No one is going to take your guns

Please explain, in detail, how a 4'5", 90lb woman is supposed to fend off a 6'3", 250lb rapist if she is unarmed. Be specific.

For the record, the correct method would be: aim at center mass and fire until the threat is neutralized.
PinkoJoe thinks it's morally superior for her to be raped and murdered.

I think it's kind of silly that we only have 200 cases of "justified homicide", against 19,000 suicides and 11,000 homicides, and we think this is a good tradeoff.

Generally, it isn't.

But here's the thing. Those countries without guns... they don't have as many rapes, either.


Oh, snap.

Nice to see Australia never made the league table:clap2::clap2::clap2:steve
Quote: Originally Posted by JoeB131
Disarm everyone except the police.

Quote: Originally Posted by JoeB131
Since you gun nuts won't control yourselves, I have no problem taking everyone's guns.

Problem solved
joeb, i believe you need to get some mental health care ASAP :up: I AM a "gun nut" and i have never killed anyone who did not need killing..........., YET !!

problem NOT solved, taking my guns and every patriotic honest law abiding American citizen's guns will not solve the problem of violence, mayhem and murder, we will be gun free, yet the criminals will still have theirs, how do you propose confiscating their guns ?

also, if i had 10 guns, i would have 10X more guns than you have brain cells. :lmao:
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The gun is merely a tool. If there was an effective, 100% ban of guns, crazy people bent on violence would find other tools.

22 Kids Slashed in China Elementary School Knife Attack - ABC News

Kenya Machete Massacre Leaves 29 Dead

Homemade bombs:
Deadly bombs rock Boston marathon - CBS News

Isla Vista massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no religion of the gun. There is a culture of violence.

And there's the culture of irrational hatred of guns:


Why insist on removing people's means of self-defense?

Here's the flaw in your premise:

They're not "crazy people bent on violence". They're crazy people bent on and addicted to the idea of firearm carnage.

Knives don't do that. Machetes don't do that. Cars don't do that and bombs don't really do that in a way you can aim.

They're not even bent on murder. They're bent on carnage. The same kind of carnage they see in movies and video games that have desensitized them to the reality. The kind of carnage that creates a roomful of terrified victims screaming in tortured pain and flailing to get out of harm's way. The kind of action that allows them to target a single individual from far away. The kind of spectacle only a gun can deliver.

Gun violence isn't a legal issue. It never was. It's a psychological/cultural issue. It has little to do with our laws and a hell of a lot to do with our values.

I've been making this point since I got here a year ago. Y'all can now proceed to ignore it, and in a week or whatever I'll make it again, y'all can ignore that too, and go on pretending it's some kind of "gun grabber" issue, and we'll just do it all over again and nothing will change. It's easier than actually addressing the issue, innit?

Yes, you're making a point.

Are you ever going to get around to proving it?

It's not a quantified point to "prove"; it's an observation that puts the lie to your premise. It's for analysis. Or as usually happens around here, for ignoring.

I'm not introducing a new point here. I'm suggesting that the entire argument frame y'all addict yourselves to on internet forums like this is a load o' baloney and it needs to start the fuck over if the discussion is to have any meaning.

Bob Costas nailed it. Nobody was listening. I spent an entire day on a sports message board after that MNF commentary trying to explain to the yammering yobs that Costas never even mentioned "gun control". Yet everybody wanted to ignore the message and make it about gun control instead of gun culture. That's when I came here. And I found the same thing going on.

All I can do is lead the horses to water. :dunno:
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In short, I don't like the fact that we have more violent crime in this country despite the prisons and the guns which haven't made us any safer... so let's pretend the informaiton is "unsourced".

Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences

The far left is soft on crime.
Here's the flaw in your premise:

They're not "crazy people bent on violence". They're crazy people bent on and addicted to the idea of firearm carnage.

Knives don't do that. Machetes don't do that. Cars don't do that and bombs don't really do that in a way you can aim.

They're not even bent on murder. They're bent on carnage. The same kind of carnage they see in movies and video games that have desensitized them to the reality. The kind of carnage that creates a roomful of terrified victims screaming in tortured pain and flailing to get out of harm's way. The kind of action that allows them to target a single individual from far away. The kind of spectacle only a gun can deliver.

Gun violence isn't a legal issue. It never was. It's a psychological/cultural issue. It has little to do with our laws and a hell of a lot to do with our values.

I've been making this point since I got here a year ago. Y'all can now proceed to ignore it, and in a week or whatever I'll make it again, y'all can ignore that too, and go on pretending it's some kind of "gun grabber" issue, and we'll just do it all over again and nothing will change. It's easier than actually addressing the issue, innit?

Yes, you're making a point.

Are you ever going to get around to proving it?

