more crime in this country than any other in the industrialized world.

And we would have more crime if everyone but the military was unarmed, which is evidently what you want, considering you dont consider the police the "milita".

The national guard is not the milita, as it has requirements to join above and beyond just being a citizen who is willing to join. It is also limited in number, and thus is exclusive, another killer to it being the milita.

The milita is everyone, erronously still limited to men in some states, but we can correct that. It still doesnt remove the fact that while the states can keep militas, the PEOPLE keep the right to bear arms, something you keep ignoring.

The courts were never designed to overturn the consitution, or make new crap up, which has been their habit recently. This is the definition of tyranny, the few making laws for the many, without the CONSENT of the many, as federal judges are not elected. You seem fine with oligarchical leadership, most of us are not.
I would like to publicly apologize to JoeB for one of my statements earlier in this thread, which I will not repeat. It was out of bounds, and uncalled for. You are still a miserable bastard and a fascist asshole, but the statement was out of line, and I apologize.
Please explain, in detail, how a 4'5", 90lb woman is supposed to fend off a 6'3", 250lb rapist if she is unarmed. Be specific.

For the record, the correct method would be: aim at center mass and fire until the threat is neutralized.

JoeB is only 5'6" - but you got the 250 right.

And the whole point is JoeB doesn't WANT to get shot....
In short, I don't like the fact that we have more violent crime in this country despite the prisons and the guns which haven't made us any safer... so let's pretend the informaiton is "unsourced".

In short, your fabricated bullshit is so wild that all anyone can do is laugh at you.

A bit of advice, Comrade JoeB Stalin, when you lie, at least try to make it somewhat plausible...
joeb, i believe you need to get some mental health care ASAP :up: I AM a "gun nut" and i have never killed anyone who did not need killing..........., YET !!

problem NOT solved, taking my guns and every patriotic honest law abiding American citizen's guns will not solve the problem of violence, mayhem and murder, we will be gun free, yet the criminals will still have theirs, how do you propose confiscating their guns ?

also, if i had 10 guns, i would have 10X more guns than you have brain cells. :lmao:


Evasion noted. Tap-dancing noted. Again: Please explain, in detail, how a 4'5", 90lb woman is supposed to fend off a 6'3", 250lb rapist if she is unarmed. Be specific.

I know you'll keep tap-dancing, but I have to try anyway, on the off chance you might actually answer a question...

I was very specific.

80% of rape victims are raped by people they know.

Making the gun point completely irrelevent.

It never happens.

My ex wife knew the guy that was trying to bust down my front door to rape her. My shotgun was very relevant that evening, you idiot.

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