No one is going to take your guns

How strange that Americans don't cut off the problems of GUN MURDER at its sourse,by banning GUNs.....

Like they cut off all alcoholic beverages in the 1920s by banning alcohol?

And like they cut off all marijuana by banning weed?

And like they cut off all cocaine by banning cocaine?

I'm sure banning guns would work almost as well as those bans have worked.

This liberal has been told that, of course. He can't respond to it, so he ignores it. He seems to think that will make the facts go away.

Actually, drug bans did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Before drugs were banned and regulated, we had 1 million opium addicts out of a population of sixty million. (By comparison, it would be like if we had five million hard core addicts today.) Quacks were selling "patent medicines" laced with Cocaine that had no medicinal value, but of course they made people feel better.

Prohibition- which really did work well in most of the country, was enacted because of anti-immigrant and specifically anti-German sentiment during WWI. In short, people had no idea what they were actually voting for until they started trying to enforce it.

Of coure, the argument that "a gun ban would never work", ignores the fact that it works just fine in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Canada.
In short, I don't like the fact that we have more violent crime in this country despite the prisons and the guns which haven't made us any safer... so let's pretend the informaiton is "unsourced".

Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences

The far left is soft on crime.

Or we just realize locking up pot smokers with rapists, and then rendering the pot smoker unemployable isn't going to make the pot smoker a better citizen.

Again- We lock up 2 million people. Germany locks up 78,000.

Guess which country has the lower crime rate?
But those countries did not have the Bill of Rights

We kicked a$$ on one of those above to obtain it, and will kick a$$ here to keep it

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Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences

The far left is soft on crime.

Or we just realize locking up pot smokers with rapists, and then rendering the pot smoker unemployable isn't going to make the pot smoker a better citizen.

Again- We lock up 2 million people. Germany locks up 78,000.

Guess which country has the lower crime rate?

Germany doesn't have a diversity experiment gone bad.

America wants diversity and pays the price for such

Here we are, 24 hours later and did ANY law abiding citizen have their gun confiscated yesterday? Fuck no.

If you gun nutterrs are going to obsess over something, at least make the fear real.

No one is going to take your guns.
Here we are, 24 hours later and did ANY law abiding citizen have their gun confiscated yesterday? Fuck no.

If you gun nutterrs are going to obsess over something, at least make the fear real.

No one is going to take your guns.

I agree-

But those countries did not have the Bill of Rights

We kicked a$$ on one of those above to obtain it, and will kick a$$ here to keep it


Nothing wrong with the Second Amendment that can't be fixed with a Sharpie...

Or a sensible court decision.

Seriously, this is an absurd argument "I think we should continue a bad policy because 250 years ago, some slave rapists couldn't properly define a Militia".

There's NO GOOD REASON for an average citizen to own a military grade weapon. None.

Not to mention the fact, it is the availability of guns that contributes to the crime you guys are on about.
But those countries did not have the Bill of Rights

We kicked a$$ on one of those above to obtain it, and will kick a$$ here to keep it


Nothing wrong with the Second Amendment that can't be fixed with a Sharpie...

Or a sensible court decision.

Seriously, this is an absurd argument "I think we should continue a bad policy because 250 years ago, some slave rapists couldn't properly define a Militia".

There's NO GOOD REASON for an average citizen to own a military grade weapon. None.

Not to mention the fact, it is the availability of guns that contributes to the crime you guys are on about.

Better get your oxygen bottles ready, because you're in for a long, very long wait

So you would actually suggest, with prolly between 300 and 400 million guns floating around, that we do NOT have a gun culture? With a straight face?


Good luck with THAT one. Especially after your own post history.

Ummm...gun culture is not violence culture. You can tell because there are not between 300 and 400 million murders.

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gunners say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gunners.

You realize that second sentence makes no sense. You know that, right?
It makes perfect sense. People who passionately oppose guns -- like PinkoJoe -- claim that gun owners are dangerous and violent.

If gun owners were dangerous and violent, they'd kill those who passionately oppose guns.

Yet, oddly, that doesn't happen.
The first one is a strawman. I didn't say gun culture "is" violence culture.

Fair enough. Then gun culture is no more dangerous to society than car culture -- in reality, it's far LESS dangerous.

Wouldn't you agree?
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Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences

The far left is soft on crime.

How strange that Americans don't cut off the problems of GUN MURDER at its sourse,by banning GUNs.....I suppose that is TOO HARD for most of you to COMPREHEND.