It's not a quantified point to "prove"; it's an observation that puts the lie to your premise. It's for analysis. Or as usually happens around here, for ignoring.

I'm not introducing a new point here. I'm suggesting that the entire argument frame y'all addict yourselves to on internet forums like this is a load o' baloney and it needs to start the fuck over if the discussion is to have any meaning.

Bob Costas nailed it. Nobody was listening. I spent an entire day on a sports message board after that MNF commentary trying to explain to the yammering yobs that Costas never even mentioned "gun control". Yet everybody wanted to ignore the message and make it about gun control instead of gun culture. That's when I came here. And I found the same thing going on.

All I can do is lead the horses to water. :dunno:
Okay. I disagree with your observation...i.e., opinion.

And we're discussing gun control because morons like PinkoJoe insist gun control will solve all our problems.
Yes, you're making a point.

Are you ever going to get around to proving it?

It's not a quantified point to "prove"; it's an observation that puts the lie to your premise. It's for analysis. Or as usually happens around here, for ignoring.

I'm not introducing a new point here. I'm suggesting that the entire argument frame y'all addict yourselves to on internet forums like this is a load o' baloney and it needs to start the fuck over if the discussion is to have any meaning.

Bob Costas nailed it. Nobody was listening. I spent an entire day on a sports message board after that MNF commentary trying to explain to the yammering yobs that Costas never even mentioned "gun control". Yet everybody wanted to ignore the message and make it about gun control instead of gun culture. That's when I came here. And I found the same thing going on.

All I can do is lead the horses to water. :dunno:
Okay. I disagree with your observation...i.e., opinion.

And we're discussing gun control because morons like PinkoJoe insist gun control will solve all our problems.

So you would actually suggest, with prolly between 300 and 400 million guns floating around, that we do NOT have a gun culture? With a straight face?


Good luck with THAT one. Especially after your own post history.

It's not a quantified point to "prove"; it's an observation that puts the lie to your premise. It's for analysis. Or as usually happens around here, for ignoring.

I'm not introducing a new point here. I'm suggesting that the entire argument frame y'all addict yourselves to on internet forums like this is a load o' baloney and it needs to start the fuck over if the discussion is to have any meaning.

Bob Costas nailed it. Nobody was listening. I spent an entire day on a sports message board after that MNF commentary trying to explain to the yammering yobs that Costas never even mentioned "gun control". Yet everybody wanted to ignore the message and make it about gun control instead of gun culture. That's when I came here. And I found the same thing going on.

All I can do is lead the horses to water. :dunno:
Okay. I disagree with your observation...i.e., opinion.

And we're discussing gun control because morons like PinkoJoe insist gun control will solve all our problems.

So you would actually suggest, with prolly between 300 and 400 million guns floating around, that we do NOT have a gun culture? With a straight face?


Good luck with THAT one. Especially after your own post history.

Ummm...gun culture is not violence culture. You can tell because there are not between 300 and 400 million murders.

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gunners say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gunners.
Okay. I disagree with your observation...i.e., opinion.

And we're discussing gun control because morons like PinkoJoe insist gun control will solve all our problems.

So you would actually suggest, with prolly between 300 and 400 million guns floating around, that we do NOT have a gun culture? With a straight face?


Good luck with THAT one. Especially after your own post history.

Ummm...gun culture is not violence culture. You can tell because there are not between 300 and 400 million murders.

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gunners say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gunners.

You realize that second sentence makes no sense. You know that, right?

The first one is a strawman. I didn't say gun culture "is" violence culture.

As I thought: The liberal is presented with the fact that his laws didn't work, and in fact made the situation worse.

And his solution, as always, is: Try MORE liberalism! More government control and restriction on law-abiding people! Yeah, that'll do it. Then the criminals will act nicer!

Tell me, little joeb131. Are you assuming your total gun ban will suddenly start to disarm the lawbreakers (and who gives a damn what it does to law-abiding people)... because of the "success" of previous national bans?

You mean previous national bans in Canada, the UK, Japan, Germany, etc. The ones that worked just fine. Because we've never TRIED a "national" ban in this country.

Are you trying to admire how successful the ban on alcohol was in the 1920s and 30s? and how crime fell as a result?

(All it did, was turn large numbers of law-abiding Americans into criminals, and give organized crime the start they needed by creating a HUGE black market, resulting in a crime wave the nation had never seen before.)
The problem with Prohibition is that no one really knew what was being passed. They all thought it was a patriotic law to deal with them Germans and other Foreign immigrants in their Taverns suring WWI. In fact, while prohibition had been passed in 1919, no one really tried to enforce it until the 1920s.. Then they realized what a huge mistake they made.

Incidently, prohibition did work VERY well outside of Chicago. Alcohol consumption decreased considerably. Brewerys and Winerys were put out of business and there just wasn't that much booze available.

And putting gunmakers out of business would be a lot easier.

Ever hear of NASCAR?
Here's the flaw in your premise:

They're not "crazy people bent on violence". They're crazy people bent on and addicted to the idea of firearm carnage.

Knives don't do that. Machetes don't do that. Cars don't do that and bombs don't really do that in a way you can aim.

They're not even bent on murder. They're bent on carnage. The same kind of carnage they see in movies and video games that have desensitized them to the reality. The kind of carnage that creates a roomful of terrified victims screaming in tortured pain and flailing to get out of harm's way. The kind of action that allows them to target a single individual from far away. The kind of spectacle only a gun can deliver.

Gun violence isn't a legal issue. It never was. It's a psychological/cultural issue. It has little to do with our laws and a hell of a lot to do with our values.

I've been making this point since I got here a year ago. Y'all can now proceed to ignore it, and in a week or whatever I'll make it again, y'all can ignore that too, and go on pretending it's some kind of "gun grabber" issue, and we'll just do it all over again and nothing will change. It's easier than actually addressing the issue, innit?

Yes, you're making a point.

Are you ever going to get around to proving it?

It's not a quantified point to "prove"; it's an observation that puts the lie to your premise. It's for analysis. Or as usually happens around here, for ignoring.

I'm not introducing a new point here. I'm suggesting that the entire argument frame y'all addict yourselves to on internet forums like this is a load o' baloney and it needs to start the fuck over if the discussion is to have any meaning.

Bob Costas nailed it. Nobody was listening. I spent an entire day on a sports message board after that MNF commentary trying to explain to the yammering yobs that Costas never even mentioned "gun control". Yet everybody wanted to ignore the message and make it about gun control instead of gun culture. That's when I came here. And I found the same thing going on.

All I can do is lead the horses to water. :dunno:

At least 5 people have addressed, and debunked, your "point" over the last year. You just keep making it because you are so incapable of admitting that your thought processes consists solely of blathering, and then denying you said what you said.
It's not a quantified point to "prove"; it's an observation that puts the lie to your premise. It's for analysis. Or as usually happens around here, for ignoring.

I'm not introducing a new point here. I'm suggesting that the entire argument frame y'all addict yourselves to on internet forums like this is a load o' baloney and it needs to start the fuck over if the discussion is to have any meaning.

Bob Costas nailed it. Nobody was listening. I spent an entire day on a sports message board after that MNF commentary trying to explain to the yammering yobs that Costas never even mentioned "gun control". Yet everybody wanted to ignore the message and make it about gun control instead of gun culture. That's when I came here. And I found the same thing going on.

All I can do is lead the horses to water. :dunno:
Okay. I disagree with your observation...i.e., opinion.

And we're discussing gun control because morons like PinkoJoe insist gun control will solve all our problems.

So you would actually suggest, with prolly between 300 and 400 million guns floating around, that we do NOT have a gun culture? With a straight face?


Good luck with THAT one. Especially after your own post history.


We have a gun culture like we have a culture that wants slavery to return.
Yes, you're making a point.

Are you ever going to get around to proving it?

It's not a quantified point to "prove"; it's an observation that puts the lie to your premise. It's for analysis. Or as usually happens around here, for ignoring.

I'm not introducing a new point here. I'm suggesting that the entire argument frame y'all addict yourselves to on internet forums like this is a load o' baloney and it needs to start the fuck over if the discussion is to have any meaning.

Bob Costas nailed it. Nobody was listening. I spent an entire day on a sports message board after that MNF commentary trying to explain to the yammering yobs that Costas never even mentioned "gun control". Yet everybody wanted to ignore the message and make it about gun control instead of gun culture. That's when I came here. And I found the same thing going on.

All I can do is lead the horses to water. :dunno:

At least 5 people have addressed, and debunked, your "point" over the last year. You just keep making it because you are so incapable of admitting that your thought processes consists solely of blathering, and then denying you said what you said.

Troll alert.

Are you a prostitute? Because you do lie a lot.

Of course if any of this alleged "debunking" actually existed -- if that were even possible-- you could link it, quote it, all that stuff. Once again this is your cue to run away. Just like the last several times.

You really never learn, do you?
In short, I don't like the fact that we have more violent crime in this country despite the prisons and the guns which haven't made us any safer... so let's pretend the informaiton is "unsourced".

Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences

The far left is soft on crime.

How strange that Americans don't cut off the problems of GUN MURDER at its sourse,by banning GUNs.....I suppose that is TOO HARD for most of you to COMPREHEND.

1.340Million GUN DEATHS since the DEATH of JFK.....Worlds highest......And basically IDIOT LEVEL.