1.340Million GUN DEATHS since the DEATH of JFK.....Worlds highest......And basically IDIOT LEVEL.

"ONLY IN AMERICA"......... 3rd World GUN DEATH RATES.theliq....Pathetic

I never lie...........Suggestion TRY NO GUN Sales FOR A YEAR,anyone found carrying one,will be sent to a WAR ZONE for one year.Theliq Lowering Americas GUN DEATHS
We have a document that says you can't do stupid shit like that. And we have common sense.

Run along now.
How strange that Americans don't cut off the problems of GUN MURDER at its sourse,by banning GUNs.....

Like they cut off all alcoholic beverages in the 1920s by banning alcohol?

And like they cut off all marijuana by banning weed?

And like they cut off all cocaine by banning cocaine?

I'm sure banning guns would work almost as well as those bans have worked.

This liberal has been told that, of course. He can't respond to it, so he ignores it. He seems to think that will make the facts go away.

I'm right,if you find that Illegal GUNS are Imported......although I do not believe in Execution(I will make an exception,as you love this stuff)EXECUTION BY FIRING SQUAD.

theliq always right....of course I am....DO YOU HAVE THE INTESTINAL FORTITUDE TO DO IT.

Of course not,because when PUSH comes to SHOVE.......You are all hiding behind the 2nd Amendment

Read 1194 AGAIN.........Ban Guns and LIVE...1.375 Million of you could have,since JFK.
Millions more still would live if we'd ban abortion.

Now sputter and fume that that's different. Somehow. It just is.
In short, I don't like the fact that we have more violent crime in this country despite the prisons and the guns which haven't made us any safer... so let's pretend the informaiton is "unsourced".

Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences


Guy, this is where you show your vast ignorance.

The United States locks up more people than ANY country in the world, a lot of them for non-violent, victimless crimes. We have 2 million in prison, we have 7 million on Parole or Probation (rendering them effectively unemployable). We have "mandetory" sentences that has people serving life terms for stealing tube socks and Pizza. We are one of the last nations that still engages in the barbarism of capital punishment.

And how is that working out for us?

If guns and prisons made us safe, we'd already have the lowest crime rate, not the highest.
If strict gun control laws worked, Chicago wouldn't have the gun violence stats it does.
Maybe to please leftist loons like Joe Commie, we should just deny blacks from having guns


Legal gun owners are not the problem

"The U.S. Justice Department provides a breakdown of homicides by the race of both the victim and offender. Looking at the data for 2005 (the latest year available), we find that whites committed 48 percent of all murders and blacks committed 51.2 percent of all murders. However, whites outnumber blacks in the population. In fact, non-Hispanic whites are about 69 percent of the population and blacks are about 13 percent. These statistics alone, showing that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 51.2 percent of the murders, indicate that blacks commit a seriously disproportionate number of murders."

Legal gun owners are not the problem - Baltimore Sun
Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences

The far left is soft on crime.

Or we just realize locking up pot smokers with rapists, and then rendering the pot smoker unemployable isn't going to make the pot smoker a better citizen.

Again- We lock up 2 million people. Germany locks up 78,000.

Guess which country has the lower crime rate?
The pot smoker chose to be a bad citizen when he chose to break the law.

Oh, wait, that's right -- with you, it's NEVER the criminal's fault, is it?
Here we are, 24 hours later and did ANY law abiding citizen have their gun confiscated yesterday? Fuck no.

If you gun nutterrs are going to obsess over something, at least make the fear real.

No one is going to take your guns.

And 81 pages later still no one is confiscating anything.

As has been pointed out, the confiscations don't start until next year.

Do keep up.
It is so weird to hear someone like a daveman who worships the idea of gun violence worry about the number of abortions having been performed.

Dave wants to shoot a threatening criminal and pregnant women want to end the unwanted pregnancy.

Wtf davy do they have to do with one another?
But those countries did not have the Bill of Rights

We kicked a$$ on one of those above to obtain it, and will kick a$$ here to keep it


Nothing wrong with the Second Amendment that can't be fixed with a Sharpie...

Or a sensible court decision.

Seriously, this is an absurd argument "I think we should continue a bad policy because 250 years ago, some slave rapists couldn't properly define a Militia".

There's NO GOOD REASON for an average citizen to own a military grade weapon. None.

Not to mention the fact, it is the availability of guns that contributes to the crime you guys are on about.

There's NO GOOD REASON for you to spout your dangerous, un-American, hateful opinions.

The First Amendment needs to be fixed so irresponsible people like you aren't allowed to express your opinions.

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