"ONLY IN AMERICA"......... 3rd World GUN DEATH RATES.theliq....Pathetic

I never lie...........Suggestion TRY NO GUN Sales FOR A YEAR,anyone found carrying one,will be sent to a WAR ZONE for one year.Theliq Lowering Americas GUN DEATHS
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How strange that Americans don't cut off the problems of GUN MURDER at its sourse,by banning GUNs.....

Like they cut off all alcoholic beverages in the 1920s by banning alcohol?

And like they cut off all marijuana by banning weed?

And like they cut off all cocaine by banning cocaine?

I'm sure banning guns would work almost as well as those bans have worked.

This liberal has been told that, of course. He can't respond to it, so he ignores it. He seems to think that will make the facts go away.
How strange that Americans don't cut off the problems of GUN MURDER at its sourse,by banning GUNs.....

Like they cut off all alcoholic beverages in the 1920s by banning alcohol?

And like they cut off all marijuana by banning weed?

And like they cut off all cocaine by banning cocaine?

I'm sure banning guns would work almost as well as those bans have worked.

This liberal has been told that, of course. He can't respond to it, so he ignores it. He seems to think that will make the facts go away.

I'm right,if you find that Illegal GUNS are Imported......although I do not believe in Execution(I will make an exception,as you love this stuff)EXECUTION BY FIRING SQUAD.

theliq always right....of course I am....DO YOU HAVE THE INTESTINAL FORTITUDE TO DO IT.

Of course not,because when PUSH comes to SHOVE.......You are all hiding behind the 2nd Amendment

Read 1194 AGAIN.........Ban Guns and LIVE...1.375 Million of you could have,since JFK.
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In short, I don't like the fact that we have more violent crime in this country despite the prisons and the guns which haven't made us any safer... so let's pretend the informaiton is "unsourced".

Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences


Guy, this is where you show your vast ignorance.

The United States locks up more people than ANY country in the world, a lot of them for non-violent, victimless crimes. We have 2 million in prison, we have 7 million on Parole or Probation (rendering them effectively unemployable). We have "mandetory" sentences that has people serving life terms for stealing tube socks and Pizza. We are one of the last nations that still engages in the barbarism of capital punishment.

And how is that working out for us?

If guns and prisons made us safe, we'd already have the lowest crime rate, not the highest.
NOthing in the Second Amendment that can't be cured with a Sharpie...
Eventually, people are going to get sick of you gun nuts and your bullshit.

Is anybody taking odds on when poor Joe goes China Syndrome on us?
It doesn't look like it will be all that long before goes all Adam Lanza on us ... I just hope he doesn't have a firearm.

I am betting it will be before Friday when he completely loses it.
Is it my turn to bring the popcorn or what?


You're the one running around screaming about "police states" and wanting to shoot law enforcement...

You melted down a long time ago...
Quote: Originally Posted by JoeB131
Disarm everyone except the police.

Quote: Originally Posted by JoeB131
Since you gun nuts won't control yourselves, I have no problem taking everyone's guns.

Problem solved
joeb, i believe you need to get some mental health care ASAP :up: I AM a "gun nut" and i have never killed anyone who did not need killing..........., YET !!

problem NOT solved, taking my guns and every patriotic honest law abiding American citizen's guns will not solve the problem of violence, mayhem and murder, we will be gun free, yet the criminals will still have theirs, how do you propose confiscating their guns ?

also, if i had 10 guns, i would have 10X more guns than you have brain cells. :lmao:

Again, guy, Criminals aren't really the problem.

Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments gone wrong, and accidents. (You know, grandpa leaving his gun out where little Timmy can find it.)

But here's the thing. Where do you think those criminals get their guns?

Yup. They STEAL them from the law abiding. 600,000 guns are stolen every year.
In short, I don't like the fact that we have more violent crime in this country despite the prisons and the guns which haven't made us any safer... so let's pretend the informaiton is "unsourced".

Like I have said in the past. Lock them up longer and throw away the key. Arm any law abiding citizen that desires to carry. Make it open season on criminals so they get the message.

The exact reason we have so many criminals is because we are not serious by ignoring the need for more strict consequences


Guy, this is where you show your vast ignorance.

The United States locks up more people than ANY country in the world, a lot of them for non-violent, victimless crimes. We have 2 million in prison, we have 7 million on Parole or Probation (rendering them effectively unemployable). We have "mandetory" sentences that has people serving life terms for stealing tube socks and Pizza. We are one of the last nations that still engages in the barbarism of capital punishment.

And how is that working out for us?

If guns and prisons made us safe, we'd already have the lowest crime rate, not the highest.

No, this is where I show my VST desire to deliver meaningful consequences for committing crimes. It's called punishment. We should keep them locked up and off the streets forever if that's what it takes. Build more prisons etc. Until we get hard on enforcement, we will remain exposed to the criminal element

And I don't know who 'us' is, but I am definately safer with my firearms for protection. I could care less about others who may not
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